Crisis Development Model
Individual Behavior Staff Attitude

  1. Anxiety 1. Supportive
  2. Defensive 2. Directive
  3. Acting Out 3. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
  4. Tension Reduction 4. Therapeutic Rapport

A noticeable increase or change in behavior

An empathic, non-judgmental approach attempting to alleviate. (Listening, take a break)

Beginning stage of loss of rational. (Belligerent, Challenging)

Staff takes control of the potential escalation. (Timer, Walk)

Acting-Out Person
Total loss of control.

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention
Restraint is last resort

Tension Reduction
Decreases in emotional and physical energy that occurs after a person acts out, regaining rational.

Therapeutic Rapport
Crying, falling asleep, apologizing, hugging.

1 1/2-3 feet space (depends on size, gender, cultural)

Paraverval Communication
Tone, Volume, Candance

Verbal Escalation Continuum
Question, Refusal, Release, Intimidation, Tension Reduction

Information seeking
Challenging- questioning authority, evasive, attempting to draw staff in

Questioning interventions
give arational response
stick to the topic, ignore the challenge

non-compliance, loss of rational

Refusal Interventions
set limits- First…Then

verbal acting out and emotional outburst

Release interventions
allow student to act out, remove audience


Intimidation Intervention
seek assistance, avoid hands on, take it serious

Tension Reduction
A drop in energy, low level defensive

Verbal Intervention Techniques
calm, isolate situation, enforce limits, listen, be aware of non verbal, consistant

Empathic Listening
active process to discern what the person is saying.
non-judgmental, undivided attention, listen carefully, allow silence, restate to clarify

Unproductive Response
freezing, over reacting, responding inappropriately

Productive Response
increase speed in strength, increase awareness, decrease reaction time

a weapon coming in contact with a target (hit, kick, throw)

the control or destruction of a part of one’s anatomy

CPI Principals’ of personal safety
Block and Move

Precipitating Factors
internal/external cause of acting out-staff has no control of

Rational Detachment
stay professional, don’t take it personal

Integrated Experience
the concept the behaviors and attitudes of staff impact the behaviors and attitudes of those in their care- visa-verse

Precipitating factors Can
prevent behaviors, recognize staff is not the case, avoid becoming the cause.

CPI Purpose
Care, Welfare, safety, security of all

4 Behavior Levels

  1. Anxiety
  2. Acting Out Person
  3. Tension Reduction

Staff Attitude and Approach to Anxiety
Be Supportive
an emphatic non-judgemental attempt to alleviate anxiety

Staff Attitude and Approach to Defensive
directive-attempt to control the situation and begin to set limits

Staff Attitude and Approach Acting Out Person
non-violent physical crisis intervention

Staff Attitudes for Tension Reduction
therapeutic rapport decrease in energy regaining of rationality

integrated Experience
we can set the tone for whether or not the behavior escalates or de-escalates

non-verbal-proxemics (personal space)
area surrounding your body considered an extension of self. 1 1/2 to 3 feet (typically) culture, height, gender, age, status, appearance, and familiarity.

kinesics (body language)
non-verbal message transmitted by motion and body posture. Factors: eye contact, facial expressions send a very strong message gestures, how we stand
(stance) hands

3 reasons for using the CPI supportive stance
less threatening
communicates respect

components of the communication pyramid
verbal communication, para verbal coomunication, and non-verbal communication

what is paraverbal communication
how we say what we say

three components of paraverbal communication

total voice control

what is the verbal escalation continuum?
the kite

  1. Questioning
  2. Refusal
  3. Release
  4. Intimidation
  5. Tension-Reduction

what is questioning

what is an intervention for questioning
give a rational response

what is refusal?

what is an intervention for refusal
set limits
give options

what is release
high energy outburst

intervention for release
let it happen
isolate the situation

what is intimidation
verbal or non verbal threats

intervention for intimidation
take it seriously
get help

what is tension reduction
decreased energy and regaining rationality

what is an intervention for tension reduction
therapeutic rapport

3 keys to setting limits

  1. keep it simple
  2. reasonable
  3. enforceable

what is empathetic listening
active process to discern what a person is really saying

5 things to do during active listening

  1. give un-divided attention
  2. be non-judemental
  3. listen for feelings
    4.allow for silence
  4. restate to clarify

what are precipating factors
the internalor external causes for behavior over which staff has little or no control

rational detachment
the ability to stay in control of our own behavior and not take the student’s behavior personally

intergrated experience
the concept that attitudes and behaviors of staff impact and influence the attitudes and bahaviors of students and vice versa

3 unproductive reactions to fear and anxiety

  1. freezing
  2. over-reacting
  3. responding inappropriately

3 productive responses to fear and anxiety

  1. increase in speed & strength
  2. increase in sensory acuity
  3. decrease in reaction time

definition of a strike
a weapon coming into contact with a target

examples of strikes

definition of grab
an attempt to control or damage part of one’s body

examples of grabs
hair pulling

principles of personal safety regarding strikes (name two)

  1. block or deflect
  2. move the targey

principles of personal safety regarding grabs. Name 2

  1. gain physiological advantage
  2. gain psychological advantage

Name the 3 control dynamics

  1. reduce upper body strength by conrolling arms as weapons
  2. reduce lower body strength by managing the back incline
  3. reduce mobility by close body contact

what should you consider when putting together a crisis team?
-2 to 5 people per acting out person
consider how your team is called
consider the physical location of your team
consider who will be on the team

Name 3 reasons to use a team instead of solo intervention

  1. safety
  2. professionalism
  3. litigation

three characteristics of team leader

  1. 1st person on the scene
  2. confident and competent
    best rapport with client

Name the team leader duties

  1. assess the situation
  2. plan the intervention
  3. direct the team
  4. communicate with the client

Auxiliary Team Member Duties

  1. Check for the safety of the environment
  2. Address safety issues
  3. Recogize if the intervention needs to be changed
  4. Engage and support

what is the CPI COPING Model (strategy for therapeutic rapport)
C-control physically and emotionally
O-orient to the facts/ non-judgemental
P-pattern-triggers and trends
I-investigate alternatives/provide resources
N-negotiate the contract or changes
G-give support and responsibility

3 steps for facilitating through lecture

  1. term
  2. definition
  3. example ( mine and participants)

3 steps for facilitating through activities

  1. demonstrate/describe
  2. participate/practice
  3. explain/expand

ways to respond to participants questions
give a rational response
parking lot

ways to maintain safety during training
following due care guidelines
training room considerations-enough space, safe, discuss personal injuries
practicing of physicals

why do we use non violent crisis intervention
to promote the care, welfare, safety, and security of all of our students

Due Care Guidelines
take responsibility for Care, Welfare, Safety, Security of themselves and others and adhere to the following:

  1. I am responsible for the safety of others with regards to my actions.
  2. I will respect other participants as peers

Core Values Words
Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security.

How do the core value words fit with my own values
The core values of CPI ( Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security) fit with my core values of integrity, acceptance, honesty, compassion, respect, equality, and trust as they will provide a foundation for integrity in my decision making process when following the principle of CPI.

Crisis Development Model/Behavior Levels

  1. Anxiety
  2. Defensive
  3. Risk Behavior
  4. Tension Reduction

Crisis Development Model Staff Approaches to Behaviors

  1. Anxiety <-> Supportive
  2. Defensive<-> Directive
  3. Risk Behavior <-> Physical Intervention
  4. Tension Reduction<-> Therapeutic Rapport

Supportive Approach for helping Anxiety level
An empathic, nonjudgmental approach. Listen and allow time

Directive Approach for helping Defensive Level
Decelerating an escalating behavior. Take control of a potentially escalating behavior.

Physical Intervention for Risk Behavior
Disengagement and/or holding skills to manage risk behavior.

Integrated Experience with the Crisis Behavior Model
Behavior influences behavior

Nonverbal Communication PKH

personal space.

body language

communication through touch

Nonverbal Communication: Supportive Stance
Reasons for using it:
It communicates respect.
Maintains safety

How can we modify our supportive stance?
remain at an angle and one-leg length away. If the person is sitting you can squat or kneel down and still maintain a supportive stance. Posture-get to their level.

What are the 3 Ps of non-verbal communication
Position, Posture, Proximity

How can you modify the 3 Ps to support a person.
Position is where you are in relation to others and you can stand, kneel, or sit to the side of an individual at an angle places you in a safer position.

Posture is how you hold and move your body. Standing, sitting, kneeling. Also the way you move your hands, arms, head, eye contact…. Adopting a posture with legs shoulder width apart helps you to remain balanced and nonthreatening.

Proximity is the distance between people. Consider gender, relationships, activity. remain at least one arms length away.


Verbal Escalation Model
Tension Release

Staff approach for the Questioning level of Defensive Behavior
Provide a rationale answer for a rationale question.

Staff approach for the Refusal level of Defensive Behavior
Set reasonable limits

Staff approach for the Release level of Defensive Behavior
allow venting and possibly move student or audience.

Staff approach for the Intimidation level of Defensive Behavior
Take all threats seriously and avoid physical interventions unless there is no safer alternative.

Keys to Limit Setting SRE

Empathic Listening 5 characteristics
2-undivided attention
3-allow silence for reflection
4-listen for feelings and facts
5-restate and paraphrase

Precipitating Factors
factors that influence behavior

Rational Detachment
Ability to manage your own behavior and attitude

Integrated Experience
behavior of student influences behavior of staff and vice versa

Maximizing Productive Responses

  • Learn to keep yourself safe and learn to keep the individual in crisis safe.
  • Use a team approach

Use of the Decision Making Matrix
It is to assess RISK Behavior

The Decision Making Matrix rates
severity (up)
likelihood (across)

Physical Interventions-Disengagement Skills
biomechanical benefit

Physical Skills Review- SEAT

Key Principles for HOLDING SKILLS
P, P, P
Mechanical Benefit

in the Tension Reduction behavior level

The COPING Model
Control- of emotion/physical

Orient- self to facts

Patterns- look for triggers

Investigate- alternative to behaviors

Negotiate- future approaches, expectations, behaviors (Behavior Mapping)

Give- control back, provide support and encouragement.

Facilitation Formulas
Declarative knowledge-> knowing WHAT

Procedural knowledge-> knowing HOW

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