A nurse enters the room of a client who has a seizure disorder

A nurse enters the room of a client who has a seizure disorder. The client is sitting in a chair and begins to experience a seizure. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?

Loosen the client’s clothing.

Help the client lie on the floor.

Turn the client onto their side.

Move items in the room away from the client.

The correct answer and Explanation is :

In the scenario where a client with a seizure disorder begins to experience a seizure while sitting in a chair, the first action a nurse should take is:

D. Move items in the room away from the client.


During a seizure, the primary concern is to ensure the client’s safety and prevent injury. Here’s a breakdown of why moving items away from the client is the first priority:

  1. Preventing Injury: Seizures can cause uncontrolled muscle contractions and movements. If the client is in a chair, there might be objects or furniture around them that could potentially cause injury during the seizure. Moving items away from the client helps create a safer environment and reduces the risk of the client hitting or bumping into hard objects.
  2. Creating a Safe Space: By clearing the area around the client, you help ensure that the client has space to move and that there are fewer potential hazards in their immediate vicinity. This action can prevent further injury and make it easier to manage the seizure.
  3. Other Actions: After ensuring the immediate safety of the environment, the nurse should then proceed with additional steps:
  • Loosen the client’s clothing (Option A) to help ensure that there are no restrictive elements that could exacerbate the situation.
  • Help the client lie on the floor (Option B) can be important to prevent falls, but only if it can be done safely. If the client is already seated in a chair, it’s not always feasible to safely move them to the floor during a seizure.
  • Turn the client onto their side (Option C) can help with airway management and reduce the risk of aspiration, but this is usually done after ensuring the area is clear of hazards.

The safety of the client during a seizure involves a series of steps, and starting with removing potential hazards helps set the stage for more effective and safer management of the situation.

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