How should trash and recyclables be stored

How should trash and recyclables be stored?
A. Inaccessible to pests
B. Double bagged and stacked
C. In a well ventilated space
D. In an area only accessible to employees

The Correct answer and Explanation is:

The correct answer is A. Inaccessible to pests.

Trash and recyclables must be stored in a manner that ensures they are inaccessible to pests such as rodents, insects, and other wildlife. This is critical in preventing the spread of disease, contamination, and maintaining a clean and safe environment, especially in settings like healthcare, food service, or facilities with specific sanitation standards.


Pests are naturally attracted to waste, which provides a source of food and breeding grounds for them. If trash and recyclables are stored improperly, pests can easily access these materials, leading to potential infestations. Pests like rodents, cockroaches, and flies can carry pathogens that may cause serious illnesses, including foodborne illnesses and diseases such as salmonella, hantavirus, and more. Therefore, ensuring waste is inaccessible to pests plays a vital role in infection control and public health safety.

To effectively keep trash inaccessible to pests, several practices should be followed:

  • Sealed Containers: Trash should be stored in durable, sealed containers with tight-fitting lids. This prevents pests from getting into the garbage and reduces the odors that attract them.
  • Regular Disposal: Trash and recyclables should be removed frequently to prevent overaccumulation. Overflowing bins are more likely to attract pests.
  • Appropriate Storage Areas: Waste should be kept in designated areas that are clean and organized. These areas should be away from food preparation or processing zones to minimize the risk of contamination.
  • Pest Control Measures: Using appropriate pest control methods, such as traps, baits, and exclusion techniques, can further minimize the risk of pests gaining access to waste.

Storing waste in this manner reduces pest infestations, maintains sanitation, and protects public health. This is especially important in healthcare settings, where infection prevention is crucial.

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