Region where slavery was most common

Region where slavery was most common
Region that contained the first colony to legally recognize slavery

Region where enslaved persons were most likely to work in shops or as skilled craftsmen

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

The region where slavery was most common in colonial America was the Southern Colonies, particularly in states like Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia. These areas had economies heavily reliant on agriculture, particularly the cultivation of cash crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo, which required a large labor force. The Southern Colonies implemented the plantation system, which was dependent on the labor of enslaved Africans, making slavery integral to their economic success and social structure.

The first colony to legally recognize slavery was Virginia, where the first enslaved Africans arrived in 1619. The Virginia Assembly passed laws in the 1660s that formalized the status of enslaved individuals, effectively establishing slavery as a legally recognized institution. Over time, these laws evolved to define and codify the status of enslaved people, stripping them of rights and perpetuating a system of racial hierarchy. This early recognition of slavery in Virginia set a precedent for other colonies, leading to a widespread adoption of similar laws throughout the Southern Colonies.

Enslaved persons in colonial America were most likely to work in urban areas as skilled craftsmen and in various trades, particularly in cities like Charleston, South Carolina, and New Orleans, Louisiana. In these urban settings, enslaved individuals could be found working as carpenters, blacksmiths, bakers, and seamstresses, often under the supervision of white artisans or tradespeople. Skilled enslaved workers were valued for their expertise and sometimes earned wages, although they were still considered property and had no autonomy over their earnings or labor. This urban labor model contrasted with the plantation system, illustrating the diverse roles that enslaved people fulfilled within the economy of the Southern Colonies.

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