Langer lines generally lie perpendicular to the direction of – ANSWER ☑☑underlying muscle tension
two electrolytes essential for normal cardiac contractions – ANSWER ☑☑potassium and calcium
The thyroid gland consists of right and left lobes joined by the – ANSWER ☑☑isthmus
The large artery that arises from the left side of the aortic arch and descends into the arm is the –
ANSWER ☑☑subclavian
The arterial supply to the intestinal tract, with the exception of the stomach, duodenum, and distal
rectum, is derived from the – ANSWER ☑☑superior and inferior mesenteric arteries
The inner lining of the mucosa of the g.i. tract is composed of – ANSWER ☑☑epithelium
The normal pH of blodd is – ANSWER ☑☑7.3 – 7.4
Veins that drains the intracranial venous sinuses to veins on the outside of the skull – ANSWER
Arteries supplying blood to the brain – ANSWER ☑☑vertebral and internal carotids
Which of the follwing arteries divides into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries?
*internal carotid
*external carotid

*basilar – ANSWER ☑☑internal carotid
Direct branch of the internal carotid – ANSWER ☑☑middle cerebral
The lateral ventricles within the cerebral hemisphere communicate with the third ventricle through the
opening called – ANSWER ☑☑Foramen of Monro
The third ventricle of the brain empties into the fourth ventricle through the – ANSWER ☑☑Aqueduct
of Sylvius
Spinal fluid is produced by the – ANSWER ☑☑choroid plexus
The fold of dura mater that seperates the cerebral hemispheres – ANSWER ☑☑falx cerebri
Separates the frontal and temporal lobes – ANSWER ☑☑fissure of sylvius
The frontal lobe is bounded posteriorly by the central sulcus, also called the – ANSWER ☑☑fissure of
Which of the following areas located in the fronal gyrus of the brain controls of the function of speech? –
ANSWER ☑☑brocas
The white line of Hilton is situated – ANSWER ☑☑between the external and internal anal sphincters
Adipose tissue lies in which skin layer? – ANSWER ☑☑subcutaneous
Collagen is produced by which connective tissue cells? – ANSWER ☑☑fibroblasts
What is normal cardiac output for an adult? – ANSWER ☑☑4-8L/minute

Which vein drains the right side of the vertebral column? – ANSWER ☑☑azygos
Which arteries supplies the cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, and proximal portion of the
transverse colon? – ANSWER ☑☑superior mesenteric
The celiac artery trifurcates into the – ANSWER ☑☑left gastric, splenic, and hepatic arteries
A prolongation of the breast tissue located in the upper, outer part of the breast that passes through an
opening in the axillary fascia is called the – ANSWER ☑☑axillary tail of Spence
The mammary gland is fixed to the overlying skin and underlying pectoral fascia by fibrous bands known
as – ANSWER ☑☑suspensory ligaments of cooper
The arterial blood supply to the breast is supplied from branches of the – ANSWER ☑☑internal
mammary, axillary and lateral thoracic
What is the loose areolar tissue that separates the breast frompectoralismuscle – ANSWER
☑☑retromammary space
Which lymph nodes are located between the pectoralis major and minor muscles? – ANSWER ☑☑rotter
Which nerves travel along the anterior-lateral chest wall and innervates the serratus anterior muscle? –
ANSWER ☑☑long thoracic
What nerves innervates the latissimus dorsi muscle? – ANSWER ☑☑thoracodorsal
The nerve of Grassi is associated with the – ANSWER ☑☑stomach
The veins of sappey drain the – ANSWER ☑☑diaphragm
The node of Lund is located in the – ANSWER ☑☑Triangle of Calot

Where is Hartmann’s pouch located? – ANSWER ☑☑gallbladder infundibulum
The small ducts that drain bile directly into the gallbladder are called – ANSWER ☑☑Hepatic
What is the name for the small pancreatic duct? – ANSWER ☑☑Santorini
The three structures that form the anatomical triangle of Calot are – ANSWER ☑☑cystic duct, common
hepatic duct, lower edge of the liver
The point of seperation between the posterior rectus sheath superiorly and absence of the sheath
inferiorly is called the – ANSWER ☑☑arcuate line
At what point does the external iliac artery become the femoral artery? – ANSWER ☑☑at the location
of the inguinal ligament
The avascular area located in the mesentery and to the left of the middle colic artery is – ANSWER
☑☑the space of riolan
The series of arcades along the mesenteric border thorughout the length of the colon is called the –
ANSWER ☑☑Margical artery of drummond
Valves of the gallbladder are called – ANSWER ☑☑heister
What nerves are located lateral to the long thoracic nerve and innervates the latissimus dorsi muscle –
ANSWER ☑☑thoracodorsal
Which ligament connects the thryoid to the trachea? – ANSWER ☑☑berry
The structure that bind the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall is the – ANSWER

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