Who is most likely to include music into their practice?
a. Freud
b. Jung
c. Gestalt
d. all of the above – ANSWER- Jung. often has dancing and
singing and playing of instruments in his session
(gestalt is not a person it is a model)
(freud did not like music)
Mother child interactions help develop… – ANSWERcommunication goals
A client would like to explore self expression and building self
esteem, best intervention:
a. Improvisation

b. Lyric analysis
c. Listening to music
d. Using pre-composed music – ANSWER- a. Improvisation
When working with a child with disability, only emotional goal
is to support goals of happiness. – ANSWER- False. People also
need to express other emotions

  1. If a music therapist was collecting data from his/her session to
    financially support music therapy at a facility, the following is
    aligned most with evidence based practice:
    a. NMT
    b. Analytical music therapy
    c. Nordoff robbins
    d. Behavioural music therapy – ANSWER- a. NMT
    bc of the standardized interventions
    Improvisation as a MT intervention is…
    a. always beneficial
    b. is always client led
    c. is free and unpredictable

d. is seldom used – ANSWER- c. is free and unpredictable
(not always beneficial, could be teacher lead)
Dementia is best defined as… – ANSWER- declining language
and memory
The iPod project is best described as
a) A music therapy intervention
b) An example of pre-composed music as a music therapy
c) A way for Apple to give back to the community
d) An example of how meaningful music can have a positive
cognitive impact – ANSWER- d) An example of how
meaningful music can have a positive cognitive impact
Precomposed music as a music therapy intervention with clients
in long term care:
a. Is always helpful
b. sense of familiarity and ability
c. used as entertainment
d. should be used with an iPod – ANSWER- b. sense of
familiarity and ability

Pre-composed music can facilitate dialogue because
a) Music motivates people to speak with one another
b) Life events are often associated with pre-composed place of
c) People like talking about music
d) All of the above – ANSWER- b) life events are often
associated with a pre-composed piece of music
Pre-composed music can facilitate cognitive rehabilitation
a) Becomes music is healing
b) Because music can regenerate neurons
c) Music cannot facilitate cognitive rehabilitation
d) Because the ABA structure allows for repetition – ANSWERd) Because the ABA structure allows for repetition
(idk what this means tbh)
Memory is impaired as a result of Alzheimer’s disease, however,
a) Ability to learn to play an instrument remains intact
b) Ability to recall lyrics of a song often remains intact
c) Ability to recall the names of loved ones often remains intact

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