California UST Service Technician part 1 Questions And Answers

July 1 2005, service techs shall possess or work under someone who has a current certification indicating he or she has passed the ?
California UST service technician exam

ICC cert must be renewed every?
24 months

Service techs must posses or be employed by a person who has the appropriate contractors license unless?
The individual has a Tank testing licens

Service tech is defined by any individual who?
Test UST monitoring equipment
Trouble shoots UST systems
Installs UST monitoring equipment

If the manufacturer training no longer exist , the local angency may?
Approve comparable alternat training .

UST includes?
Tank and connected piping

What is considered and UST
petroleum storage tank

What UST system meets the requirements for secondary containment?
Doubled wall tanks

According to title 23; the following piping components if installed after July 1 1987 must have secondary containment
Pressured product piping

Considered “pipe” on tanks installed after July 1 2003
Pressured product piping and below ground vapor recovery

Under dispenser containment (UDC) was required for all UST systems by
December 31 2003

System for exchanging gas vapors in a storage tank and product in a fuel delivery truck
Stage 1 vapor recovery

An approved method for non visual monitoring for existing UST systems.
Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR)

ATG must be capable for detecting a release of ?
.2 gallons per hour

Manual inventory reconciliation.
No longer an approved method for non visual monitoring on existing UST systems

Automatic line leak detectors installed on underground piping with secondary containment shall be capable of tetecting a leak of ?
3 gallons per hour at 10 psi

ATG should be programmed to test the tank ?
At least monthly

According to PEI RP 300 a combustible gas can be used to ?
Detect vapor leaks in a vapor recovery system.

According to PEI RP 300. A written scope of work for vapor recovery installation should include?
Construction plans

Positive shut off overfill protection device must stop the flow of fuel when the tank is no more then ?
95% full

According to EO VR 201 A What could cause a nozzle shut off mechanism or malfunction?
Depended filter seal damage

According to VR 201 A Breakaway reconnection must be ?
Logged in GDF log

According to PEI RP 300 the following method of documenting piping location is NOT to ?
Sketch a diagram on the inside cover of vapor recovery equipment manual

According to PEI RP 300 as built drawing or pictures of the underground pipping and other components shall be ?
Maintained as long as UST is in service

According to EO VR 101 E maintance records are required to include?
Name and designated UST operator .

The Phil-Tite EVR phase 1 system require that vapor vent pipes at any UST system be
Used with no more then 3 p/v valves

According to EO VR 2010 after installing a new spout assembly in the Healy 900 nozzle the following test must be conducted ?
Nozzle dispensing shut off test

According to Healy EO VR 201 A a vapor recovery record are to be maintained by?
Gasoline dispensing facility operator

how many feet within a public drinking well require an enhanced leak detection test
1000 feet

What are the components of the Fire Triangle ?
Fuel Ignition source oxygen

If equipped with an over fill alarm, it must be located?
So it can be seen or heard from the delivery location.

UDC was required at time of installation for all systems installed after?
Januarary 1 2000

If installed, the following requires independent 3rd party certification to prove compliance with established regulations.
Automatic Tank Gauge
Liquid Product Detectors

Where are ATG’s installed ?
Opening in top of the tank

What is true about ATG’s
They’re capable of alarming operator of low product level

The following types of releases must be reported to the local Agency.
Releases greater than 25 gallons that escape secondary containment.
Release that escape primary containment.
Releases less then 25 gallons which escape secondary containment

If an unauthorized product release meets the requirements for reporting to the local agency, verbal notification must be made within ____hours, followed by a written notification within ____days.
24, 5

The following unusual conditions shall be reported to the local agency, EXCEPT:
Water in spill buckets

If the monitoring system detects a leak that has occurred, the local agency must be notified.
Unless the monitoring device is found to be defective and is immediately repaired.

The written report submitted to the local agency after an unauthorized release is required to include the following EXCEPT:
Cause of release

An unauthorized release which does not escape secondary containment, requires only recordation on the Operators Manual Report provided.
It did not cause deterioration of secondary containment.
It did not increase the hazard of fire.
It was cleaned up within eight hours addicti it was cleaned up within eight hours detection.

Recording of an authorized release in the operators monitoring records shall include?
Actions taken to prevent further releases.

If An authorize release meets reporting requirements of title 23 section 2652 the report must be filed within the?
Local agency

Which statement concerning the annual monitor certification is most correct?
Local agencies must be notified 48 hours prior to certification in results must be submitted within 30 days of certification.

The annual monitor certification may be performed by ?
A person possessing the appropriate contractors license.
An individual trained and certified by the manufacture of the monitoring equipment.

The following is true of secondary containment EXCEPT:
Must be tested every 24 months.

Enhanced the detections results must be submitted to _ within ___days
The local agency and State water resources control Board.

The EPA recommends that monthly the operator should conduct a walk-through inspection of the following EXCEPT :
Facility lighting

Cathodic protection systems must be tested within ____Months of installation and every ____months thereafter.
6, 36

Impressed current catholic protection systems shall be expected no less then every ?
30 days

The EPA suggested list of supplies for spill containment and clean up include all the following EXCEPT:
Wet dry shop vacuum

According to the health and safety code the owner of a new tank must conduct a one time ELD test if the tank is located within 1000 ft of a public drinking water well. This test must accomplished by ?
January 1, 2005

The following is true of SIR data.
Must be submitted monthly to reconciliation provider.

Records of protection systems maintenance must be kept on file for?
6.5 years

Tank repair and upgrade records that Demonstrate compliance with title 23 regulations must be maintained?
For the life of a tank

Records for performance on release detection systems must be kept on file for ?
5 years

Monthly monitoring data must be kept on file For?
3 years

UST systems records must be maintained on site or ?
At a location approved with the local agency

A written statement indicating SIR results must be submitted to the every
Local agency , 12 months

The following are overfill protection systems EXCEPT:
Spill buckets

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