lOMoAR cPSD|19500986
NUR 2392 EXAM 1 LATEST 2023-2024 /NUR2392
The nurse is educating a group of older adults about screening for colorectal cancer. Which
statement by a group member indicates the need for further clarification about these

  • “I will need to have a routine colonoscopy every 5 years.”
    The 2015 guidelines indicate that routine screening with colonoscopy is performed every
    10 years, not every 5 years.Other options are performed at 5-year intervals. A barium
    enema every 5 years is a screening option. A flexible sigmoidoscopy and a “virtual”
    colonoscopy every 5 years are also acceptable for screening. A “virtual” colonoscopy or
    CT colonography is a noninvasive imaging procedure that takes multidimensional views
    of the entire colon.
    The nurse is assessing an alert client who had abdominal surgery yesterday. What method
    provides the most accurate data about resumption of peristalsis in the client?
  • Asking the client whether he or she has passed flatus (gas) within the previous 12 to 24
    hours. (p. 17)
    The best and most reliable method for assessing the return of peristalsis following
    abdominal surgery is the client’s report of passing flatus within the past 8 hours or stool
    within the past 12 hours.Although auscultation and counting the number of sounds was
    once a method of assessing for bowel activity, it is no longer considered the most
    effective method. Observing the abdomen is one method of examining a client’s
    abdomen, but it is not a reliable way to assess for resumption of activity after surgery.
    The nurse is assessing a client who comes to the emergency department with acute
    abdominal pain. The nurse notes a bulging, pulsating mass when inspecting the abdomen.
    Which action by the nurse is correct?
  • Notify the provider about this finding immediately.
    The nurse needs to immediately notify the health care provider because a bulging,
    pulsating mass may indicate an abdominal aortic aneurysm requiring emergency
    actions.Palpating the abdomen or even touching the abdomen with a stethoscope may
    cause this to rupture, which would be a life-threatening emergency. Because this is a
    potential life-threatening situation, questioning the client about stool habits is not

lOMoAR cPSD|19500986

lOMoAR cPSD|19500986
The nurse is assessing a client who has come to the emergency department with acute
abdominal pain. The client is very thin and the nurse observes visible peristaltic
movements when inspecting the abdomen. What does the nurse suspect?

  • Intestinal obstruction
    The nurse would suspect an intestinal obstruction related to peristaltic movements.
    Peristaltic movements are rarely seen except in thin clients. This needs to be reported to
    the HCP.Acute diarrhea does not cause visible peristaltic movements. Aortic aneurysm
    may cause a bulging, pulsatile mass. Pancreatitis is characterized by severe pain.
    A client is admitted to the hospital with severe right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal
    pain. Which assessment technique does the nurse use for this client?
  • Examines the RUQ of the abdomen last following all other assessment techniques.
    If the client reports pain in the RUQ, the nurse would examine this area last in the
    examination sequence. This sequence prevents the client from tensing abdominal muscles
    because of the pain, which would make the examination difficult.The sequence for
    examining the abdomen is inspection, auscultation, percussion, and then palpation. This
    sequence prevents the increase in intestinal activity and bowel sounds caused by
    palpation and percussion. The client would be positioned supine with the knees bent,
    while keeping the arms at the sides to prevent tensing of the abdominal muscles. If a
    bulging, pulsating mass is present during assessment of the abdomen, do not touch the
    area because the client may have an abdominal aortic aneurysm, a life-threatening
    problem. Notify the health care provider of this finding immediately!
    Which substance, produced in the stomach, facilitates the absorption of vitamin B12?
  • Intrinsic factor
    Intrinsic cells are produced by the parietal cells in the stomach. This substance facilitates
    the absorption of vitamin B12. Absence of intrinsic factor causes pernicious
    anemia.Glucagon, which is produced by the alpha cells in the pancreas, is essential for
    the regulation of metabolism. Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid, but this does not
    facilitate the absorption of vitamin B12. Pepsinogen is secreted by the chief cells;
    pepsinogen is a precursor to pepsin, a digestive enzyme.

lOMoAR cPSD|19500986
Which client does the charge nurse assign to an experienced LPN/LVN working on the
adult medical unit?

  • A 32-year-old who needs a nasogastric tube inserted for gastric acid analysis
    Nasogastric tube insertion is included in LPN/LVN education and is an appropriate task
    for an experienced LPN/LVN.Assessment and client teaching would be done by an RN.
    IV hypnotic medications would be administered by an RN.
    The outpatient clinic nurse is caring for a recovering client who had a colonoscopy. The
    client asks for a drink. How does the nurse respond to this request?
  • “When you are able to pass flatus (gas), you can have a drink.”
    Fluids are permitted after the client’s peristalsis has returned, which is validated by the
    client’s passing flatus (p. 34).Ability to pass flatus (gas) is more reliable than auscultation
    of bowel sounds when assessing a client’s status to drink after a colonoscopy. There is no
    set time period after the procedure that is considered safe for the client to have something
    to drink. The client will not be discharged home without the nurse determining that
    peristalsis has returned. The client must report that he or she is passing flatus to go home;
    therefore, the client should be given a drink before being sent home.
    Which factors place a client at risk for gastrointestinal (GI) problems?
  • Smoking a half-pack of cigarettes per day
    Smoking or any tobacco use places a client in a higher-risk category for GI problems.
    Socioeconomic status can also influence the risk for GI problems; clients may not be able
    to afford to seek care or treatment and may put off seeking help. Some herbal
    preparations contribute to GI problems, such as Ayurvedic herbs, which can affect
    appetite, absorption, and elimination. NSAIDs can predispose clients to peptic ulcer
    disease or GI bleeding.High-fiber diets are generally believed to be healthy for most
  • Socioeconomic status
    Smoking or any tobacco use places a client in a higher-risk category for GI problems.
    Socioeconomic status can also influence the risk for GI problems; clients may not be able

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