Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence

Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

The medication was intended to constrict the pupils.

Make bigger

Make smaller



The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is B. Make smaller.

In the sentence “The medication was intended to constrict the pupils,” the word “constrict” refers to making something smaller or tighter.

To understand this, let’s break down the concept:

Constrict: This term is used in various scientific and medical contexts to describe the action of narrowing or reducing the size of an opening or passage. For example, when muscles or blood vessels constrict, they become narrower, which decreases the space available.

In the context of the eyes, the pupils are the openings in the center of the eyes that allow light to enter. The size of the pupils can change based on various factors, such as lighting conditions, emotional states, or medication.

Pupillary constriction: When medication is administered to constrict the pupils, it means the medication causes the pupils to become smaller in diameter. This process is often referred to as miosis. Constriction of the pupils can be useful in medical situations, such as treating certain eye conditions or responding to specific symptoms.

Here’s a brief overview of the incorrect options:

  • A. Make bigger: This would be the opposite of constrict. When something is made bigger, it is being dilated or expanded, not constricted.
  • C. Dilate: Dilate means to make larger or expand. This is the opposite of constrict, which is to make smaller or tighter.
  • D. Sensitize: To sensitize means to make more sensitive or responsive. This term is unrelated to the concept of changing the size of the pupils.

In summary, the medication in question is intended to reduce the size of the pupils, which aligns with the meaning of “constrict” as making something smaller.

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