Enter the number 90- % as a percent written with a decimal, as a decimal, and a percent written with a decimal

Enter the number 90- % as a percent written with a decimal, as a decimal, and a percent written with a decimal:
Percent written with a decimal: 0.90
Fraction with a denominator of 100: 90/100
Fraction with whole numbers in the numerator and denominator: 9/10

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

To express the number 90%90\%90% in different formats, we can break it down as follows:

1. Percent Written with a Decimal:

  • 0.90: Percentages can be converted to decimals by dividing by 100. Therefore, 90%90\%90% is calculated as: 90÷100=0.9090 \div 100 = 0.9090÷100=0.90 This shows that 90%90\%90% as a decimal is 0.900.900.90.

2. Fraction with a Denominator of 100:

  • 90100\frac{90}{100}10090​: Since percent literally means “per hundred,” 90%90\%90% can be represented as a fraction with a denominator of 100: 90%=9010090\% = \frac{90}{100}90%=10090​ This fraction directly illustrates that 90%90\%90% signifies 90 parts out of 100 parts.

3. Fraction with Whole Numbers in the Numerator and Denominator:

  • 910\frac{9}{10}109​: The fraction 90100\frac{90}{100}10090​ can be simplified to a fraction with whole numbers. To do this, we divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 10: 90÷10100÷10=910\frac{90 \div 10}{100 \div 10} = \frac{9}{10}100÷1090÷10​=109​ Thus, 90%90\%90% can also be expressed as 910\frac{9}{10}109​.


Understanding how to convert percentages into decimals and fractions is essential in various fields, including finance, statistics, and education. Percentages represent a ratio relative to 100 and are commonly used to express how much of a whole is represented.

By converting 90%90\%90% to its decimal form, 0.900.900.90, we see that it represents 90 hundredths of a whole. In terms of fractions, 90/10090/10090/100 provides a clear visual representation of this value, indicating 90 parts out of a total of 100. Simplifying to 9/109/109/10 allows us to express the same value in a more reduced form, which is often useful in mathematical calculations and comparisons.

Using these conversions helps enhance numerical literacy, allowing individuals to better understand and communicate quantitative information. It also facilitates calculations in real-world applications, such as calculating discounts, interest rates, or proportions in data analysis. Thus, being adept at converting between these forms is a valuable skill in many areas.

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