Chapter 01: Introduction to Radiation Protection
Test Bank

  1. Some consequences of ionization in human cells include:
  2. creation of unstable atoms.
  3. production of free electrons.
  4. creation of reactive free radicals capable of producing substances poisonous to the cell.
    a. 1 only
    b. 2 only
    c. 3 only
    d. 1, 2, and 3
    ANS: D REF: 2
  5. Which of the following is a special form of radiation that is capable of creating
    electrically charged particles by removing orbital electrons from the atom of the
    material with which itinteracts?
    a. Ionizing radiation
    b. Nonionizing radiation
    c. Subatomic radiation
    d. Ultrasonic radiation
    ANS: A REF: 2
  6. Patients who have an understanding of the medical benefits of an imaging procedure
    becausethey received factual information about the study before having the
    examination are more likely to:
    a. assume a small risk of biologic damage but not overcome any radiation
    phobiathey may have.
    b. cancel their scheduled procedure because they are not willing to assume a
    smallrisk of biologic damage.
    c. overcome any radiation phobia but not assume a small risk of possible
    d. overcome any radiation phobia and be willing to assume a small risk of
    possiblebiologic damage.
    ANS: D REF: 8
  7. The millisievert (mSv) is equal to:
    a. 1/10 of a sievert.
    b. 1/100 of a sievert.
    c. 1/1000 of a sievert.
    d. 1/10,000 of a sievert.
    ANS: C REF: 9
  8. The advantages of the BERT method are:
  9. it does not imply radiation risk; it is simply a means for comparison.
  10. it emphasizes that radiation is an innate part of our environment.
  11. the answer given in terms of BERT is easy for the patient to comprehend.
    a. 1 and 2 only
    b. 1 and 3 only
    c. 2 and 3 only
    d. 1, 2, and 3
    ANS: D REF: 9
  12. If a patient asks a radiographer a question about the potential risk of radiation
    exposureassociated with a specific x-ray procedure, the radiographer should:
    a. use his or her intelligence and knowledge to answer the question honestly
    and provide a suitable example that compares the amount of radiation
    received from the procedure in question with natural background radiation
    received over a givenperiod of time.
    b. avoid the patient’s question by changing the subject.
    c. tell the patient that it is unethical to discuss such concerns.
    d. refuse to answer the question and recommend that he or she speak
    with thereferring physician.
    ANS: A REF: 9
  13. Which of the following is the intention behind the ALARA concept?
    a. To keep radiation exposure and consequent dose at the highest possible level
    b. To keep radiation exposure and consequent dose at an average level
    c. To keep radiation exposure and consequent dose at the lowest possible level
    d. To avoid the use of ionizing radiation in radiologic practice
    ANS: C REF: 5
  14. The basic principles of radiation protection include which of the following?
  15. Time
  16. Distance
  17. Shielding
    a. 1 only
    b. 2 only
    c. 3 only
    d. 1, 2, and 3
    ANS: D REF: 5
  18. In a hospital setting, which of the following professionals is expressly charged by the
    hospitaladministration to be directly responsible for the execution, enforcement, and
    maintenance of the ALARA program?
    a. Assistant administrator of the facility
    b. Chief of staff
    c. Radiation Safety Officer
    d. Student radiologic technologist
    ANS: C REF: 8
  19. Why is a question about the amount of radiation a patient will receive during a specific
    x-rayprocedure difficult to answer?
  20. Because the received dose is measured in a number of different units
  21. Because scientific units for radiation dose are not comprehensible by the patient
  22. Because the patient should not receive any information about radiation dose
    a. 1 and 2 only
    b. 1 and 3 only
    c. 2 and 3 only
    d. 1, 2, and 3
    ANS: A REF: 9
  23. X-rays are a form of which of the following kinds of radiation?
    a. Environmental
    b. Ionizing
    c. Internal
    d. Nonionizing
    ANS: B REF: 2
  24. The radiographer must answer patient questions about the potential risk of radiation
    a. abruptly to discourage the patient from asking any other questions.
    b. evasively so as not to reveal any information about radiation risk.
    c. honestly and in understandable terms.
    d. with technical terms.
    ANS: C REF: 9
  25. Radiation phobia can be greatly reduced by explaining the diagnostic radiation dose
    to thepatient by using the:
    a. ALARA method.
    b. BERT method.
    c. ORP method.
    d. TRACE method.
    ANS: B REF: 10
  26. Which of the following provides the basis for determining whether an imaging
    procedure orpractice is justified?
    a. ALARAprogram
    b. BERT method
    c. Efficacy
    d. TRACE program
    ANS: C REF: 4
  27. Which of the following is a method of explaining radiation to the public?
    a. ALARA
    b. BERT
    c. ORP
    d. Standardized dose reporting

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