Which assessment finding indicates a potential complication of immobility related to the respiratory system

Which assessment finding indicates a potential complication of immobility related to the respiratory system?
A. Increased muscle strength
B. Increased lung expansion
C. Diminished breath sounds
D. Normal respiratory rate

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is C. Diminished breath sounds.


Immobilization can have several adverse effects on the respiratory system. One significant complication of immobility is the risk of developing atelectasis, which is the collapse or closure of a lung or part of a lung. This condition reduces the lung’s ability to expand fully, leading to decreased lung volume and compromised gas exchange.

When a patient is immobile, the decreased movement of the chest and diaphragm can contribute to inadequate ventilation of the lungs. This reduced movement can result in the accumulation of secretions in the airways, as the body is less effective at clearing mucus through coughing and deep breathing. The stagnant mucus can lead to partial obstruction of the airways and contribute to the development of atelectasis.

In clinical practice, one key assessment finding indicative of such complications is diminished breath sounds. Breath sounds may become diminished or reduced in areas where lung tissue has collapsed or is not fully ventilated. This occurs because the air moving through the partially collapsed or obstructed areas of the lung generates less sound, making it harder to auscultate normal breath sounds.

On the other hand:

  • A. Increased muscle strength: Immobility typically leads to muscle weakness, not increased muscle strength.
  • B. Increased lung expansion: Immobility generally results in decreased lung expansion due to reduced chest movement and potential atelectasis.
  • D. Normal respiratory rate: While a normal respiratory rate might be observed, it does not necessarily indicate the absence of respiratory complications. Diminished breath sounds are a more direct indicator of issues related to lung expansion and airflow.

Therefore, diminished breath sounds are a critical sign to monitor in immobile patients to detect potential respiratory complications early and address them promptly.

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