WGU C493 Task 2 Final Leadership And Professional Images.

Running Head: C493 TASK 2
C493: leadership and professional image
Task 2
Noopur Diwan
Western Governors University

C493 TASK 2 2
C493 Task 2
A: Professional mission statement and summary
A1: Creating a professional mission statement
To be a compassionate nurse who strives to grow and learn every day to make health care
for her patients and the medical professionals better and more efficient.
A1a: How the mission will guide my nursing career
My personal mission statement will help me go towards the direction of continuing my
education. This also means that I utilize my time reading evidence based research and help my
facility implement better practices that help both the staff and the patients. My mission will also
help and motivate me when I am feeling stressed and burned out from work. It will help pick me
up and motivate me to get back in the field.
A2: Professional summary
A2a: How artifacts represent me as a learner and a healthcare professional
There are many artifacts I completed during this course that represent me as a learner and
healthcare professional. In C349 (Health Assessment), I was a learner because I learned some
assessment skills that I did not learn properly before and some skills that were not required at my
work. By learning those new assessment skills, I broadened my education to help me go forward
in my job. It represents me as a healthcare professional as well because when I was doing the
head to toe health assessment on my simulated patient Tina, I showed my professional skills and
applied my knowledge of the systems to ask her the right questions to understand all her health
In the course C820 (Professional Leadership and Communication for Healthcare), I
learned about bio-reactions. I also self-reflected and observed my own bio-reactions and

C493 TASK 2 3
emotions I feel when I go through those bio-reactions. This represented me as a learner because
becoming aware of oneself is also learning about oneself. Task 2 of C820 asked us to write about
an instance where I had a disagreement which caused a bio-reaction. This task represented me as
a health care professional because I had the disagreement at work and I handled the situation as a
health care professional.
A2b: How artifacts represent my professional strengths
In course C361 (Evidence Based Practice and Applied Nursing Research), I identified the
PICO components of a clinical problem and then developed an Evidence Based Practice question
on it. I then conducted an evidence appraisal through research based and non-research based
articles. The ability to do that represents my professional strengths. In course C304 (Professional
Roles and Values), I applied my clinical and professional experiences to the sections, quality and
safety, evidence-based practice, applied leadership, and community and population health, in my
professional portfolio.
A2c: Challenges I encountered during the program
I encountered many challenges throughout my program. In the beginning, I expected
myself to graduate a semester earlier, however, I did not calculate the hindrances caused by work
and family life into my expectations. The first challenge was that I was newly married and was
facing some personal problems with family at the time. It delayed my course progression a lot
and I could barely give any time to my courses. The second challenge I faced was my work
hours. I was working a lot of hours and could not spend enough time on my courses as I felt
extremely exhausted after work. Third challenge I faced was my pregnancy. My pregnancy was
not pleasant and pregnancy and working at the same time took a toll on my physical and mental

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