A nurse is assisting with the care of a recently deceased client.

A nurse is assisting with the care of a recently deceased client. Which of the following actions should the nurse complete prior to the family viewing the body?

Remove dentures.

Apply a shroud around the body with a visible identification tag.

Clean soiled areas of the body.

Place the client’s head in a dependent position.

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is C. Clean soiled areas of the body.

When preparing a deceased client for family viewing, one of the nurse’s primary responsibilities is to ensure that the body is presented in a dignified and respectful manner. Cleaning soiled areas of the body is a crucial step in this process. This action not only respects the deceased but also helps create a more peaceful and comforting experience for the grieving family.

Cleaning the body typically involves washing and grooming it, as well as removing any secretions or fluids that may have accumulated. This step is essential for both aesthetic and hygienic reasons. It ensures that the family can view their loved one in a state that reflects the care and respect they deserve.

While other options may seem relevant, they are either not prioritized or not necessary in the context of preparing for family viewing. For example, A. Remove dentures is not typically required unless there are specific cultural or facility protocols in place. Leaving dentures in can provide a more natural appearance for the deceased.

B. Apply a shroud around the body with a visible identification tag is also important, but it is generally performed after the body is cleaned and prepared for viewing. This step is part of the overall process but does not take precedence over ensuring cleanliness.

D. Place the client’s head in a dependent position is inappropriate for viewing. The deceased should be positioned in a way that is respectful and comfortable for the family, which usually means the head should be aligned properly and supported rather than dependent.

In summary, cleaning the body is essential for maintaining dignity and respect during the viewing process, making it the correct action for the nurse to prioritize.

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