Exam(answered)Oregon law Cosmetology 2023

means a written authorization for the holder to perform in one or more fields of practice

the art or science of beautifying and improving the skin, nails, and hair and the study of cosmetics and their application

Demonstration permit
a written authorization for a person to practice, demonstrate and teach one or more fields of practice on a temporary basis

any of the following skin care or facial care practices performed on the human body or face for the purpose of keeping the skin of the human body or face healthy and attractive and not for medical diagnosis or treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments

the use of the hands or mechanical or electric apparatuses or appliances for cleansing, stimulating, manipulating, exfoliating or applying lotions or creams, temporary hair removal, makeup artistry, eyelash services, facial and body wraps, facial and body waxing

means an establishment operated on a regular or irregular basis for the purpose of providing services in one or more fields of practice

Fields of Practice
Barbering, esthetics, hair design, nail technology, natural hair care

Freelance license
means a written authorization that allows a practitioner to practice outside or away from a licensed facility

Independant contractor
a practitioner who qualifies as an independent contractor, and who is not under the control and direction of a facility license holder.

a written authorization issued to a person to operate a facility or freelance business for providing services related to one or more fields of practice to the public

a person certified to perform services included within a field of practice

means a written authorization issued to an independent contractor to hold forth to the public as a business entity providing services in a field of practice

Temporary facility permit
a written authorization to provide services on a temporary basis in one or more fields of practice

Practitioner certification requirements; rules
To qualify for certification as a practitioner of hair design, barbering, esthetics, nail technology or natural hair care, and applicant shall; successfully complete all courses required by rule of the State Board of Education for graduation; pass the certification examination recognized by the Board of Cosmetology for the field of practice sought; pay the fees

Facility license and temporary facility permit requirements
To be issued a license to operate a facility, each applicant shall: Be 18 years of age or older, comply with rules of the Board of Cosmetology relating to health, safety and infection control; comply with health and safety laws; pay the fees

To be issued a temporary facility permit, each applicant must
Operate the facility on a temporary basis for a period not to exceed 30 consecutive calendar days; be 18 years of age; apply on forms from the HLO prior to opening business; comply with the board on health, safety , and infection control; comply with the health and safety laws and rules of the Oregon Health Authority; pay the applicable fees

Independent contractor registration requirements
To be issued a registration to operate as an independent contractor each applicant shall: be 18 years of age, comply with the rules of the board, comply with health and safety laws; pay fees; hold an active certificate in good standing

Demonstration permit requirements
A person not certified who wishes to practice, demonstrate and teach a field of practice must obtain a demonstration permit from the HLO; the permit shall specify: the purpose for which it is granted, the period for which the person is permitted to practice; the time and place of exercising the privilege granted by the permit

health licensing office

Freelance license
to practice outside or away from a facility

Board of Cosmetology
consists of seven members appointed by the governor, six members of the board shall be practitioners with active certificates, one member shall be a public member who is not a practitioner

What is the term of office for each member of the board
Four years. If a person serves two consecutive full terms, a period or at least four years must elapse before the person is again eligible for appointment to serve on the board.

Adequate ventilation
ventilation by natural or mechanical methods which removes or exhausts fumes, vapors, or dusts to prevent hazardous conditions from occurring

means the Oregon Health Licensing Agency (OHLA)

those items which complement services provided in the practice of barbering, hair design, esthetics or nail technology; neck strips, neck dusters, towels or linens and cloth or plastic capes

a certificate, license, permit or registration issued by the Oregon Health Licensing Agency that allows a person to practice one of the occupations

Chemical service
the use of any product which restructures or removes hair or changes the shape or appearance of skin, hair or nails

Common area
an area of a facility which is used by all authorization holders performing services, reception areas, dispensing areas, sinks, shampoo bowls, hair dryer areas and employee lounges

using a process to destroy harmful organisms, including bacteria, viruses, germs and fungi

Dispensing area
an area with non porous surfaces and a sink with hot and cold running water where service preparations are conducted; mixing of chemicals, cleaning tools and equipment, disposing of residues and rinsing parts of the body exposed to chemicals

environmental protection agency, approves and registers chemical compounds and agents

items needed to operate a facility; waiting chairs, barber or styling chairs, shampoo chairs, cabinets, sinks, shampoo bowls, stationary dryers, pedicure bowls or whirlpool foot spas, paraffin wax containers, nail tech tables

Fire-retardant container
an airtight metal container for disposing of chemical waste or storing linens with chemical residue

High-level disinfectant
a chemical agent which has demonstrated, tuberculoidal activity and is registered with the EPA

Low level disinfectant
a chemical agent which has demonstrated bactericidal, germicidal, fungicidal and limited virucidal activity and is registered with the EPA

Materials and supplies
those items which complement the use of tools; hair tints, bleaches, permanent wave solutions, hair oils, shampoos, rinses, disinfectants and chemicals

entire area of facility

Sharp edged or pointed non electrical tools and implements
items that may pierce or cut the skin and draw blood; razors, cuticle nippers, cuticle pushers, nail clippers, tweezers, comedones extractors, shears and metal nail files

an article that has been used and has not been cleaned or disinfected to use on the next client

Tools and implements
all portable articles and instruments used when performing services on clients

work area
an area where services are performed and preparations are conducted; shampoo area, work stations, dispensing area

water supply and sanitation rules
immediate supply of both hot and cold running water and was basins must be available: on facility premises and any work area where hazardous materials are in use; sinks in bathrooms don’t count. Washing accommodations must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Hand soap and individual towels or air blowers must be available.

Restroom toilets and water disposal
Restrooms must be available for employees. They must be kept clean, sanitary, and in proper working order. All liquid waste must be discharged into a public sewer.

Towels or linens
You must use clean towels or linens for each client. Store clean towels and linens in a clean area. Use closable containers large and sturdy enough to store all soiled towels/linens. Store chemically soiled towels or linens in a fire retardant container.

How do you launder towels or linens?
By a regular commercial laundering or by a non- commercial laundering process, with the use of commercial laundry detergent manufactured for the purpose of cleaning washable fabric; and immersion in hot water.

Articles in contact with client
A neck strip or towel must be placed around the clients neck. All items which come into direct contact with clients skin must be clean. All articles which come in direct contact with the client’s skin and cannot be cleaned or disinfected must be disposed of in a covered waste receptacle after use.

Materials in contact with a client and use of paraffin wax
Paraffin wax must be used in such a manner that prevents contamination of wax remaining in the paraffin bath. Paraffin must be covered when not in use and maintained at the temperature specified by manufacturer’s instructions.

Refuse and Waste Materials
All chemical waste material must be disposed of in a closed container. All waste related to the performance of services must be disposed of in a covered container to avoid blood or other potentially infectious materials. All waste unrelated to performance of services must be disposed of in a covered waste disposal container. Containers located in the reception area are exempt from having covers. Outer surfaces must be kept clean.

Waste containing blood/infectious material/sharpes objects must be disposed of?
All waste containing blood or other potentially infectious material must be disposed of in a glove or plastic bag (double bagged) and then disposed of in a covered container. All disposable star objects that come in direct contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials must be disposed of in a sealable rigid (puncture proof) container. Authorization holders must have sealable plastic bags and rigid containers available.

Requirements and standards
All tools and implements that come in direct contact with clients, must be disinfected or disposed of after each use. If sterilization equipment is used, it must be maintained per instructions.

When used according to the manufacturers instructions each of the following is an approved method of disinfecting tools and implements
complete immersion in appropriate disinfectant, steam sterilizer, dry heat sterilizer or auto clave

How must disinfectants be kept?
Kept at adequate strengths to maintain effectiveness, be free of foreign material, and be available for immediate use at all times.

When using protective gloves that are not cleaned with soap and water and disinfected must be disposed of?
After use on each client

All manual or mechanical devices and equipment used in a field of practice must meet all
“product registration requirements”

Use of any manual or mechanical device or equipment must be within what?
The operators scope of practice

Any manual or mechanical device or equipment used in a field of practice is subject to__________ and the documentation required by section of 10 of this rule must be made available upon __.
inspection, demand

Disinfecting non electrical tools and implements
Must be disinfected before each client. Remove all hair and foreign material; clean thoroughly with soap or detergent and water; rinse thoroughly with clear, clean water; complete the disinfection(spray or immerse) and sterilize.

How do you disinfect implements without sharp edges or points?
Completely immerse according to manufacturer’s instructions in a low level disinfectant.

How do you disinfect all tools and implements with sharp edges?
completely immerse in a high-level disinfectant

Facility license
a facility license must be maintained when operating a business establishment, providing services in one or more fields of practice.

How long is a facility license valid for?
one year and becomes inactive on the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance

Who can hold a facility license?
a natural person, facility owner, facility manager

Is a facility license transferrable?
It is not transferrable; it cannot be transferred person to person or from location to location

Standards for facilities located in residence
Must have an: identifying house number and a sign with the facility name that is easily visible from the street. Be equipped with structures, accommodations, and equipment which the agency requires, the living area of the home must be separated from the facility by solid walls extending from floor to ceiling. An adequate supply of hot and cold running water must be available. A separate entrance is not required.

Temporary facility
A temporary facility permit holder may perform services in a field of practice. Must be a natural person.Permit is not to exceed 30 days. If a facility owner intends to operate away from facility on file, they must obtain a temporary facility permit

Application requirements for facility permit
applicant must: submit a completed application, submit proof of being 18 years of age, provide map or directions to a facility if it is in a rural or isolated area. Provide a list of authorization holders providing services in temporary facility. Submit name of temporary facility.

How long is practitioner certificate valid for?
two years from the date of issuance

Practitioner certificate Application requirements for hair design, barbering, nail tech, esthetics
To obtain a certificate in a field of practice: submit completed application, meet all education, examination, and training requirements, submit official transcript, submit a passing score, completion and passage of a board approved written exam within two years before the date of application including the Oregon Laws and rules exam.

Authorization Renewal
with the exception of independent contractor registration or freelance license, must be made prior to the authorization entering inactive status. The authorization holder must submit the following for renewal; renewal application form; payment of required renewal fee pursuant

Inactive authorization renewal
An authorization with the exception of independent contractor registration or freelance license may be inactive for up to three years. You must submit application form, and payment of fees.

Expired authorization
An authorization with the exception of independent contractor registration or freelance license that has been inactive for more than three years is expired and the authorization holder must meet the requirements listed for facility license holders and practitioners

Independent contractor registrations and freelance licenses that are not renewed become _.
dormant, they do not become inactive and they do not expire

How do you reactivate a dormant independent contractor registration or freelance license?
must complete required qualifications, submit a form prescribed by the agency and pay the required renewal fee.

For freelance authorization renewal or reactivation
the freelance license holder must submit: proof of having passed Oregon Laws and Rules w/in two years to renew or proof of having passed the Oregon Laws and rules w/in two years before the date of reactivation

Freelance license
valid for one year and becomes dormant on the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance or renewal unless renewed.

Application requirements for a freelance license
completed application, passing score on Oregon laws and rules examination, a current copy of the assumed business name

Independent contractor
pursuant to a practitioner who provides services within a licensed facility who is not an employee must hold an independent contractor registration

How long is an independent contractor registration valid for?
one year, and becomes dormant on the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance or renewal.

Application requirements for independent contractor registration
a completed application, proof of being 18 years of age, proof of holding a current valid practitioner certificate, a current copy of the assumed business name

Demonstration permit
a person who wishes to practice, demonstrate, and teach a field of practice or perform a field of practice, temporarily and primarily for education purposes. Active for 30 days, non renewable. May preform services at training seminars, shows, licensed facilities etc.

Application requirements for demonstration permit
a completed application form accompanied by payment, an affidavit of licensure from another state which is active, a description of the purpose for which a permit is sought.

Posting requirements
Freelance authorization,certificate,licensse,permit and registration holders are subject to the requirements. Facility licenses must be posted in public view. Independent contractor registrations must be posted in public view. Practitioner certificates must be posted in public view.

Where must demonstration and temporary authorizations be posted?
public view

Where must a freelance authorization holder authorization be posted?
they must show authorization upon request of the client.

Where must a facility license holder and independent contractor registration holder post the most recent inspection certificate?
in public view in the facility or at the independent contractor’s work station.

Define Adequate Ventilation:
“Adequate ventilation” means ventilation by natural or mechanical methods which
removes or exhausts fumes, vapors, or dust to prevent hazardous conditions from occurring
in accordance with OAR 437, Division 2, or to allow the free flow of air in a room in proportion
to the size and capacity of the room

Define Affadavit of Licensure:
“Affidavit of Licensure” means an original document or other approved means of verifying
licensure history, including information disclosing all unresolved or outstanding penalties
and/or disciplinary actions

What does “Agency” refer to?
“Agency” means the Oregon Health Licensing Agency.

What does “Article” mean?
“Article” means those items which complement services provided in the practice of
barbering, hair design, esthetics or nail technology, including but not limited to neck-strips,
neck dusters, towels or linens, and cloth or plastic capes.

Define Authorization:
“Authorization” has the definition set forth in ORS 676.580 and means a certificate,
license, permit or registration issued by the Oregon Health Licensing Agency that allows a
person to practice one of the occupations or professions or maintain a facility subject to the
authority of the boards and councils listed in ORS 676.583.

What does Chemical Service mean?
“Chemical service” means the use of any product which restructures or removes hair or
changes the shape or appearance of skin, hair or nails.

What does a “Common Area” mean?
“Common area” means an area of a facility which is used by all authorization holders
performing services, including, but not limited to reception areas, dispensing areas, sinks,
shampoo bowls, hair dryers, hair dryer areas and employee lounges.

What does “Disinfect” mean?
“Disinfect” means using a process to destroy harmful organisms, including bacteria,
viruses, germs and fungi.

What does “Dispensing Area” mean?
“Dispensing area” means an area with non-porous surfaces and a sink with hot and cold
running water where service preparations are conducted, including, but not limited to, mixing
of chemicals, cleaning of tools and equipment, disposing of residues and rinsing parts of the
body exposed to chemicals.

What qualifies as an educational institution?
“Educational Institution” means an Oregon high school under ORS 335, Oregon career
school licensed under ORS 345 or an Oregon community college under ORS 341.

Define “EPA”:
“EPA” means Environmental Protection Agency, a branch of the federal government,
which approves and registers chemical compounds and agents.

What does Equiptment mean?
“Equipment” means those items needed to operate a facility, including, but not limited to,
waiting chairs, barber or styling chairs, shampoo chairs, cabinets, sinks, shampoo bowls,
stationary dryers, pedicure bowls or whirlpool foot spas, paraffin wax containers, and nail
technology tables.

What does “Fire Retardant Container” mean?
“Fire retardant container” means an airtight metal container for disposing of chemical
waste or storing linens with chemical residue.

Define High Level Disinfectant:
High-level disinfectant” means a chemical agent, which has demonstrated tuberculocidal
activity and is registered with the EPA.

Define Low Level Disinfectant:
“Low-level disinfectant” means a chemical agent which has demonstrated bactericidal,
germicidal, fungicidal, and limited virucidal activity and is registered with the EPA.

Define Materials and Supplies:
“Materials and supplies” means those items which complement the use of tools,
including but not limited to hair tints, bleaches, permanent wave solutions, hair oils,
shampoos, rinses, disinfectants, and chemicals.

What does “Natural Person” mean?
“Natural Person” means a living, individual, human being.

What does “Official Transcript” mean?
(a) An original document authorized by the appropriate office in the Oregon Department of
Education and certified by an educational institution indicating applicant identity information,
each field of practice enrolled under, specific hour requirements for each field of practice if
applicable, final practical examination scores for each field of practice, enrollment information
and a signature from an authorized representative on file with the agency. Original
documents must be submitted directly to the agency from the educational institution by
United States Postal Service mail or other recognized mail service providers in a sealed
envelope; OR Non-original documents are only
accepted when approved by the Agency.

Define “Premises”
“Premises” means the entire area of a facility, licensed by the agency as a facility
defined under ORS 690.005.

What does “Sharp edged or pointed, non-electrical tools and implements” mean?
“Sharp edged or pointed, non-electrical tools and implements” means those items which
may on occasion pierce or cut the skin and draw blood, including razors, cuticle nippers,
cuticle pushers, nail clippers, tweezers, comedone extractors, shears, and metal nail files.

What does soiled mean?
“Soiled” means an article that has been used and has not been cleaned or disinfected
for use on the next client.

Define tools and implements:
“Tools and implements” means all portable articles and instruments, which the
authorization holder uses when performing services on clients, including, but not limited to
combs, shears, clippers and yoyettes.

Define work area:
“Work area” means an area where services are performed and preparations are
conducted, including, but not limited to shampoo area, work stations and dispensing area.

What must authorization holders do when it comes to the state regulations and federal ventilation requirements?
(1) Authorization holders must observe the Department of Human Services, Oregon Health
Authority, and other city, county and state regulations.
(2) Authorization holders must adhere to all city, county, state and federal ventilation

Any public place in a facility shall be governed under which act? They should all provide adequate what?
Any public place in a facility shall be governed under the Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act as it
appears in ORS 433.835 through 433.875. All facilities shall provide adequate ventilation
according to OAR 817-005-0005(2).

An adequate and immediate supply of both hot and cold running water and wash basins
must be available:
(a) On the facility premises and;
(b) In any work area where hazardous materials are in use, which may have a harmful effect
on or be absorbed through the skin if the contamination is not removed.

Do sinks in restrooms qualify as a water source for a facility? When only do they qualify?
No, and they only qualify in a natural hair care establishment.

Washing accommodations must be kept in what condition?
Clean and Sanitary.

What must be available in a facility bathroom? What is prohibited in facility bathrooms?
(5) Hand soap or similar cleansing agents must be available.
(6) Individual towels of cloth or paper must be available. Air blowers for drying the hands may be
substituted for towels.
(7) Use of bar soap or a common towel is prohibited.

What are the rules for employee restrooms? Where must they be?
Restrooms must be available for employees. The restroom must be on the facility
premises or in an adjoining premise which is reasonably accessible from any work area.

Facility restrooms must be kept in what order at all times?
All restrooms on facility premises must be kept clean, sanitary and in proper working order
at all times.

Where must the liquid waste be discharged? In the absence of that, which method meets the requirements?
(3) All liquid waste from toilets and sinks must be discharged directly into a public sewer or, in
the absence of a public sewer, by method meeting the requirements of ORS Chapter 454
(sewage treatment and disposal systems).

What types of towels are used by authorization holders on clients? Where are they stored?
(1) An authorization holder must:
(a) Use clean towels or linens for each client.
(b) Store clean towels and linens in a clean area.

Where are soiled towels stored? Where are chemically soiled towels stored?
(c) Use closable containers large enough and sturdy enough to store all soiled towels or
(d) Store chemically soiled towels or linens in fire-retardant containers.

How should towels be laundered?
Launder towels or linens by a regular commercial laundering or by a non-commercial
laundering process, which includes use of commercial laundry detergent manufactured for
the purpose of cleaning clothes, linens or other washable fabric, and immersion in hot water
during the hot water wash/rinse operation.

What is used to prevent direct contact between a common use hair cloth or cape and the client’s skin?
(1) A neck strip or towel must be placed around the client’s neck to prevent direct contact
between a common use hair cloth or cape and the client’s skin.

All items which come in direct contact with the client’s skin but do not require disinfecting
must be:

All articles which come in direct contact with the client’s skin and cannot be cleaned or
disinfected must be:
disposed of in a covered waste receptacle immediately after use.

All substances, including paraffin wax, used within a field of practice must be dispensed
containers in a manner to prevent contamination of the unused portion.

How must paraffin wax be used to prevent contamination of remaining wax in the paraffin bath?
application with a single use or sanitized
spatula or applicator, or disposal of any used wax.

When not in use, how should paraffin be stored?
(3) Paraffin must be covered when not in use, and maintained at a temperature specified by
the manufacturer’s instructions.

At the conclusion of each service and business day, chemical waste material must be disposed of how?
(1) All chemical waste material must be disposed of in a closed container at the conclusion of
each service and disposed of in a fire retardant container at the end of each business day.

How must waste related to the performance of service be disposed?
All waste related to the performance of services must be disposed of in a covered
container to avoid blood or other potentially infectious materials.

The waste unrelated to performance of services must be disposed of in what way? Which containers are exempt from having covers?
All waste unrelated to performance of services must be disposed of in a covered waste
disposal container. Containers located in the reception area, which do not contain waste
relating to performance of services, are exempt from having covers.

All outer surfaces of waste disposal containers must be kept _

What do you do with any waste that contains blood or potentially infectious material?
All waste which contains blood or other potentially infectious materials must be disposed
of in a glove or plastic bag and then disposed of in a covered container with a garbage liner
immediately following the service.

All disposable sharp objects that come into contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials must be disposed of how?
All disposable sharp objects that come in direct contact with blood or other potentially
infectious materials must be disposed of in a sealable rigid (puncture-proof) container to
avoid cuts or punctures during the disposal process.

What must authorization holders have on hand at all times for services being performed?
Authorization holders must have sealable plastic bags and sealable rigid containers
available for use at all times services are being performed.

All tools and implements that come in direct contact with clients, must be _ or __ of after each use.
disinfected or disposed of.

Sterilizing equipment is maintained how?
Adequate disinfecting and sterilizing equipment must be maintained for the volume of
business and usage requirements for the number of authorization holders performing

If sterilization equipment is used, the equipment must be maintained and used according
to manufacturer’s instructions.

When used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, what are
approved methods of disinfecting tools and implements?
(a) Complete immersion in an appropriate disinfectant according to OAR 817-005-0005.
(b) Steam sterilizer, registered and listed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; or
(c) Dry heat sterilizer or autoclave, registered and listed with the U.S. Food and Drug

How must disinfectants be kept?
All disinfectants listed must be kept at adequate strengths to
maintain effectiveness, be free of foreign material and be available for immediate use at all
times when the facility is open for business.

What must be done with Nail files, pumice blocks, cosmetic sponges, buffer blocks, sanding bands or sleeves,
orangewood sticks, disposable nail bits and other similar articles after use on client?
Nail files, pumice blocks, cosmetic sponges, buffer blocks, sanding bands or sleeves,
orangewood sticks, disposable nail bits and other similar articles must be given to the client
or discarded after use on a client. Presence of used articles in the work area may be used as
prima facie evidence of re-use of those articles.

Protective gloves that are not cleaned with soap and water and disinfected must be :
Disposed of after each client.

All manual or mechanical devices and equipment used in a field of practice must meet all
___________ imposed by any federal, state, county, or local authority.
“product registration requirements”

Verification and documentation must be ___ for any device
classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that is used in a field of practice. It may not apply to those items used in the delivery of basic services, which have been defined as ___,,__.
maintained and accessible.

“articles, equipment or materials and supplies.”

Use of any manual or mechanical device or equipment must be within: ,,___
The operators scope of practice,be consistent with the manufacturer’s intended use of the
device, and with client health and safety

Any manual or mechanical device or equipment used in a field of practice is subject to :

All tools and implements used within a field of practice must be disinfected before use on
each client. To disinfect non-electrical tools and implements:
(a) Remove all hair and all foreign material;
(b) Clean thoroughly with soap or detergent and water;
(c) Rinse thoroughly with clear, clean water; and
(d) Complete process as outlined in section (2) or (3) of this rule; or
(e) Sterilize, using one of the approved methods listed in OAR 817-010-0065(5)(b) or (c).

For all tools and implements without sharp edges or points, including but not limited to
combs, brushes, rollers, rods, etc., completely immerse according to manufacturer’s
instructions in a solution containing parts per __ of a commercial quaternary
ammonium compound or other low-level disinfectant used according to the manufacturer’s
l,000 parts per million (ppm)

Electrical clipper blades must be disinfected before each use. The method is as follows:
Remove all hair and all foreign material;
(b) Completely saturate clipper blade with a high-level disinfectant solution, spray, or foam
used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

New, disinfected and cleaned tools and implements must be stored _ from all

Roller-storage receptacles and their contents must be __
Clean and free from foreign material.

During the trying on of a manufactured hairpiece, that portion of the head which comes in
contact with the hairpiece must be:
completely covered with a disposable cover.

All used hair goods must be cleaned according to manufacturer’s instructions before
resale and marked as:

Are pets permitted in business facilities? What are the exceptions?
Pets or other animals are not permitted in the business facility. This prohibition does not
apply to service animals recognized by the American with Disabilities Act or to fish in
aquariums or nonpoisonous reptiles in terrariums.

The surface of all equipment, including, but not limited to back-bars must be made of
. This requirement does not apply to the _ of a
facility where services are not performed.
cleanable non-porous material, reception area

All equipment must be________
clean and in good repair.

Shampoo bowls and sinks must be clean and free of:
hair and residue.

All surfaces contaminated by blood or other potentially infectious materials must be :
disinfected with a high-level solution according to manufacturer’s instructions.

How must foot spa equipment be cleaned?
All areas of foot spa equipment must be cleaned and disinfected with a high-level
disinfectant after use on each client, including removal of safety drain screens and clearing of
all debris from the filtration system.

What should floor surfaces in the working area of a facility be made of? How must they be kept?
Floor surfaces in the working area of a facility must be made of a cleanable, non-porous
material and must be kept clean, orderly, and in good repair.

Are wooden floors okay for working areas of a facility?
Wooden floors which have a durable water-proof non-porous finish may be acceptable in
working areas of the facility.

How should hair clippings be disposed of?
Hair clippings must not be allowed to accumulate and must be disposed of in a covered

What must walls and ceilings be free of?
Walls and ceilings must be clean and free of condensation, mildew and excessive spots, or
peeling paint.

What should you do immediately before and after serving each client?
Thorough hand washing with soap and water or alternative hand washing products.

When performing a service or procedure
that routinely involves exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials, what must be worn?
single-use disposable protective gloves

If spattering is likely to occur while services are being performed, what must be worn?
Wear eye goggles, shields or a mask if spattering is likely to occur while services are
being performed.

May head lice be treated at a facility?
Head lice may be treated at the discretion of the authorization holder

Estheticians may only use products designed for _ and may not use products that __ skin.
Skin care, damage

Estheticians may not use unbuffered alpha-hydroxy acids at concentrations greater than _ percent;

Estheticians may not use buffered concentrations of alpha-hydroxy acids of 10 to 30 percent where pH is less than

Estheticians may not use any concentration or formulation of alpha-hydroxy acids greater than _ percent;

How long must client’s information be on file?
2 years and must be made
available immediately upon request from an enforcement officer of the Oregon Health
Licensing Agency.

If a client refuses to provide personal information on record, what can be done?
An authorization holder is prohibited from providing services to a client who refuses to
provide the personal information required in subsection (1)(a) of this rule unless the client
signs a waiver form documenting the client’s refusal to provide the required information. The
signed waiver form must be retained on file in the manner required in subsection (2) of this
rule for client records.

How long is a facility license valid for? When does it expire?
A facility license is valid for one year and becomes inactive on the last day of the month
one year from the date of issuance.

Who must a facility owner be?
A natural person.

Is a facility license transferable from person to person or location to location?

If an existing facility moves, what must be done?
If an existing facility moves or relocates to a new physical address, the facility license holder must submit a new application and meet requirements of
OAR 817-020-0006.

May a natural person hold more than one facility license? What must be done?
.A natural person may hold more than one facility license, but must
submit a separate application, pay required fees and qualify for a facility license for each

To obtain a facility license what are the requirements? Age? If it is in a rural or isolated area?
18 years of age, submit application and fees,
A map or directions to the facility if it is located in a rural or isolated area;
A list of authorization holders providing services in the facility; The name of facility; and
If the facility is not operating under the real and true name of each owner the applicant
must provide appropriate documentation of being registered with the Secretary of State under
ORS 648

When body piercing, electrology, or tattoo services are provided in a cosmetology facility, what must be present?
When body piercing, electrology or tattoo services are provided in a cosmetology facility,
body piercing, electrology or tattoo services must be separated from cosmetology services by
a solid barrier to prevent contact with irritants.

A facility located in-residence must have:
Have an identifying house number and a sign with the facility name, and is easily visible from the street, and indicates the location of
the facility

How must the living area of the home of an in-residence facility be kept separate?
The living area of the home must be separated from the facility by solid walls extending
from floor to ceiling, with any connecting doors kept closed while the facility is in operation.

Is a separate entrance required for in-home facilities?
A separate entrance is not required for facilities located in a residence

How long is a temporary facility permit valid for? What do you have to be in order to run a temporary facility?
A temporary facility permit is valid for a limited time not to exceed 30 consecutive calendar
days, at settings such as fairs, carnivals or bazaars.

If a facility owner licensed under OAR 817-020-0001 intends to operate a facility on a
limited basis, away from the facility address on file with the agency, they must obtain a
temporary facility permit.

For the Agency to issue a temporary facility permit the applicant must:
Submit an application, be 18 at least,Provide a map or directions to the temporary facility if it is in a rural or isolated area; Provide a list of authorization holders providing services in the temporary facility; Submit on the application form the name of the temporary facility; and If the temporary facility is not operating under the real and true name of each owner, The
applicant must provide appropriate documentation of being registered with the Secretary of
State under ORS 648 including but not limited to a temporary facility operating under a
corporation, limited liability corporation or an assumed business name.

How long is a practitioner certificate valid for and when does it become inactive?
A practitioner certificate is valid for two years and becomes inactive on the last day of the
month two years from the date of issuance.

To apply for certification in a field of practice, or to add a field of practice to an existing certification, you must have passed the laws and rules examination within __ years of application.

What languages are offered in the written examination?
The written examination is administered in English only, unless an agency-approved
testing contractor or vendor provides the written examination in languages other than English.

What is the passing score for the written examination?
The passing score for
each section is 75 percent or better.

If failed, the written examination may not be retaken for _ calendar days on the first attempt. second? third?
(1) Failed sections of a written examination may be retaken as follows:
(a) After first failed attempt — applicant may not retake for seven calendar days;
(b) After second failed attempt — applicant may not retake for seven calendar days;
(c) After third failed attempt — applicant may not retake for 30 calendar days, must submit an
official transcript certifying additional training from an educational institution on a form
prescribed by the agency, and must pay application fee;

all educational institutions may submit to an evaluation
of the practical examination once every __ years in at least one field of practice

A practical examination being evaluated for approval must be performed in a continuous
_-hour period.
two, eight

Applicants who qualify under the may request a
special examination. Where are the special examinations held?
Requests for accommodation must be arranged
calendar days in advance of the
preferred examination date.
ADA americans with disabilities act, they are held at the agency, Requests for accommodation must be arranged 30 calendar days in advance of the
preferred examination date.

: An authorization, with the exception of
independent contractor registration or freelance license may be inactive for up to __ years.
An authorization, with the exception of
independent contractor registration or freelance license may be inactive for up to three years.

Do independent contractor registrations and freelance licenses that are not renewed become expired? How do they reactivate?
Independent contractor registrations and freelance licenses that are not renewed become
dormant; they do not become inactive and do not expire.

(8) To reactivate a dormant independent contractor registration or freelance license, the
authorization holder must complete required qualifications, submit a form prescribed by the
agency, and pay the required renewal fee.

a practitioner who provides services outside of a licensed
facility must hold a __ license.

How long is a freelance license valid for and when does it become dormant?
A freelance license is valid for one year and becomes dormant on the last day of the
month one year from the date of issuance or renewal, unless renewed.

To obtain a freelance authorization, what must you do?
To obtain a freelance authorization a practitioner must submit the following:
(1) A completed application form prescribed by the agency, which must contain the
information listed in OAR 331-030-0000 and be accompanied by payment of the required
(2) A passing score on the Oregon Laws and Rules examination within two years before the
date of application; and
(3) A current copy of the Assumed Business Name (ABN) filing if applicant is operating under
an assumed business name prior to applying for a freelance authorization. An ABN is not
required if business includes the real and true name of the owner. Refer to Secretary of
State, Corporations Division under ORS 648.005.

A holder of freelance authorization must:
Provide each client with the agency’s name, address and telephone number; Display the practitioner’s certificate number and freelance authorization number on all
advertising when soliciting business; Be subject to random audit to verify compliance with safety, infection control and licensing
requirement; and Allow the agency’s representative to conduct an investigation .
Obstructing or hindering the normal progress of an investigation, threatening or exerting
physical harm, or enabling another individual to impede an investigation may result in
disciplinary action.

are practitioners providing services outside the premises of a licensed facility, on persons
confined to their residence through medical disability or restriction required to obtain a
freelance authorization?
Practitioners providing services outside the premises of a licensed facility, on persons
confined to their residence through medical disability or restriction are not required to obtain a
freelance authorization.

a practitioner who provides services within a licensed facility
who is not an employee must hold an __ registration.
Independent contractor.

How long is an independent contractor registration valid for? when does it become dormant?
An independent contractor registration is valid for one year and becomes dormant on the
last day of the month one year from the date of issuance or renewal.

Is an independent contractor registration transferable between work locations?
The registration is transferable between work
locations, provided the agency is given notification

To obtain an independent contractor registration, what must you do?
A completed application form prescribed by the agency,
(2) Proof of being at least 18 years of age.
(3) Proof of holding a current, valid practitioner certificate which is active with no current or
pending disciplinary action;

(4) A current copy of the Assumed Business Name (ABN) filing if applicant is operating under
an assumed business name prior to applying for an independent contractor registration if the
business operates under the real and true name of the owner an ABN filing is not necessary.
Refer to Secretary of State, Corporations Division under ORS 648.005

Can independent contractors be cited for violations of rules found in a shared or common area of a facility? What are the exceptions?
Each authorization holder located at one facility may be cited for violations of rules or
regulations found in a shared or common area of a facility, unless a contractual agreement
exists that indicates specific responsibility for the cleanliness of a shared or common area
within the facility.

How long is a demonstration permit active for?
A demonstration permit is active for 30 days and is not renewable, the holder of the
demonstration permit:

To obtain a demonstration permit what must be done?
(a) A completed application form prescribed by the agency, which must contain the
information listed in OAR 331-030-0000 and be accompanied by payment of the required
(b) An affidavit of licensure pursuant to OAR 331-030-0040 from another state, which is
active with no current or pending disciplinary action; and
(c) A description of the purpose for which the permit is sought.

A _ holder and_______________ holder must post the most
recent inspection certificate in public view in the facility or at the independent contractor’s
facility license and independent contractor.

Define “Hazardous”
“Hazardous” means capable of causing an unplanned, uncontrolled reaction which could
present a hazard to authorization holders or clients by explosion, fire, release of toxic gases
or by-products, or physical or chemical burns; and

Define “Segregated in Storage”
“Segregated in storage” means that potentially hazardous chemicals and materials are
separated (to prevent their mixing with one another through leakage, spillage or breakage) by
an adequate distance or through the use of physical barriers such as partitions or separate

Chemical containers holding __ gallon or less may be stored in the same area or in the
same storage cabinet if one of the following conditions is met:

Containers of reactive chemicals are separated by location or sufficient distance, for
example at least _ inches apart or _, to prevent their reaction;
Glass bottles are treated to make them
, or stored in

12 inches apart or on different shelves,

break resistant or rubber buckets/ sleeves

Chemicals that are highly reactive or kept in containers greater than one gallon must be
stored in :
separate cabinets, in safety-valve containers, or in locations isolated from other

Waste related to chemical services or which has been chemically dampened or saturated
must be disposed of in a___________ container
fire retardent

Chemically treated, dampened or saturated towels must be stored in a _
fire retardent

Chemicals used for providing services to clients must be mixed in a __,
which has adequate ventilation away from open flame or other sources of potential ignition.
dispensing area

Define Barbering
“Barbering” means any of the following practices, when done upon the human body for cosmetic purposes and not for medical diagnosis or treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments:
(a) Shampooing, styling, cutting, singeing and conditioning of the hair of an individual.
(b) Applying hair tonics, dressings and rinses.
(c) Massaging of the scalp, face and neck and applying facial and scalp treatments with creams, lotions, oils and other cosmetic preparations, either by hand or mechanical appliances, except that the mechanical appliances may not be galvanic or faradic.
(d) Shaving, trimming or cutting of the beard or mustache.

Define Certificate
(2) “Certificate” means a written authorization for the holder to perform in one or more fields of practice.

Define Cosmetology
(3) “Cosmetology” means the art or science of beautifying and improving the skin, nails and hair and the study of cosmetics and their application.

Define Demonstration Permit
4) “Demonstration permit” means a written authorization for a person to practice, demonstrate and teach one or more fields of practice on a temporary basis.

Define Esthetics
(5) “Esthetics” means any of the following skin care or facial care practices performed on the human body or face for the purpose of keeping the skin of the human body or face healthy and attractive and not for medical diagnosis or treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments:
(a) The use of the hands or mechanical or electric apparatuses or appliances for cleansing, stimulating, manipulating, exfoliating or applying lotions or creams.
(b) Temporary removal of hair.
(c) Makeup artistry.
(d) Eyelash services.
(e) Facial and body wrapping.
(f) Facial and body waxing.

Define Facility
(6) “Facility” means an establishment operated on a regular or irregular basis for the purpose of providing services in one or more fields of practice.

Define Field of Practice
(7) “Field of practice” means the following cosmetology disciplines:
(a) Barbering.
(b) Esthetics.
(c) Hair design.
(d) Nail technology.
(e) Natural hair care.

Define Freelance License
(8) “Freelance license” means a written authorization that allows a practitioner to practice outside or away from a licensed facility.

Define Hair Design
(9) “Hair design” means any of the following practices, when done upon the human body for cosmetic purposes and not for medical diagnosis or treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments:
(a) Shaving, trimming or cutting of the beard or mustache.
(b) Styling, permanent waving, relaxing, cutting, singeing, bleaching, coloring, shampooing, conditioning, applying hair products or similar work upon the hair of an individual.
(c) Massaging the scalp and neck when performed in conjunction with activities in paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection.

Define Independent Contractor
(10) “Independent contractor” means a practitioner who qualifies as an independent contractor under ORS 670.600 and who is not under the control and direction of a facility license holder.

Define License
(11) “License” means a written authorization issued under ORS 690.055 to a person to operate a facility or freelance business for providing services related to one or more fields of practice to the public.

Define Nail Technology
“Nail technology” means any of the following manicuring or pedicuring practices performed for cosmetic purposes and not for medical diagnosis or treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments:
(a) Cutting, trimming, polishing, coloring, tinting, cleansing or otherwise treating the nails of the hands or feet.
(b) Massaging, cleansing, treating or beautifying the hands, arms below the elbow, feet or legs below the knee.
(c) Applying, sculpturing or removing artificial nails of the hands or feet.

Define Natural Hair Care
(13)(a) “Natural hair care” means:
(A) The braiding, cornrowing, extending, lacing, locking, sewing, twisting, weaving or wrapping of human hair, natural fibers, synthetic fibers or hair extensions through the use of hands or simple devices such as clips, combs, hairpins or needle and thread;
(B) The use of scissors to trim synthetic fibers, hair extensions or sewn-in weave extensions as is necessary to perform the activities described in this paragraph; or
(C) The making of customized wigs from natural hair, natural fibers, synthetic fibers or hair extensions.
(b) “Natural hair care” does not include the use of scissors, except as provided in paragraph (a)(B) of this subsection, penetrating chemical hair treatments, chemical hair coloring agents, chemical hair straightening agents, chemical hair joining agents, permanent wave styles or chemical hair bleaching agents.

Define Practitioner
(14) “Practitioner” means a person certified to perform services included within a field of practice.

Define Registration
(15) “Registration” means a written authorization issued to an independent contractor to hold forth to the public as a business entity providing services in a field of practice.

Define School
(16) “School” means an educational establishment that has a license issued by the Department of Education and is operated for the purpose of teaching one or more fields of practice. For purposes of this subsection, “field of practice” does not include natural hair care.

Define Temporary Facility Permit
(17) “Temporary facility permit” means a written authorization issued under ORS 690.055 to provide services on a temporary basis in one or more fields of practice.

A Demonstration Permit shall specify
The purpose for which it is granted.
The period during which the person is permitted to practice, demonstrate and teach, which period shall not exceed 30 days.
(c) The time and place of exercising the privilege granted by the permit.
(3) A person may be granted a permit if the person:
(a) Makes application to the agency for the permit.
(b) Is currently licensed or certified to practice or teach a field of practice in another state and presents satisfactory evidence of that fact to the agency, or is otherwise qualified as determined by the board.
(c) Describes the purpose for which the permit is sought.
(d) Pays the applicable fees established under ORS 676.592.

Notification of a change in any authorization holder’s licensing information must be submitted within __ calendar days of the change

Is a practitioner required to renew the authorization or pay renewal fees while in active military service? What must be done to restore former authorization status?
A practitioner is not required to renew the authorization or pay renewal fees while in active military service unless required by the authorization holders branch of the military.

To be restored to former authorization status the authorization holder must notify the agency in writing within 60 days of being honorably discharged.

Define “Military spouse or domestic partner”
“Military spouse or domestic partner” means a spouse or domestic partner of an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is the subject of a military transfer to Oregon.

To qualify for Military Spouse or Domestic Partner authorization, you must:
Be married to, or in a domestic partnership with a member of the Armed forces of the United States who is assigned to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order;
Hold an active license, certificate or registration in good standing, in another state or territory of the United States, to practice the profession or occupation for which authorization is sought;
Have at least one year of active practice in the profession or occupation for which authorization is sought during the three years immediately preceding the application; and

Upon submittal of a completed application form prescribed by the Agency, payment of fees of this rule, and copies of the following documents, applicants under this rule may immediately be granted temporary authorization, valid for months, pending the Agency’s receipt of any remaining documentation required: (which is)_
Three months

Copy of marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration with the name of the applicant and the name of the active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States;) Copy of assignment to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order for the spouse or domestic partner named in the marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration; and

(c) Affirmation by applicant that:
The applicant has requested evidence of authorization from the state or territory in which the applicant is authorized; and

The applicant is not subject to discipline in that state or territory for a matter related to services regulated by the agency or the board under which authorization is sought.

An individual seeking to use military training or experience as a qualification for an authorization to practice a profession or occupation in a program must submit a __ demonstrating completion of military training or experience that is substantially equivalent to requirements set forth in statute or rule by the agency or the boards or councils.
Joint services transcript

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