NBME Sample Questions and Answers

RSV is an RNA virus that enters the cell via a fusion protein Correct answer- (which is
the target of the prophylactic monoclonal antibody drug Palivizumab)
Gram-positive rods in a diabetic foot wound (or a World War I soldier fighting in a
trench) means Correct answer- means Clostridium perfringens (the causative organism
of gas gangrene). Crepitus means gas in the tissues, which is produced as a byproduct
of its highly virulent alpha toxin
Crepitus Correct answer- means gas in the tissues, which is produced as a byproduct of
its highly virulent alpha toxin
Clostridium perfringens Correct answer- (the causative organism of gas gangrene).
The causative organism of a a necrotizing wound with a purplish. black discoloration
Correct answer- most likely produces an alpha toxin virulence factor
With Von Willebrand’s Correct answer- the only laboratory abnormality is increased
bleeding time (literally you prick the patient and see how long it takes them to stop
von Willebrand diseaseFrequently, On Step, bleeding women have VWD. Bleeding
boys have hemophilia. Correct answer- is by far the most common inherited bleeding
On the USMLE Step exam Correct answer- bleeding women have VWD. Bleeding boys
have hemophilia.
Autism -like behaviour Correct answer- resist making eye contact and flapping hands
Fragile X Syndrome Correct answer- Autism-like behaviors (resist making eye contact
and flapping hands) and large testicles after puberty
Fragile X Syndrome caused by Correct answer- trinucleotide repeat expansion
RSV is an RNA virus that enters the cell Correct answer- via a fusion protein (which is
the target of the prophylactic monoclonal antibody drug Palivizumab).*
RSV is an RNA virus Correct answer- causes RSV Bronchialitis
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RSV is an RNA virus Correct answer- has a property of mediation of cell entry via fusion
β2 adrenergic agonists’ effects on smooth muscle Correct answer- cause dilation of
bronchial passages, vasodilation in muscle and liver, relaxation of uterine muscle, and
release of insulin
β2 adrenergic agonists Correct answer- are primarily used to treat asthma and other
pulmonary disorders, such as COPD bilateral wheezing as a result of a bee sting
The purpose of Rhogam Correct answer- is to bind to and remove the RhD antigens so
that the mother does not form an immune response against the antigen in fetus’ blood.
Rhogham administration Correct answer- It’s given to at-risk Rh- moms at 28 weeks and
at deliver
Mom is group O and baby is RH Negative give Correct answer- give Rhogham
Metformin causes Correct answer- 1. Hepatic glucose out put to be decreased

  1. target tissue glucose uptake and utilization to be increased
    Metformin(Glucophage) Correct answer- decreases hepatic glucose production,
    decreases intestinal absorption of glucose, and improves insulin sensitivity by
    increasing peripheral glucose uptake and utilization.*
    colicky right flank pain that radiates to
    the groin and hematuria.
    Ultrasound examination of the kidneys shows right-sided hydronephrosis and a dilated
    Which of the following is most likely to be found on urinalysis? Correct answer- Uric acid
    Neisseria gonorrhoeae gram stain of the
    exudate Correct answer- shows numerous neutrophils, many that contain intracellular
    gram-negative diplococci.
    Neisseria gonorrhoeae Correct answer- is able to switch out different pilin genes, and
    for this reason, prior infection does not confer long-lasting immunity.
    Gonorrhea Correct answer- Gonorrhea can change its pilus, which is responsible for
    adhesion to host cells and the main antigen to which the host mounts an immune
    Neisseria gonorrhoeae Correct answer- has the property of antigenic variation which
    causes reinfection

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