An electronics company polled 300 random people to find out whether they own cell phones and laptops.

An electronics company polled 300 random people to find out whether they own cell phones and laptops. The results are shown in the table labeled “Cell Phone” and “Laptop”. The cell labeled “b” represents the number of people who own both a cell phone and a laptop.

The Correct answer and Explanation is:


To analyze the data, we first interpret the given table:

Cell PhoneNo Cell PhoneTotal
No Laptop59207266

Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Cell Phone Owners: The number of people who own cell phones is represented by the first column.
    • Laptop Owners: 82 people own both a cell phone and a laptop.
    • No Laptop Owners: 59 people own a cell phone but not a laptop.
    • Total Cell Phone Owners: Therefore, the total number of cell phone owners is 82+59=14182 + 59 = 14182+59=141.
  2. Non-Cell Phone Owners: The second column represents people who do not own cell phones.
    • Laptop Owners: 159 people do not own a cell phone but own a laptop.
    • No Laptop Owners: 207 people do not own either device.
    • Total Non-Cell Phone Owners: Thus, the total number of non-cell phone owners is 159+207=366159 + 207 = 366159+207=366.
  3. Total Surveyed: The total number of surveyed individuals is stated as 300. The discrepancy in totals raises a flag; if we take 300 as the accurate total, the table is inconsistent.

To find out the number of people who own both devices (represented as bbb), we can apply the principle of inclusion-exclusion if the correct total is known. However, based on the provided totals in the table, the ownership status leads to insights about consumer preferences for technology.

Key Observations:

  • The data suggests a high correlation between cell phone and laptop ownership, indicating that individuals who own one device are likely to own the other.
  • The data can help the electronics company strategize marketing efforts by targeting demographics that are more inclined to own both devices.

This analysis can guide product development and marketing strategies by recognizing patterns in consumer technology ownership. However, confirming the accuracy of the totals is essential for precise data interpretation and actionable insights.

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