Sterile Processing Practice Final Exam (2022) Questions And Answers 100% Correct

Sterile Processing Practice Final Exam (2022)
Questions And Answers 100% Correct
Which of the following best describes the purpose of evenly distributing large sets of instruments?
A. The set is difficult to carry if the weight is unevenly distributed
B. Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry
C. It is easier for the end user to sort the instruments
D. The overall weight of the set is affected. – Extra condensation will make the set more diffcult to
Which of the following best describes the overall role of the sterile processing area? To provide
A. Dependable service to enhance patient care
B.sterilization services on a rigid schedule
C. Delivery of facility supplies
D. Support of the operating room technicians – Dependable services to enhance patient care
Which of the following government agencies has the responsibility for approving new enviromental
disinfectants prior to their being sold to healthcare facilities?
A. Occupational safety and health administration
B. Food and drug administration
C. environmental protection agency
D. Center for disease control and prevention – Environmental protection agency
The function of the ratchet can be checked by
A. Closing the ratchet all the way then tapping the handle on the work table
B. Closing the ratchet on the second click then tapping the handle on the work table
C. Leaving the ratchet open and moving the jaws of the instrument
D. Closing the ratchet on the first click then tapping the handle on the work table. – Closing the
ratchet on the first click then tapping the handle on the work table
The science that studies the structure of the body is known as

A. Anatomy
B. Physiology
C. Body basics
D. Microbiology – Anatomy
Which of the following transports molecules within the cell?
A. Cilia
B. Flagella
C. Nucleus
D. Cytoplasms – Cytoplasms
Which of the following sets would be considered high risk for prion processing?
A. Open heart set
B. Laparotomy set
C. Abdominal set
D. Craniotomy set – Craniotomy set
The metacarpals are located in the ?
A. Spine
B. Feet
C. Neck
D. Hands – Hands
Microorgansims are measured in
A. Inches
B. Microns
C. Millimeters
D. Centimeters – Microns

with respect to rigid sterilization container testing; which terms define the sterilizers ability to
sterilize under actual use conditions
A. Routine biological testing
B. Small load testing
C. Chemical monitoring
D. Maximum load testing – Maximum load testing
if you have a fever your temp would be above
A. 96.8 F (36C)
B. 97.8 F (36.5C)
C. 98.0F (36.7C)
D. 98.6F (37C) – 98.6F (37c)
Which of the following statements is true of a capsulated bacteria it is
A. Less difficult to kill than Vegetative bacteria
B. More difficult to kill than a spore
C. More resistant to heat and chemicals
D. Easily killed by antibotics – More resistant to heat and chemical
Pulmonary capillaries are found in which system
A. Endocrine
B. Respiratory
C. Nervous
D. Digestive – Respiratory
Ethics is the practice of
A. Discussing patient issues with a friend?
B. Not recognizing cultural beliefs
C. Dealing with what is bad
D. Doing the right thing – Doing the right thing

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