WGU C955 – Pre Assessment Questions And Answers 2022/2023

What is 3/4 divided by 2/3?
A) 9/8
B) 5/12
C) 5/7
D) 6/7

A county park has hiking paths with lengths of 1.05, 3.6, 3.17, and 2.2 miles.

What is the total length, in miles, of hiking paths in the park?
A) 9.02 miles
B) 10.02 miles
C) 10.12 miles
D) 11.2 miles
10.02 miles

If there are 2 tablespoons in 1 fluid ounce, how many tablespoons does the following calculation yield?

4 fl oz – 1.5 tbsp

0.5 tbsp
1 tbsp
2.5 tbsp
6.5 tbsp
6.5 tbsp

Solve for X:
X – 5/4 = 2/3
A) 3/12
B) 7/12
C) 10/12
D) 23/12

Solve for X:
A) -3
B) -1
C) 1
D) 3

Given the inequality:
2y + 6 > 20
Which graph is the solution?
A) {{ y < 3 }} B) {{ y > 6 }}
C) {{ y > 7 }}
D) {{ y < 7 }} {{ y > 7 }}

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!
Which graph is the solution for y < 8?
A) {{ unfilled circle on 8, arrow pointing left }}
B) {{ filled circle on 8, arrow point left }}
C) {{ unfilled circle on 8, arrow pointing right }}
D) {{ filled circle on 8, arrow point right }}
{{ unfilled circle on 8, arrow pointing left }}

Which graph is the solution for 4y – 6 > 18?
A) {{ y > 4 }}
B) {{ y > 6 }}
C) {{ y < 4 }} D) {{ y < 6 }} {{ y > 6 }}

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!
What is the correct line graph for y = 3x + 5?
A) (0,5) to (2,11)
B) (0,-5) to (2,-11)
C) (0,3) to (2,5)
D) (0,3) to (2,-7)
(0,5) to (2,11)

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!
What is the correct line graph for y = -2x + 9?
A) (0,9) to (4.5,0)
B) (0,9) to (3,0)
C) (0,-9) to (5,-19)
D) (0,-9) to (5,-24)
(0,9) to (4.5,0)

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!
A normally distributed data set has a mean of 25 and a standard deviation of 2.

Which percentage of the data falls between 23 and 25?

A) 34.0
B) 68.0
C) 95.0
D) 99.7

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!
A given data set is normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 5.

Which two values does 95% of the data fall between?

A) 180-220
B) 185-225
C) 190-210
D) 195-235

In a statistics class, 40 students are asked to write their age on a piece of paper and place the paper in a box. After rotating and shaking the box, 5 pieces of paper are drawn from the box at random. The data results are as follows:


What is the median for this data set?

A) 17
B) 21
C) 24
D) 28

A new video gaming site wants to know what the median age is of its adolescent population so they can focus on activities for these clients. A data analyst recorded the ages of 12 adolescents who used the site over a three-month period. The results are given below:

Age ,Frequency
13 ,1
16 ,2
17 ,2
18 ,3
19 ,4
What is the median age of the adolescents?

A) 17.0
B) 17.2
C) 18.0
D) 18.6

The graph shows a company’s profits, in thousands of dollars, for five different regions:

Y = Profits in Thousands of Dollars
X = A B C D E
A = 29
B = 34
C = 15
D = 40
E = 22

Based on this graph, what is the closest approximate total profit (in thousands) for all five regions?


The bar chart below summarizes the final grade distribution for a statistics course:
Y = Count
X = A B C D F
A = 5
B = 9
C = 11
D = 8
F = 7
Which percentage of students earned a B in the statistics course?

A) 9%
B) 22.5%
C) 27.5%
D) 40%

Which statement is true regarding the distribution of the histogram below?

{{ Positively skewed histogram }}

A) The mean of the distribution is greater than its median.
B) The median of the distribution is greater than its mean.
C) The mean and the median of the distribution are equal.
D) The relationship between the mean and the median cannot be determined from the histogram.
The mean of the distribution is greater than its median.

In one 12-hour shift, a nurse spends four hours at patient bedsides, two hours pulling medications, one hour on breaks, two hours documenting, and three hours doing other activities. An analyst would like to display the data by representing the 12-hour shift as one whole.

Which display method should the analyst use to meet this goal?

A) Box plot
B) Stem plot
C) Histogram
D) Pie chart
Pie chart

For which type of website data would a histogram be most appropriate?

A) Length of visit in minutes
B) Location of visitor by country
C) Frequently viewed pages
D) Most popular method of arrival
Length of visit in minutes

A company has 14 employees. Six employees work day shift, five employees work swing shift, and three employees work night shift.

Which type of graph should be used to display how many employees work each shift?

A) Stem plot
B) Bar graph
C) Box plot
D) Histogram
Bar graph

The bar chart below displays the daily number of visits for the five most frequently viewed web pages of a retailer’s website:

Y=Number of Visits per Day, going from 0 to 1400 in increments of 200
1st Bar=700
2nd Bar=900
3rd Bar=1100
4th Bar=1250
5th Bar=1300

Why is this chart an inaccurate representation of the data?

A) The horizontal labels are missing.
B) A histogram instead of a bar chart should be used for this type of data.
C) A pie chart instead of a bar chart should be used for this type of data.
D) The vertical axis should start at 600 instead of 0 based on this data.
The horizontal labels are missing.

Two employees, Smith and Jones, had first quarterly sales of $50,000 and $60,000, respectively. The graph below depicts this information:

Y=Thousands of Dollars, going from 40 to 100 in increments of 10
X= Smith Jones
Smith = 50
Jones = 60

What is true about this graph’s depiction of the data?

A) The graph reflects the results perfectly.
B) The graph misrepresents the data by starting the vertical axis at 40, making it seem that Jones had twice Smith’s sales.
C) The graph misrepresents the data by using different colors for the bars that show Smith’s and Jones’s sales.
D) The graph misrepresents the data by including values on the vertical axis as high as 100 when neither Smith nor Jones had sales that high.
The graph misrepresents the data by starting the vertical axis at 40, making it seem that Jones had twice Smith’s sales.

The chart below shows the population of Texas from 1900 through 2000 (in millions of people):

Y=Texas Population in millions, going from 0 to 25 in increments of 5
X=1900 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Why is this graph a misleading representation of this data?

A) Rounding to the nearest million distorts the true values.
B) The horizontal scale is uneven.
C) The vertical scale is uneven.
D) The x-axis and y-axis should be reversed.
The horizontal scale is uneven.

A study was conducted to see if blood type influenced height.

Which type of classification is this?

A) Categorical to categorical
B) Categorical to quantitative
C) Quantitative to quantitative
D) Quantitative to categorical
Categorical to quantitative

A study was conducted on the possible relationship between smoking status and whether or not alcohol is consumed.

Which type of classification is this?

A) Categorical to categorical
B) Quantitative to categorical
C) Categorical to quantitative
D) Quantitative to quantitative
Categorical to categorical

A study is conducted on the possible relationship between gender and income of the employees at a marketing company.

Which numerical measure is appropriate for this study?

A) Standard deviation
B) Five-number summary
C) Conditional percentages
D) Correlation coefficient
Five-number summary

A researcher is examining the relationship between the number of hours of sleep and score on a cognitive test.

Which method should be used to measure the linear relationship between these two variables?

A) Correlation
B) Proportion
C) Quartile
D) Standard deviation

A study is conducted on the possible relationship between the number of new car purchases and national unemployment rates.

Which numerical measure is appropriate for this situation?

A) Standard deviation
B) Five-number summary
C) Correlation coefficient
D) Conditional percentages
Correlation coefficient

In a simple marketing survey, consumers in three parts of a state are asked for their preference between Product A and Product B. Survey results are reported in the two-way table below:

……….Product A..Product B..Total
Which percentage of respondents from the Northern region prefer Product A to Product B?

A) 16%
B) 30%
C) 52%
D) 58%

A researcher is interested in determining purchasing preferences based on age. The researcher randomly samples people in two age groups and asks how they prefer to shop. Conditional percentages are used to summarize the responses in the table below:

Purchasing Preferences
40 and above..45%…..55%…….100%
39 and below..63%…..37%…….100%
Based on this information, what is the relationship between age and shopping preference?

A) People aged 40 and above prefer shopping in-store more than people aged 39 and below because 55% is greater than 45%.
B) People aged 40 and above prefer shopping in-store more than people aged 39 and below because 55% is greater than 37%.
C) People aged 39 and below prefer shopping in-store more than people aged 40 and above because 63% is greater than 46%.
D) People aged 39 and below prefer shopping in-store more than people aged 40 and above because 63% is greater than 37%.
People aged 40 and above prefer shopping in-store more than people aged 39 and below because 55% is greater than 37%.

The percentage of drivers born before and after 1990 who can and cannot drive manual transmission is recorded in the table below:

Results……Can Drive Manual..Cannot Drive Manual..Total
Before 1990..78%……………22%………………100%
After 1990…16%……………84%………………100%

What is the relationship between the time period drivers were born in and the ability to drive a manual transmission car?

A) People born before 1990 are more likely to be able to drive a manual transmission car than people born after 1990 because 78% is greater than 16%.
B) People born after 1990 are less likely to be able to drive a manual transmission car than people born before 1990 because 22% is less than 78%.
C) People born before 1990 are more likely to be able to drive a manual transmission car than people born after 1990 because 78% is greater than 22%.
D) People born after 1990 are less likely to be able to drive a manual transmission car than people born before 1990 because 16% is less than 84%.
People born before 1990 are more likely to be able to drive a manual transmission car than people born after 1990 because 78% is greater than 16%.

Which type of correlation is shown in the scatterplot below?

{{ Scatterplot starting from point (10.9,13.5) to (14.6,15.2) }}

A) Positive correlation
B) Negative correlation
C) Nonlinear correlation
D) No correlation
Positive correlation

{{ Scatterplot starting from point (0.2,3.58) to (1.5,3.43) where all follow a close path down and to the left }}

Which type of correlation is shown in the scatterplot above?

A) Strong negative linear correlation
B) Strong positive linear correlation
C) Weak positive linear correlation
D) Weak negative linear correlation
Strong negative linear correlation

The scatterplot below depicts data of hours spent watching TV by age:

{{ Scatterplot where the points appear to be random }}

What is the most likely correlation coefficient?

A) −5
B) −1
C) 0
D) 1

How will removal of the outlier affect the relationship between missed work days and health rating in the scatterplot below?

{{ Scatterplot trending down and to the left with an outlier below the surrounding points }}

A) It will weaken the positive relationship.
B) It will weaken the negative relationship.
C) It will strengthen the negative relationship.
D) It will strengthen the positive relationship.
It will strengthen the negative relationship.

Where is the outlier in the scatterplot below?

{{ Scatterplot trending down and to the left
Y=Exercise (Minutes), going from 0 to 70 in increments of 10
X=Screentime (Hours), going from 0 to 11

A) 2 hours of screen time
B) 3 hours of screen time
C) 6 hours of screen time
D) 7 hours of screen time
3 hours of screen time

A local cable company would like to study how customers feel about their services.

Which type of sampling frame should the cable company employ?

A) Customers who have issued a complaint about the company
B) Customers who have terminated their service
C) Customers who have contacted the company for assistance
D) All customers
All customers

A local electronics store conducted a biased study. Their study focused on customer satisfaction with the IT support that they offer. They surveyed 250 randomly selected customers aged 18-25 who contacted their IT support staff.

Where is the misalignment that caused the bias?

A) Sampling customers that contacted IT support
B) Conducting a survey
C) Sampling customers aged 18-25
D) Sampling 250 customers
Sampling customers aged 18-25

A study is being conducted on the relationship between age and the amount of money people spend on eating out. Researchers gather data from a group of 100 people ages 50 to 65 and conclude that as people age, they tend to spend more money eating out.

Is there any potential bias in this study?

A) Yes, because the age group selected does not represent the entire population
B) Yes, because they should also include people that do not eat out in the study
C) No, because people in that age group are more likely to afford eating out
D) No, because the sample is representative of the population
Yes, because the age group selected does not represent the entire population

A medical research group studying pulmonary health is working on two major studies.

First study: In an attempt to study the health effects of coal dust, the group selected 4,000 subjects from four communities, two of which are home to large proportions of coal miners. The researchers followed the health of the subjects over a 12-year period.

Second study: In an attempt to study interactions between environmental cigarette smoke and childhood asthma, the group selected 145 asthmatic children and their parents. The researchers followed the children’s health and the smoking habits of the parents for five years.

What is true regarding the two studies?

A) Both studies are observational.
B) Study 1 is observational; study 2 is experimental.
C) Study 1 is experimental; study 2 is observational.
D) Both studies are experimental.
Both studies are observational.

A researcher studying the effects of chocolate on learning selects six groups of 20 mice each at random from a laboratory population. Each of the first five groups is fed different amounts of chocolate for three days in addition to their normal diet, and the last group is given a placebo. Each of the mice is then timed while running a maze.

What conclusion can be made from this study?

A) This is an observational study design and is biased because some mice do not receive chocolate.
B) This is an observational study design and is not obviously biased.
C) This is an experimental study design and is biased because the mice are not in a natural habitat.
D) This is an experimental study design and is not obviously biased.
This is an experimental study design and is not obviously biased.

An owner of a local restaurant observes that the longer a customer waits to be seated, the less they spend on meals. The owner obtains a correlation coefficient of r = −0.715.

Using just this information, what can be concluded?

A) An increase in wait time causes an increase in the amount customers spend on meals.
B) An increase in wait time is associated with an increase in the amount customers spend on meals.
C) An increase in wait time is associated with a decrease in the amount customers spend on meals.
D) An increase in wait time causes a decrease in the amount customers spend on meals.
An increase in wait time is associated with a decrease in the amount customers spend on meals.

A researcher is trying to determine if promotions are based on gender. The researcher studies two companies and records the gender of the employees that received pay grade promotions during the last year.

The results are shown in the following table:

………………..Female employees promoted..Male employees promoted
Endothon Company….511/825 = 62%…………..89/108 = 82%
Quality Apple Farms.137/417 = 33%…………..131/375 = 35%
Total……………648/1242 = 52%………….220/483 = 46%
Is Simpson’s paradox evident in this data?

A) Yes, because while each of the companies promoted a higher percentage of male employees, overall a higher percentage of women were promoted
B) Yes, because the overall promotion rates were different
C) No, because a higher percentage of female employees were promoted by each company
D) No, because a higher percentage of male employees were promoted by each company
Yes, because while each of the companies promoted a higher percentage of male employees, overall a higher percentage of women were promoted

The chart below shows the hiring data for two locations of a retail store over the past 10 years.

…….uptown store…downtown store..Total
Men….300/400 = 75%..0/100 = 0%……300/500 = 60%
Women..400/500 = 80%..100/500 = 20%…500/1000 = 50%
Does this table indicate an occurrence of Simpson’s Paradox?

A) Yes, because men are preferred overall while women are preferred at each store
B) Yes, because women are preferred overall while men are preferred at each store
C) No, because Simpson’s Paradox can only be used in Q->Q cases
D) No, because Simpson’s Paradox can only be used in C->C cases
Yes, because men are preferred overall while women are preferred at each store

Salespeople at a large company are randomly assigned to two groups: one that completes training on new products and one that receives no training. The group that received training had a significantly higher average sales volume than the group that did not.

What is the appropriate conclusion?

A) There is a causal relationship between training and sales volume.
B) There is no association between training and sales volume.
C) There is an association between training and sales volume, but a causal relationship cannot be concluded.
D) There is a causal relationship between training and sales volume, but an association cannot be concluded.
There is a causal relationship between training and sales volume.

The scatterplot below depicts an explanatory variable, X, plotted with a response variable, Y:

{{ Scatterplot who’s points are relatively close together and are trending right and up }}

What is the most reasonable estimate of the correlation coefficient between X and Y?

A) −0.9
B) −0.5
C) 0.5
D) 0.9

Data from a study of steel chains shows a correlation of 0.86 between chain strength and the percentage of tungsten in the steel, as demonstrated below:

{{ Scatterplot with points relatively close together and are trending right and up. r = +0.86 }}

What can be concluded about the relationship between chain strength and the percentage of tungsten?

A) There is a causal relationship between the percentage of tungsten and the strength of a chain.
B) There is a negative association between the percentage of tungsten and the strength of a chain.
C) There is a positive association between the percentage of tungsten and the strength of a chain.
D) There is little or no association between the percentage of tungsten and the strength of a chain.
There is a positive association between the percentage of tungsten and the strength of a chain.

{{ Scatterplot with no discernable pattern }}

What is the correlation coefficient of the variables x and y shown in the given scatterplot likely to be close to?

A) −10
B) −1
C) 0
D) 1

A student collects data comparing the number of pages in a textbook with its price. The student performs least squares regression analysis on this data and finds the following least squares equation:

Y = 0.216 X + 19.85, where X is the number of pages in a textbook and Y is its predicted price

Using the given least squares equation, what is the estimated cost of a textbook with 550 pages?

Round to the nearest cent.

A) $98.95
B) $118.80
C) $127.85
D) $138.65

The following scatterplot depicts the amount of money spent at a grocery store and the time spent in the store:

{{ Scatterplot trending right and up }}

The regression equation y = 3.1 x + 16.2 estimates the amount spent (in dollars) based on the amount of time spent in a grocery store (in minutes).

Using the regression equation, what is the amount of money predicted to be spent when a customer spends 15 minutes in the grocery store?

Round to the nearest whole number.

A) $35
B) $53
C) $63
D) $70

The following scatterplot depicts the number of items purchased at a local grocery store and the age of the customer:

{{ Scatterplot trending right and down }}

The regression equation, y = −0.2 x + 17.8, estimates the number of items purchased at the store based on age.

Using the regression equation, what is the predicted number of items purchased if the consumer is 30 years old?

Round to the nearest whole number.

A) 8
B) 9
C) 10
D) 12

A subject in an extrasensory perception study is asked to guess the color of a card that was randomly selected from a freshly shuffled deck of cards. She did this experiment 100 times and correctly guessed the color of the card 47 times.

What is the relative frequency of her choosing the correct color?

A) 47/100
B) 100/47
C) (100-47)/100
D) 100/(100-47)

A company has 7 employees: 5 have an MBA degree, and 2 do not.

If an employee is chosen at random, what is the probability that the employee has an MBA?

A) 2/5
B) 7/5
C) 2/7
D) 5/7

A random sample of candy found the color distribution as follows: 9 red, 2 green, 11 purple, 12 orange, and 8 yellow.

If one candy is selected at random, how likely is it that the candy is green?

A) Not likely, as there is a 4.8% chance of selecting a green candy
B) Just as likely as unlikely, as there is a 48% chance of selecting a green candy
C) Impossible, as there is a 4.8% chance of selecting a green candy
D) Not likely, as there is a 48% chance of selecting a green candy
Not likely, as there is a 4.8% chance of selecting a green candy

A coin has two sides: heads and tails.

If three coins are tossed, what is the probability of getting an odd number of heads?
A) 3/8
B) 5/8
C) 1/2
D) 1/4

A coin has two sides: heads and tails. The coin is flipped three times.

Using H for heads and T for tails, what is the sample space for the given experiment?


A quiz consists of three true or false questions.

What is the probability that there are exactly two true answers?
A) 1/8
B) 3/8
C) 1/4
D) 3/4

A six-sided die, with a number from 1 to 6 on each side, is rolled twice.

What is the probability that two odd numbers are rolled consecutively?

A) 1/2
B) 1
C) 1/4
D) 1/6

A and B are events associated with an experiment with P( A) = .3 and P( B) = .5.

If A and B are independent, then what is the probability that A or B occurs?

A) .15
B) .5
C) .65
D) .8

A fast-food company is interested in knowing the probability of whether a customer viewed an advertisement for their new special on the internet or on television. They found that 37% of customers saw the advertisement on the internet, 20% saw it on television, and 12% saw it on both the internet and on television.

What is the probability that a randomly selected customer saw the advertisement on the internet or on television?

A) 29%
B) 45%
C) 57%
D) 69%

The probability of a breakdown on assembly line A is 12%. The probability of a breakdown on assembly line B is 16%. The probability that both assembly lines break down is 2%.

What is the probability that assembly line A or assembly line B break down?

A) 0.24
B) 0.26
C) 0.28
D) 0.30

An old piano has 88 keys, and 56 of them are out of tune, while the remaining keys are tuned properly. A child strikes a key on the piano at random.

What is the probability that the child strikes a properly tuned key?

A) 27/44
B) 7/11
C) 4/11
D) 17/44

At a local car dealership, the probability of selling a car before 11:00 a.m. on a weekday is 0.15.

What is the probability of not selling a car before 11:00 a.m. on a weekday?

A) 0.75
B) 0.80
C) 0.85
D) 0.90

A car lot has 10 blue, 20 black, 18 white, and 12 red cars. The keys are all in a box in the sales office.

If a car is selected by taking a key at random, what is the probability that the selected car is not blue?

A) 1/6
B) 5/6
C) 1/3
D) 2/3

A marketing company chooses a survey participant among two respondents: one female and one male. The chosen participant is then asked to rate either product A, B, or C.

What is the probability that the respondent was male and rated product B?

A) 0.167
B) 0.333
C) 0.500
D) 0.833

A bag contains 8 red, 4 green, and 9 blue marbles. One marble is drawn from the bag, not replaced, and then a second marble is drawn.

Which statement is always correct?

A) If the first marble drawn is red, then the probability that the second marble drawn is also red is 7/21=1/3 .
B) The probability that the second marble drawn is red is 7/21=1/3 .
C) The probability that the second marble drawn is red is 7/20 .
D) If the first marble drawn is red, then the probability that the second marble drawn is also red is 7/20 .
If the first marble drawn is red, then the probability that the second marble drawn is also red is 7/20 .

A company receives equipment from two factories: 38% from factory A, and all other equipment from factory B. Each factory has a percentage of equipment that is defective: 1% of factory A’s equipment is defective, while 4% of factory B’s equipment is defective.

If a piece of the company’s equipment is selected at random, what is the probability that it is defective and from factory B?

A) 0.0248
B) 0.0038
C) 0.6012
D) 0.6600

A box contains one red ball, one purple ball, and one blue ball. Two balls are drawn from the box one after the other without replacing the first ball.

How many outcomes are possible for this experiment?

A) 3
B) 6
C) 9
D) 10

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