Convert 40 degrees Fahrenheit into Celsius

Convert 40 degrees Fahrenheit into Celsius. a. -40°C b. 4°C c. 104°C d. 10°C

The Correct Answer and Explanation is :

To convert 40 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) into Celsius (°C), we can use the formula:

°C = \frac{(°F – 32) \times 5}{9}

Step-by-Step Conversion

  1. Substituting the value: Start with the given temperature in Fahrenheit.
    °C = \frac{(40 – 32) \times 5}{9}
  2. Subtract 32 from 40:
    40 – 32 = 8
  3. Multiply by 5:
    8 \times 5 = 40
  4. Divide by 9:
    °C = \frac{40}{9} \approx 4.44

Rounding the Result

When rounded to the nearest whole number, this gives approximately 4°C.

Correct Answer

Thus, the correct answer is b. 4°C.


The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are two temperature measurement systems commonly used worldwide. The Fahrenheit scale, primarily used in the United States, defines the freezing point of water as 32°F and the boiling point as 212°F. In contrast, the Celsius scale, widely used in most countries, sets the freezing point at 0°C and the boiling point at 100°C.

Understanding how to convert between these two scales is crucial for scientific studies, cooking, and everyday weather reporting, especially in regions where both systems are in use. The conversion formula helps bridge the gap between the two systems, allowing us to communicate temperature accurately across different contexts.

For practical applications, knowing how to convert temperatures can assist in various fields, from meteorology to healthcare, where precise temperature readings are critical. Moreover, understanding these conversions helps foster better communication and understanding in a globalized world where different regions may use different measurement systems.

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