A parent asks about teething remedies for their infant

A parent asks about teething remedies for their infant. Which recommendation by the nurse is appropriate for teething discomfort?

Rubbing whiskey on the baby’s gums

Providing a chilled teething ring or clean, damp cloth for the baby to chew on

Offering hard candies to suck on

Applying aspirin directly to the baby’s gums

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The most appropriate recommendation for teething discomfort is:

B. Providing a chilled teething ring or clean, damp cloth for the baby to chew on.


Teething can be an uncomfortable experience for infants as their new teeth emerge through the gums. The primary goal of teething remedies is to soothe the discomfort and provide relief in a safe manner. Here’s why option B is the best choice:

  1. Safety: Chilled teething rings or clean, damp cloths are safe and non-invasive methods to relieve teething pain. The cold helps numb the gums and reduce inflammation, while the teething ring or cloth provides a textured surface for the baby to gnaw on, which can help alleviate discomfort.
  2. Teething Rings: Teething rings are specifically designed to be chewed on by infants. When chilled, they offer a soothing effect that can be very comforting. It’s important to ensure that the teething ring is free from harmful chemicals and that it is used according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  3. Clean, Damp Cloth: A clean, damp cloth, when chilled, can also provide relief. The cloth’s texture can massage the gums and the cold can help reduce swelling. It’s crucial to ensure the cloth is clean to avoid introducing bacteria into the baby’s mouth.

In contrast, the other options are not recommended:

  • A. Rubbing whiskey on the baby’s gums: This practice is unsafe and not recommended. Alcohol can be toxic to infants and can cause harm to their developing organs and central nervous system.
  • C. Offering hard candies: Hard candies pose a choking hazard and are inappropriate for infants who lack the necessary chewing ability and are prone to putting objects in their mouths.
  • D. Applying aspirin directly to the baby’s gums: Aspirin should never be used in this manner. It can lead to serious complications such as Reye’s syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal condition that affects the liver and brain.

Always consult with a pediatrician before trying new teething remedies to ensure they are safe and appropriate for the infant’s age and health condition.

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