comparative table of differences between the van der waals

comparative table of differences between the van der waals, redlich-kwong and peng-robinson equations

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

Here’s a comparative table of the Van der Waals, Redlich-Kwong, and Peng-Robinson equations of state:

FeatureVan der WaalsRedlich-KwongPeng-Robinson
Equation Form[(P + \frac{a}{V^2})(V – b) = RT][P = \frac{RT}{V-b} – \frac{a}{\sqrt{T}V(V+b)}][P = \frac{RT}{V-b} – \frac{a(T)}{V(V+b) + b(V-b)}]
Attraction Term (a)(\frac{a}{V^2})(\frac{a}{\sqrt{T}V(V+b)})(a(T)) function of temperature and reduced properties
Repulsion Term (b)((V – b))((V – b))((V – b))
Temperature DependenceNone (constant a, b)Dependent on T (a is a function of T)Temperature dependence through a(T)
ApplicabilityGood for gases near ideal behaviorBetter than Van der Waals for low pressuresBetter accuracy for gases at higher pressures and near the critical point
AccuracyModerateBetter than Van der Waals at moderate T and PMost accurate for a wide range of pressures and temperatures
Critical Point BehaviorCannot accurately predict the critical pointImproved but still limitedMore accurate prediction of critical properties
Compressibility FactorOverestimates for non-ideal gasesBetter than Van der WaalsClosest to experimental values
Primary UseHistorical importance; simple calculationsUsed for moderate accuracy in engineeringWidely used for modern applications, especially in petroleum and natural gas industries


The Van der Waals, Redlich-Kwong, and Peng-Robinson equations are different models used to describe the behavior of real gases, particularly their deviations from ideal gas behavior.

  • Van der Waals Equation: One of the earliest attempts to modify the ideal gas law to account for molecular volume and intermolecular forces. It introduces the constants (a) (attractive forces) and (b) (molecular volume). This equation works reasonably well for gases at low pressures but is not accurate near the critical point or at high pressures.
  • Redlich-Kwong Equation: An improvement over Van der Waals, it introduces a temperature dependence to the attractive term, improving accuracy for gases at higher pressures and moderate temperatures. It is often used in chemical engineering applications where moderate precision is needed.
  • Peng-Robinson Equation: Developed to address the limitations of both the Van der Waals and Redlich-Kwong equations, it introduces a more complex dependence on temperature and volume. This equation is especially useful for predicting the properties of gases and liquids near the critical point and at high pressures. It is widely used in industries like petroleum engineering because it provides a good balance between complexity and accuracy.

Each equation varies in terms of accuracy and complexity, with the Peng-Robinson equation generally providing the most reliable results across a wide range of conditions.

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