Sterile Processing CBSPD Test (Latest 2022/2023) Verified Solutions

Sterile Processing CBSPD Test (Latest 2022/2023)
Verified Solutions
Decontamination Area – Where soiled items are received and cleaned. *All levels for the same tray
should be labeled w/a tag to identify the level number and set to which it belongs.
Preparation and Packaging Area – where cleaned items are inspected, assembled, and packaged.
Sterilization Area – where terminal sterilization is performed.
Sterile Storage Area – where sterile items are stored until needed.
Sterile Stores – where items for patient care from outside manufacturers are stored. Sometimes
referred to as Medical Supply Distribution, Central Supply, or similar designation.
Case Cart Area – where sterile supplies (trays and/or sterile items from outside manufacturers) are
kept and picked for surgical cases.
Dispatch – where sterile and clean items are dispensed.
Loaner Area – for the receipt and return of instruments borrowed for specialty procedures.
Patient Care Equipment Clean-Up Area – where patient care equipment is cleaned and disinfected.
SPD Responsibilities – providing dependable, reliable services to enhance the quality of patient care.
Instruments sets, patient care equipment, and other medical devices must be processed and
distributed in an accurate and timely manner so that patient care is not adversely affected.
Work Flow – how the work progresses through the department or processing area. *Dirty to Clean
People Flow – how people move through the department or processing area. *Clean to Dirty

Traffic Control – controlling access to SPD
Ethics – the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
Ethical Actions – actions that conform to accepted and professional standards of conduct.
Morals – deal with or relate to principles of right and wrong behavior.
Unethical Professional Conduct – failure to conform to moral standards or policies.
Professional Ethics – principles of conduct governing an individual or group.
American Medical Association (AMA) – the most important organization related to healthcare
Regulation – a principle, rule, or law designed to control or govern behavior.
Agencies that issue regulations – EPA, FDA, OSHA and State health departments
Standard – an established norm determined by opinion, authority, research and/or theory.
Recommended Practices – statements of sound principles of practice based on scientific data and
opinions of experts.
Agencies that set standards – AAMI, CDC
Examples of recommended practices – documents developed by IAHCSMM, SGNA, AORN
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Registers and regulates environmental disinfectants,
controls emissions into the air and water, regulates the manufacture and sale of EO gas

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – regulates all medical devices. MedWatch (recalls); approves
reprocessing of single use devices; require IFU (instructions for use)
Function of CS/SPD – receives, cleans, decontaminates, assembles, inspects, disinfects, sterilizes
reusable medical and surgical devices
Sterile processing is A.K.A – Central Material Service, Sterile Processing Service, Central Service,
Sterile Processing Department
Two groups that certify – CBSPD (Cerification board for sterile processing and distribution,
IAHCSMM (International association of healthcare central service material management)
Chain of command – chief operating officer, VP nursing, sterile processing manager, SPD lead tech,
SPD processing tech, SPD inventory tech, SPD case cart tech
Compliance w/a regulation is – mandatory/required by law
Confidentiality – HIPAA (Health insurance portability and accountability act)
the manufacturer performs _ for a product, the facility end user performs . – validation;
Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) – protects workers; OSHA standards are
required by law; sets occupational exposure limits for all chemicals in the workplace under mSDS
(material safety data sheet); “right to know”; Emergency eyewash stations
Responsible for regulating EO gas – OSHA, EPA
Ergonomics – OSHA; fitting the job to the worker, prevent injuries before they occur
Emergency eyewash stations – available within 10 seconds/30 meters of chemicals; hands-free; test
regularly and document, 0 4 gallons of water.

Government Agencies – EPA, FDA, OSHA
NFPA – National Fire Protection Association
Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) – voluntary; promotes health by preventing and
controlling disease; publishes recommendations and guidelines; hand hygiene (15 second
minimum); NO artificial nails; classifies medical devices according to Spaulding
Spaulding Classification – Critical (exposed to sterile areas of the body; must be sterile); SemiCritical (touches mucous membranes; recommended sterile or high level disinfected); Non Critical
(touch the skin; can be cleaned or disinfected; less than high level disinfection)
NFPA Blue Diamond – health hazard
NFPA Red Diamond – flammability
NFPA Yellow Diamond – instability
NFPA White Diamond – special hazard information
The Joint Commission (TJC) formally (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO)) – voluntary; establishes accrediting standards and conducts onsite
inspections; annual competency testing
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) – voluntary; sets standards for
Association of peri-Operative Registered Nurses (AORN) – voluntary; develops nationally
recognized standards, recommended practices and guidelines for peri-operative setting
Association for Professionals in Infection Control (APIC) – voluntary; international organization
dedicated to prvention and control of infections

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