A nurse is caring for a client who has stomatitis following radiation therapy.

A nurse is caring for a client who has stomatitis following radiation therapy. Which of the following interventions is appropriate for the nurse to take?

Avoid serving sauces or gravies.

Discourage the use of a straw.

Serve the client hot meals.

Offer the client frozen bananas as a snack.

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The appropriate intervention for a client with stomatitis following radiation therapy is:

D. Offer the client frozen bananas as a snack.


Stomatitis, an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth, is a common side effect of radiation therapy, particularly when the head or neck areas are treated. It can lead to discomfort, pain, and difficulties in eating and swallowing. To manage this condition effectively, interventions should focus on minimizing discomfort and promoting healing. Here’s why option D is appropriate and the others are less suitable:

1. Offer the client frozen bananas as a snack: Frozen bananas can be soothing for individuals with stomatitis because they are cold and can help numb the pain temporarily. Cold foods can also reduce inflammation and provide relief from the burning sensation often associated with stomatitis. Bananas are soft and non-acidic, making them gentle on the inflamed mucous membranes, which helps in reducing irritation and discomfort. Additionally, bananas are nutritious and provide essential vitamins and minerals that can aid in overall health and healing.

2. Avoid serving sauces or gravies: While it’s true that acidic or spicy foods should be avoided due to their potential to irritate the mucous membranes, this intervention is less specific to managing stomatitis. Sauces and gravies can be problematic if they are acidic or spicy, but this option doesn’t address the immediate comfort needs as effectively as cold or soft foods would.

3. Discourage the use of a straw: Using a straw is generally not a problem unless the client is experiencing significant pain with suction or has a particular issue with it. In fact, straws might sometimes be used to help bypass painful areas in the mouth. Therefore, discouraging straws is not a universally appropriate intervention.

4. Serve the client hot meals: Hot foods can exacerbate the discomfort associated with stomatitis, as heat may increase inflammation and pain. For clients with stomatitis, it’s better to serve foods at room temperature or cold to avoid further irritation.

In summary, offering frozen bananas aligns well with the need to provide soothing, non-irritating, and nutritious options for a client suffering from stomatitis following radiation therapy.

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