WGU C172 Network and Security – Foundations; PA and OA (2022/2023) Satisfaction Guaranteed

WGU C172 Network and Security – Foundations; PA
and OA (2022/2023) Satisfaction Guaranteed
It is a network of users that share computer resources in a limited area. – LAN
Local Area Network – LAN
How are Local Area Networks defined? – In terms of protocol and the topology used for accessing
the network.
A set of rules established for users to exchange information – Protocol
The network architecture used to interconnect the networking equipment. – Topology
What are the most common topologies for LANs? – Ring, Bus, and Star
Uses a token that is placed in the data channel and circulates around the ring. – Token Ring topology
A deterministic network – Token Ring Topology
Each station connected to the network ensures access for transmission of its messages at regular or
fixed time intervals – Deterministic
What are the disadvantages of the Token Ring system? – 1. If an error changes the token pattern, it
can cause the token to stop circulating.
What is a disadvantage of the Token Ring system from the troubleshooting and maintenance? – The
token ring path must be temporarily broken or interrupted if a computer or any device on the
network is to be removed or added to the network.
What is a solution to the troubleshooting and maintenance disadvantages of the Token Ring
system? – Connect each computer or device on the network to a central token ring hub.

A device that manages the passing of the token instead of relying on individual computers to pass it.

  • Token ring hub
    How does the token ring hub improve the network? – It improves the reliability of the network.
    Topology whereas the computers share the media or coaxial cable for data transmission. – Bus
    The coaxial cable that is looped through each networking device to transmit data in a bus topology –
    In this topology, all devices on the network can see each other’s data traffic. – Bus topology
    Topology whereas each computer must wait for pauses in transmission or until the transmission
    from one device is complete before initiating a new transmission onto the network. – Bus topology
    What are the disadvantages of a bus topology? – “1. Data can be corrupted if ore than one device on
    the network transmits at the same time and will have to be resubmitted.
  1. The use of the shared coaxial cable prevents data transmission from being very bandwidthefficient.”
    Which topology is seldomly used in modern networks? – Bus topology
    What is the most common topology used in today’s LANs? – Star topology
    Topology that uses twisted-pair cables with modular plugs to connect computers and other
    networking devices. – Star topology
    Topology whereas each device is connected to a switch or hub – Star
    A switch or hub facilitates the transfer of data between networking devices in this topology – star

Transmits data to all the devices connected in the star network – hub
Also called a multiport repeater – hub
Not meant for large networks, but are still used in some smaller, slower speed LANs – hub
A transmission from a hub in a star network to all the devices in the network connected to the hub –
Stores the hardware or physical address for each device connected to its ports in a star network –
Sends data transmissions directly to the port of the destination device on the network – switch
The physical input/output interfaces to the networking hardware – port
Where the cables physically connect to each other or a central switch or hub – Port
Only the intended destination device on this network will see the data traffic – star
What is an advantage of the star topology? – It improves the efficiency of the available bandwidth of
the network
What is an advantage of the star topology from the troubleshooting and maintenance? – A device
can be removed or added without disrupting other devices on the network
All devices are connected to each other – mesh topology
What is an advantage of the mesh network? – It provides full redundancy in the network data paths

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