Joints between vertebrae would be an example of

Joints between vertebrae would be an example of:.





The correct answer and Explanation is :

The correct answer is B. Symphysis.


Vertebrae in the spine are connected by intervertebral discs and ligaments, which allow for flexibility, movement, and shock absorption. These joints between the vertebrae are examples of cartilaginous joints, specifically a type of joint called a symphysis.

What is a Symphysis?

A symphysis is a type of cartilaginous joint where the bones are connected by a pad of fibrocartilage. This allows for slight movement (amphiarthrosis) but also provides strength and flexibility. The vertebral column is a classic example of this type of joint. Each vertebral body is separated by an intervertebral disc, which consists of a tough outer layer (the annulus fibrosus) and a gel-like center (the nucleus pulposus). These discs cushion the vertebrae and allow for small amounts of movement between each pair of vertebrae, which is essential for the spine’s flexibility and function.

Why Not the Other Options?

  • A. Synarthrotic: Synarthrotic joints are immovable joints, such as the sutures in the skull. The vertebrae do allow for slight movement, so they are not synarthrotic.
  • C. Suture: A suture is a type of fibrous joint found in the skull, where bones are tightly fused together and immovable, which is not the case with vertebral joints.
  • D. Gomphosis: A gomphosis is a type of joint that involves a peg-in-socket connection, like the roots of teeth fitting into the jawbone. This is unrelated to the vertebral joints.

The symphysis joints between the vertebrae allow for slight but important movements such as bending, twisting, and shock absorption, critical for the spine’s overall mobility and function.

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