OSHA 10 Test Answers 2023

The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is:

To send every worker home whole and healthy every day

Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. Electric shock occurs when:

Your body becomes part of the circuit

Workers need to take which of the following common-sense steps to protect themselves from falls through skylights and roof and floor openings?

— Never sit on, lean against, or step on a skylight lens or any covering placed over a hole in a roof or floor
— Guard or securely cover all holes created or uncovered before leaving a work area
— Always use a PFAS when working over an unguarded or uncovered opening more than six feet above a lower level

The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are:

Workplace and engineering controls

The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and:

suspended scaffolds

Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must:

— Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade
— Move the personnel platform slowly and cautiously and have rotation-resistant rope with a safety factor of 10
— Have all brakes and locking devices set when the occupied personnel platform is in stationary position

If the use of a power tool can result in flying sparks, metal shavings, wood chips, splashes, or other debris, workers should:

Protect themselves by wearing proper PPE

OSHA defines an excavation as:

Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal

A training program to teach proper lifting techniques should cover:

— Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk
— The use of safe lifting postures and timing

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

wrecking balls and jackhammers

OSHA’s electrical standards are based on:

the NEC

What are the four main types of electrical injuries?

Electrocution, electric shock, burns, indirect (e.g., a fall from a ladder)

A shock’s severity depends on:

— Length of exposure to electricity
— The amount of current and its frequency
— The current’s path

Electrical burns are the most serious of the three major types of burns, and most often occur:

On the hands, from direct contact with current

Hot wires, ungrounded wires that can cause a shock if you touch them, are usually:

black or red

More than 50 percent of electrocutions are caused by a worker coming in direct contact with:

energized power lines

The OSHA standard requires flexible cords to be rated for:

Hard or extra hard usage

What is the most frequent violation of OSHA electrical standards?

improper grounding of circuitry and equipment

The three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are:

recognize, evaluate and control

All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be:

Removed and tagged “Do Not Use”

If you have a three-prong plug and a two-hole receptacle, it is acceptable to:

Use an adapter with an adapter wire connected to known ground

All hazards involved in the use of power tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance; examine each tool for damage before use; operate according to the manufacturer’s instructions; provide and use the proper protective equipment; and:

use the right tool for the job

Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more must be:

guarded against electrical contact

While any employee is exposed to contact with parts of electric equipment or circuits that have been de-energized, the circuits energizing the parts shall be:

Locked out or tagged out or both

Low voltage does not mean low hazard.


The two best means of avoiding electrical shock or injury when working with power tools are:

Insulation and grounding

The majority of today’s power line accidents occur because:

Of failure to maintain proper work distances

A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protects workers from shock by:

Matching the amount of current going into an electrical device against the amount returning from the device and shutting down power if a ground fault is detected

AEGCP’s are implemented on construction sites to oversee:

— All cord sets
— Cord sets and equipment connected by plug and cord
— Receptacles that are not part of a building or structure

The OSHA standard mandates that any time a worker is at a height of six feet or more, the worker is at risk and needs to be protected. Most fatalities, however, happen when workers fall from:


Employers must ensure that all walking and working surfaces have the structural integrity to:

Support workers safely

Controlled access zones serve a dual purpose – they allow specially trained individuals (such as masons) to operate without traditional fall protection within a certain area, and:

They keep unauthorized individuals out

A system used to arrest a worker in a fall from a working level that consists of an anchorage, connectors, a body belt or body harness, and may include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or suitable combinations of these is called a:

Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS)

When no other alternative fall protection has been implemented, the employer shall implement a safety monitoring system. Employers must:

Ensure that the safety monitor is a competent person knowledgeable about fall protection

At holes, guardrail systems must be set up:

On all unprotected sides and edges

The top edge of a guardrail must be from 39 to 45 inches above the walking/working level, and there must also be a means of protection from:

Falling objects between top rail and walking surface

Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards:

How to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them

Safety nets must be strong enough to support workers who fall, and must:

Have small enough mesh openings that employee doesn’t fall through net itself

Approximately 75 percent of struck-by fatalities involve:

Heavy equipment such as cranes or trucks

It is preferable not to drive a vehicle in reverse if you have an obstructed rear view, but if you do, make sure:

Vehicle has an audible reverse alarm

Workers are most at risk from falling objects when standing or working:

— under scaffolds
— under cranes
— wherever overhead work is being performed

To prevent injury from flying debris, use safety glasses, goggles, face shields, etc., where machines or tools may cause flying particles; and always inspect tools, such as saws and lathes, to ensure that:

The protective guards are in good condition and firmly attached

Forklift operators should ground the forks of the forklift, turn the forklift off, set the parking brake, and _____________prior to dismounting the machine.

neutralize controls

If a machine has an exposed pulley and conveyor but the portion of it that is exposed is well underneath the machine, the employer:

Must ensure all exposed and accessible sections of the machine are guarded

One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them is a/n ______________:

competent person

Providing worker training on the safe use of the equipment being operated is the responsibility of the:


To protect against caught-in or -between hazards, a worker should not only avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry, but also a worker should avoid:

Performing maintenance or adjustment on equipment/machinery that hasn’t been locked-out

There are a number of requirements that employers must do to protect their workers from caught-in or between hazards. Which of these is required if the worker’s body, hands or clothing may come into contact with moving parts?

Provide guards on power tools and other equipment with moving parts

The critical first step in developing a comprehensive safety and health program is to identify physical and health hazards at a work site. This process is known as:

A hazard assessment

OSHA requires that many categories of PPE meet or be equivalent to standards developed by:

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

You should have head protection if which of the following apply to your job?

— Objects might fall from above
— There are low-hanging pipes or beams
— There are exposed electrical hazards

In general, head protection should do which of the following?

— Resist penetration by objects and absorb the shock of a blow
— Be water-resistant and slow burning
— Have clear instructions explaining proper adjustment and replacement of the suspension and headband

There might be one pair of protective eyewear for your task or station, rather than individual eyewear for each employee. If this is the approach at your job site, then:

You must clean and disinfect the eyewear between each use

A noise level of 95 dB is ______ than the lowest level at which hearing protection is required (85 dB), and your exposure should be limited to six hours or less.

Ten times louder than

Safety footwear has to meet minimum compression and impact performance standards, set by:

ASTM F-2412-2005

Gloves that are chemically resistant are usually made from:

rubber or plastic

True or False: Full-body protection is sometimes made from materials such as duck, paper-like fiber, or rubberized fabrics, depending upon the hazard.


Before the start of each work shift, it is mandatory that:

A competent person inspects the scaffold before the start of each work shift

The first step in building a scaffold is to:

Conduct a site inspection

A scaffold must be erected “plumb, square, and level,” because:

If a scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift, potentially causing the overloading of one leg and the eventual collapse of the scaffold

OSHA 1926.454(c) states: When an employer has reason to believe that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall:

Retrain each such employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained

When dismantling a scaffold, all work should be conducted:

From the top down

Tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet high must be designed by:

registered professional engineer

What type of scaffold – other than the tube and coupler scaffold – is ideal for use around complex structures?

a system scaffold

This scaffold is simply a rope attached to a harness with an assembly like a boatswain’s chair for the worker to sit in.

Suspension scaffold

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet, they must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). The type of fall protection required will depend upon:

The type of scaffold

The four main causes of crane accidents are contact with power lines, overturns, falls and mechanical failure. Two other errors mentioned in this module that often lead to trouble are:

Improper maintenance and failure to conduct regular inspections

No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of a crane or derrick should ever be made without:

The manufacturer’s written approval, which should be kept on file

Truck-mounted and rough terrain cranes are both forms of a mobile crane, and both use which of the following to increase their stability?


Rated load capacities, recommended operating speeds, and special hazard warnings or instructions must be:

Conspicuously posted on the crane, where the crane operator can see them while he is at his control station

The four lifting principles that govern a crane’s mobility and safety during lifting operations are:

Center of gravity, leverage, stability and structural integrity

Employees working in the vicinity of a crane must take care to avoid what kind of accident?

“Struck by”

Personnel hoisting platforms must be designed by:

A qualified engineer, or another competent specialist qualified in structural design

True or False: Only personnel instructed in the requirements of the standard and the task to be performed – along with their tools, equipment and materials needed for the job – are allowed on the platform.


If the hoist tower is not enclosed, the hoist platform or car must be totally enclosed on all sides for the full height between the floor and:

The overhead protective covering

The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from:

misuse and improper maintenance

Power tools should never be carried by the cord or hose or be yanked from a receptacle by the cord or hose; and cords and hoses should be kept away from:

Heat, oil, sharp edges

Sharp, abrasive, pinching, or otherwise hazardous moving parts of power tools:

Must have protective guard to prevent contact with workers

Before an abrasive wheel is mounted, it should be inspected closely and:

Sound- or ring-tested to ensure that it is free from cracks or defects

Neither the operator nor anyone else should ever stand directly in front of the wheel of an abrasive power tool as it accelerates to full operating speed. Why?

Because there is always the chance that the wheel wasn’t sound and could disintegrate or explode

Pneumatic tools are powered by:

Compressed air

Powder-actuated tools are extremely dangerous, with a “firing” mechanism similar to that of:

A loaded gun

If a powder-actuated tool misfires, the employee should:

Wait at least 30 seconds, then try firing again

All jacks – lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic jacks – must have a device that stops them from:

Jacking up too high (a stop indicator)

OSHA defines a trench as:

A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width – with the width not to exceed 15 feet

True or False: There is usually some form of warning before a cave-in.


OSHA requires that all excavations in which employees could potentially be exposed to cave-ins be protected by one or more of the following three methods:

Sloping, benching, shoring, shielding

The formula for all simple slope excavations 20 feet (6.11 meters) or less deep states that for every foot of depth, the trench must be excavated back:

1 and 1/2 feet

Trench boxes or shields must be designed or approved by:

a registered professional engineer

Shoring or shielding is most often used when:

The location or the depth of the excavation makes sloping back to the maximum allowable slope impractical

As mentioned in this module, in addition to cave-ins and related hazards, workers involved in excavation work also are exposed to hazards involving:

Falls, falling loads and mobile equipment

Employees are prohibited from working above other employees on the face of a sloped or benched excavation unless:

Workers on lower level have overhead protection from falling objects

To prevent surface water from entering an excavation and to provide adequate drainage of the adjacent area, OSHA standards require the use of:

Water removal equipment, diversion ditches, dikes, or other suitable methods

In the case of materials handling, storage, use and disposal, remember that the main hazards are injuries from:

— Improper lifting and carrying
— Being struck by materials or caught in pinch points
— Being crushed by improperly stored materials

Because the number of injuries from operating powered industrial trucks was on the rise, the OSHA standard for Powered Industrial Trucks was revised March 1, 1999. OSHA promulgated the Final Rule for Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training [29 CFR 1910.178(1)], which:

— Requires operator training and licensing as well as periodic evaluations of operator performance
— Requires operators to take and pass a written and road test (similar to a driver’s education) before they can operate the forklift.

Operators must complete three separate aspects of powered industrial truck training: formal training, practice training, and:


To adhere to fire safety precautions, flammable and combustible materials must be stored according to:

Their fire characteristics

General safety principles that can help reduce workplace accidents include:

— Work practices
— Ergonomic principles
— Training and education

Material handling tasks should be designed to minimize _________ of the given activity.

— the weight
— the range of motion
— the frequency

Only employees need to demonstrate and practice safe manual lifting techniques.


Manual materials is the most common category of compensable injuries in the United States work force, with four out of five of those injuries involving:

the lower back

When manually moving materials, employees should always try to lift it alone if a load is so bulky it cannot be properly grasped or lifted, when they cannot see around or over it, or when a load cannot be safely handled.


Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that:

an engineering survey be conducted

One of the most important elements of the pre-job planning is:

the location of all utility services

Proper equipment for prompt transportation of an injured worker, as well as a communication system to contact any necessary ambulance service, must be available:

on the work site

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

wrecking balls, jackhammers

Prestressed concrete is:

A structural material with tensioned steel strands embedded inside, which compress the concrete and give it extra strength

Simple pretensioned beams and slabs of spans up to about 7 meters (23 feet):

Can be demolished in a manner similar to ordinary reinforced concrete

True or False: Electrical detonators can be inadvertently triggered by stray RF (radio frequency) signals from two-way radios


A blaster is:

A competent person who uses explosives

All vehicles used for the transportation of explosives shall have tight floors, and any exposed spark-producing metal on the inside of the body shall be:

Covered with wood or other non-sparking material

All explosives must be accounted for at all times, and all not being used must be kept in a:

locked magazine

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom) is designed to ensure that information about __________and associated protective measures is disseminated.

Hazardous chemicals

Chemical manufacturers and importers must convey the hazard information they learn from their evaluations to downstream employers by means of labels on containers and:

Safety Data Sheet

Under the new HAZCOM/GHS requirements for Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s) they must now have 16 total Sections.


Employers must provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area:

— At the time of their initial assignment
— Whenever a new hazardous chemical is introduced into their work area

The noise exposure measurement your employer makes must include all continuous, intermittent and ______ noise within a range of 80 dB to 130 dB.


To determine whether employees need hearing protection, employers have to consider:

— The loudness of the noise, as measured in decibels
— The duration of exposure to the noise
— How many sources generate loud noises

Audiometric testing monitors an employee’s hearing:

over time

Acute silicosis occurs after a few months or as long as 2 years following exposures to ________ concentrations of respirable crystalline silica.

extremely high

Symptoms of silicosis ____________ , so workers should have a chest x-ray to see if there is lung damage.

may or may not be obvious

Which of the following is an element of a hearing conservation program?

— Engineering and Administrative Controls
— Noise monitoring
— Hearing protection to be used

Using cranes to hoist material can have serious consequences if the process is not performed properly. Because of this, the following is required:

— A certified crane operator must be used.
— Rigging must be inspected prior to use, be in good shape and have the tag attached.
— A Qualified Rigger is responsible for connecting the crane to the material to be hoisted.

True or False: Once a fall protection device has been inspected by a competent person and deemed safe for use by an employee, it is up to the employee to inspect it regularly and ensure that it still meets OSHA requirements.


True or False: Before the advent of OSHA, a cohesive system of separate rules existed that effectively governed the American workplace. These rules were combined under the umbrella of OSHA.


Which industries are employees potentially exposed to silica dust:

— Stone and glass industries
— Construction
— Mining industries

Anytime an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must:

be attached to known ground

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet:

They must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS)

In noisy jobsites, these are often used to provide instructions to crane and derrick operators:

Hand signals

Since its implementation in 1971, OSHA has:

— Helped cut work-related fatalities nearly in half and cut excavation and trenching fatalities by more than a third
–Helped reduce workplace injuries and illnesses by 40 percent (Your Answer)
— Almost eliminated brown-lung disease from the textile industry

Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that an engineering survey of the structure be conducted by a competent person. The purpose of this survey is:

determine the condition of the structure so that measures can be taken, if necessary, to prevent the premature collapse of any portion of the structure

Two of the main differences between the hydraulic rough terrain crane and the crawler lattice boom friction crane are:

boom hoist, load line controls

True or False: Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards how to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them, and must also prepare a written certification that identifies the employee trained and the date of the training.


The most effective way to prevent exposure to crystalline silica is:

Substitution of a product that contains silica with a product that doesn’t contain silica

D. All answer choices are correct (correct answer)

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Which of the following is a resource within the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues?

A. Union representatives
B. Co-workers
C. Labels and warning signs
D. All answer choices are correct

A. Hazardous chemicals (correct answer)

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A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) gives information about:

A. Hazardous chemicals
B. Injuries in the workplace
C. Machinery maintenance
D. Medical examinations

B. Inform your supervisor or manager (correct answer)

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When you notice a safety hazard, what should your first step be?

A. File a report with OSHA
B. Inform your supervisor or manager
C. Call the police department
D. Quit your job

A. Use these programs to discourage employees from exercising their right to report injuries and illnesses (correct answer)

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Though employers are allowed to use appropriate disciplinary, incentive, or drug-testing programs, what are they not allowed to do?

A. Use these programs to discourage employees from exercising their right to report injuries and illnesses
B. Use these programs in an effort to improve workplace safety
C. Reward employees for adhering to policies
D. Discipline employees for adhering to safety protocols

B. General Duty Clause (correct answer)

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Where no specific standards apply to a workplace situation, employers must follow the ____________.

A. 1910 Clause
B. General Duty Clause
D. Regulation 1926

B. 30 (correct answer)

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If you have been punished or discriminated against for using your rights, you must file a complaint with OSHA within how many days of the alleged reprisal for most complaints?

A. 20
B. 30
C. 60
D. 90

B. No (correct answer)

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An employer informs its employees that it will hold a substantial cash prize drawing for each work group at the end of each month in which all members of the work group comply with applicable safety rules, such as wearing required fall protection. Doug sustains a lost-time injury when he falls from a platform while not wearing required fall protection. Doug’s employer cancelled the cash prize drawing for Doug’s work group that month because Doug failed to wear required fall protection. The employer actively monitors its workforce for compliance with applicable work rules and cancels the cash prize drawings when it discovers work rule violations regardless of whether the employee who violated the work rule also reported an injury. Did the employer use an incentive program to retaliate against Doug?

A. Yes
B. No

A. Yes (correct answer)

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Though Simon followed all safety protocols, he was injured at work because a machine was not properly guarded. Even though there is no reasonable belief that drug use contributed to the employee’s injury, his employer required him to take a drug test after he reported the injury. Did the employer misuse a drug testing program against Simon for reporting an injury?

A. Yes
B. No

A. Yes (correct answer)

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Perla twists her ankle at work but because her ankle is not sore or swollen does not immediately realize that she is injured. Therefore, she does not immediately report the injury to her employer. The next morning, Perla’s ankle is sore and swollen, and she realizes she has the kind of injury she is required to report to her employer so she reports the injury that day. Perla is disciplined for failing to report her injury “immediately” as required by the employer’s injury reporting rules. Did the employer misuse a disciplinary program against Perla for reporting an injury?

A. Yes
B. No

B. Contact the employer by phone, fax, or email (correct answer)

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A worker has submitted a complaint online that is non-serious in nature. How will OSHA most likely respond?

A. Conduct a worksite inspection
B. Contact the employer by phone, fax, or email

A. Section 11 (c) of the OSH Act (correct answer)

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The right of workers to seek safety and health on the job without fear of punishment is spelled out in:

A. Section 11 (c) of the OSH Act
B. State laws
C. The General Duty Clause
D. The OSHA standards

A. Conduct a worksite inspection (correct answer)

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A worker has filed a complaint regarding a serious hazard that could result in a fatality or serious injury. How will OSHA most likely respond?

A. Conduct a worksite inspection
B. Contact the employer by phone, fax, or email

A. Have a worker representative accompany an inspector on an inspection, find out about inspection results and abatement measures, and object to the date set for a violation to be corrected (correct answer)

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When an inspection is conducted in your workplace, you have certain rights. What are these rights?

A. Have a worker representative accompany an inspector on an inspection, find out about inspection results and abatement measures, and object to the date set for a violation to be corrected
B. Have a worker representative conduct the inspection, find out about inspection results and abatement measures, and object to the date set for a violation to be corrected
C. Have a worker representative accompany an inspector on an inspection, find out about inspection results and abatement measures, and object to the inspection

B. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (correct answer)

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What organization is OSHA’s sister agency that focuses on research and training and also conducts Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)?

A. National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH)
B. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
C. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
D. OSHA Training Institute Education Center (OTIEC)

C. An opening conference, a walkthrough, a closing conference (correct answer)

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There are three parts to an OSHA inspection. What are they?

A. An opening conference, a fine, a closing conference
B. An opening conference, a paperwork review, a closing conference
C. An opening conference, a walkthrough, a closing conference
D. An opening conference, an interview, a closing conference

Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. Electric shock occurs when:

Your body becomes part of the circuit

Workers need to take which of the following common-sense steps to protect themselves from falls through skylights and roof and floor openings?

— Never sit on, lean against, or step on a skylight lens or any covering placed over a hole in a roof or floor
— Guard or securely cover all holes created or uncovered before leaving a work area
— Always use a PFAS when working over an unguarded or uncovered opening more than six feet above a lower level

The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are:

Workplace and engineering controls

The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and:

suspended scaffolds

Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must:

— Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade
— Move the personnel platform slowly and cautiously and have rotation-resistant rope with a safety factor of 10
— Have all brakes and locking devices set when the occupied personnel platform is in stationary position

If the use of a power tool can result in flying sparks, metal shavings, wood chips, splashes, or other debris, workers should:

Protect themselves by wearing proper PPE

OSHA defines an excavation as:

Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal

A training program to teach proper lifting techniques should cover:

— Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk
— The use of safe lifting postures and timing

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

wrecking balls and jackhammers

OSHA’s electrical standards are based on:

the NEC

What are the four main types of electrical injuries?

Electrocution, electric shock, burns, indirect (e.g., a fall from a ladder)

A shock’s severity depends on:

— Length of exposure to electricity
— The amount of current and its frequency
— The current’s path

Electrical burns are the most serious of the three major types of burns, and most often occur:

On the hands, from direct contact with current

Hot wires, ungrounded wires that can cause a shock if you touch them, are usually:

black or red

More than 50 percent of electrocutions are caused by a worker coming in direct contact with:

energized power lines

The OSHA standard requires flexible cords to be rated for:

Hard or extra hard usage

What is the most frequent violation of OSHA electrical standards?

improper grounding of circuitry and equipment

The three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are:

recognize, evaluate and control

All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be:

Removed and tagged “Do Not Use”

If you have a three-prong plug and a two-hole receptacle, it is acceptable to:

Use an adapter with an adapter wire connected to known ground

All hazards involved in the use of power tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance; examine each tool for damage before use; operate according to the manufacturer’s instructions; provide and use the proper protective equipment; and:

use the right tool for the job

Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more must be:

guarded against electrical contact

While any employee is exposed to contact with parts of electric equipment or circuits that have been de-energized, the circuits energizing the parts shall be:

Locked out or tagged out or both

Low voltage does not mean low hazard.


The two best means of avoiding electrical shock or injury when working with power tools are:

Insulation and grounding

The majority of today’s power line accidents occur because:

Of failure to maintain proper work distances

A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protects workers from shock by:

Matching the amount of current going into an electrical device against the amount returning from the device and shutting down power if a ground fault is detected

AEGCP’s are implemented on construction sites to oversee:

— All cord sets
— Cord sets and equipment connected by plug and cord
— Receptacles that are not part of a building or structure

The OSHA standard mandates that any time a worker is at a height of six feet or more, the worker is at risk and needs to be protected. Most fatalities, however, happen when workers fall from:


Employers must ensure that all walking and working surfaces have the structural integrity to:

Support workers safely

Controlled access zones serve a dual purpose – they allow specially trained individuals (such as masons) to operate without traditional fall protection within a certain area, and:

They keep unauthorized individuals out

A system used to arrest a worker in a fall from a working level that consists of an anchorage, connectors, a body belt or body harness, and may include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or suitable combinations of these is called a:

Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS)

When no other alternative fall protection has been implemented, the employer shall implement a safety monitoring system. Employers must:

Ensure that the safety monitor is a competent person knowledgeable about fall protection

At holes, guardrail systems must be set up:

On all unprotected sides and edges

The top edge of a guardrail must be from 39 to 45 inches above the walking/working level, and there must also be a means of protection from:

Falling objects between top rail and walking surface

Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards:

How to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them

Safety nets must be strong enough to support workers who fall, and must:

Have small enough mesh openings that employee doesn’t fall through net itself

Approximately 75 percent of struck-by fatalities involve:

Heavy equipment such as cranes or trucks

It is preferable not to drive a vehicle in reverse if you have an obstructed rear view, but if you do, make sure:

Vehicle has an audible reverse alarm

Workers are most at risk from falling objects when standing or working:

— under scaffolds
— under cranes
— wherever overhead work is being performed

To prevent injury from flying debris, use safety glasses, goggles, face shields, etc., where machines or tools may cause flying particles; and always inspect tools, such as saws and lathes, to ensure that:

The protective guards are in good condition and firmly attached

Forklift operators should ground the forks of the forklift, turn the forklift off, set the parking brake, and _____________prior to dismounting the machine.

neutralize controls

If a machine has an exposed pulley and conveyor but the portion of it that is exposed is well underneath the machine, the employer:

Must ensure all exposed and accessible sections of the machine are guarded

One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them is a/n ______________:

competent person

Providing worker training on the safe use of the equipment being operated is the responsibility of the:


To protect against caught-in or -between hazards, a worker should not only avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry, but also a worker should avoid:

Performing maintenance or adjustment on equipment/machinery that hasn’t been locked-out

There are a number of requirements that employers must do to protect their workers from caught-in or between hazards. Which of these is required if the worker’s body, hands or clothing may come into contact with moving parts?

Provide guards on power tools and other equipment with moving parts

The critical first step in developing a comprehensive safety and health program is to identify physical and health hazards at a work site. This process is known as:

A hazard assessment

OSHA requires that many categories of PPE meet or be equivalent to standards developed by:

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

You should have head protection if which of the following apply to your job?

— Objects might fall from above
— There are low-hanging pipes or beams
— There are exposed electrical hazards

In general, head protection should do which of the following?

— Resist penetration by objects and absorb the shock of a blow
— Be water-resistant and slow burning
— Have clear instructions explaining proper adjustment and replacement of the suspension and headband

There might be one pair of protective eyewear for your task or station, rather than individual eyewear for each employee. If this is the approach at your job site, then:

You must clean and disinfect the eyewear between each use

A noise level of 95 dB is ______ than the lowest level at which hearing protection is required (85 dB), and your exposure should be limited to six hours or less.

Ten times louder than

Safety footwear has to meet minimum compression and impact performance standards, set by:

ASTM F-2412-2005

Gloves that are chemically resistant are usually made from:

rubber or plastic

True or False: Full-body protection is sometimes made from materials such as duck, paper-like fiber, or rubberized fabrics, depending upon the hazard.


Before the start of each work shift, it is mandatory that:

A competent person inspects the scaffold before the start of each work shift

The first step in building a scaffold is to:

Conduct a site inspection

A scaffold must be erected “plumb, square, and level,” because:

If a scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift, potentially causing the overloading of one leg and the eventual collapse of the scaffold

OSHA 1926.454(c) states: When an employer has reason to believe that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall:

Retrain each such employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained

When dismantling a scaffold, all work should be conducted:

From the top down

Tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet high must be designed by:

registered professional engineer

What type of scaffold – other than the tube and coupler scaffold – is ideal for use around complex structures?

a system scaffold

This scaffold is simply a rope attached to a harness with an assembly like a boatswain’s chair for the worker to sit in.

Suspension scaffold

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet, they must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). The type of fall protection required will depend upon:

The type of scaffold

The four main causes of crane accidents are contact with power lines, overturns, falls and mechanical failure. Two other errors mentioned in this module that often lead to trouble are:

Improper maintenance and failure to conduct regular inspections

No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of a crane or derrick should ever be made without:

The manufacturer’s written approval, which should be kept on file

Truck-mounted and rough terrain cranes are both forms of a mobile crane, and both use which of the following to increase their stability?


Rated load capacities, recommended operating speeds, and special hazard warnings or instructions must be:

Conspicuously posted on the crane, where the crane operator can see them while he is at his control station

The four lifting principles that govern a crane’s mobility and safety during lifting operations are:

Center of gravity, leverage, stability and structural integrity

Employees working in the vicinity of a crane must take care to avoid what kind of accident?

“Struck by”

Personnel hoisting platforms must be designed by:

A qualified engineer, or another competent specialist qualified in structural design

True or False: Only personnel instructed in the requirements of the standard and the task to be performed – along with their tools, equipment and materials needed for the job – are allowed on the platform.


If the hoist tower is not enclosed, the hoist platform or car must be totally enclosed on all sides for the full height between the floor and:

The overhead protective covering

The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from:

misuse and improper maintenance

Power tools should never be carried by the cord or hose or be yanked from a receptacle by the cord or hose; and cords and hoses should be kept away from:

Heat, oil, sharp edges

Sharp, abrasive, pinching, or otherwise hazardous moving parts of power tools:

Must have protective guard to prevent contact with workers

Before an abrasive wheel is mounted, it should be inspected closely and:

Sound- or ring-tested to ensure that it is free from cracks or defects

Neither the operator nor anyone else should ever stand directly in front of the wheel of an abrasive power tool as it accelerates to full operating speed. Why?

Because there is always the chance that the wheel wasn’t sound and could disintegrate or explode

Pneumatic tools are powered by:

Compressed air

Powder-actuated tools are extremely dangerous, with a “firing” mechanism similar to that of:

A loaded gun

If a powder-actuated tool misfires, the employee should:

Wait at least 30 seconds, then try firing again

All jacks – lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic jacks – must have a device that stops them from:

Jacking up too high (a stop indicator)

OSHA defines a trench as:

A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width – with the width not to exceed 15 feet

True or False: There is usually some form of warning before a cave-in.


OSHA requires that all excavations in which employees could potentially be exposed to cave-ins be protected by one or more of the following three methods:

Sloping, benching, shoring, shielding

The formula for all simple slope excavations 20 feet (6.11 meters) or less deep states that for every foot of depth, the trench must be excavated back:

1 and 1/2 feet

Trench boxes or shields must be designed or approved by:

a registered professional engineer

Shoring or shielding is most often used when:

The location or the depth of the excavation makes sloping back to the maximum allowable slope impractical

As mentioned in this module, in addition to cave-ins and related hazards, workers involved in excavation work also are exposed to hazards involving:

Falls, falling loads and mobile equipment

Employees are prohibited from working above other employees on the face of a sloped or benched excavation unless:

Workers on lower level have overhead protection from falling objects

To prevent surface water from entering an excavation and to provide adequate drainage of the adjacent area, OSHA standards require the use of:

Water removal equipment, diversion ditches, dikes, or other suitable methods

In the case of materials handling, storage, use and disposal, remember that the main hazards are injuries from:

— Improper lifting and carrying
— Being struck by materials or caught in pinch points
— Being crushed by improperly stored materials

Because the number of injuries from operating powered industrial trucks was on the rise, the OSHA standard for Powered Industrial Trucks was revised March 1, 1999. OSHA promulgated the Final Rule for Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training [29 CFR 1910.178(1)], which:

— Requires operator training and licensing as well as periodic evaluations of operator performance
— Requires operators to take and pass a written and road test (similar to a driver’s education) before they can operate the forklift.

Operators must complete three separate aspects of powered industrial truck training: formal training, practice training, and:


To adhere to fire safety precautions, flammable and combustible materials must be stored according to:

Their fire characteristics

General safety principles that can help reduce workplace accidents include:

— Work practices
— Ergonomic principles
— Training and education

Material handling tasks should be designed to minimize _________ of the given activity.

— the weight
— the range of motion
— the frequency

Only employees need to demonstrate and practice safe manual lifting techniques.


Manual materials is the most common category of compensable injuries in the United States work force, with four out of five of those injuries involving:

the lower back

When manually moving materials, employees should always try to lift it alone if a load is so bulky it cannot be properly grasped or lifted, when they cannot see around or over it, or when a load cannot be safely handled.


Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that:

an engineering survey be conducted

One of the most important elements of the pre-job planning is:

the location of all utility services

Proper equipment for prompt transportation of an injured worker, as well as a communication system to contact any necessary ambulance service, must be available:

on the work site

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

wrecking balls, jackhammers

Prestressed concrete is:

A structural material with tensioned steel strands embedded inside, which compress the concrete and give it extra strength

Simple pretensioned beams and slabs of spans up to about 7 meters (23 feet):

Can be demolished in a manner similar to ordinary reinforced concrete

True or False: Electrical detonators can be inadvertently triggered by stray RF (radio frequency) signals from two-way radios


A blaster is:

A competent person who uses explosives

All vehicles used for the transportation of explosives shall have tight floors, and any exposed spark-producing metal on the inside of the body shall be:

Covered with wood or other non-sparking material

All explosives must be accounted for at all times, and all not being used must be kept in a:

locked magazine

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom) is designed to ensure that information about __________and associated protective measures is disseminated.

Hazardous chemicals

Chemical manufacturers and importers must convey the hazard information they learn from their evaluations to downstream employers by means of labels on containers and:

Safety Data Sheet

Under the new HAZCOM/GHS requirements for Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s) they must now have 16 total Sections.


Employers must provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area:

— At the time of their initial assignment
— Whenever a new hazardous chemical is introduced into their work area

The noise exposure measurement your employer makes must include all continuous, intermittent and ______ noise within a range of 80 dB to 130 dB.


To determine whether employees need hearing protection, employers have to consider:

— The loudness of the noise, as measured in decibels
— The duration of exposure to the noise
— How many sources generate loud noises

Audiometric testing monitors an employee’s hearing:

over time

Acute silicosis occurs after a few months or as long as 2 years following exposures to ________ concentrations of respirable crystalline silica.

extremely high

Symptoms of silicosis ____________ , so workers should have a chest x-ray to see if there is lung damage.

may or may not be obvious

Which of the following is an element of a hearing conservation program?

— Engineering and Administrative Controls
— Noise monitoring
— Hearing protection to be used

Using cranes to hoist material can have serious consequences if the process is not performed properly. Because of this, the following is required:

— A certified crane operator must be used.
— Rigging must be inspected prior to use, be in good shape and have the tag attached.
— A Qualified Rigger is responsible for connecting the crane to the material to be hoisted.

True or False: Once a fall protection device has been inspected by a competent person and deemed safe for use by an employee, it is up to the employee to inspect it regularly and ensure that it still meets OSHA requirements.


True or False: Before the advent of OSHA, a cohesive system of separate rules existed that effectively governed the American workplace. These rules were combined under the umbrella of OSHA.


Which industries are employees potentially exposed to silica dust:

— Stone and glass industries
— Construction
— Mining industries

Anytime an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must:

be attached to known ground

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet:

They must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS)

In noisy jobsites, these are often used to provide instructions to crane and derrick operators:

Hand signals

Since its implementation in 1971, OSHA has:

— Helped cut work-related fatalities nearly in half and cut excavation and trenching fatalities by more than a third
–Helped reduce workplace injuries and illnesses by 40 percent (Your Answer)
— Almost eliminated brown-lung disease from the textile industry

Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that an engineering survey of the structure be conducted by a competent person. The purpose of this survey is:

determine the condition of the structure so that measures can be taken, if necessary, to prevent the premature collapse of any portion of the structure

Two of the main differences between the hydraulic rough terrain crane and the crawler lattice boom friction crane are:

boom hoist, load line controls

True or False: Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards how to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them, and must also prepare a written certification that identifies the employee trained and the date of the training.


The most effective way to prevent exposure to crystalline silica is:

Substitution of a product that contains silica with a product that doesn’t contain silica

OSHA 10 Module 1 Pretest Answers

1. The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is:

A. To secure fair compensation for workers who have been injured in accidents
B. To enforce the federal regulations that ensure that business is conducted in an ethical manner
C. To send every worker home whole and healthy every day
D. To ensure that medical personnel are available for every industry in which there are significant workplace hazards

2. Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. Electric shock occurs when:

A. The body becomes part of the circuit
B. The circuit becomes part of the conductor
C. Electricity jumps its normal path and strikes a person
D. Static electricity gathers outside the circuit

3. Workers need to take which of the following common-sense steps to protect themselves from falls through skylights and roof and floor openings?

A. Never sit on, lean against, or step on a skylight lens or any covering placed over a hole in a roof or floor
B. Guard or securely cover all holes created or uncovered before leaving a work area
C. Always use a PFAS when working over an unguarded or uncovered opening more than six feet above a lower level
D. All of the above

4. The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are:

A. Correct answer Special care and training incentives
B. Special operations and avoidance techniques
C. Workplace and engineering controls
D. Alertness and reaction time testing

5. The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and:

A. Tubular scaffolds
B. Bamboo scaffolds
C. Suspended scaffolds
D. Rope-ladder scaffolds

6. Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must:

A. Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade
B. Move the personnel platform slowly and cautiously and have a rotation-resistant rope with a safety factor of 10
C. Have all brakes and locking devices set when the occupied personnel platform is in stationary position
D. All of the above

7. If the use of a power tool can result in flying sparks, metal shavings, wood chips, splashes, or other debris, workers should:

A. Protect themselves by wearing the proper PPE
B. Find a more appropriate tool that doesn’t cause debris to fly
C. Wear goggles or safety spectacles
D. Stop using the tool

8. OSHA defines an excavation as:

A. Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal
B. A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width – with the width not to exceed 15 feet
C. Any square or rectangular trench with a width that does not exceed 15 feet
D. A hole of any shape with a depth that exceeds 15 feet

9. A training program to teach proper lifting techniques should cover:

A. Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk
B. The use of safe lifting postures and timing
C. Both A and B
D. Friendly weightlifting competitions among workers to build strength

10. Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

A. Wrecking balls or jackhammers
B. Remote detonators to implode a structure
C. Explosives
D. Armed robots

OSHA 10 Module 2 Answers

Most OSHA electrical safety guidelines and regulations for construction are contained in Subpart K, CFR 1926, Which is based on:

The National Electrical code

How easy or difficult it is for electricity to flow through a material measured in ohms


electrical pressure( measured of electrical force)


The volume or intensity of the electrical flow


Electrical movement ( measured in amps)


The complete path of the current; includes the electricity source, the conductor, and the output device ( such as tool, light etc.)


Meaured in Ohms; the resistance of a material to the flow of electricity.


Material with little resistance


A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth.


Material with high resistance to electricity; often used to prevent electricity from getting to unwanted places.

What Causes a shock

A shock ocurs when your body becomes part of or completes a circuit

Shocks can occur when your body completes the path with:

1. Both wires of an electric circuit 2. One wire of an energized circuit and the ground 3. A metal part that accidentally becomes energized 4. Another conductor that is carrying a current

How does electricity Travel

Electriicty travels in a closed circuit

What are four of the most common types of Electrical injuries

Four of the most common types of electrical injuries are. 1. burns 2. Electrical shock 3. Falls 4. Electrocution

Electrical accidents are usually caused by a combination of three factors:

1. Unsafe equipment and/ or installation 2. Workplace made unsafe by the environment( think electrical equipment in a rain storm) 3. Unsafe work practicess

Electrical Burn occurs

When heat is generated by the flow of electrical current through the body, thus causing tissue damage.

Arc or Flash burns occurs

when electrical arc or explosion occurs with enough intensity to burn someone nearby

thermal contact burns are caused

By skin coming in contact with overheated electrical equipment, or when clothing ignites from a spark or other electrical incident.

Conductor Insulation may be provided by

Placing nonconductive material such as plastic around the conductor.

Insulators help stop what

Insulators help stop or reduce the flow of electrical current,which in turn helps prevent shocks, short circuits, and fires.

Insulated conductor wire are usually what color


Grounding conducting wire are usually what color


A green wire or a green wire with yellow stripes is used to indicate what

An insulated grounding wire

what does GFCI Stand for

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

what does NEC stand for

National Electrical Code

Whats the most common OSHA electrical violation

Impoper grounding of circuitry and equipment

what are the two kinds of grounding

1. Electrical circuit or system grounding 2. Electrical equipment grounding.

what is the three stage safe model

Recognize, evaluate and control hazards

Live parts of electric equipment must be _________ against accidental contact


Fuse and circuit breakers must be so located or shielded that employees will not:

Be burned or otherwise injured by their operation e:g., arcing

why is lockout/ tag out an essential safety procdeure

because it protects workers from injury while working on or near electrical circuits and equipment.

OSHA electrical standards are based on


What are the four main types of electrical injuries

1. Electrocution 2. Electic shock 3. Burns 4. indirect ( Fall from a ladder)

electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor, and electrical shock occurs when.

the body becomes part of the circuit

a shock severity depends on

1. Length of exposure to electricity 2. the amount of current and its frequency 3. the current path

Electrical burns arethe most serious of the three major types of burns, and most often occur

On the hands, from direct contact with current

Hot wires ungrounded wires that can cause a shock if you touch them, are usually what color

Black or red

More than 50 percent of electrocutions are caused by a worker coming in direct contact with

Engerized power lines

The OSHA standard requires flexible cords to be rated for

hard or extra hard usage

What is the most frequent violation of OSHA electrical standards

Improper grounding of circuitry and equipment

Whats the three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are

Recognize, evaluate and control

all portable electric tools that are damaged shall be

Removed from use and tagged “do not use”

If you have a three prong plug and a two hole receptacle, it is acceptable to

use an adapter with an adapter wire connected to a known gorund

What are the five basic safety rules

1. Keep tools in good condition with regular maintenance 2. Examine each tool for damage before use 3. Operate according to the manufacture’s instruction 4. Provide and use the proper protective equipment 5. Use the right tool for the job

While any employee is exposed to contact with parts of electric equipment or circuits that have been de-energized, the circuits energizing the parts shall be

Locked out or tagged out or both

true or False Low voltage does not mean low hazard


The two best means of avoiding electrical shock or injury when working with power tools are

Insulation and grounding

The majority of today’s power line accidents occur because

of failure to maintain proper work distance

A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protects workers from shock by

Matching the amount of current going into an electrical device against the amount returning from the device and shutting down power if a ground fault is detected

AEGCP are implemented on construction sites to oversee

1. all cord sets 2. Cord sets and equipment’s connected by plug or cord 3. Receptacles that are not part of a building or structure

Introduction To OSHA Answers

Question 1: Is Adrian Smith, one of 3 employees of ABC Landscaping, covered by OSHA?

A. Yes

Question 2: Is Taylor Dell, an accountant in business for herself, covered by OSHA?

B. No

Question 3: Is Rob Jones, one of 10 carpenters working for Woody, Inc., covered by OSHA?

A. Yes

Question 4: Why was OSHA necessary?
A. Workplace injuries, illnesses and death were increasing
B. No uniform or Comprehensive law existed to protect against workplace hazards
C. None of the Above
D. Both A and B

D. Both A and B

Question 5: What is OSHA’s mission?
A. To save lives
B. To prevent injuries
C. Protect the health of America’s workers
D. All the answers are correct

D. All the answers are correct

Question 6: Why is this training important?
A. You’ll know your rights if there are hazards in your workplace.
B. You’ll know where to get help.
C. You’ll know if your employer is complying with OSHA standards.
D. All of the answers are correct

D. All of the answers are correct

Question 1: What are some of the things you might find on an SDS?
A. Chemical Name
B. You’ll know where to get help
C. Fire and Explosion hazards
D. Precautions for safe use and handling
E. All of the Above

E. All of the Above

Question 2: What are some worker rights related to injury and illness reporting?
A. Know how to report injuries/illnesses, see the annual summary and review the log
B. Right to file a complaint
C. Right to participate in an OSHA inspection
D. None of the answers

A. Know how to report injuries/illnesses, see the annual summary and review the log

Question 3: Some standards or hazards where workers must be trained are?
A. Personal Protective Equipment
B. Hazards Communication
C. Lockout/Tagout
D. All the answers are correct

D. All the answers are correct

Question 1: What are some of the responsibilities employers have related to OSHA recordkeeping?
A. Must set up a reporting system
B. Inform workers of how to report
C. Maintain an OSHA 300 Log and make it available to workers
D. Post the annual summary
E. Report any worker fatalities and hospitalizations to OSHA
F. All of the Above

F. All of the Above

Question 2: Which section of the OSH Act prohibits employers from discriminating against workers for exercising their safety and health rights?

Section 11 ( c )

Question 3: What are some types of PPE that employers must pay for?
A. Hardhat
B. Hearing protection
C. Goggles
D. Rubber boots with steel toes
E. Fire fighting PPE
F. All of the above

F. All of the above

Question 1: What is the General Industry Subpart for Personal Protection Equipment?

Subpart I

Question 2: What is the General Industry Subpart for Fire Protection?

Subpart L

Question 3: What topic does 1910, Subpart G cover?

Occupational Health and Environmental Control

Question 4: What are the OSHA Construction standards also called?

Part 1926

Question 5: What are the General Industry standards also called?

Part 1910

Question 6: What are 29 CFR Parts 1915, 1917, and 1918 referred to as?

Maritime Industry Standards

Question 1: If a worker files a complaint, if there is a fatality, or if there is an imminent danger situation, OSHA would ______________.

Conduct an inspection

Question 2: What are the types of OSHA violations?
A. Willful
B. Serious
C. Other-Than-Serious
D. Repeated
E. Criminal/Willful
F. All of the Above

F. All of the Above

Question 1: What are some resources inside the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues? (Select all the answers that apply)

A. Co-workers
B. Supervisor
D. Labels
E. Manuals

Question 2: What are some resources outside the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues?

C. Community Organizations
D. Educational Centers

Quiz Question 1: OSHA’s mission is to:

Protect the safety and health of America’s workers

Quiz Question 2: The creation of OSHA provided this important right to workers:

The right to a safe and healthful workplace

Quiz Question 3: A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) gives information about:

Hazardous Chemicals

Quiz Question 4: Among the rights related to OSHA recordkeeping, workers have the right to review:

The OSHA 300 Log and the OSHA 300A Summary

Quiz Question 5: During an OSHA inspection:

You have the right to talk to the inspector privately.

Quiz Question 6: The right of workers to seek safety and health on the job without fear of punishment is spelled out in:

Section 11(c) of the OSH Act

Quiz Question 7: One of the main responsibilities employers have under OSHA is to:

Provide training required by OSHA standards.

Quiz Question 8: OSHA requires that employers pay for most required personal protective equipment (PPE), including:

Hard hats

Quiz Question 9: The OSHA standards for Construction and General Industry are also known as:

Part 1926 and Part 1910

Quiz Question 10: What type of OSHA inspection is conducted when immediate death or serious harm is likely?

Imminent danger

Quiz Question 11: When the employer receives an OSHA citation, it must be:

Posted for 3 days or until the violation is fixed

Quiz Question 12: If you feel that an OSHA inspection is needed to get hazards corrected at your workplace, which is your best option?

Submit a written, signed complaint with specific hazard information

OSHA 10 Final Exam Answers

What are two US government agencies that are good resources for safety and health information?


OSHA requires fall protection when working near the edge of a trench or excavation that is _________ or more in depth.

6 feet

3. Every supported scaffold and its components must support, without failure, its own weight and at least _______ the intended load.

4 times

4. During an OSHA inspection:

You have the right to talk to the inspector privately

5. The OSHA standards for Construction and General Industry are found in:

Parts 1926 and 1910

6. When the employer receives an OSHA citation, it must be:

Posted for 3 days or until the violation is fixed

7. What does OSHA require employers to post for 3 days?

OSHA citations and abatement verification notices

8. What section of the OSH Act does the Whistleblower Program reference?

Section 11(c)

9. OSHA requires fall protection at different heights for construction and general industry however, regardless of the fall distance, which of the following is most

A. Fall protection must be provided when working over dangerous equipment B. Fall protection must be provided when working over dangerous machinery C. Both A and B are correct D. None of the above

10. Employees must not work on scaffold surfaces until:

It is determined to have strength and structural integrity to support intended loads

11. From your choices below, what would you consider to be a “major” fall hazard in construction?

A. Roof edges and floor openings B. Steel erection C. Improper scaffold construction D. Unsafe use of portable ladders E. All the above

12. Climbing on the cross braces of scaffolds is allowed:


13. If there are defects found during the inspection of personal fall protection equipment, or if the equipment has been used in an arrest, it must be:

Removed immediately from service

14. More than 33% of fatalities in construction are from a combination of falls from:


15. Examples of fall hazards that have resulted in deaths on the jobsite include:

A. Falls to the ground or lower levels B. Falls through existing floor or roof openings C. Falls through the floor or roof surface D. Falls on the same level E. All the above

16. How can YOU prevent a fall from a ladder?

A. Choose the right ladder for the job B. Tie the top and bottom of the ladder to fixed points when necessary C. Don’t carry tools or other materials in-hand while climbing the ladder D. All the above

17. Three major components of a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) include; anchor and the anchorage connector; full body harness; and:

Connecting device (lanyard with shock absorber/retractable lifeline, snap hooks)

18. When using scaffolds, make sure there is which of the following?

A. Safe and compliant access and egress B. Full planking C. Stable footing D. Guard railing E. All of the above

19. Preventing fall hazards is a critical part of the construction planning process. Controls to mitigate fall hazards include installing which of the following?

A. Guardrails B. Walls C. Protective covers D. Parapets E. All of the above

20. OSHA requires fall protection at different heights for construction and general industry however, regardless of the fall distance, which of the following is most correct?

A. Fall protection must be provided when working over dangerous equipment B. Fall protection must be provided when working over dangerous machinery C. Both A and B are correct D. None of the above

21. D-rings and snap-hooks must have a minimum tensile strength of:

5,000 pounds

22. Horizontal lifelines shall be designed, installed, and used under the supervision of a _______ as part of a complete personal fall arrest system, which maintains a safety factor of at least two.

Qualified Person

23. Preventing fall hazards is a critical part of the construction planning process. Controls to mitigate fall hazards include installing which of the following?

A. Guardrails B. Walls C. Protective covers D. Parapets E. All of the above

24. Where there is no specific OSHA standard, employers must comply with the OSH Act’s:

General Duty Clause

25. Typically, how long does an employee have to file a complaint with OSHA, when the employee has been discriminated against for reporting a safety or health hazard?

30 days

26. True or False: OSHA standards appear in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).


27. True or False: A worker or worker representative can file a complaint about a safety or health hazard in the workplace.


28. Employers covered by OSHA’s standards must display an “It’s the Law” poster. What does this poster address?

Safety and health information

29. Which of following would be best to have when consulting a medical professional about possible exposure to a harmful chemical?

Safety Data Sheet for the chemical

30. The CFR Parts, such as Part 1926 for Construction, are further broken down into ___________, which group together specific and detailed standards.


31. Which of the following is a type of OSHA violation?

D. All of the above

Employers are allowed to use appropriate disciplinary, incentive, or drug-testing programs in the workplace. However, there are some limitations to how these programs can be used so ensure they are not being used to retaliate against employees who report issues. From the options presented, select the answer option that bests represents this philosophy.

These programs cannot be used to discourage employees from exercising their right to report injuries and illnesses.

32. Among the rights related to OSHA recordkeeping, workers have the right to review:

OSHA 300 Logs and OSHA 300A Summaries

33. Who does OSHA recommend you first bring a workplace safety or health concern to?

Your employer

34. True or False: OSHA standards fall into four categories (or Parts): General Industry, Construction, Maritime, and Agriculture.


35. What type of OSHA inspection is conducted when immediate death or serious harm is likely?

Imminent danger

36. True or False: You can request to remain anonymous when OSHA presents a complaint to your employer.


37. The creation of OSHA provided this important right to workers:

The right to a safe and healthful workplace.

38. OSHA requires that employers pay for which of the following personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Hard hats

39. The right of workers to be safe and healthy while on the job, without fear of punishment is spelled out in:

Section 11(c) of the OSH Act

40. When you’ve been assigned a new job or task, be sure to ask about the:

Written procedures and any additional training that may be required

25. One of the main responsibilities employers have, as required by OSHA standards , is to:

Provide training

26. What is OSHA’s mission?

To save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of America’s workers.

27. Which of the following is a way that an employee can contact OSHA?

A. Email B. In person at a local office C. Phone D. All of the above

28. Which groups do NOT come under OSHA’s coverage?

A. Public workers who are employed by state agencies B. Self-Employed workers C. Workers employed by construction companies D. Both A and B

29. Workers must be trained in which of the following?

A. Lockout/Tagout B. Fall Hazards C. Bloodborne Pathogens D. All of the Above

30. The OSH Act covers:

A. All private sector companies B. Manufacturing, Construction, longshoring, agriculture, law, and others C. The self employed D. Both a and b

31. Which of the following industries has the highest fatality rate on an annual basis (1,100 workers per year)?

A. The nuclear industry B. The oil refining industry C. The chemical manufacturing industry D. The construction industry

32. State OSHA plans are plans authorized by Federal OSHA; what is true of these state operated plans?

A. State plans are authorized by Federal OSHA B. State plans must be at least as stringent as the Federal requirements C. State plan programs respond to accidents and employee complaints, like federal OSHA D. All of the above

36. The Fat-Cat report refers to:

A table that contains the weekly summaries of fatalities and catastrophes

SDS (safety data sheets) should contain:

chemical name, hazardous ingredients, physical + chemical characteristics, compatibility, etc

What does NIOSH stand for?

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

What does OSHA stand for?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is:
To send every worker home whole and healthy every day

Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. Electric shock occurs when:
Your body becomes part of the circuit

Workers need to take which of the following common-sense steps to protect themselves from falls through skylights and roof and floor openings?
— Never sit on, lean against, or step on a skylight lens or any covering placed over a hole in a roof or floor
— Guard or securely cover all holes created or uncovered before leaving a work area
— Always use a PFAS when working over an unguarded or uncovered opening more than six feet above a lower level

The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are:
Workplace and engineering controls

The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and:
suspended scaffolds

Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must:
— Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade
— Move the personnel platform slowly and cautiously and have rotation-resistant rope with a safety factor of 10
— Have all brakes and locking devices set when the occupied personnel platform is in stationary position

If the use of a power tool can result in flying sparks, metal shavings, wood chips, splashes, or other debris, workers should:
Protect themselves by wearing proper PPE

OSHA defines an excavation as:
Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal

A training program to teach proper lifting techniques should cover:
— Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk
— The use of safe lifting postures and timing

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:
wrecking balls and jackhammers

OSHA’s electrical standards are based on:
the NEC

What are the four main types of electrical injuries?
Electrocution, electric shock, burns, indirect (e.g., a fall from a ladder)

A shock’s severity depends on:
— Length of exposure to electricity
— The amount of current and its frequency
— The current’s path

Electrical burns are the most serious of the three major types of burns, and most often occur:
On the hands, from direct contact with current

Hot wires, ungrounded wires that can cause a shock if you touch them, are usually:
black or red

More than 50 percent of electrocutions are caused by a worker coming in direct contact with:
energized power lines

The OSHA standard requires flexible cords to be rated for:
Hard or extra hard usage

What is the most frequent violation of OSHA electrical standards?
improper grounding of circuitry and equipment

The three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are:
recognize, evaluate and control

All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be:
Removed and tagged “Do Not Use”

If you have a three-prong plug and a two-hole receptacle, it is acceptable to:
Use an adapter with an adapter wire connected to known ground

All hazards involved in the use of power tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance; examine each tool for damage before use; operate according to the manufacturer’s instructions; provide and use the proper protective equipment; and:
use the right tool for the job

Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more must be:
guarded against electrical contact

While any employee is exposed to contact with parts of electric equipment or circuits that have been de-energized, the circuits energizing the parts shall be:
Locked out or tagged out or both

Low voltage does not mean low hazard.

The two best means of avoiding electrical shock or injury when working with power tools are:
Insulation and grounding

The majority of today’s power line accidents occur because:
Of failure to maintain proper work distances

A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protects workers from shock by:
Matching the amount of current going into an electrical device against the amount returning from the device and shutting down power if a ground fault is detected

AEGCP’s are implemented on construction sites to oversee:
— All cord sets
— Cord sets and equipment connected by plug and cord
— Receptacles that are not part of a building or structure

The OSHA standard mandates that any time a worker is at a height of six feet or more, the worker is at risk and needs to be protected. Most fatalities, however, happen when workers fall from:

Employers must ensure that all walking and working surfaces have the structural integrity to:
Support workers safely

Controlled access zones serve a dual purpose – they allow specially trained individuals (such as masons) to operate without traditional fall protection within a certain area, and:
They keep unauthorized individuals out

A system used to arrest a worker in a fall from a working level that consists of an anchorage, connectors, a body belt or body harness, and may include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or suitable combinations of these is called a:
Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS)

When no other alternative fall protection has been implemented, the employer shall implement a safety monitoring system. Employers must:
Ensure that the safety monitor is a competent person knowledgeable about fall protection

At holes, guardrail systems must be set up:
On all unprotected sides and edges

The top edge of a guardrail must be from 39 to 45 inches above the walking/working level, and there must also be a means of protection from:
Falling objects between top rail and walking surface

Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards:
How to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them

Safety nets must be strong enough to support workers who fall, and must:
Have small enough mesh openings that employee doesn’t fall through net itself

Approximately 75 percent of struck-by fatalities involve:
Heavy equipment such as cranes or trucks

It is preferable not to drive a vehicle in reverse if you have an obstructed rear view, but if you do, make sure:
Vehicle has an audible reverse alarm

Workers are most at risk from falling objects when standing or working:
— under scaffolds
— under cranes
— wherever overhead work is being performed

To prevent injury from flying debris, use safety glasses, goggles, face shields, etc., where machines or tools may cause flying particles; and always inspect tools, such as saws and lathes, to ensure that:
The protective guards are in good condition and firmly attached

Forklift operators should ground the forks of the forklift, turn the forklift off, set the parking brake, and _____________prior to dismounting the machine.
neutralize controls

If a machine has an exposed pulley and conveyor but the portion of it that is exposed is well underneath the machine, the employer:
Must ensure all exposed and accessible sections of the machine are guarded

One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them is a/n __:
competent person

Providing worker training on the safe use of the equipment being operated is the responsibility of the:

To protect against caught-in or -between hazards, a worker should not only avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry, but also a worker should avoid:
Performing maintenance or adjustment on equipment/machinery that hasn’t been locked-out

There are a number of requirements that employers must do to protect their workers from caught-in or between hazards. Which of these is required if the worker’s body, hands or clothing may come into contact with moving parts?
Provide guards on power tools and other equipment with moving parts

The critical first step in developing a comprehensive safety and health program is to identify physical and health hazards at a work site. This process is known as:
A hazard assessment

OSHA requires that many categories of PPE meet or be equivalent to standards developed by:
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

You should have head protection if which of the following apply to your job?
— Objects might fall from above
— There are low-hanging pipes or beams
— There are exposed electrical hazards

In general, head protection should do which of the following?
— Resist penetration by objects and absorb the shock of a blow
— Be water-resistant and slow burning
— Have clear instructions explaining proper adjustment and replacement of the suspension and headband

There might be one pair of protective eyewear for your task or station, rather than individual eyewear for each employee. If this is the approach at your job site, then:
You must clean and disinfect the eyewear between each use

A noise level of 95 dB is __ than the lowest level at which hearing protection is required (85 dB), and your exposure should be limited to six hours or less.
Ten times louder than

Safety footwear has to meet minimum compression and impact performance standards, set by:
ASTM F-2412-2005

Gloves that are chemically resistant are usually made from:
rubber or plastic

True or False: Full-body protection is sometimes made from materials such as duck, paper-like fiber, or rubberized fabrics, depending upon the hazard.

Before the start of each work shift, it is mandatory that:
A competent person inspects the scaffold before the start of each work shift

The first step in building a scaffold is to:
Conduct a site inspection

A scaffold must be erected “plumb, square, and level,” because:
If a scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift, potentially causing the overloading of one leg and the eventual collapse of the scaffold

OSHA 1926.454(c) states: When an employer has reason to believe that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall:
Retrain each such employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained

When dismantling a scaffold, all work should be conducted:
From the top down

Tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet high must be designed by:
registered professional engineer

What type of scaffold – other than the tube and coupler scaffold – is ideal for use around complex structures?
a system scaffold

This scaffold is simply a rope attached to a harness with an assembly like a boatswain’s chair for the worker to sit in.
Suspension scaffold

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet, they must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). The type of fall protection required will depend upon:
The type of scaffold

The four main causes of crane accidents are contact with power lines, overturns, falls and mechanical failure. Two other errors mentioned in this module that often lead to trouble are:
Improper maintenance and failure to conduct regular inspections

No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of a crane or derrick should ever be made without:
The manufacturer’s written approval, which should be kept on file

Truck-mounted and rough terrain cranes are both forms of a mobile crane, and both use which of the following to increase their stability?

Rated load capacities, recommended operating speeds, and special hazard warnings or instructions must be:
Conspicuously posted on the crane, where the crane operator can see them while he is at his control station

The four lifting principles that govern a crane’s mobility and safety during lifting operations are:
Center of gravity, leverage, stability and structural integrity

Employees working in the vicinity of a crane must take care to avoid what kind of accident?
“Struck by”

Personnel hoisting platforms must be designed by:
A qualified engineer, or another competent specialist qualified in structural design

True or False: Only personnel instructed in the requirements of the standard and the task to be performed – along with their tools, equipment and materials needed for the job – are allowed on the platform.

If the hoist tower is not enclosed, the hoist platform or car must be totally enclosed on all sides for the full height between the floor and:
The overhead protective covering

The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from:
misuse and improper maintenance

Power tools should never be carried by the cord or hose or be yanked from a receptacle by the cord or hose; and cords and hoses should be kept away from:
Heat, oil, sharp edges

Sharp, abrasive, pinching, or otherwise hazardous moving parts of power tools:
Must have protective guard to prevent contact with workers

Before an abrasive wheel is mounted, it should be inspected closely and:
Sound- or ring-tested to ensure that it is free from cracks or defects

Neither the operator nor anyone else should ever stand directly in front of the wheel of an abrasive power tool as it accelerates to full operating speed. Why?
Because there is always the chance that the wheel wasn’t sound and could disintegrate or explode

Pneumatic tools are powered by:
Compressed air

Powder-actuated tools are extremely dangerous, with a “firing” mechanism similar to that of:
A loaded gun

If a powder-actuated tool misfires, the employee should:
Wait at least 30 seconds, then try firing again

All jacks – lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic jacks – must have a device that stops them from:
Jacking up too high (a stop indicator)

OSHA defines a trench as:
A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width – with the width not to exceed 15 feet

True or False: There is usually some form of warning before a cave-in.

OSHA requires that all excavations in which employees could potentially be exposed to cave-ins be protected by one or more of the following three methods:
Sloping, benching, shoring, shielding

The formula for all simple slope excavations 20 feet (6.11 meters) or less deep states that for every foot of depth, the trench must be excavated back:
1 and 1/2 feet

Trench boxes or shields must be designed or approved by:
a registered professional engineer

Shoring or shielding is most often used when:
The location or the depth of the excavation makes sloping back to the maximum allowable slope impractical

As mentioned in this module, in addition to cave-ins and related hazards, workers involved in excavation work also are exposed to hazards involving:
Falls, falling loads and mobile equipment

Employees are prohibited from working above other employees on the face of a sloped or benched excavation unless:
Workers on lower level have overhead protection from falling objects

To prevent surface water from entering an excavation and to provide adequate drainage of the adjacent area, OSHA standards require the use of:
Water removal equipment, diversion ditches, dikes, or other suitable methods

In the case of materials handling, storage, use and disposal, remember that the main hazards are injuries from:
— Improper lifting and carrying
— Being struck by materials or caught in pinch points
— Being crushed by improperly stored materials

Because the number of injuries from operating powered industrial trucks was on the rise, the OSHA standard for Powered Industrial Trucks was revised March 1, 1999. OSHA promulgated the Final Rule for Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training [29 CFR 1910.178(1)], which:
— Requires operator training and licensing as well as periodic evaluations of operator performance
— Requires operators to take and pass a written and road test (similar to a driver’s education) before they can operate the forklift.

Operators must complete three separate aspects of powered industrial truck training: formal training, practice training, and:

To adhere to fire safety precautions, flammable and combustible materials must be stored according to:
Their fire characteristics

General safety principles that can help reduce workplace accidents include:
— Work practices
— Ergonomic principles
— Training and education

Material handling tasks should be designed to minimize _ of the given activity.
— the weight
— the range of motion
— the frequency

Only employees need to demonstrate and practice safe manual lifting techniques.

Manual materials is the most common category of compensable injuries in the United States work force, with four out of five of those injuries involving:
the lower back

When manually moving materials, employees should always try to lift it alone if a load is so bulky it cannot be properly grasped or lifted, when they cannot see around or over it, or when a load cannot be safely handled.

Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that:
an engineering survey be conducted

One of the most important elements of the pre-job planning is:
the location of all utility services

Proper equipment for prompt transportation of an injured worker, as well as a communication system to contact any necessary ambulance service, must be available:
on the work site

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:
wrecking balls, jackhammers

Prestressed concrete is:
A structural material with tensioned steel strands embedded inside, which compress the concrete and give it extra strength

Simple pretensioned beams and slabs of spans up to about 7 meters (23 feet):
Can be demolished in a manner similar to ordinary reinforced concrete

True or False: Electrical detonators can be inadvertently triggered by stray RF (radio frequency) signals from two-way radios

A blaster is:
A competent person who uses explosives

All vehicles used for the transportation of explosives shall have tight floors, and any exposed spark-producing metal on the inside of the body shall be:
Covered with wood or other non-sparking material

All explosives must be accounted for at all times, and all not being used must be kept in a:
locked magazine

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom) is designed to ensure that information about __________and associated protective measures is disseminated.
Hazardous chemicals

Chemical manufacturers and importers must convey the hazard information they learn from their evaluations to downstream employers by means of labels on containers and:
Safety Data Sheet

Under the new HAZCOM/GHS requirements for Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s) they must now have 16 total Sections.

Employers must provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area:
— At the time of their initial assignment
— Whenever a new hazardous chemical is introduced into their work area

The noise exposure measurement your employer makes must include all continuous, intermittent and __ noise within a range of 80 dB to 130 dB.

To determine whether employees need hearing protection, employers have to consider:
— The loudness of the noise, as measured in decibels
— The duration of exposure to the noise
— How many sources generate loud noises

Audiometric testing monitors an employee’s hearing:
over time

Acute silicosis occurs after a few months or as long as 2 years following exposures to __ concentrations of respirable crystalline silica.
extremely high

Symptoms of silicosis __ , so workers should have a chest x-ray to see if there is lung damage.
may or may not be obvious

Which of the following is an element of a hearing conservation program?
— Engineering and Administrative Controls
— Noise monitoring
— Hearing protection to be used

Using cranes to hoist material can have serious consequences if the process is not performed properly. Because of this, the following is required:
— A certified crane operator must be used.
— Rigging must be inspected prior to use, be in good shape and have the tag attached.
— A Qualified Rigger is responsible for connecting the crane to the material to be hoisted.

True or False: Once a fall protection device has been inspected by a competent person and deemed safe for use by an employee, it is up to the employee to inspect it regularly and ensure that it still meets OSHA requirements.

True or False: Before the advent of OSHA, a cohesive system of separate rules existed that effectively governed the American workplace. These rules were combined under the umbrella of OSHA.

Which industries are employees potentially exposed to silica dust:
— Stone and glass industries
— Construction
— Mining industries

Anytime an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must:
be attached to known ground

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet:
They must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS)

In noisy jobsites, these are often used to provide instructions to crane and derrick operators:
Hand signals

Since its implementation in 1971, OSHA has:
— Helped cut work-related fatalities nearly in half and cut excavation and trenching fatalities by more than a third
–Helped reduce workplace injuries and illnesses by 40 percent (Your Answer)
— Almost eliminated brown-lung disease from the textile industry

Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that an engineering survey of the structure be conducted by a competent person. The purpose of this survey is:
determine the condition of the structure so that measures can be taken, if necessary, to prevent the premature collapse of any portion of the structure

Two of the main differences between the hydraulic rough terrain crane and the crawler lattice boom friction crane are:
boom hoist, load line controls

True or False: Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards how to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them, and must also prepare a written certification that identifies the employee trained and the date of the training.

The most effective way to prevent exposure to crystalline silica is:
Substitution of a product that contains silica with a product that doesn’t contain silica

The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is:

Answer: To send every worker home whole and healthy every day

Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. Electric shock occurs when:

Answer: Your body becomes part of the circuit

Workers need to take which of the following common-sense steps to protect themselves from falls through skylights and roof and floor openings?

Answer: — Never sit on, lean against, or step on a skylight lens or any covering placed over a hole in a roof or floor — Guard or securely cover all holes created or uncovered before leaving a work area — Always use a PFAS when working over an unguarded or uncovered opening more than six feet above a lower level

The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are:

Answer: Workplace and engineering controls

The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and:

Answer: suspended scaffolds

Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must:

Answer: — Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade —

Move the personnel platform slowly and cautiously and have rotation-resistant rope with a safety factor of 10 — Have all brakes and locking devices set when the occupied personnel platform is in stationary position

If the use of a power tool can result in flying sparks, metal shavings, wood chips, splashes, or other debris, workers should:

Answer: Protect themselves by wearing proper PPE

OSHA defines an excavation as:

Answer: Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal

A training program to teach proper lifting techniques should cover:

Answer: — Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk — The use of safe lifting postures and timing

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

Answer: wrecking balls and jackhammers

OSHA’s electrical standards are based on:

Answer: the NEC

What are the four main types of electrical injuries?

Answer: Electrocution, electric shock, burns, indirect (e.g., a fall from a ladder)

A shock’s severity depends on:

Answer: — Length of exposure to electricity — The amount of current and its frequency — The current’s path

Electrical burns are the most serious of the three major types of burns, and most often occur:

Answer: On the hands, from direct contact with current

Hot wires, ungrounded wires that can cause a shock if you touch them, are usually:

Answer: black or red

More than 50 percent of electrocutions are caused by a worker coming in direct contact with:

Answer: energized power lines

The OSHA standard requires flexible cords to be rated for:

Answer: Hard or extra hard usage

What is the most frequent violation of OSHA electrical standards?

Answer: improper grounding of circuitry and equipment

The three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are:

Answer: recognize, evaluate and control

All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be:

Answer: Removed and tagged “Do Not Use”

If you have a three-prong plug and a two-hole receptacle, it is acceptable to:

Answer: Use an adapter with an adapter wire connected to known ground

All hazards involved in the use of power tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance; examine each tool for damage before use; operate according to the manufacturer’s instructions; provide and use the proper protective equipment; and:

Answer: use the right tool for the job

Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more must be:

Answer: guarded against electrical contact

While any employee is exposed to contact with parts of electric equipment or circuits that have been de-energized, the circuits energizing the parts shall be:

Answer: Locked out or tagged out or both

Low voltage does not mean low hazard.

Answer: TRUE

The two best means of avoiding electrical shock or injury when working with power tools are:

Answer: Insulation and grounding

The majority of today’s power line accidents occur because:

Answer: Of failure to maintain proper work distances

A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protects workers from shock by:

Answer: Matching the amount of current going into an electrical device against the amount returning from the device and shutting down power if a ground fault is detected

AEGCP’s are implemented on construction sites to oversee:

Answer: — All cord sets — Cord sets and equipment connected by plug and cord — Receptacles that are not part of a building or structure

The OSHA standard mandates that any time a worker is at a height of six feet or more, the worker is at risk and needs to be protected. Most fatalities, however, happen when workers fall from:

Answer: Roofs

Employers must ensure that all walking and working surfaces have the structural integrity to:

Answer: Support workers safely

Controlled access zones serve a dual purpose – they allow specially trained individuals (such as masons) to operate without traditional fall protection within a certain area, and:

Answer: They keep unauthorized individuals out

A system used to arrest a worker in a fall from a working level that consists of an anchorage, connectors, a body belt or body harness, and may include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or suitable combinations of these is called a:

Answer: Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS)

When no other alternative fall protection has been implemented, the employer shall implement a safety monitoring system. Employers must:

Answer: Ensure that the safety monitor is a competent person knowledgeable about fall protection

At holes, guardrail systems must be set up:

Answer: On all unprotected sides and edges

The top edge of a guardrail must be from 39 to 45 inches above the walking/working level, and there must also be a means of protection from:

Answer: Falling objects between top rail and walking surface

Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards:

Answer: How to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them

Safety nets must be strong enough to support workers who fall, and must:

Answer: Have small enough mesh openings that employee doesn’t fall through net itself

Approximately 75 percent of struck-by fatalities involve:

Answer: Heavy equipment such as cranes or trucks

It is preferable not to drive a vehicle in reverse if you have an obstructed rear view, but if you do, make sure:

Answer: Vehicle has an audible reverse alarm

Workers are most at risk from falling objects when standing or working:

Answer: — under scaffolds — under cranes — wherever overhead work is being performed

To prevent injury from flying debris, use safety glasses, goggles, face shields, etc., where machines or tools may cause flying particles; and always inspect tools, such as saws and lathes, to ensure that:

Answer: The protective guards are in good condition and firmly attached

Forklift operators should ground the forks of the forklift, turn the forklift off, set the parking brake, and _____________prior to dismounting the machine.

Answer: neutralize controls

If a machine has an exposed pulley and conveyor but the portion of it that is exposed is well underneath the machine, the employer:

Answer: Must ensure all exposed and accessible sections of the machine are guarded

One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them is a/n __:

Answer: competent person

Providing worker training on the safe use of the equipment being operated is the responsibility of the:

Answer: employer

To protect against caught-in or -between hazards, a worker should not only avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry, but also a worker should avoid:

Answer: Performing maintenance or adjustment on equipment/machinery that hasn’t been locked-out

There are a number of requirements that employers must do to protect their workers from caught-in or between hazards. Which of these is required if the worker’s body, hands or clothing may come into contact with moving parts?

Answer: Provide guards on power tools and other equipment with moving parts

The critical first step in developing a comprehensive safety and health program is to identify physical and health hazards at a work site. This process is known as:

Answer: A hazard assessment

OSHA requires that many categories of PPE meet or be equivalent to standards developed by:

Answer: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

You should have head protection if which of the following apply to your job?

Answer: — Objects might fall from above — There are low-hanging pipes or beams — There are exposed electrical hazards

In general, head protection should do which of the following?

Answer: — Resist penetration by objects and absorb the shock of a blow — Be water-resistant and

slow burning — Have clear instructions explaining proper adjustment and replacement of the suspension and headband

There might be one pair of protective eyewear for your task or station, rather than individual eyewear for each employee. If this is the approach at your job site, then:

Answer: You must clean and disinfect the eyewear between each use

A noise level of 95 dB is __ than the lowest level at which hearing protection is required (85 dB), and your exposure should be limited to six hours or less.

Answer: Ten times louder than

Safety footwear has to meet minimum compression and impact performance standards, set by:

Answer: ASTM F-2412-2005

Gloves that are chemically resistant are usually made from:

Answer: rubber or plastic

True or False: Full-body protection is sometimes made from materials such as duck, paper-like fiber, or rubberized fabrics, depending upon the hazard.

Answer: TRUE

Before the start of each work shift, it is mandatory that:

Answer: A competent person inspects the scaffold before the start of each work shift

The first step in building a scaffold is to:

Answer: Conduct a site inspection

A scaffold must be erected “plumb, square, and level,” because:

Answer: If a scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift, potentially causing the overloading of one leg and the eventual collapse of the scaffold

OSHA 1926.454(c) states: When an employer has reason to believe that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall:

Answer: Retrain each such employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained

When dismantling a scaffold, all work should be conducted:

Answer: From the top down

Tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet high must be designed by:

Answer: registered professional engineer

What type of scaffold – other than the tube and coupler scaffold – is ideal for use around complex structures?

Answer: a system scaffold

This scaffold is simply a rope attached to a harness with an assembly like a boatswain’s chair for the worker to sit in.

Answer: Suspension scaffold

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet, they must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). The type of fall protection required will depend upon:

Answer: The type of scaffold

The four main causes of crane accidents are contact with power lines, overturns, falls and mechanical failure. Two other errors mentioned in this module that often lead to trouble are:

Answer: Improper maintenance and failure to conduct regular inspections

No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of a crane or derrick should ever be made without:

Answer: The manufacturer’s written approval, which should be kept on file

Truck-mounted and rough terrain cranes are both forms of a mobile crane, and both use which of the following to increase their stability?

Answer: outriggers

Rated load capacities, recommended operating speeds, and special hazard warnings or instructions must be:

Answer: Conspicuously posted on the crane, where the crane operator can see them while he is at his control station

The four lifting principles that govern a crane’s mobility and safety during lifting operations are:

Answer: Center of gravity, leverage, stability and structural integrity

Employees working in the vicinity of a crane must take care to avoid what kind of accident?

Answer: “Struck by”

Personnel hoisting platforms must be designed by:

Answer: A qualified engineer, or another competent specialist qualified in structural design

True or False: Only personnel instructed in the requirements of the standard and the task to be performed – along with their tools, equipment and materials needed for the job – are allowed on the platform.

Answer: TRUE

If the hoist tower is not enclosed, the hoist platform or car must be totally enclosed on all sides for the full height between the floor and:

Answer: The overhead protective covering

The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from:

Answer: misuse and improper maintenance

Power tools should never be carried by the cord or hose or be yanked from a receptacle by the cord or hose; and cords and hoses should be kept away from:

Answer: Heat, oil, sharp edges

Sharp, abrasive, pinching, or otherwise hazardous moving parts of power tools:

Answer: Must have protective guard to prevent contact with workers

Before an abrasive wheel is mounted, it should be inspected closely and:

Answer: Sound- or ring-tested to ensure that it is free from cracks or defects

Neither the operator nor anyone else should ever stand directly in front of the wheel of an abrasive power tool as it accelerates to full operating speed. Why?

Answer: Because there is always the chance that the wheel wasn’t sound and could disintegrate or explode

Pneumatic tools are powered by:

Answer: Compressed air

Powder-actuated tools are extremely dangerous, with a “firing” mechanism similar to that of:

Answer: A loaded gun

If a powder-actuated tool misfires, the employee should:

Answer: Wait at least 30 seconds, then try firing again

All jacks – lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic jacks – must have a device that stops them from:

Answer: Jacking up too high (a stop indicator)

OSHA defines a trench as:

Answer: A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width – with the width not to exceed 15 feet

True or False: There is usually some form of warning before a cave-in.

Answer: FALSE

OSHA requires that all excavations in which employees could potentially be exposed to cave-ins be protected by one or more of the following three methods:

Answer: Sloping, benching, shoring, shielding

The formula for all simple slope excavations 20 feet (6.11 meters) or less deep states that for every foot of depth, the trench must be excavated back:

Answer: 1 and 1/2 feet

Trench boxes or shields must be designed or approved by:

Answer: a registered professional engineer

Shoring or shielding is most often used when:

Answer: The location or the depth of the excavation makes sloping back to the maximum allowable slope impractical

As mentioned in this module, in addition to cave-ins and related hazards, workers involved in excavation work also are exposed to hazards involving:

Answer: Falls, falling loads and mobile equipment

Employees are prohibited from working above other employees on the face of a sloped or benched excavation unless:

Answer: Workers on lower level have overhead protection from falling objects

To prevent surface water from entering an excavation and to provide adequate drainage of the adjacent area, OSHA standards require the use of:

Answer: Water removal equipment, diversion ditches, dikes, or other suitable methods

In the case of materials handling, storage, use and disposal, remember that the main hazards are injuries from:

Answer: — Improper lifting and carrying — Being struck by materials or caught in pinch points —

Being crushed by improperly stored materials

Because the number of injuries from operating powered industrial trucks was on the rise, the OSHA standard for Powered Industrial Trucks was revised March 1, 1999. OSHA promulgated the Final Rule for Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training [29 CFR 1910.178(1)], which:

Answer: — Requires operator training and licensing as well as periodic evaluations of operator

performance — Requires operators to take and pass a written and road test (similar to a driver’s education) before they can operate the forklift.

Operators must complete three separate aspects of powered industrial truck training: formal training, practice training, and:

Answer: Evaluation

To adhere to fire safety precautions, flammable and combustible materials must be stored according to:

Answer: Their fire characteristics

General safety principles that can help reduce workplace accidents include:

Answer: — Work practices — Ergonomic principles — Training and education

Material handling tasks should be designed to minimize _ of the given activity.

Answer: — the weight — the range of motion — the frequency

Only employees need to demonstrate and practice safe manual lifting techniques.

Answer: FALSE

Manual materials is the most common category of compensable injuries in the United States work force, with four out of five of those injuries involving:

Answer: the lower back

When manually moving materials, employees should always try to lift it alone if a load is so bulky it cannot be properly grasped or lifted, when they cannot see around or over it, or when a load cannot be safely handled.

Answer: FALSE

Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that:

Answer: an engineering survey be conducted

One of the most important elements of the pre-job planning is:

Answer: the location of all utility services

Proper equipment for prompt transportation of an injured worker, as well as a communication system to contact any necessary ambulance service, must be available:

Answer: on the work site

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

Answer: wrecking balls, jackhammers

Prestressed concrete is:

Answer: A structural material with tensioned steel strands embedded inside, which compress the concrete and give it extra strength

Simple pretensioned beams and slabs of spans up to about 7 meters (23 feet):

Answer: Can be demolished in a manner similar to ordinary reinforced concrete

True or False: Electrical detonators can be inadvertently triggered by stray RF (radio frequency) signals from two-way radios

Answer: TRUE

A blaster is:

Answer: A competent person who uses explosives

All vehicles used for the transportation of explosives shall have tight floors, and any exposed spark-producing metal on the inside of the body shall be:

Answer: Covered with wood or other non-sparking material

All explosives must be accounted for at all times, and all not being used must be kept in a:

Answer: locked magazine

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom) is designed to ensure that information about __________and associated protective measures is disseminated.

Answer: Hazardous chemicals

Chemical manufacturers and importers must convey the hazard information they learn from their evaluations to downstream employers by means of labels on containers and:

Answer: Safety Data Sheet

Under the new HAZCOM/GHS requirements for Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s) they must now have 16 total Sections.

Answer: TRUE

Employers must provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area:

Answer: — At the time of their initial assignment — Whenever a new hazardous chemical is introduced into their work area

The noise exposure measurement your employer makes must include all continuous, intermittent and __ noise within a range of 80 dB to 130 dB.

Answer: Impulsive

To determine whether employees need hearing protection, employers have to consider:

Answer: — The loudness of the noise, as measured in decibels — The duration of exposure to the noise — How many sources generate loud noises

Audiometric testing monitors an employee’s hearing:

Answer: over time

Acute silicosis occurs after a few months or as long as 2 years following exposures to __ concentrations of respirable crystalline silica.

Answer: extremely high

Symptoms of silicosis __ , so workers should have a chest x-ray to see if there is lung damage.

Answer: may or may not be obvious

Which of the following is an element of a hearing conservation program?

Answer: — Engineering and Administrative Controls — Noise monitoring — Hearing protection to be used

Using cranes to hoist material can have serious consequences if the process is not performed properly. Because of this, the following is required:

Answer: — A certified crane operator must be used. — Rigging must be inspected prior to use, be in

good shape and have the tag attached. — A Qualified Rigger is responsible for connecting the crane to the material to be hoisted.

True or False: Once a fall protection device has been inspected by a competent person and deemed safe for use by an employee, it is up to the employee to inspect it regularly and ensure that it still meets OSHA requirements.

Answer: FALSE

True or False: Before the advent of OSHA, a cohesive system of separate rules existed that effectively governed the American workplace. These rules were combined under the umbrella of OSHA.

Answer: FALSE

Which industries are employees potentially exposed to silica dust:

Answer: — Stone and glass industries — Construction — Mining industries

Anytime an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must:

Answer: be attached to known ground

If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet:

Answer: They must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS)

In noisy jobsites, these are often used to provide instructions to crane and derrick operators:

Answer: Hand signals

Since its implementation in 1971, OSHA has:

Answer: — Helped cut work-related fatalities nearly in half and cut excavation and trenching fatalities by more than a third –Helped reduce workplace injuries and illnesses by 40 percent (Your Answer) —

Almost eliminated brown-lung disease from the textile industry

Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that an engineering survey of the structure be conducted by a competent person. The purpose of this survey is:

Answer: determine the condition of the structure so that measures can be taken, if necessary, to prevent the premature collapse of any portion of the structure

Two of the main differences between the hydraulic rough terrain crane and the crawler lattice boom friction crane are:

Answer: boom hoist, load line controls

True or False: Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards how to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them, and must also prepare a written certification that identifies the employee trained and the date of the training.

Answer: TRUE

The most effective way to prevent exposure to crystalline silica is:

Answer: Substitution of a product that contains silica with a product that doesn’t contain silica

D. All answer choices are correct (correct answer)

Answer: Which of the following is a resource within the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues?

A. Hazardous chemicals (correct answer)

Answer: A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) gives information about:

B. Inform your supervisor or manager (correct answer)

Answer: When you notice a safety hazard, what should your first step be?

A. Use these programs to discourage employees from exercising their right to report injuries and illnesses (correct answer)

Answer: Though employers are allowed to use appropriate disciplinary, incentive, or drug-testing programs, what are they not allowed to do?

B. General Duty Clause (correct answer)

Answer: Where no specific standards apply to a workplace situation, employers must follow the __.

B. 30 (correct answer)

Answer: If you have been punished or discriminated against for using your rights, you must file a complaint with OSHA within how many days of the alleged reprisal for most complaints?

B. No (correct answer)

Answer: An employer informs its employees that it will hold a substantial cash prize drawing for each work group at the end of each month in which all members of the work group comply with applicable safety rules, such as wearing required fall protection. Doug sustains a lost-time injury when he falls from a platform while not wearing required fall protection. Doug’s employer cancelled the cash prize drawing for Doug’s work group that month because Doug failed to wear required fall protection. The employer actively monitors its workforce for compliance with applicable work rules and cancels the cash prize drawings when it discovers work rule violations regardless of whether the employee who violated the work rule also reported an injury. Did the employer use an incentive program to retaliate against Doug?

A. Yes (correct answer)

Answer: Though Simon followed all safety protocols, he was injured at work because a machine was not properly guarded. Even though there is no reasonable belief that drug use contributed to the employee’s injury, his employer required him to take a drug test after he reported the injury. Did the employer misuse a drug testing program against Simon for reporting an injury?

A. Yes (correct answer)

Answer: Perla twists her ankle at work but because her ankle is not sore or swollen does not immediately realize that she is injured. Therefore, she does not immediately report the injury to her employer. The next morning, Perla’s ankle is sore and swollen, and she realizes she has the kind of injury she is required to report to her employer so she reports the injury that day. Perla is disciplined for failing to report her injury “immediately” as required by the employer’s injury reporting rules. Did the employer misuse a disciplinary program against Perla for reporting an injury?

B. Contact the employer by phone, fax, or email (correct answer)

Answer: A worker has submitted a complaint online that is non-serious in nature. How will OSHA most likely respond?

A. Section 11 (c) of the OSH Act (correct answer)

Answer: The right of workers to seek safety and health on the job without fear of punishment is spelled out in:

A. Conduct a worksite inspection (correct answer)

Answer: A worker has filed a complaint regarding a serious hazard that could result in a fatality or serious injury. How will OSHA most likely respond?

A. Have a worker representative accompany an inspector on an inspection, find out about inspection results and abatement measures, and object to the date set for a violation to be corrected (correct answer)

Answer: When an inspection is conducted in your workplace, you have certain rights. What are these rights?

B. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (correct answer)

Answer: What organization is OSHA’s sister agency that focuses on research and training and also conducts Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)?

C. An opening conference, a walkthrough, a closing conference (correct answer)

Answer: There are three parts to an OSHA inspection. What are they?

Answer: Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal

A training program to teach proper lifting techniques should cover:

Answer: — Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk — The use of safe lifting postures and timing

Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like:

Answer: wrecking balls and jackhammers

OSHA’s electrical standards are based on:

Answer: the NEC

Question 1: Is Adrian Smith, one of 3 employees of ABC Landscaping, covered by OSHA?

Answer: A. Yes

Question 2: Is Taylor Dell, an accountant in business for herself, covered by OSHA?

Answer: B. No

Question 3: Is Rob Jones, one of 10 carpenters working for Woody, Inc., covered by OSHA?

Answer: A. Yes

Question 4: Why was OSHA necessary?

A. Workplace injuries, illnesses and death were increasing B. No uniform or Comprehensive law existed to protect against workplace hazards C. None of the Above D. Both A and B

Answer: D. Both A and B

Question 5: What is OSHA’s mission?

A. To save lives B. To prevent injuries

C. Protect the health of America’s workers

D. All the answers are correct

Answer: D. All the answers are correct

Question 6: Why is this training important?

A. You’ll know your rights if there are hazards in your workplace. B. You’ll know where to get help. C. You’ll know if your employer is complying with OSHA standards. D. All of the answers are correct

Answer: D. All of the answers are correct

Question 1: What are some of the things you might find on an SDS?

A. Chemical Name B. You’ll know where to get help C. Fire and Explosion hazards D. Precautions for safe use and handling E. All of the Above

Answer: E. All of the Above

Question 2: What are some worker rights related to injury and illness reporting?

A. Know how to report injuries/illnesses, see the annual summary and review the log B. Right to file a complaint C. Right to participate in an OSHA inspection D. None of the answers

Answer: A. Know how to report injuries/illnesses, see the annual summary and review the log

Question 3: Some standards or hazards where workers must be trained are?

A. Personal Protective Equipment B. Hazards Communication C. Lockout/Tagout D. All the answers are correct

Answer: D. All the answers are correct

Question 1: What are some of the responsibilities employers have related to OSHA recordkeeping?

A. Must set up a reporting system B. Inform workers of how to report C. Maintain an OSHA 300 Log and make it available to workers D. Post the annual summary E. Report any worker fatalities and hospitalizations to OSHA F. All of the Above

Answer: F. All of the Above

Question 2: Which section of the OSH Act prohibits employers from discriminating against workers for exercising their safety and health rights?

Answer: Section 11 ( c )

Question 3: What are some types of PPE that employers must pay for?

A. Hardhat B. Hearing protection C. Goggles D. Rubber boots with steel toes E. Fire fighting PPE F. All of the above

Answer: F. All of the above

Question 1: What is the General Industry Subpart for Personal Protection Equipment?

Answer: Subpart I

Question 2: What is the General Industry Subpart for Fire Protection?

Answer: Subpart L

Question 3: What topic does 1910, Subpart G cover?

Answer: Occupational Health and Environmental Control

Question 4: What are the OSHA Construction standards also called?

Answer: Part 1926

Question 5: What are the General Industry standards also called?

Answer: Part 1910

Question 6: What are 29 CFR Parts 1915, 1917, and 1918 referred to as?

Answer: Maritime Industry Standards

Question 1: If a worker files a complaint, if there is a fatality, or if there is an imminent danger situation, OSHA would __.

Answer: Conduct an inspection

Question 2: What are the types of OSHA violations?

A. Willful B. Serious C. Other-Than-Serious D. Repeated E. Criminal/Willful F. All of the Above

Answer: F. All of the Above

Question 1: What are some resources inside the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues? (Select all the answers that apply)

Answer: A. Co-workers B. Supervisor C. SDS D. Labels E. Manuals

Question 2: What are some resources outside the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues?

Answer: A. OSHA B. NIOSH C. Community Organizations D. Educational Centers

Quiz Question 1: OSHA’s mission is to:

Answer: Protect the safety and health of America’s workers

Quiz Question 2: The creation of OSHA provided this important right to workers:

Answer: The right to a safe and healthful workplace

Quiz Question 3: A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) gives information about:

Answer: Hazardous Chemicals

Quiz Question 4: Among the rights related to OSHA recordkeeping, workers have the right to review:

Answer: The OSHA 300 Log and the OSHA 300A Summary

Quiz Question 5: During an OSHA inspection:

Answer: You have the right to talk to the inspector privately.

Quiz Question 6: The right of workers to seek safety and health on the job without fear of punishment is spelled out in:

Answer: Section 11(c) of the OSH Act

Quiz Question 7: One of the main responsibilities employers have under OSHA is to:

Answer: Provide training required by OSHA standards.

Quiz Question 8: OSHA requires that employers pay for most required personal protective equipment (PPE), including:

Answer: Hard hats

Quiz Question 9: The OSHA standards for Construction and General Industry are also known as:

Answer: Part 1926 and Part 1910

Quiz Question 10: What type of OSHA inspection is conducted when immediate death or serious harm is likely?

Answer: Imminent danger

Quiz Question 11: When the employer receives an OSHA citation, it must be:

Answer: Posted for 3 days or until the violation is fixed

Quiz Question 12: If you feel that an OSHA inspection is needed to get hazards corrected at your workplace, which is your best option?

Answer: Submit a written, signed complaint with specific hazard information

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