A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has a pre-pregnancy BMI of 21.

A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has a pre-pregnancy BMI of 21. How much weight should the nurse recommend the client gain during the course of the pregnancy?

A 16.4 to 20.5 kg (36 to 45 lb)
B 5 to 7.7 kg (11 to 17 lb)
C 11.4 to 15.9 kg (25 to 35 lb)
D 8.2 to 10.9 kg (18 to 24 lb)

The Correct Answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is C: 11.4 to 15.9 kg (25 to 35 lb).


Weight gain during pregnancy is crucial for both maternal health and fetal development. The recommendations for weight gain vary based on the pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) of the individual. For women with a pre-pregnancy BMI of 21, which falls within the “normal weight” category (BMI of 18.5 to 24.9), the guidelines provided by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) suggest a total weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds during the pregnancy.

Why is this weight gain important? Weight gain during pregnancy supports the growth and development of the fetus, increases maternal blood volume, and prepares the body for breastfeeding. It is essential to ensure that both the mother and the developing baby receive adequate nutrients. Insufficient weight gain may lead to low birth weight or developmental issues, while excessive weight gain can increase the risk of complications such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, and cesarean delivery.

The recommended range of 11.4 to 15.9 kg (25 to 35 lb) reflects an optimal balance that supports healthy fetal growth while minimizing risks for the mother. The distribution of this weight gain is also important; typically, about 1 to 2 kg (2.2 to 4.4 lb) is gained in the first trimester, with the majority occurring in the second and third trimesters.

It’s also crucial to provide clients with guidance on healthy eating and physical activity during pregnancy to support their weight gain goals. A registered dietitian can assist in creating a balanced meal plan that meets nutritional needs while aligning with recommended weight gain. Regular follow-ups and assessments can help ensure that the client is on track and making necessary adjustments throughout their pregnancy journey.

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