A nurse is caring for a client who requires airborne precautions.

A nurse is caring for a client who requires airborne precautions. The nurse is preparing to leave the client’s room following a dressing change. Which of the following pieces of personal protective equipment should the nurse remove first?





The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is C. Mask.

When dealing with airborne precautions, the proper order of removing personal protective equipment (PPE) is crucial to minimize the risk of contaminating oneself or others. Airborne precautions are typically employed for infections that can be transmitted through small droplets that remain suspended in the air for extended periods, such as tuberculosis or measles.

In this scenario, after completing a dressing change, the nurse should follow the recommended sequence for PPE removal:

  1. Gloves: The first item to remove is the gloves. Gloves are considered the most contaminated because they directly come into contact with the patient’s body fluids and contaminated surfaces. Removing gloves first helps prevent the transmission of pathogens to the nurse’s hands, allowing for subsequent safe handling of other PPE and environmental surfaces.
  2. Eyewear: If eyewear has been used, it should be removed next. The eyewear can harbor droplets or particles, so careful removal is necessary to prevent any potential contamination from the surface of the eyewear to the face or hands.
  3. Gown: The gown is removed after gloves and eyewear because it can also be contaminated. Removing the gown carefully helps prevent spreading any pathogens that may be present on its exterior.
  4. Mask: Finally, the mask should be removed last. This is a crucial step because the mask protects the nurse from inhaling airborne pathogens. If the mask is removed too early, there is a risk of inhaling any pathogens that may still be present in the environment.

By following this order—gloves, eyewear, gown, and then mask—the nurse minimizes the risk of self-contamination and ensures that they are protecting themselves and others from potential transmission of infectious agents.

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