Mark Klimek Blue Book Questions: Blue study guide for 2023 NCLEX – Based on Mark K Notes

Blue book from Quizlet
For every question the answer is right below it I highlighted the 1st 3 so you can see
A 0 on the apgar means the baby
is stillborn
The #1 contracture problem in AKA is __ of the

flexion, hip
The #1 danger in both Myasthenic and Cholinergic crisis is
_ .
Respiratory arrest
The #1 danger when using the dorsogluteal site for IM
injection is_________
Damage to the sciatic nerve
1 g
1000 mg
1 gm
15 gr
The #1 goal in emergency treatment of spinal cord
injury is…
Immobilization of the spine
1 gr
60 mg
1 inch
2.5 cm
1 kg
1000 cc

Blue book from Quizlet
For every question the answer is right below it I highlighted the 1st 3 so you can see
1 kg
2.2 lbs
1 L
1000 cc
1 ml
1 cc
1 oz
30 cc
The #1 problem with central lines
The #1 sign of MG is . Severe muscle weakness 1 tbs 3 tsp 1 tbs 15 cc 1 tsp 4 to 5 cc The 2 most common surgeries used to treat spinal cord injury are
and __.
Laminectomy and spinal fusion
The 2nd stage of labor and delivery accomplishes….
Delivery of the infant

Blue book from Quizlet
For every question the answer is right below it I highlighted the 1st 3 so you can see
The 2nd stage of labor and delivery begins with _ and ends with _ of the .
Full dilation, delivery, infant
The 2nd stage of labor and delivery lasts hours for a
primagravida and hours for a multigravida.
1 1/2 hours, 1/2 hour
The 3rd stage of labor and delivery accomplishes…
Expulsion of the placenta
The 3rd stage of labor and delivery lasts…
Less than one hour
The 3rd trimester goes from week to week__
28, 40
3 to 6 years
6 to 12 years
School age
A 10 on the apgar means the baby is
in terrific health
12 to 20 years
18 months to 3 years
18 to 25 years
Young Adult
90% of single-parent families are headed by a _.

Blue book from Quizlet
For every question the answer is right below it I highlighted the 1st 3 so you can see
The abnormal hemoglobin produced by people with
sickle cell anemia is called Hgb . Hgb S-it “sickles” Abnromally high blood pressure is called______.
Abruptio Placenta usually occurs in (prima/multi) gravida
over the age of _.
Multigravida, 35 (HTN, trauma, cocaine)
Accurate blood pressure is obtained by using a cuff that
has width of _
of the arm.
Accutane is an analog of which vitamin?
Vitamin A
Acid Ash diet
Decrease pH (makes urine acid)
Chz, eggs, Meat, fish, oysters, poultry, Bread, Cereal, Whole
Grains, Pastries, Cranberries, Prunes, Plums, Tomatoes, Peas,
Corn, Legumes.
Temporary cyanotic condition, usually in newborns resulting
in a bluish color around the lips, hands and fingernails, feet
and toenails. May last for a few hours and disappear with
The activity order in early management of CVA is
Absolute Bed Rest

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