Select the three sports that have very little effect on strength and fitness

Select the three sports that have very little effect on strength and fitness:
A. Bungee jumping
B. Rock climbing
C. BMX biking
D. Snowboarding
E. Sky diving
F. BASE jumping

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

The three sports that have very little effect on strength and fitness are:

A. Bungee jumping
E. Sky diving
F. BASE jumping


When evaluating the effects of different sports on strength and fitness, it is essential to understand the nature and physical demands of each activity. Bungee jumping, sky diving, and BASE jumping are primarily thrill-seeking experiences that involve minimal physical exertion relative to other sports. Here’s a closer look at each:

  1. Bungee Jumping: This activity involves jumping from a great height while connected to a large elastic cord. While it can be exhilarating and may induce a temporary adrenaline rush, it does not require significant physical strength or endurance. The primary physical activity is the jump itself, which lasts for just a few seconds, and there is no sustained effort or resistance training involved.
  2. Sky Diving: Like bungee jumping, sky diving primarily consists of the free fall and parachute deployment, which is predominantly influenced by gravity. Although the process of exiting the aircraft and stabilizing during the fall may require some core strength, the overall demands on physical fitness are minimal. The primary focus is on the experience of free fall and the technique of landing safely, rather than on building strength or cardiovascular fitness.
  3. BASE Jumping: This sport, which involves jumping from fixed objects (like cliffs or buildings) with a parachute, similarly does not emphasize physical conditioning. The key skills involve risk management, aerial awareness, and precision in parachute deployment. While some physical strength may be necessary for equipment handling or landing techniques, the primary aspects of the sport do not contribute significantly to overall fitness levels.

In contrast, sports like rock climbing, BMX biking, and snowboarding involve sustained physical activity, coordination, and strength development. They require more from the body in terms of muscle engagement, cardiovascular endurance, and functional strength. Thus, the selected sports—bungee jumping, sky diving, and BASE jumping—are largely recreational activities with minimal impact on overall fitness and strength development.

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