Derivative classification IF103.16, 2023 questions with correct answers

Derivative classification is:
The process of using existing classified information to create new documents or material and marking the new material consistent with the classification markings that apply to the source information.

A classified document is used as source material for a new document. What is this an example of?
Derivative classification

Derivative classification does not have the same impact and effects as original classification.

What is the importance of derivative classification?
Helps protect national security

Which of the following is true concerning derivative classification?
Derivative classifiers are responsible for analyzing and evaluating information to identify elements that require classification.

All of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers EXCEPT:
Derivative classifiers must have original classification authority.

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT:
Make recommendations for others to mark the new document

The first step in derivatively classifying a new document is to determine the classification level based on existing classification guidance.

When derivatively classifying information, where can you find a listing of specific information elements that identify their classification, reason for classification, downgrading, and declassification information?
Security Classification Guide (SCG)

One of Mark’s colleagues gave him general rules about derivatively classifying information. Mark can rely on these general rules when he derivatively classifies information because his colleague is very experienced.

If you find a conflict in guidance, or you are uncertain about how to classify the new content, you should first:
Ask your security manager or Facility Security Officer

Information taken from an existing classified source and generated into another form or medium, such as a video, DVD, or CD is an example of _

All of the following are key concepts you can use to determine the classification level of the material you create EXCEPT:
Directed by

When derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from existing content into a new document, and no additional interpretation or analysis is needed to deduce the classification of that information is an example of the concept of _
Contained in

The source document states:

(S) The process takes three hours to complete.

The new document states:

(S) The process takes three hours to complete.

Which concept was used to determine the derivative classification of the new document?
Contained in

The source document states:

(S) The exercise will begin on 4 May and end on 25 May

(U) Elements of this unit will participate in the exercise

(U) Unit members participating will be Barkley and James

The Security Classification Guide (SCG) states:

The unit that will participate in the exercise is Unclassified
The exercise dates are Secret
Participating members of the unit are Unclassified

The new document states:

(S) Barkley and James cannot attend training during the exercise. They must attend before 4 May or after 25 May.

Identify the concept used to determine the derivative classification of the new document.
Revealed by

The concept that involves combining or associating individual elements of unclassified information to reveal an additional association or relationship that warrants protection is called __
Classification by Compilation

A properly marked source document contains some Secret information. A new document does not contain the same information. However, the information in the new document will allow a reader to deduce the classified information. This is an example of the concept of _
Revealed by

Which of the following is a valid reason to classify information?
To protect national security

Information should remain permanently classified once it is classified, even if it no longer meets the criteria for classification.

To promote information sharing, certain guidelines must be followed in DoD Manual 5200.01, Volumes 1 and 2, when classifying and marking information.

Sarabeth and Miguel work at similar jobs for the same agency but on different classified projects. They find it helpful to discuss the challenges of their jobs with each other. Occasionally, to provide context for a challenge she’s facing, Sarabeth will share classified information that Miguel does not need to know. Sarabeth will not be subject to sanctions because Miguel has a clearance and works for the same agency.

Which of the following are Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) sanctions?
Dishonorable discharge
Loss of rank

If the classification in the existing content seems incorrect, or there is conflicting guidance from authorized sources, you are required to seek further guidance.

The properly marked source document states:

(C) The training exercise BLUE EAGLE will commence at 0600 on 10 October.

(S) Adams, Leighty, and Shaw will participate in the training exercise BLUE EAGLE.

The Security Classification Guide (SCG) states:

The name of the training exercise is Unclassified.
The date of the training exercise is Confidential.
Participants in the training exercise are Secret.

The new document states:

( ) Shaw will be unavailable on 10 October due to participation in the training exercise BLUE EAGLE.

What is the classification of the statement in the new document?

The source document states:

(S) The exercise will begin on 4 May and end on 25 May(U) Elements of this unit will participate in the exercise

(U) Unit members participating will be Barkley and James

The Security Classification Guide (SCG) states:

The unit will participate in the exercise is Unclassified

The exercise dates are Secret

Participating members of the unit are Unclassified

The new document states the exercise will begin 4 May and end on 25 May.

What is the classification of the new document?

The properly marked source document states:

(C) Attendance at the meeting is limited to squadron commanders.

The new document states:

(C) Squadron commanders will attend the meeting.

What concept is used to derivatively classify the statement in the new document?

You may be subject to administrative, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or criminal sanctions if you engage in any of the following EXCEPT:
Submitting a formal challenge to information that may be improperly classified

Generating occurs when information is taken from an authorized classification guidance source and is reworded in a new or different document.

Which is the primary source for derivative classification
Security Classification Guide (SCG)

If the authorized sources do not provide sufficient guidance, you should FIRST
Ask your Security Manager or Facility Security Officer (FSO)

Your new material may aggregate, or bring together, pieces of information that are not individually classified, but when presented together they render your new material classified. This classification concept is called _.
Classification by Compilation

To be classified or maintained as classified, information must meet all of the following criteria EXCEPT
The unauthorized disclosure of the information could cause embarrassment to the U.S. Government

Besides protecting national security, information may be classified if it
Pertains to military plans, weapon systems or operations

What policy document provides guidelines to promote information sharing
DODM, 5200.01, Volumes 1 and 2

If you accidentally leave classified materials where unauthorized individuals can access them, you will not be subject to sanctions because you didn’t do it on purpose

You formally challenge the classification of information and the classifying agency provides a partial response. What is your recourse if the classifying agency does not provide a full response within 120 days?
Have the right to forward the challenge to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP).

Derivative classification IF103.16, 2022 questions with
correct answers
Including information from already classified source material into a new product is called:
CORRECT ANSWER Derivative classification
Derivative classification does not have the same impact and effects as original classification.
Who bears principal responsibility for derivative classification accuracy in new products?
CORRECT ANSWER Derivative classifiers
When derivatively classifying a document one must carefully analyze the material they classify.
All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT: CORRECT ANSWER Make
recommendations for others to mark the new document.
When derivatively classifying information, where can you find a listing of specific information
elements that identify their classification, reason for classification, downgrading, and
declassification information? CORRECT ANSWER Security Classification Guide (SCG)
If the authorized sources do not provide sufficient guidance, you should FIRST: CORRECT
ANSWER Ask your Security Manager or Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Each of these are ways of incorporating classified source material into new material EXCEPT:
The Security Classification Guide (SCG) states:
(C) Cpl Rice and Sgt Davis are attending the joint exercise.
(U) The exercise begins 1 May.
(C) The name of the exercise is Jagged Edge.

Derivative Classification IF103.16 Exam (Questions and Answers)
Updated fall 2022/2023.
A classified document is used as a source material for a new document. What is this an
example of? – Derivative Classification
A Security Classification Guide (SCG) is: – A collection of precise, comprehensive
guidance about a specific program, system, operation, or weapon system elements of
information to be classified.
All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT: – Making the initial
determination that information requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the
interest of national security.
All of the following are ways to promote the sharing of information within the Federal
Government, across state, local, and tribal governments, and with coalition partners,
law enforcement, and the general public EXCEPT: – Automatically declassify
information that is shared
Each of these are ways of incorporating classified source material into new material
EXCEPT: – Planning
If the classification in the existing content seems incorrect, or there is conflicting
guidance from authorized sources, you are required to seek further guidance. – True
If you find a conflict in guidance, or you are uncertain about how to classify the new
content, you should first: – Ask your security manager or Facility Security Officer
Including information in a new product that has already been classified is called: –
Derivative Classification
Information taken directly from an existing clarified source and stated verbatim in a new
or different document is an example of __ – Extracting
Mark reveals a small piece of classified information regarding a project he’s working on
during a conversation with a friend. He will not be subject to sanctions, as it was only a
small piece of information and he knows the person he gave the information to. – False
One of Mark’s colleagues gave him general rules about derivatively classifying
information. Mark can rely on these general rules when he derivatively classifies
information because his colleague is very experienced. – False
Select ALL correct responses. Which of the following are administrative sanctions? – C.
Revocation of security clearance
D. Suspension without pay

A classified document is used as source material for a new document. What is this an example of?
Derivative classification

The document that provides basic guidance and regulatory requirements for derivative classification for DOD personnel is:
DODM 5200.01, DOD Information Security Program

Who bears principal responsibility for derivative classification accuracy in new products?
Derivative classifiers

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT:
Making the initial determination that information requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security.

When derivatively classifying a document one must carefully analyze the material they classify.

When derivatively classifying information, where can you find a listing of specific information elements that identify their classification, reason for classification, downgrading, and declassification information?
Security Classification Guide (SCG)

Which is the primary source for derivative classification?
Security Classification Guide (SCG)

Information taken from an existing classified source and generated into another form or medium, such as a video, DVD, or CD is an example of _

Select ALL the correct responses. The concept of “revealed by” includes which of the following?
A reader can deduce the classified information by performing additional interpretation or analysis.
Classified information is not clearly or explicitly stated in the source document.

When derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from existing content into a new document, and no additional interpretation or analysis is needed to deduce the classification of that information, that is an example of the concept of _
Contained in

Which of the following statements apply to the classification concept of “Revealed by”?
Needs additional interpretation or analysis to deduce the classification.

The concept that involves combining or associating individual elements of unclassified information to reveal an additional association or relationship that warrants protection is called __
Classification by Compilation

Select ALL of the correct responses. Information is prohibited from being classified for what reasons:
To prevent embarrassment
To restrain competition
To conceal violations of law, inefficiencies, or errors

To be classified or maintained as classified, information must meet all of the following criteria EXCEPT:
The unauthorized disclosure of the information could cause embarrassment to the U.S. Government.

To promote information sharing, certain guidelines must be followed in DOD Manual 5200.01, Volumes 1 and 3, when classifying and marking information.

You may be subject to criminal sanctions, such as incarceration, if you engage in the unauthorized disclosure of information.

If you accidentally leave classified materials where unauthorized individuals can access them, you will not be subject to sanctions because you didn’t do it on purpose.

Select ALL the correct responses. Which of the following are administrative sanctions?
Revocation of security eligibility
Suspension without pay

If you come across information you think was improperly or unnecessarily classified, you should challenge the classification?

The properly marked source document states:
(U) The name of the exercise is BLUE EAGLE
The new document states:

( ) The exercise is referred to as BLUE EAGLE
What is the classification of the statement in the new document?

Derivative classification does not have the same impact and effects as original classification.


Who bears principal responsibility for derivative classification accuracy in new products?

Derivative classifiers

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT:

Make recommendations for others to mark the new document.

When derivatively classifying a document one must carefully analyze the material they classify.


Which is the primary source for derivative classification?

Security Classification Guide (SCG)

When derivatively classifying information, where can you find a listing of specific information elements that identify their classification, reason for classification, downgrading, and declassification information?

Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information — WRONG

Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of __

Restating —-WRONG

Select ALL the correct responses. The concept of “contained in” includes which of the following?

No additional interpretation or analysis is needed to determine the classification of the information.

Classified information comes from an authorized source into a new document.

The source document states:
(S) The process takes three hours to complete.
The new document states:
(S) The process takes three hours to complete.
Which concept was used to determine the derivative classification of the new document?

Contained in

Is it possible for classification to be raised if your new material combines pieces of information that are not individually classified? If so, what concept is used to derivatively classify the statement in the new document?

Classification by Compilation

In order to classify information, the information must concern at least one of the _ categories specified in Executive Order 13526.


Cleared contractor employees are subject to sanctions for violating any policies in the:

National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)

Which of the following are Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) sanctions?

All of the above

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