Which of the following options is correctly punctuated

Which of the following options is correctly punctuated?

The runaway truck, which had been parked on a steep hill swerved and teetered, before jumping a curb and slamming into a tree.

The runaway truck, which had been parked on a steep hill, swerved and teetered before jumping a curb and slamming into a tree.

The runaway truck which had been parked on a steep hill swerved, and teetered before jumping a curb and slamming into a tree.

The runaway truck which had been parked on a steep hill swerved and teetered before jumping a curb, and slamming into a tree.

The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correctly punctuated option is:

The runaway truck, which had been parked on a steep hill, swerved and teetered before jumping a curb and slamming into a tree.


Punctuation is crucial for clarity and correct interpretation of sentences. Here’s why Option B is the correct choice:

  1. Use of Commas with Non-Restrictive Clauses:
  • Option B correctly uses commas to set off the non-restrictive clause “which had been parked on a steep hill.” A non-restrictive clause provides additional, non-essential information about the noun it follows. In this case, it gives extra detail about the truck, but the main action of the sentence would still make sense without it. Commas are used to separate non-restrictive clauses from the rest of the sentence to ensure that the information is clearly added without altering the core meaning.
  1. Clarity and Flow:
  • By using commas around the non-restrictive clause, Option B maintains clarity and ensures that the sentence flows smoothly. This structure helps to avoid any confusion about the relationship between the clause and the main actions of the sentence.
  1. Avoiding Ambiguity:
  • Option A incorrectly lacks a comma after “hill,” causing confusion about where the non-restrictive clause ends and the main clause begins. This lack of clarity makes the sentence harder to read and understand.
  • Option C misses a comma after “swerved,” which could create a pause where none is needed, affecting the readability.
  • Option D introduces unnecessary commas, which can disrupt the natural flow of the sentence and make it seem choppy.

Overall, Option B provides the best balance of clarity and correct punctuation, ensuring the sentence is both readable and grammatically correct.

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