The Amazon River Basin is home to the largest rainforest on Earth

The Amazon River Basin is home to the largest rainforest on Earth. The basin – roughly the size of the forty-eight contiguous United States – covers some 40% of the South American continent, and portions of eight countries. The basin is drained by the Amazon River, the world’s largest river in terms of discharge, and the second longest river in the world after the Nile. Since 1970, over 600,000 square kilometers (232,000 square miles) of Amazon rainforest have been destroyed. This deforestation is mainly due to land clearing for pastureland by commercial and speculative interests, misguided government policies, and commercial exploitation of forest resources. Deforestation of the rainforest has long-term implications. The loss of habitat for many creatures ensures their extinction. The loss of vegetation depletes the oxygen in the atmosphere, which some say causes global warming.

What is the author’s implied intention in writing this article?

Deforestation must cease immediately.

Species must be preserved in artificial habitats.

South America is using the natural resources wisely.

It is important to know about the Amazon.

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The author’s implied intention in writing this article is best reflected by option A: Deforestation must cease immediately.

The article discusses the alarming deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest, highlighting its vastness and critical importance to global ecology. By mentioning the destruction of over 600,000 square kilometers of rainforest since 1970 and linking it to harmful practices like commercial exploitation and misguided government policies, the author emphasizes the unsustainable actions leading to deforestation. These actions have direct consequences, such as the extinction of species and depletion of oxygen levels, suggesting an urgent need for change.

The information regarding the Amazon River Basin being the largest rainforest on Earth, its contribution to oxygen production, and its vast biodiversity signals the critical role the region plays in maintaining ecological balance. By illustrating the negative consequences of deforestation, such as habitat loss and the potential for global warming, the author is raising awareness about the environmental crisis and implicitly calling for immediate action to halt or reduce deforestation.

Option B is incorrect because the text does not mention artificial habitats as a solution for species preservation. Option C is incorrect since the tone of the article is critical of South America’s use of the Amazon’s natural resources. Lastly, D, while informative, does not capture the urgency implied by the text regarding the need to address deforestation and its harmful effects. The passage’s tone conveys a sense of alarm about the ongoing destruction, pointing to A as the most accurate representation of the author’s implied intention.

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