TABC Things to remember Questions With Complete Solutions

in an establishment that serves alcohol for on premise consumption and gets less than 50% of it’s gross recipients from alcohol sales, a cashier can be 16.

in order to remain certified, I have to:
complete a seller training course every 2 years

Which of the following might make you suspect that an ID is fake ?
All of the above

what is a good technique to use when trying to determine if a customer is intoxicated?
All of the above

in which situation is it legal for a minor to possess alcohol?
when working at an establishment as a server/seller

Fatigue, medication, drugs, or illness can:
increase the effect alcohol has on a person

all seller/server training schools are owned and operated by the Texas alcoholic beverage commission.

which of the following factors may impact a person’s blood alcohol level (BAC)?

an example of “On premise” establishment is:
A restaurant that sells mixed drinks

a sign of an intoxicated person could be a guest who is buying rounds of drinks for strangers.

today is January 23, 2015. Which guest could you legally serve alcohol to?
Someone born January 2, 1994

when an excessive amount of alcohol is consumed causing a person to stop or breath slowly, vomit in their sleep, or appear pale or bluish, the person is possibly suffering from:
alchohol poisoning

in which of the following situations would you sell/serve an alcoholic beverage?
A gentleman walks up to the counter with a bottle of whiskey, you watched him walk through the store, he answers your questions directly and clearly, you do not smell alcohol on his breath and his eyes are clear

as a seller/server, of you sell alcohol to a minor, your employer could:
all of the above

when checking an ID, make sure the description matches the person, the photo matches the description, and
both b and c

it is illegal for a minor to even attempt to purchase alcohol

which of the following might make you suspect that an ID of fake?
all of the above

when selling alcohol, a minor is defined as
a person under the age of 21

the best way to determine if a person is of legal age to purchase alcohol is to:
check their OD for date of birth

when is the best time to check for identification?
before you make the sale or serve the drink

if you make an illegal sale and didn’t meet a certain level of care that an ordinal person would meet(example: didn’t check ID, calculate age, refuse to over serve a patron, or look for signs of intoxication) this is the definition of being:
Criminally Negligent

when checking an ID for age, which of the following forms of identification will NOT offer you some protection as a seller?
A college ID with no physical description

it is legal for a person to have both a Texas Driver’s license and a Texas Identification card.

in which situation is it legal for a minor to possess alcohol?
when working at an establishment as a seller/server.

In Texas persons may purchase, possess, and consume alcoholic beverages if they are
twenty-one or older

Package liquor stores may not sell liquor on
Thanksgiving Day.
Christmas Day.
New Year’s Day

In Texas liquor cannot legally be sold
before 10:00 A.M. and after 9:00 P.M.

Regarding alcoholic beverages, Texas liquor laws govern specifically the
a. manufacture and sale.
b. distribution and transportation.
c. possession and consumption.

To knowingly sell an alcoholic beverage to a minor is
Class C Misdemeanor

The holder of a wine-only package store permit may employ a person to work in any capacity if that person is at least
16 yrs of age

A liquor store may not sell liquor before
10 A.M.

Which of the following is not a violation under the Alcoholic Beverage Code?
A minor who consumes an alcoholic beverage in the visible presence of an adult parent, guardian, or spouse

Henry, a 16-year-old, buys a bottle of beer from Joe. Joe does not ask for identification.
Both committed an offense

Which of the following is an “illicit beverage” within the meaning of the Alcoholic Beverage Code?
A bottle of tequila on which an imposed state tax has not been paid

Which one of the following statements is not true concerning obtaining a permit to sell alcoholic beverages in Texas?
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen.

The TABC can suspend a permit for all the following reasons except if
the permittee becomes involved in a lawsuit.

It is an offense to possess an open container of, or consume, an alcoholic beverage in any public place within
1,000 feet of any public or private school with grades kindergarten through 12.

Which one of the following statements is not true concerning peace officers and liquor law violations?
Peace officers should have an ABC agent with them before searching a vehicle.

It is illegal for a permittee to
solicit drinks for any employee.
be intoxicated on the premises.

Which of the following “shall enforce the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Code and cooperate with and assist the commission in detecting violations and apprehending offenders” (ABC 101.07)?
All peace officers in the state of Texas

A minor commits an offense under ABC 106.02 if he or she purchases an alcoholic beverage. Upon conviction the minor commits a misdemeanor offense punishable as a
Class C misdemeanor

A person commits an offense under ABC 106.03 if with criminal negligence he or she sells an alcoholic beverage to a minor. A violation is a
Class A misdemeanor

In accordance with ABC 106.05, a minor may consume an alcoholic beverage if he or she is
in the visible presence of any adult parent or spouse.

An employee of a beer store is criminally negligent and sells an alcoholic beverage to a minor. In accordance with ABC 106.02 and 106.03,
both the employee and the minor have committed misdemeanor offenses.

In accordance with ABC 107.08, what document(s), if any, is (are) required to transport an alcoholic beverage for your own consumption from a place where its sale is legal to a place where its possession is legal?
Neither a license nor a permit is required.

Which of the following is a violation of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (Section 101.31)?
Possession with intent to sell an alcoholic beverage in a dry area

In accordance with ABC 103.03, a peace officer may seize without a warrant
any illicit beverage, its container, and its packaging
any vehicle, including any aircraft or watercraft, used to
transport an illicit beverage.
any equipment designed for use in or used in manufacturing an illicit beverage.

In accordance with ABC 105.06(b), while in a standard hour area, a person commits an offense if he or she consumes or possesses with intent to consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place at any time on Sunday between the hours of
1:15 A.M. and 12 noon

Except on Sunday in a standard hour area, a person commits an offense under ABC 105.06(b) if he or she consumes or possesses with intent to consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place at any time between the hours of
12:15 A.M. and 7 A.M.

In accordance with ABC 105.06(c), while in an extended hours area, a person commits an offense if he or she consumes or possesses with intent to consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place at any time on Sunday between
2:15 A.M. and 12 noon.

. Except on Sunday in an extended hour area, a person commits an offense under ABC 105.06(c) if he or she consumes an alcoholic beverage in a public place at any time between the hours of
2:15 A.M. and 7 A.M.

In accordance with ABC 106.06, a person other than a parent, guardian, or spouse commits an offense if he or she
is present when a minor consumes an alcoholic beverage.
purchases an alcoholic beverage for a minor.
gives or makes available an alcoholic beverage to a minor with criminal negligence.

In accordance with ABC 106.07, a minor commits an offense if he or she
falsely states that he or she is 21 years of age to be served an alcoholic beverage.
presents a false document that indicates he or she is 21 years of age in order to purchase an alcoholic beverage.

A minor wants to purchase an alcoholic beverage. The minor goes to a beer store, takes a six pack to the counter, and offers money to the clerk. When the clerk asks for identification, the minor leaves the beer and the store without saying anything to the clerk. In accordance with ABC 106.025, the minor has committed
attempt to purchase alcohol by a minor.

In Texas persons may purchase, possess, and consume alcoholic beverages if they are
21 years or older

“Alcoholic beverage” means alcohol, or any beverage containing more than __ percent of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted.

“Beer” means a malt beverage containing 1/2 of 1 percent or more of alcohol by volume and not more than __ percent of alcohol by weight.

Possession in a dry area of more than __ bottles of beer, or an equivalent amount, is prima facie evidence of possession with intent to sell.
24 twelve-ounce

Which of the following is required to sell an alcoholic beverage containing more than 4 percent alcohol by weight?

Which of the following is required to sell beer only

In order to inspect a licensed premise where alcoholic beverage is sold or consumed, a peace officer
does not have to have permission; the officer may inspect the premises any time.

When is sale of liquor prohibited on a Monday?
When Christmas Day falls on a Sunday
When New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday

To “deliver” an alcoholic beverage also means to

An employee of a liquor store sells an alcoholic beverage to a juvenile without asking for any identification. Who, if anyone, has committed an offense?
Both the juvenile and the employee

If a truck driver is employed to transport alcoholic beverage across state lines, what type paperwork is he or she required to have?

In accordance with the Alcoholic Beverage Code, deliver means to
transfer or sale

A tractor-trailer transports alcoholic beverages from Louisiana into the state of Texas. To commercially transport this merchandise, the operator of the truck must have in his or her possession

While on vacation in New Mexico, a Texas resident purchases a case of 12-ounce beer and brings the case back home with him to Texas. In order to legally transport the beer into Texas, the person must have a
valid driver’s license

In order to legally consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place a person must be __ years old.

A liquor __ is required to sell alcoholic beverages.

A beer __ is required to sell this type of alcoholic beverage.

Standard hours of operation for selling alcoholic beverages on other than a weekend are
7 to midnight.

Except on Sunday in a(n) __ hours area, a person may not consume or possess with intent to consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place between 12:15 A.M. and 7:00 A.M

In a(n) __ hours area, a person may not consume or possess with intent to consume alcohol during the hours from 2:15 A.M. until 12 noon on Sunday.

Under “standard hours” without an “extended hours permit,” when may an alcoholic beverage be served
7 to midnight

Under the Alcoholic Beverage Code, which of the following can a peace officer confiscate without a warrant (ABC 103.03)?
Illicit beverage, containers, and packaging b

alcoholic beverage contains _% alcohol
more than 1/2 of 1%

alcoholic beverages handle in violation of texas beverage code is __
illicit beverage

which of the below is not considered part of the premises ,under tabc lisence
A, grounds where the business is located B.all buildings on the grounds C.vehicles used by the business D all the above is the correct answer

who’s resposibility is to enforce the codes of the TABC?
all texas peace officers

in the order to searca licensed or premitted established a peace officer ………
may inspect the premises at any time without a warrant

which of the following may not be seized without a warrant ?
may seize all the above without a warrant

officer Z osbserves Mr X with an alcoholic beverage at a highschool football game .offover Z…….
B.may arrest for possession of intoxicants on public grounds C.shall seize the intoxicating beverages and delivers it to the county attorney or D.A correct answer is D .both and C

it is unlawful to consume an alcoholic beverga on a public street alley or sidewalk with ________feet of the public school

which of the below is not an offense withing the distance of question #8?
A.possesion of an alcoholic beverage

X age 19 dispays an apparently valid Texas D.L that shows him to be 21 to the manager of a licensed established and was sold an alcoholic beverage .what offese has the seller committed ?
no offense

X is age 20 and with her husband Y age 22 at a bar x orders a beer with her husband and they are both consuming of premises when you a (peace officer ) enter . what violations exist ?
No offense

a minor that is operating a motor vehicle in a public place witha detectable amount of alcohol in the minors systems can be charge with ……
driving under the influence of alcohol by a minor

X age 18 presented a false i.d to the bartender to try and buy a beer . the bartender refused and told a minor to leave …… the undercover TABC agent present can arrest for ……
attempt to purshase alcohol by a minor (against X)

which of the below situations is it legal for a minor to be possesion of alcoholic beverages ?
A in the course of the minors lawful employment the course of the minors lawful employment ,C.under immediate supervision of a peace officer enforcing the TABC codes ?correct answer is D all the above

it is unlawful to carry a handgun onto a licensed that derives _%or more of their income form a sale of alcoholic beverages and do not hold a food &beverage certificate if the premises has the required posted sign prohibiting the carry of a handgun .

a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun commits a violation if he carries a handgun …..
on any licensed establishment for on premise consumption and he’s not the supervisor

a security guard hired by a bar may carry his handgun on the premises he ‘s hired to protect ….
only if he’s in uniform C only if the weapon in not concealed , correct answer D.Band C

which of the below in not a violation agains a TABC licensed establishment ?
licensee consumed a beer on premises during hours of business

violations of thr tabs code under a genetal penalty is a _ punishable by a maximum fine and or jail time of ………..
C.misdemeanor/$1000.oo and 1 year in jail

in Texas a package liquor may not operate before _ or after _
10 am /9pm

mixed beverages permittee may sell mixed beverages between the hours of _ but not only sunday
7am -midnight

Establishments that sell alcoholic beverages packaged “to go” are called:
“Off Premicis”
Responsible seller-servers of alcohol must know the law and their customers What else must seller-servers know?
when to say “no”
One of the legal definitions of intoxication in Texas is having a blood alcohol concentration of:
0.8 or more
Bet has just been hired as a cocktail waitress. She must be certified as a seller-server within:
30 days
Which of the following establishments would be considered “On Premise”
Which of the following actions is illegal
A minor attempts to purchase an alcoholic beverage
When may a minor legally purchase alcohol?
They are assisting a place officer in the enforcement of the alcoholic beverage code.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding deciding whether an alcohol sale is legal
If a person looks like a minor, they likely are a minor
Which of the following things may indicate an ID has been altered?
Bumps or air pockets on laminated IDs
Which of the following behavior patterns may be characteristic of minors?
Self conscious about appearance
Which of the following observations could be a sign that a customer is becoming intoxicated?
The customer is laughing and talking louder and louder as the night goes on.The customer is weaving and bumping into tables when walking to the restroom.The customer rests his head on the table and closes his eyes.
Who is responsible for deciding if a person is intoxicated and if the sale of alcohol to them would be illegal?
The person who actually serves, sells, or delivers the alcoholic beverage
After determining that someone has had too much to drink, there are eight steps you should take to cut someone off. What is the first step?
Verify your observations
Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding fatigue, medication, drugs, or illness?
They increase the effect alcohol has on a person
Which of the following people would likely become intoxicated more quickly
A person who is very tired or physically exhausted
Who may pay for the service of alcoholic beverages in a private club?
Who may pay for the service of alcoholic beverages in a private club?
A temporary member may enjoy a private club’s services and privileges for a period of not more than:
Seven days per invitation WRONG
Who owns the alcoholic beverages of a private club?
The members
The holder of a promotional permit may:
Offer in-store wine and beer samples
If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club, what is the first question the server should ask?
Is the individual a member of the club or in a member’s family?
A private club registration permit authorizes alcoholic beverages belonging to members of the club to be:
Stored, possessed, and mixed on the club premises
Which of the following statements about private club guests is CORRECT?
Guests must pay for any alcoholic beverages they consume.
Volunteers serving alcohol at a special event must:
Check IDs
The alcoholic beverages in a private club are:
Sold to the members
If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club and is determined not to be a current club member, what should the server do?
Ask if the individual is a guest of a member
Who may pay for the service of alcoholic beverages in a private club?
Members only
A temporary member may enjoy a private club’s services and privileges for a period of not more than:
Three days per invitation
If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club, what is the first question the server should ask?
How old is the individual?
What is a “private club?”
An association of persons that operates as an “open saloon”
If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club and is determined not to be a current club member, what should the server do?
Ask if the individual is a guest of a member
In an establishment that serves alcohol for on premise consumption and gets less than 50% of its gross receipts from alcohol sales, a cashier can be 16.
When selling alcohol, a minor is defined as:
A person under the age of 21.
Which of the following might make you suspect that an ID is fake?
White out used to change the information.

Fuzzy printing or red eye in the photo.

The words “Not a Government Document” appear.

All of the above.

It is illegal for a minor to even attempt to purchase alcohol.
If a customer presents an ID where the physical description does not match the photograph or the person:
Do not accept the ID as proof of age because it may be a forged or altered ID.
When an excessive amount of alcohol is consumed causing a person to stop or breath slowly, vomit in their sleep, or appear pale or bluish, the person is possibly suffering from:
Alcohol Poisoning
Which term matches the following definition, “To appear in public under the influence of alcohol or any other substance to the degree that the individual may endanger him or herself; or others.”
Public intoxication
All seller/server training schools are owned and operated by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
A medic alert bracelet might indicate that a customer:
Should not drink because of a medical condition
When checking an ID, make sure the description matches the person, the photo matches the description, and _.
Look for signs of Identification was altered
Check the date of birth to make sure the person is 21 or older
—– Both A and C
A young woman approaches the counter wanting to buy a bottle of wine. You cannot tell by her physical appearance if she is a minor or not. You have asked for an ID but she has left it in the car, what should you do in this situation?
Put the wine behind the counter and wait for her to return with a valid ID before making the sale.
By taking this course, you cannot be held liable if you sell to a minor or intoxicated person.
Fatigue, medication, drugs, or illness can:
Increase the effect alcohol has on a person.
When is the best time to check for identification?
Before you make the sale or serve the drink.
In an approved public entertainment facility, which of the following is allowed?
Bring unopened alcoholic beverages into the facility as a spectator.
If a person does not have the normal use of mental or physical faculties because they have been drinking alcohol, they would legally be considered:

Temporary Permits/Licenses
Basic parts:
Temporary licenses or permits are:

  • an extension of the basic permit;
  • issued in areas wet for the type of alcohol to be sold;
  • for picnics, celebrations, and similar events;
    1). Allows beer sales to the ultimate consumer for on-premises or off-premises consumption;
    2). Is valid for four days; and
    3). Is issued only to current retail permit holders.
    1). Allows sales of beer, ale, wine and malt liquor (not to exceed 17% alcohol by volume depending on the local option status) to the ultimate consumer for on-premises or off-premises consumption;
    2). Is issued to nonprofit historic preservation organizations existing for 30
    years or more;
    3). Fees plus surcharges apply; and
    4). Valid for three days.
    1). Is issued to nonprofit charitable, civic or religious organizations;
    2). Allows sales of beer, ale, wine and malt liquor (not to exceed 14% or 17% alcohol by volume depending on the local option status) to the ultimate consumer only for on-premises consumption;
    3). Is valid for three days.
    1). Allows sales for all types of beverages to the ultimate consumer for on-premises consumption
    2). Issued to:
    −− holders of Mixed Beverage Permit and Mixed Beverage Permit with Food and Beverage
    −− organizations for specific charitable or civic purposes
    −− a political party or association supporting a candidate for public office or a ballot measure
    −− religious organizations, or a fraternal organization in existence for more than five years and has a regular membership;
  • Limited to 10 permits per year for organizations other than a mixed beverage permittee and mixed beverage with food and beverage permittee;
  • Issued to holders of Private Club Permits where events are sponsored by:
    −− organizations formed for specific charitable or civic purposes
    −− political parties or associations supporting a candidate for public office or a ballot measure
    −− religious organizations
    −− fraternal organizations in existence for more than five years and with a regular membership;
  • Serves all types of beverages to club members and their guests for on-premises consumption only; and must be in an area wet for on-premises consumption of all alcoholic beverages
    cannot issue more than two Daily Temporary Private Club Permits to the same sponsoring party, association or organization during a12-month period
    1). Allows for auctions of alcoholic beverages donated (beer may be purchased or donated) to charitable organizations for off-premises consumption;
    2). Is valid for no more than five days
    3). Is valid only in areas wet for the sale of the type of alcohol being auctioned.

Establishments that sell alcoholic beverages packaged “to go” are called:

Answer: “Off Premicis”

Responsible seller-servers of alcohol must know the law and their customers What else must seller-servers know?

Answer: when to say “no”

One of the legal definitions of intoxication in Texas is having a blood alcohol concentration of:

Answer: 0.8 or more

Bet has just been hired as a cocktail waitress. She must be certified as a seller-server within:

Answer: 30 days

Which of the following establishments would be considered “On Premise”

Answer: Restaurants

Which of the following actions is illegal

Answer: A minor attempts to purchase an alcoholic beverage

When may a minor legally purchase alcohol?

Answer: They are assisting a place officer in the enforcement of the alcoholic beverage code.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding deciding whether an alcohol sale is legal

Answer: If a person looks like a minor, they likely are a minor

Which of the following things may indicate an ID has been altered?

Answer: Bumps or air pockets on laminated IDs

Which of the following behavior patterns may be characteristic of minors?

Answer: Self conscious about appearance

Which of the following observations could be a sign that a customer is becoming intoxicated?

Answer: ALl

The customer is laughing and talking louder and louder as the night goes on.The customer is weaving and bumping into tables when walking to the restroom.The customer rests his head on the table and closes his eyes.

Who is responsible for deciding if a person is intoxicated and if the sale of alcohol to them would be illegal?

Answer: The person who actually serves, sells, or delivers the alcoholic beverage

After determining that someone has had too much to drink, there are eight steps you should take to cut someone off. What is the first step?

Answer: Verify your observations

Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding fatigue, medication, drugs, or illness?

Answer: They increase the effect alcohol has on a person

Which of the following people would likely become intoxicated more quickly

Answer: A person who is very tired or physically exhausted

A temporary member may enjoy a private club’s services and privileges for a period of not more than:

Answer: Seven days per invitation WRONG

Who owns the alcoholic beverages of a private club?

Answer: The members

The holder of a promotional permit may:

Answer: Offer in-store wine and beer samples

If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club, what is the first question the server should ask?

Answer: Is the individual a member of the club or in a member’s family?

A private club registration permit authorizes alcoholic beverages belonging to members of the club to be:

Answer: Stored, possessed, and mixed on the club premises

Which of the following statements about private club guests is CORRECT?

Answer: Guests must pay for any alcoholic beverages they consume.

Volunteers serving alcohol at a special event must:

Answer: Check IDs

The alcoholic beverages in a private club are:

Answer: Sold to the members

If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club and is determined not to be a current club member, what should the server do?

Answer: Ask if the individual is a guest of a member

Who may pay for the service of alcoholic beverages in a private club?

Answer: Members only

A temporary member may enjoy a private club’s services and privileges for a period of not more than:

Answer: Three days per invitation

If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club, what is the first question the server should ask?

Answer: How old is the individual?

What is a “private club?”

Answer: An association of persons that operates as an “open saloon”

If an individual orders an alcoholic beverage in a private club and is determined not to be a current club member, what should the server do?

Answer: Ask if the individual is a guest of a member

In an establishment that serves alcohol for on premise consumption and gets less than 50% of its gross receipts from alcohol sales, a cashier can be 16.

Answer: True

When selling alcohol, a minor is defined as:

Answer: A person under the age of 21.

Which of the following might make you suspect that an ID is fake?

Answer: White out used to change the information.

          Fuzzy printing or red eye in the photo.

          The words “Not a Government Document” appear.

           All of the above.

It is illegal for a minor to even attempt to purchase alcohol.

Answer: True

If a customer presents an ID where the physical description does not match the photograph or the person:

Do not accept the ID as proof of age because it may be a forged or altered ID.

When an excessive amount of alcohol is consumed causing a person to stop or breath slowly, vomit in their sleep, or appear pale or bluish, the person is possibly suffering from:

Answer: Alcohol Poisoning

Which term matches the following definition, “To appear in public under the influence of alcohol or any other substance to the degree that the individual may endanger him or herself; or others.”

Answer: Public intoxication

All seller/server training schools are owned and operated by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

Answer: False

A medic alert bracelet might indicate that a customer:

Answer: Should not drink because of a medical condition

When checking an ID, make sure the description matches the person, the photo matches the description, and _.

Answer: Look for signs of Identification was altered

Check the date of birth to make sure the person is 21 or older

—– Both A and C

A young woman approaches the counter wanting to buy a bottle of wine. You cannot tell by her physical appearance if she is a minor or not. You have asked for an ID but she has left it in the car, what should you do in this situation?

Answer: Put the wine behind the counter and wait for her to return with a valid ID before making the sale.

By taking this course, you cannot be held liable if you sell to a minor or intoxicated person.

Answer: True

Fatigue, medication, drugs, or illness can:

Answer: Increase the effect alcohol has on a person.

When is the best time to check for identification?

Answer: Before you make the sale or serve the drink.

In an approved public entertainment facility, which of the following is allowed?

Answer: Bring unopened alcoholic beverages into the facility as a spectator.

If a person does not have the normal use of mental or physical faculties because they have been drinking alcohol, they would legally be considered:

Answer: Intoxicated

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