WGU D169 Objective Assessment(Questions & Answers)

Which resource is provided by Section 504?
ection 504 guarantees students equal access and participation, and accommodations are often part of providing such access.

What is one type of English language instruction program or model for ELs?
Pullout instruction is a type of program model in which an English language teacher works with ELs in small groups to provide English language instruction, pulling them out of their regular classroom to do so.

Fatima is an EL student in your general education classroom who is having difficulty with reading, math, and social interaction. She has been in pullout English language instruction classes in your school for two years and has not made significant progress in that time. Your team has tried interventions and support provided in both English and Fatima’s native language of Farsi, and the team is now considering whether to recommend that Fatima be evaluated to see whether she has an educational disability. If Fatima is found to have an educational disability, which law(s) would apply?
Fatima will continue to be eligible for EL services under Title III, and she will also be protected under IDEA and eligible for special education services.

As an EL, which accommodation should Fatima receive, whether she is found to have an educational disability or not?
ELs are not initially required to take all the state proficiency tests that native speakers of English are required to take, and their scores may not count in the same way that the scores of native English speakers count.

Which right would be guaranteed to Fatima under federal law if she is found to have a disability?
FAPE is one of the foundational pillars of IDEA and applies to all students eligible for special education services.

You are the teacher for a student with a disability who receives services under IDEA and starts a fight after repeated other behavior violations. The school is considering expulsion, which would result in removal of the student to an alternative school. Why does IDEA require the school to hold a manifestation determination hearing first?
It is unfair to punish a student with a disability for behavior that may be caused by the disability, and a hearing will determine whether this is the case. Expulsion is not appropriate if the behavior in question is a manifestation of the student’s disability; this would amount to punishing the student for his or her disability.

Does having a medical diagnoses automatically qualify for special education services under one of the 13 categories of disability listed in IDEA?
No. Having a medical diagnosis is different than having an educational disability. Students who qualify for special education services under one of the categories of disability listed in IDEA may or may not have a medical diagnosis. However, all students who experience an educational disability struggle to access the general curriculum without appropriate supports and services.

PBIS is an example of which type of school-wide support framework?
It is an example of MTSS (multitiered systems of supports).

What is the most common educational disability under IDEA and is characterized by difficulty reading, writing, listening, speaking, and reasoning?
Specific learning disability (SLD) is the most common disability type under IDEA and includes dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disorder, and nonverbal learning disability. This disability impacts a student’s ability to effectively read, write, speak, reason, or do math.

What are effective strategies to prepare and support students through transitions?
Visual reminders can support students in organizing their own expectations about what they are doing now and what is to happen next. A behavior chart helps student determine what behaviors are appropriate and encourages them to display appropriate behavior. Coaching on what behaviors are considered appropriate supports students in displaying those behaviors more frequently.

Flexible instruction and mixed-ability grouping are foundations of which type of instruction?
Differentiated instruction supports students of all abilities by personalizing learning through flexible instruction.

Which type of co-teaching model divides a classroom into two groups to provide instructional content simultaneously?
Parallel teaching divides a classroom into two groups where both instructors teach the content simultaneously.

A general education teacher and an EL teacher are co-teaching an English language arts class in a diverse urban classroom. This particular class is taught in English. During this lesson on note taking, the general educator provides the lecture while the EL teacher walks the room answering questions and modeling when needed. Which model of co-teaching are these two teachers using?
In the one teach, one assist model, one teacher provides whole group instruction while the other circulates the room answering questions and modeling as needed.

Two general educators teach an interdisciplinary class combining history and art. The art teacher is teaching the general lecture on this particular day while the history teacher collects data on her counterpart’s lecture clarity and student behavior. Which model of co-teaching are these two teachers using?
The one teach, one observe co-teaching model strives to obtain data and feedback for the co-teachers about the effectiveness of their lesson in general, as well as the response students have to the instruction in terms of understanding and behaviors.

A general educator and special educator are co-teaching in a first-grade classroom. Each morning, they begin the day by breaking the students into small groups of mixed ability. The teachers each sit at different tables, while other spaces are created for independent work. Students rotate around the room to each location with their small group. Each teacher focuses on a review concept from the previous day. Which model of co-teaching are these two teachers using?
Station teaching allows co-teachers to divide students into smaller groups and provide more targeted instruction or review of concepts while they rotate from station to station.

Are the majority of English learners in the United States are immigrants.
No. Approximately 85 percent of prekindergarten to fifth-grade EL students and 62 percent of sixth- to twelfth-grade EL students are born in the United States (Zong and Batalova, 2015).

Whar are appropriate measures used to test for giftedness?
Achievement tests determine knowledge the student holds and where they stand in relation to their peers. These tests can be academic or standard and allow students to show how advanced their knowledge is, as there should be no ceiling. Ability tests, such as those testing intelligence and cognitive abilities, are often used to test intellectual ability. These tests do not speak to specific behavior but are able to identify intellectually gifted students.Behavior observations from parents and teachers are critical to determining whether other characteristics of students who are gifted and talented are present. Achievement and ability tests are geared more to intellect, while behavior observations provide data on characteristics related to emotions, creativity, leadership skills, and more.

What are common characteristics of gifted and talented students?
Above average leadership capabilities are a common characteristic among students who are gifted and talented. High levels of language development and verbal abilities are common characteristics among students who are gifted and talented. Heightened sense of self-awareness is a common affective characteristic among students who are gifted and talented.

Why is explicit instruction particularly useful for students with learning disabilities?
Explicit instruction makes content clear and allows students to continue working on a skill with teacher guidance.

You are working with a student who has a learning disability and does not structure paragraphs correctly in writing assignments. When asked, the student says he does not know what a good paragraph is supposed to look like. Which element of explicit instruction is likely to be helpful for the student?
Models, examples, and non-examples. This element of explicit instruction can assist the student in understanding what a strong paragraph should look like.

You are the teacher of a student with an autism spectrum disorder who struggles to remain engaged, adjust to new ideas, and generalize skills. Which aspect of explicit instruction might be most helpful for your student and why?
Opportunities for practice, because the student will be able to adjust to performing the new skill and frequent teacher feedback can help her stay engaged. Repeated practice in a low-stress environment, along with frequent feedback, can help the student stay engaged and learn the new skill faster.

Contrary to some stereotypes, explicit instruction does allow for differentiation by teachers to meet different students’ needs. How can a teacher can provide meaningful content differentiation within an explicit instruction lesson?
During guided practice, give students varying problems to work on according to their ability. Students all have the chance to practice the skill, but do so in a way that suits their individual learning needs.

What are the steps for compacting curriculum?
Pre-assess to see what students already know.
Match assessment results with curriculum to determine what to eliminate.
Select appropriate substitute actives to provide students enrichment.
Formatively assess to ensure students remain challenged, engaged, and learning.

How does acceleration differ from compacting?
Acceleration provides access to higher grade-level curriculum moving at a faster pace. Students completing accelerated curriculum do more advanced work at a faster pace than their peers.

Which three characteristics are core components of systematic instruction?
Systematic instruction is goal-driven, is logically organized and sequenced, and includes scaffolds and supports. Systematic instruction often is delivered in a manner consistent with UDL, but UDL is an instructional framework, not a core component of systematic instruction.

What features of explicit instruction and systematic instruction overlap?
Both explicit instruction and systematic instruction are goal-oriented, and both entail providing students with needed scaffolds and supports to meet the learning goal.

What is the primary value of differentiated assessment?
Differentiated assessment allows more accurate measurement of what students know, although it can also provide valuable information about learning profiles and preferences.

Is alternative assessment appropriate for measuring lesson or unit learning but not appropriate for universal screening of gifted students?
No. While typical curriculum-based measures should always be considered, and may be used as baseline data, students with gifts and talents, particularly those who are twice exceptional, can also be assessed with alternative instruments for purposes of determining whether intervention or enrichment is needed.

What is a whole-class strategy or instructional approach that ensures your students clearly understand the steps to complete a skill and then can apply that learning in practicing a skill?
Explicit instruction is a whole-class approach that focuses on systematically modeling and steps to complete a skill and includes multiple opportunities for students to practice the skill and receive teacher feedback.

In planning your lesson, you will need to apply either universal design for learning (UDL) or differentiated instruction; can you use both in the same lesson?
Yes. UDL and differentiated instruction are compatible and are effective ways to meet the needs of varied learners within one class. When using UDL, classroom instruction and the environment are evaluated prior to the lesson and in the beginning of the lesson. With differentiated instruction, teachers evaluate student progress and make instructional adjustments throughout the lesson.

Should students with disabilities be provided alternative assessments in order to receive accommodations in your lesson?
No. Accommodations allow students with disabilities to access the same assessment that students without disabilities complete. Alternative assessments are offered to those students whose disabilities are significant or who are gifted and are completing different curriculum and activities. An accommodation, for example, might entail providing extra time or large print on the same assessment other students complete, while an alternative assessment would involve entirely different questions and content.

How can you design classroom assessments that ensure each student is engaged and challenged?
UDL can be applied to design assessments that are appropriate for each individual learner in your class.

Your students who are gifted and talented are working on an accelerated curriculum. What activities is most appropriate for these students?
Continue working on an advanced project aligned with higher grade-level standards, but participate in opening and closing circles to share what they have learned. Students are accelerated to the next grade level but still maintain a social and conceptual connection to their class by sharing and debriefing with the group.

At the end of the lesson, you collect an exit ticket and notice that only 40 percent of your students have met the objective. What is an appropriate way to begin the next day’s lesson?
Begin with a brief reteaching of the content in question, and then allow students time for individual practice in areas where they most need it. Reteaching is appropriate, and individualized practice allows students to work on the skills most needed or to move ahead if appropriate.

What is the difference between culture and cultural identity?
Culture is a set of values, beliefs, and behaviors. Cultural identity is a unique way a person combines various cultures to which they belong to create their own identity. The main difference between the two is that culture belongs to a group of people through shared beliefs and customs, whereas cultural identity relates to the action on and execution of those beliefs and customs through an individual person.

A special education team has determined that a student with a learning disability learns best in a regular classroom for most of the day and in a special education classroom for two hours a day. Which component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is being addressed?
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

What is true about the nature of decisions regarding Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals?
Decisions can change to reflect the student’s progress relative to English learner (EL) program goals.

Who must give input in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) placement process?

Title III addresses English learners (ELs), including what other status of students?
Migrant children and youth

What is one function of the Home Language Survey for English language (EL) students?
Determines the potential need for a language assistance program

An EL student was placed in a special education program. It was determined later that this student was incorrectly placed in the program. What may be the reason for this?
The student was identified as having a learning disorder before being assessed as a second language learner.

A student is learning to speak English. She knows the meaning of about 1,000 words and can speak some words. What is this stage of second language acquisition?
Early Production

A student’s native language is English and the student is in the Preproduction stage of learning to speak Spanish. What is an activity this student can complete?
Practice pronouncing words

A student is learning to speak English as a second language. This student can speak simple sentences but still relies heavily on context clues. What is this stage of second language acquisition?
Speech Emergence

In the U.S., which ethnic group do the majority of second language learners represent?
Hispanic and Latino

What is a characteristic of English learners?


They progress through developmental stages of second language acquisition. English learners learn best in collaborative and cooperative classes where they can practice using American Standard English.”

What is a characteristic of students who are learning a second language?
Students who practice the second language in academic settings learn academic language faster.

Which of the thirteen IDEA categories includes dyslexia?
Specific Learning Disabilities

A student performs well on mathematics tasks but often struggles with reading assignments. Which inference can be made?
The student may have a learning disability.

What is one difference between an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and a 504 plan?
An IEP is governed by the Department of Education and a 504 plan is governed by the U.S. Office of Civil Rights.

A teacher observes disruptive behavior among a number of students in a classroom. Which change can the teacher make to attempt to prevent disruptive behavior?”
Reduce long delays between activities to hold students’ attention

Which curriculum adjustment will help students who are bored in class?
Adjust assignments to include student interests

A teacher wants to create a test-taking routine for students. Which step should the teacher take to create a routine for taking tests?
Remind students to read the directions before each test begins.

Who is responsible for creating assessments in a co-teaching classroom?
Both co-teachers

Which task must both co-teachers undertake in co-teaching every day?
Planning instruction

A teacher allows students to choose between taking an exam and completing a project. Why is this an example of a teacher using the action and expression aspect of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the classroom? “
The action gives students more than one way to interact with the material.

A teacher uses preassessments to determine where each student’s instruction should begin and then matches students with appropriate activities. Which differentiation method is the teacher using?

A student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) says that she should sit near the teacher, in the first or second row of desks. Which type of differentiation is addressed in the IEP?

A teacher uses reading materials at different readability levels. Which method of differentiation is the teacher using?

A student seems to get easily confused when completing complex tasks or answering multi-part questions. What can the teacher do to provide a differentiated assessment? “
Design tiered activities

A teacher wants to use an alternative assessment with students believed to be gifted and talented. Which option would allow these students to showcase their best work and provide insights into their progress over time?

Which question should students be able to answer using any feedback they receive?”
What specifically should I do next time based on this feedback?

How can data be used to change teaching practice for students who underperformed on a formative exam?
By temporarily decreasing task demands to build their content mastery

A student with a movement impairment is given extra time and adaptive technology to answer a question. Which differentiation strategy has been applied?”
Multiple means of action and expression

Which statement describes what modifications and accommodations change in education?
Modifications change what a student learns, and accommodations change how a student learns.

Which student is exhibiting a talent?
A student practices every day and is the best musician in the school.

Why is it difficult to assess giftedness and talent?
Students can be gifted and talented in many areas and ways.

What is a fundamental cultural purpose of language outside of communication?

A student sees a teacher holding a large pile of papers and bags about to open the door. The student opens the door to help the teacher. Which element of culture most influences the student’s behavior?”

What is equity pedagogy?
Using different teaching styles to meet the diverse needs of students

Which attitude toward mistakes helps students develop self-efficacy?”
Mistakes are opportunities for a student to learn.

A teacher has a classroom of students who mostly share the same mainstream culture. The teacher has a different background and culture than many of the students in the class. Should the teacher consider using culturally responsive teaching in the classroom?”
Yes, because all students can benefit from these teaching strategies.

A teacher allows students to complete work together during study time, but he also keeps a quiet part of the room where students can do their work individually if they prefer. Is the teacher using culturally responsive teaching methods?
Yes, because the teacher is allowing students to choose a style of learning that best aligns with their individual style.

Which example shows a student mastering Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)?
Understanding a story that uses figurative language

Maximum language acquisition happens when learners read or hear language that is a bit beyond their current level of understanding. Which hypothesis of Krashen’s Theory of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) includes this belief?”

A teacher has a word wall with terms posted and asks students to write sentences using two words from the wall. Which strategy is the teacher using in the classroom?
Reinforcing language

An English learner (EL) student spends half the school day receiving instruction in the student’s native language and the other half of the day getting instruction in English. Which type of EL program is the student enrolled in?”
Dual Immersion

An English learner (EL) program teacher has students leave the general education classroom to teach English in a small group in another room. Which type of program does this scenario describe?”
Pull Out

A teacher gives English learner (EL) students story maps, a Venn diagram, and a cause-and-effect sheet to use when expressing comprehension of colonization. Which term identifies these resources?”
Graphic organizers

After finishing a unit about a famous explorer, a teacher asks English learner (EL) students to make a poster about a famous explorer. Which instructional practice is the teacher using to support language development?

A class is given a reading assignment with some words that English learners (ELs) are not likely to know. What is the best way the teacher can help them understand the new words?
Point to pictures that depict the words

A teacher is asking English learners (ELs) to relate to a vocabulary word by sharing their personal experiences, thoughts, and ideas with it. Which scaffolding strategy best describes what the teacher is using?
Tap into prior knowledge

Students want to convey the meaning of a vocabulary word with a hands-on demonstration. Which demonstration is the best example of that?
Acting with pantomime in a group

A student will be receiving an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for the upcoming school year. Which person or group should be part of the planning team to make it successful? “
The student’s parents

Two teachers are part of a Sheltered Instruction model. One teacher tends to shout instructions at the students as well as the co-teacher. Why is it important for this teacher to use an appropriate tone with the students and co-teacher?”
People are more encouraged by and respond better to communication that is open, positive, and pleasant.

A teacher asks prescreened and authorized community members to become mentors to students in the classroom. Is the teacher using an effective method for building community and school partnerships?
Yes, because involving members of the community will increase knowledge about and investment in the school.

A teacher wants more parents to attend parent-teacher meetings. Which strategy should the teacher use to encourage participation?
Acknowledge the hard work it takes to attend and encourage future participation

Who is responsible for organizing the IEP meetings?
The special education teacher to set the date and time for the IEP meeting and ensure everyone knows when and where the meeting will be held.

Who provides information on how the student is performing on a day-to-day basis?
The classroom teacher is required to provide information on the student’s progress and how the student is performing in class.

Who receives the expectations for the classroom and students and works closely with the students, implementing the given strategies and providing support?
The expectations are communicated to the paraeducator by the teacher, and the paraeducator works closely with the student by providing support.

Who communicates what is on the IEP to those who work directly with the students?
The special education teacher is responsible for ensuring that those who work with the student are aware of what the IEP entails. He or she is also responsible for monitoring the IEP, the accommodations, and the modifications.

Who is responsible for ensuring that all IEP team members understand their role in an IEP meeting as it relates to the law?
It is the role of the school principal to ensure that everyone involved in the process understands their role and the importance of their attendance.

What are the 4 expectations of teachers regarding 504 plans?
They should participate in the 504 meetings, supply data and documentation related to the student, implement accommodations that are identified in the 504, and participate in the review process.

What are the three key components to a successful relationship between a teacher and paraeducator
Mutual respect, teamwork, and common goals

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Title III
English learner instruction, Standardized testing rules ELs with exceptionalities

Every Student Succeeds Act

Title III
Which law requires states to develop programs that meet the specialized needs that students who are ELs may bring to the classroom?

English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Development (ELD)
Program of techniques, methodology, and special curriculum designed to teach ELs explicitly about the English language, including the academic vocabulary needed to access content instruction, and to develop their English language proficiency in all four language domains (i.e., speaking, listening, reading, and writing).

Structured English Immersion (SEI)
Program designed to impart English language skills so that the ELs can transition and succeed in an English-only mainstream classroom once proficient.

language proficiency and content knowledge
Title III requires schools to report on the number of ELs receiving services and their progress toward and _

Dual Language
What is another name for two-way immersion programs?

Consider the student’s native literacy and language
Which practice may reduce inappropriate over or under-identification of ELs for special education services?

1st year in the country
ESSA permits native language testing if it is necessary, and students can be exempted from the reading assessment during _

World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment
What is WIDA?

Social and instructional language along with academic language in mathematics, science, and social studies
What areas includes standards promoted by WIDA for describing how ELs should use language?

Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
This education law requires public schools to meet the unique needs of eligible K-12 students with disabilities. Schools do this by providing services.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
This civil rights law prohibits disability discrimination at schools that get federal funding. Schools meet these requirements by removing barriers to learning.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
This civil rights law prohibits disability discrimination by schools, employers, and anyone who offers goods and services to the public.

Which law provides special education?

Section 504
Which law provides 504 plans for eligible K-12 studetns?

Which law provides freedom from discrimination at work?

What law governs who can see documents and files related to students?

an individualized education program
What is an IEP?

Least Restrictive Environment
What is a LRE?

What is the only law of these three to provide funding for school districts to offer special education services to students with disabilities?

What is a foundational component of IDEA?

goals, testing accommodations, present levels of performance, services, modifications, and placement information
What must an IEP include?

IEP is governed by special education law. 504 plan is governed by civil rights law.
What is the difference between an IEP and 504 plan?

mainstreaming and inclusion
When LRE comes up, what two words come up also?

Accommodations or modifications due to a disability
What is a resource provided by Section 504?

pullout instruction
What is an instruction is a type of program model in which an English language teacher works with ELs in small groups to provide English language instruction, pulling them out of their regular classroom to do so.

Specific Learning Disability
What is SLD?

read, write, listen, speak, reason, or do math.
SLD affect a child’s ability to __

anxiety, bipolar, OCD, schizophrenia, depression
Emotional Disturbance includes _

Specific Learning Disability
What category of disabilities does Dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia fall under?

Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
What disability category has the highest percentage of children served under IDEA?

Modified general education class
A high school special education student diagnosed with autism received special education services and related support for social pragmatic (social skills) therapy from a speech-language pathologist. He requires some academic support, primarily in written expression and task management, which happens within the general education environment in a co-taught English class with an English teacher and his assigned special education teacher. He also receives speech-language therapy twice per week. This student’s time out of the general education environment is minimal. Which type of educational placement would this student receive, given his needs and the supports and services he receives?

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
may have difficulty comprehending lectures or understanding verbal directions.

difficulty reading and recalling or using words

A learning disability that involves difficulty in handwriting and spelling

A learning disability that involves difficulty understanding or expressing number- and math-related ideas

difficulty with coordination—primarily physical but social skills can also be affected—that originates in the brain

A student in your fourth-grade classroom has a very difficult time writing. She is slow to formulate letters, and she often writes the letters in an unusual way. Her ability to answer questions orally is outstanding. In class, a teacher’s assistant often acts as her scribe. Which type of learning disability does this student display characteristics of?

nonverbal learning disorder
Difficulty following a classroom demonstration, causing confusion and difficulty with understanding conclusions and replication

Difficulty reading text independently, despite comprehending information read to them, which could impact their ability to access and engage in meaningful classroom discussions and activities

Language Processing Disorders
Difficulty participating in classroom discussions and activities, but often has many related and relevant thoughts on the topic at hand

Funding for school districts is only available for students who qualify for _ to help with the additional costs of educating students with special needs.

IDEA only covers students aged______ years during the years they are eligible for public school services.

Section 504
__ covers students who have a physical or mental impairment that impacts one or more major life activities but do not necessarily have an educational need as covered by IDEA.

special education teacher
The team that writes IEPs or 504 plans must include a ____.

twice-exceptional students
gifted students with disabilities

What kind of assessments are often in the form of a questionnaire and could have more than one correct answer. These types of assessments are often completed to obtain a variety of perspectives on the potentially gifted and talented student and to make note of any differences between behavior and functioning at home and in school.

Ability tests, or IQ tests
What tests are often used as one measurement in determining whether a student qualifies as gifted and talented. These tests are administered by a qualified professional.

Achievement tests
What tests are often standardized assessments that measure knowledge and skills at a particular grade level.

off-level testing
What testing is when an assessment standardized for a particular grade level is provided to a student in a different grade. For the gifted and talented, this can be used to determine their skill growth over time in relation to their peers.

Product based assessment
Which type of assessment evaluates a student’s holistic understanding of learning through a specific outcome or project, instead of assessing the process of learning at each stage?

What instruction strategy provides an opportunity for advanced students to extend their learning, while students at other levels can consolidate their knowledge or build skills.

Mixed-ability grouping
What instruction strategy provides opportunities for students to support one another and to get individual instruction from peers.

Tier 1
Which tier from MTSS framework? Whole class instruction using evidence-based, general education strategies.

Tier 3
Which tier from MTSS framework? The most intensive level of support provided (in addition to tier 1 instruction). This intervention is geared toward skill growth and acquisition much more narrowly focused.

Tier 2
Which tier from MTSS framework? Small group intervention provided to students in addition to tier 1 support, targeting areas of need.

TRUE OR FALSE Students receiving special education services do not participate in tiered supports in schools that implement a school-wide MTSS framework.

to intervene early so students can catch up with their peers
What is the goal of MTSS?

What is the framework that many schools use to provide targeted support to struggling students. Focuses on whole child.

Tier 1
The whole class

Tier 2
Small group interventions

Tier 3
Intensive, Individualized Support

Universal screening, progress monitoring, data-based decision-making, school-wide support, and family involvement
What are the key elements of an MTSS framework?

TRUE OR FALSE If a special education student’s schedule does not allow time to access his or her related services, by default it is appropriate to place the student in a general education classroom co-taught with a special education teacher.

positive behavior intervention support
What is PBIS?

Student participation in PBIS-related activities, such as transition mapping, allow students to take ownership over their education and have a voice in addressing their needs from their perspective.
How does student participation in PBIS-related activities support educational outcomes?

What Language Acquisition Stage: Minimal comprehension. Does not verbalize. Uses nonverbal means of communication (nods, draws, points).

Early Production
What Language Acquisition Stage: Limited comprehension. Produces one- or two-word responses. Uses key or familiar phrases and mostly present tense verbs.

Speech Emergence
What Language Acquisition Stage: Decent comprehension. Produces simple sentences with grammatical and pronunciation errors. Does not often understand jokes.

Intermediate Fluency
What Language Acquisition Stage: Excellent comprehension with limited grammar and pronunciation errors.

Advanced Fluency
What Language Acquisition Stage: Near native comprehension and communication.

Speaking and Listening
Which skills are most important to embed in instruction aimed at fostering language growth?

What is an individual’s adjustment to a new culture, while also retaining important cultural beliefs, customs, and the native language?

(conscious) (prejudice)What is a particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific?

implicit bias
(unconscious) What refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner?

Make connections with people from cultures other than your own. Model how to talk about culture and diversity in a positive way.
How can a teacher intentionally lessen implicit biases?

What is the methodology where two teachers use their expertise through equal responsibility with regards to students in a classroom?

Alternate co-teaching
What kind of co-teaching allows the teacher to specifically target the terminology or concepts that might be challenging?

TRUE OR FALSE: Students with medical diagnoses automatically qualify for special education services under one of the 13 categories of disability listed in IDEA.

Multitiered systems of supports
PBIS is an example of which type of school-wide support framework?

Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
What is the most common educational disability under IDEA and is characterized by difficulty reading, writing, listening, speaking, and reasoning?

Flexible instruction and mixed-ability grouping are foundations of which type of instruction?

universal design for learning
What is UDL mean?

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
What is an instructional framework for challenging, supporting, and engaging learners?

multiple means of representation, engagement, and action and expression
What are three core principles of UDL?

What means that the brain can grow and develop?

What requires that learning experiences be designed to meet the needs of all diverse learners—even when those needs are different?

goals, barriers to learning, student traits
What are 3 important elements to consider in the UDL-based lesson-planning process?

What means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs?

content, process, product, environment
What are 4 elements of a lesson can teachers differentiate to meet the needs of their students?

TRUE OR FALSE: Explicit instruction includes teacher feedback in some form.

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