1/4 x 3(in fraction form please)

1/4 x 3
(in fraction form please)

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

To solve 14×3\frac{1}{4} \times 341​×3, follow these steps:

  1. Write the whole number as a fraction: Every whole number can be written as a fraction by placing it over 1. So, 333 can be written as 31\frac{3}{1}13​.Now, the multiplication problem becomes:14×31\frac{1}{4} \times \frac{3}{1}41​×13​
  2. Multiply the numerators: To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators (the top numbers) together. For our problem:1×3=31 \times 3 = 31×3=3
  3. Multiply the denominators: Similarly, multiply the denominators (the bottom numbers) together:4×1=44 \times 1 = 44×1=4
  4. Combine the results: The resulting fraction is:34\frac{3}{4}43​

Thus, 14×3=34\frac{1}{4} \times 3 = \frac{3}{4}41​×3=43​.


Fraction multiplication involves straightforward steps. You multiply the numerators and the denominators separately, without the need to find a common denominator as you would in addition or subtraction of fractions.

In this case, 14\frac{1}{4}41​ represents dividing something into 4 equal parts and taking 1 of those parts. Multiplying that by 3 essentially asks, “What is 3 times the size of 14\frac{1}{4}41​?” The result is 34\frac{3}{4}43​, which means taking 3 of the four parts.

One way to visualize this is by thinking about dividing a whole into four equal pieces, like slicing a pie into 4 parts. 14\frac{1}{4}41​ means you take one slice. If you multiply that by 3, you take 3 slices, which corresponds to 3 out of the 4 equal pieces — 34\frac{3}{4}43​ of the pie.

In summary, the multiplication of fractions is relatively simple and only requires multiplying across both the numerators and denominators. The final answer 34\frac{3}{4}43​ indicates you now have three-quarters of a whole.

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