What is the answer to 2/3×8

What is the answer to 2/3×8

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

To find the answer to the expression 23×8\frac{2}{3} \times 832​×8, we need to perform the multiplication of the fraction 23\frac{2}{3}32​ by the whole number 888.

Step 1: Convert the Whole Number to a Fraction

The first step is to express the whole number 888 as a fraction. This can be done by writing it over 111:8=818 = \frac{8}{1}8=18​

Step 2: Multiply the Fractions

Next, we multiply the two fractions:23×81\frac{2}{3} \times \frac{8}{1}32​×18​

To multiply two fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:Numerators: 2×8=16\text{Numerators: } 2 \times 8 = 16Numerators: 2×8=16 Denominators: 3×1=3\text{Denominators: } 3 \times 1 = 3Denominators: 3×1=3

Putting it together, we have:2×83×1=163\frac{2 \times 8}{3 \times 1} = \frac{16}{3}3×12×8​=316​

Step 3: Simplify if Necessary

The fraction 163\frac{16}{3}316​ cannot be simplified further since 161616 and 333 have no common factors other than 111.

Step 4: Convert to Mixed Number (Optional)

For a more understandable form, we can convert 163\frac{16}{3}316​ into a mixed number. To do this, we divide 161616 by 333:16÷3=5(with a remainder of 1)16 \div 3 = 5 \quad \text{(with a remainder of 1)}16÷3=5(with a remainder of 1)

This means we can express 163\frac{16}{3}316​ as:5135 \frac{1}{3}531​


The final answer to the expression 23×8\frac{2}{3} \times 832​×8 is 163\frac{16}{3}316​ or, expressed as a mixed number, 5135 \frac{1}{3}531​. This illustrates how to perform multiplication with fractions and whole numbers, emphasizing the importance of converting whole numbers into fraction form for such calculations. Understanding these steps is fundamental in arithmetic, as it applies to a wide range of mathematical problems, reinforcing skills that are essential in higher-level math.

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