Chapter: 7 Skeletal System

Bones do NOT have a role in __________.

waste removal

Waste removal is not a role of bone; it takes place primarily in kidneys.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system?

a. communication
b. support
c. production of blood cells (hematopoiesis)
d. storage of minerals

a. communication

Which of the following statements regarding the skeleton is INCORRECT?

a. The appendicular skeleton includes the shoulder girdles.
b. The axial skeleton includes the bones of the limbs.
c. The appendicular skeleton allows us to move around.
d. The axial skeleton supports and protects internal organs.

b. The axial skeleton includes the bones of the limbs.

The bones of the limbs makeup the appendicular skeleton.

Which statement regarding the classification of bones is FALSE?

a. Irregular bones include the vertebrae and hip bones.
b. Long bones include all limb bones except the patella.
c. The sternum is an example of a flat bone.
d. Sesamoid bones form within certain tendons.

b. Long bones include all limb bones except the patella.

This is false; long bones include all limb bones except the patella, tarsals, and carpals.

Which of the following bones are NOT a part of the appendicular skeleton?


At an archeological site you discover a bone that is cylindrical in shape, about one inch long and a quarter of an inch wide. Choose the correct classification.


Which of the following correctly pairs the structure at C with its primary component?

periosteum; dense irregular connective tissue

The periosteum is composed of dense irregular connective tissue along with a layer of simple squamous epithelium.

Image: Which of the following correctly pairs the structure at C with its primary component?

What material makes up most of the structure at A?

hyaline cartilage

The articular cartilage at the ends of long bones is formed from hyaline cartilage.

Image: What material makes up most of the structure at A?

Which of the labeled parts of the bone is composed primarily of compact bone?


The shaft of an adult long bone is composed of compact bone.

Image: Which of the labeled parts of the bone is composed primarily of compact bone?

Which of the following is the major component of the part of the bone labeled E?

adipose tissue

Yellow bone marrow within the medullary cavity is composed primarily of adipose tissue (fat).

Image: Which of the following is the major component of the part of the bone labeled E?

In which of the labeled parts of the adult long bone would hematopoietic tissue be located?


Hematopoietic tissue is found in the red bone marrow within certain body locations consisting of spongy bone. Examples include the diploe of flat bones and the proximal epiphyses of the femur and humerus (pictured).

Image: In which of the labeled parts of the adult long bone would hematopoietic tissue be located?

Which of the following is a characteristic of the bone material at D but NOT of the material at B?


The compact bone at D contains osteons. The spongy bone at B contains trabeculae but no osteons.

Image: Which of the following is a characteristic of the bone material at D but NOT of the material at B?

The figure represents a wedge-shaped section of which structural unit of bone?

an osteon

The circular structural unit found within compact bone is termed the osteon, and consists of a central canal surrounded by layers of bone.

Image: The figure represents a wedge-shaped section of which structural unit of bone?

What is the term for the layers of bony matrix surrounding the vessels and nerve?


Lamellae are layers of bony matrix synthesized by osteoblasts during bone growth and maintenance.

Image: What is the term for the layers of bony matrix surrounding the vessels and nerve?

The blood vessels and nerve in the figure are found within which type of space?

central (Haversian) canal

A central (or Haversian) canal runs lengthwise at the center of each osteon.

Image: The blood vessels and nerve in the figure are found within which type of space?

What type of cell is shown at A?


Osteocytes, literally “bone cells,” are the primary structural and maintenance cells found in bone.

Image: What type of cell is shown at A?

A homeostatic imbalance that activates these bone cells would lead to a loss of bone density.


Osteoclasts are the bone cells that break down bone. If they were activated more than normal, you should expect to see bone loss.

What is the structural unit of compact bone?


The structural unit of compact bone is the osteon, an elongated cylinder oriented parallel to the long axis of the bone.

Which of the following cells are NOT matched with their appropriate function?

a. bone lining cells; maintain bone matrix
b. osteoclasts; bone resorption
c. osteoblasts; create new bone matrix
d. osteocytes; produce new bone cells.

d. osteocytes; produce new bone cells.

Osteocytes are mature bone cells that monitor and repair mature bone tissues.

Which of the following is a site for a muscle or ligament attachment?


A trochanter is a type of bone projection; projections often protrude from the bone because of the interaction forced upon them by muscle or ligaments.

The collagen fibers of the osteoid make the overall bone matrix stronger by allowing it to resist bending and twisting forces.


The organic matrix, or osteoid, makes up about one-third of the bone matrix. This portion includes the collagen fibers that provide bone with its flexibility and tensile strength, allowing it to resist stretch and twisting.

Osteoblasts __________.

secrete osteoid

Osteoblasts are the bone-forming cells that produce new bone by secreting the components of the organic matrix, called osteoid. They also play a role in the calcification of osteoid to form the mature bone matrix.

Which statement regarding osteons is FALSE?

a. Osteons consist of concentric lamellae surrounding a central canal.
b. Collagen gives osteons the ability to resist twisting forces.
c. Osteons are found in all bone tissues
d. The inorganic matrix of an osteon gives it the ability to resist compression.

c. Osteons are found in all bone tissues

Osteons are found only in compact bone; they are absent in spongy bone.

The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the ________.


A fracture in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the ________.


Which of the following is a bone marking described as a round or oval opening through a bone?


The periosteum is secured to the underlying bone by ________.

perforating (Sharpey’s) fibers

The central (Haversian) canal that runs through the core of each osteon is the site of ________.

blood vessels and nerve fibers

Bones are constantly undergoing resorption (breaking bone down) for various reasons. Which of the following cells accomplishes this process?


Spongy bone contains ________.


When an osteoblast becomes completely surrounded by its own matrix secretions it is referred to as a(n) ________.


Choose which bone marking type would likely increase in size when a weight lifter repeatedly exercises muscles that attach to it.


The periosteum is a tissue that serves only to protect the bone because it is not supplied with nerves or blood vessels.


Short, irregular, and flat bones have medullary cavities in order to keep the weight of the bones light.


The term osteoid refers to the organic part of the matrix of compact bones without mineralization.


An osteon contains osteocytes, lamellae, and a central canal, and is found in compact bone only.


Which of the following best describes the process shown in the figure?

the formation of bone in a membrane

The figure illustrates the formation of new bones within a fibrous membrane (“intramembranous”) during embryonic development.

Image: Which of the following best describes the process shown in the figure?

Classify the cells seen at the arrow in image A.


Osteoblasts (“bone makers”) begin bone formation by secreting the bone matrix.

Image: Classify the cells seen at the arrow in image A.

Which step in the figure contains compact bone?


Osteoblasts in the periosteal layer form compact bone characteristic of the exterior surface of a mature bone.

Image: Which step in the figure contains compact bone?

Which bone-forming process is shown in the figure?

endochondral ossification

The figure illustrates a step in the embryonic formation of a bone from a cartilage model.

Image: Which bone-forming process is shown in the figure?

The area where blood vessels are penetrating the center of the bone used to be occupied by which tissue?

hyaline cartilage

In this type of ossification, the bone is first modeled from cartilage and then replaced by bone as blood vessels invade the model.

Image: The area where blood vessels are penetrating the center of the bone used to be occupied by which tissue?

Which structure is seen at the arrow?

bone collar

A collar of ossified tissue forms around the bone in the early stages of ossification.

Image: Which structure is seen at the arrow?

The arrow in the figure is pointing to which of the following structures?

the epiphyseal plate

During endochondral ossification, a distinct epiphyseal plate is formed at the boundary between primary and secondary ossification centers.

Image: The arrow in the figure is pointing to which of the following structures?

What event at letter B leads to elongation of the bone?

chondrocyte hypertrophy and deterioration

Cell division of chondrocytes occurs on the epiphysis facing side. Rather than dividing, here chondrocytes hypertrophy and deteriorate along the diaphyseal surface of the growth plate.

Image: What event at letter B leads to elongation of the bone?

Cell division of chondrocytes occurs on the epiphysis facing side. Rather than dividing, here chondrocytes hypertrophy and deteriorate along the diaphyseal surface of the growth plate.

appositional growth

Growth in width involves the adding of layers of lamellar (compact) bone along the bone’s outer surface. This process of growth by “layering” is termed appositional growth and is distinct from growth by expansion of the interior matrix (interstitial growth).

Image: Cell division of chondrocytes occurs on the epiphysis facing side. Rather than dividing, here chondrocytes hypertrophy and deteriorate along the diaphyseal surface of the growth plate.

What is intramembranous ossification?

the formation of bone from within fibrous membranes

The formation of bone by ossification centers within fibrous membranes is called intramembranous ossification.

What would be the physical sign that a bone cannot continue longitudinal growth?

an epiphyseal line

The epiphyseal plate is a zone of hyaline cartilage between the epiphysis and diaphysis of a long bone. When the cartilage is replaced with bone and the plate closes, the bone has reached its maximum length. This ossified remnant of the “growth plate” is called the epiphyseal line.

Which of the following statements is true?

a. During endochondral ossification, hyaline cartilage is broken down and replaced with bone.
b. Endochondral ossification leads to the formation of the clavicles and cranial bones.
c. Endochondral ossification occurs within fibrous connective tissue membranes.
d. Most bones in the body are formed by intramembranous ossification.

a. During endochondral ossification, hyaline cartilage is broken down and replaced with bone.

Endochondral ossification is the formation of bone within hyaline cartilage. Beginning late in the second month of development, this process uses hyaline cartilage “bones” formed earlier as models, or patterns, for bone construction. It is more complex than intramembranous ossification because the hyaline cartilage must be broken down as ossification proceeds. Most bones below the base of the skull form by endochondral ossification.

During infancy and childhood, the most important stimulus of epiphyseal plate activity is __________.

growth hormone

During infancy and childhood, the single most important stimulus for bone growth is growth hormone. It directly stimulates growth of the hyaline cartilage that forms the epiphyseal plates in long bones, causing the bones to lengthen.

What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?

hyaline cartilage

Ossification of the ends of long bones ________.

is produced by secondary ossification centers

Which structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length until early childhood?

epiphyseal plate

Which of the following is the single most important stimulus for epiphyseal plate activity during infancy and childhood?

growth hormone

For intramembranous ossification to take place, which of the following is necessary?

Ossification centers form in the fibrous connective tissue membrane.

The process of bones increasing in thickness is known as ________.

appositional growth

In the epiphyseal plate, cartilage grows ________.

by pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis

Lengthwise, long bone growth during infancy and youth is exclusively through ________.

interstitial growth of the epiphyseal plates

Growth of bones is controlled by a symphony of hormones. Which hormone is of greatest importance for bone growth during infancy and childhood?

growth hormone

What tissue forms the model for endochondral ossification?


Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the bloodstream?

parathyroid hormone

Cranial bones develop ________.

within fibrous membranes

What is the first stage in the healing of a bone fracture?

formation of a hematoma

This is the first stage in the healing of a bone fracture. In order, here are the stages of bone fracture healing: (1) formation of a hematoma, (2) formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus, (3) formation of a bony callus, and (4) bone remodeling.

Which of the following are correctly matched?

a. compound fracture; the fractured bone ends penetrate the skin
b. non-displaced fracture; the fractured bone ends are misaligned
c. incomplete fracture; the bone is broken through
d. linear fracture; the break is perpendicular to the bone’s long axis

a. compound fracture; the fractured bone ends penetrate the skin

In a compound (open) fracture, the fractured bone ends penetrate the skin. Such open injuries carry a higher risk of infection.

The correct order (from start to finish) of fracture repair is __________.

hematoma formation, soft callus formation, bony callus formation, and bone remodeling

From start to finish, a fracture is repaired by (1) formation of a hematoma, (2) formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus, (3) formation of a bony callus, and (4) bone remodeling.

Your patient is returning for follow-up 6 weeks after sustaining a nondisplaced fracture of his radius. He tells you that his forearm is no longer painful, but he is concerned that he can palpate a “lump” in the bone at the site of the healing fracture. What is your response?

“That bump is a normal part of bone healing at this stage. As your body completes the process, the cells in your bone will gradually remodel it to its previous shape.”

Right! You understand the stages of bone healing, including the formation of callus and ultimate remodeling.

Which of the following refers to a bone disorder found most often in the aged and resulting in the bones becoming porous and light?


Osteoporosis refers to groups of diseases in which bone resorption outpaces bone deposit. The bones become fragile and easily fractured. The composition of the matrix remains normal, but bone mass declines, and the bones become porous and light. Osteoporosis occurs most often in postmenopausal women.

Which of the following is implicated in osteoporosis in older women?

estrogen deficiency due to menopause

Question: Bones do NOT have a role in __.

Answer: waste removal

Waste removal is not a role of bone; it takes place primarily in kidneys.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system?

Answer: a. communication

b. support

c. production of blood cells (hematopoiesis)

d. storage of minerals


Question: Which of the following statements regarding the skeleton is INCORRECT?


Question: Which statement regarding the classification of bones is FALSE?


Question: Which of the following bones are NOT a part of the appendicular skeleton?

Answer: skull

Question: At an archeological site you discover a bone that is cylindrical in shape, about one inch long and a quarter of an inch wide. Choose the correct classification.

Answer: long

Question: Which of the following correctly pairs the structure at C with its primary component?

Answer: periosteum; dense irregular connective tissue

The periosteum is composed of dense irregular connective tissue along with a layer of simple squamous epithelium.

Question: What material makes up most of the structure at A?

Answer: hyaline cartilage

The articular cartilage at the ends of long bones is formed from hyaline cartilage.

Question: Which of the labeled parts of the bone is composed primarily of compact bone?

Answer: D.

The shaft of an adult long bone is composed of compact bone.

Question: Which of the following is the major component of the part of the bone labeled E?

Answer: adipose tissue

Yellow bone marrow within the medullary cavity is composed primarily of adipose tissue (fat).

Blood Cell Production
Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system?

Which of the following aer mature bone cells?

Which of the following is the basic functional unit of compact bone?

The meduallary cavity of bones contains

The membrane covering a long bone is called the

The shaft of a long bone is known as?

The bones of the arms and legs
The appendicular skeleton consists of

The radius articulates with the

Occipital Bone
Where is the location of the foremen magnum?

The fibula articulates with the

The bones that forms the palms of the hands are the

Temporal Bone
The mastoid process is located in the

The hyoid bone is located in the

The vomer bone is found in the

The thorax contains how many vertebral columns

How many vertebrae are fused in the sacrum?

Which of the following is NOT a part of the pelvic girdle?

The largest coxal bone is the?

18 Months
The anterior fontanel closes at which age?

The first vertebrae in the neck is called the?

The head of a long bone is called the?

During the process of _, an existing tissue is replaced by bone.

The second cervial vertebra is also known as the?

The fibrous areas that exist between cranial bones at birth are called?

Costal Cartilage
True ribs are directly connected to the sternum by?

The shaft of a long bone is called the ?

Jointm or articulation
The location where two bones meet is called a an or ?

The process of depositing calcium into a tissue is called?

The part of the skull that holds the brain is called the?

The bone that makes up the upper jaw is reffered to as the?

The process of blood cell production is called?

Breast Bone
The sternum is also called the ?

Shin Bone
The tibia bone is also called the?

The zygomatic bone is also called the _ bone

Bone is a _ tissue that performs several basic functions.

Vitamin D is required for the absorption of __ in small intestine for the development and growth of bone.

Moving a part toward the midline of the body is called?

False Ribs
Ribs that have no direct connection to the sternum are called?

Any projection or lump on a bone in termed a?

The atlas bone is the second cervical vertebra, supporting the head.

The calcaneus bone is located in the sacrum.

The largest bone of the body is the femur.

The strongest portion of the hipbone is the coccyx.

The cervial vertebrae are made up of five small vertebrae.

Yellow bone marrow is a fatty tissue inside the shafts of long bones where lipids are stored for potential energy needs of the body.

The ulna is longer than the radius of the forearm.

The formation of bone by osteoblasts is called ossification.

The vomer bone is the flat bone making up the lower posterior coccyx.

A cellular layer lining the marrow cavity is called the periosteum

IDK so let me know or just correct it.
The movement of rotating a limb toward the vertral surface of the body is called medial __.

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