How many times does 20 go into 100

How many times does 20 go into 100

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

To determine how many times 20 goes into 100, we can perform a simple division calculation. The mathematical expression we use is:100÷20=5100 \div 20 = 5100÷20=5

This means that 20 goes into 100 exactly 5 times.

Explanation of the Division Process

Division is one of the fundamental arithmetic operations, alongside addition, subtraction, and multiplication. It essentially involves distributing a quantity into equal parts. In this case, we are interested in how many equal groups of 20 can be made from 100.

  1. Understanding the Problem:
    • We need to find out how many full groups of 20 can fit into the total of 100. This is expressed mathematically as 100 divided by 20.
  2. Setting Up the Division:
    • We set it up as a fraction: 10020\frac{100}{20}20100​. In division, the numerator (the top number) represents the total amount we have (100), while the denominator (the bottom number) represents the size of each group (20).
  3. Performing the Division:
    • To perform the division, we can think of how many times 20 fits into 100 without exceeding it. Starting from 20, we can add it repeatedly: 20, 40, 60, 80, and finally 100. At this point, we have added 20 a total of 5 times.
  4. Confirming the Result:
    • We can check our work by multiplying the quotient (5) by the divisor (20): 5×20=1005 \times 20 = 1005×20=100. Since this matches our original number, we confirm that the division was done correctly.
  5. Practical Application:
    • This type of division can be useful in everyday situations, such as dividing items into equal portions, budgeting, or planning. Knowing how to perform basic division allows for better decision-making and organization in various contexts.

Thus, 20 goes into 100 exactly 5 times, which can be expressed succinctly as 100÷20=5100 \div 20 = 5100÷20=5.

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