Technology is rapidly expanding the scope of capabilities for both professional and personal use; such is the case with smart phones.

Technology is rapidly expanding the scope of capabilities for both professional and personal use; such is the case with smart phones. Professionals now have devices available to them capable of digital media, internet access, phone communication, multi-person scheduling and office tools for documents and presentations. Business people that are often mobile may maximize the use of these critical features on smart phones. Individuals who simply enjoy the luxury of multi-function devices often use these devices for frivolous pursuits such as downloading catchy ring tones, instant messaging about the latest gossip and looking up the world record for most cans crushed on one’s head during the Superbowl. This fusion of capabilities and increased availability of such devices could be a sign of a growing blend in society between work and personal life, or individuals could simply be taking a luxurious approach to their connectivity in personal lives.

What is the purpose of the conclusion sentence?

draw a conclusion about what we know smart phones can do

present two possible explanations for the growing popularity of smart phones

comment on human connectivity through the use of smart phones

predict how the government will regulate and guide future technology

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is:

B. present two possible explanations for the growing popularity of smart phones


The conclusion sentence of the passage serves to encapsulate the central idea discussed and provide insight into the implications of the observations made about smartphones. Here’s a detailed explanation:

  1. Summary of Main Points: Throughout the passage, the author discusses how smartphones have evolved to offer a range of functionalities that are beneficial both professionally and personally. Professionals can use smartphones for digital media, internet access, and office tools, while individuals use them for personal entertainment and social activities.
  2. Conclusion Sentence Function: The conclusion sentence in the passage reflects on the broader implications of these observations. It proposes two possible explanations for the growing popularity and integration of smartphones into daily life:
    • Blending Work and Personal Life: It suggests that the expanding capabilities of smartphones might indicate a merging of professional and personal spheres. This explanation reflects on how the multifunctionality of smartphones could be contributing to a more integrated lifestyle where work and personal activities are more interconnected.
    • Luxurious Approach to Connectivity: Alternatively, it proposes that individuals might be using smartphones in a more leisurely manner, indulging in features like ringtones and social media for personal enjoyment. This viewpoint considers the possibility that people are embracing smartphones more for their entertainment and luxury aspects rather than purely for their practical utility.
  3. Why Not the Other Options?:
    • Option A: While the passage does describe what smartphones can do, the conclusion sentence does not simply summarize these capabilities but rather reflects on their broader implications.
    • Option C: The conclusion does touch on connectivity but does so in the context of potential explanations for the smartphone’s growing popularity, not just commenting on human connectivity in general.
    • Option D: There is no discussion about government regulation or predictions regarding future technology in the conclusion sentence.

Thus, the purpose of the conclusion sentence is to present two possible explanations for why smartphones have become increasingly popular, considering both their impact on work-life integration and their appeal for personal enjoyment.

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