(Answered corrcetly) NR509 Final Exam Solution Guide 2023.

NR 509 Final Exam With CorrectAnswers Latest 2022 Graded A+A young man feels something in his scrotum and comes to you for clarification. On your examination, you note what feels like a “bag of worms” in the left scrotum, superior to the testicles. Which of the following is most likely?A)Hydrocele of the spermatic cordB)VaricoceleC)Testicular carcinomaD)A normal vas deferens VaricocleVaricoceles are common in normal men. They are often found in the left scrotum or bilaterally and should normally resolve in the supine position. This is because they represent varicosities within the scrotum. These require further investigation if they occur only on the right side or do not resolve in the supine position. They can contribute to infertility because the testicles are unable to achieve a cool enough temperature for sperm production, due to increased blood flow from the varicocele. A hydrocele would be a painless mass on the spermatic cord and the vas deferens is palpated as part of the spermatic cord. You should lightly pinch the scrotum medially and move laterally until you feel the spermatic cord pass between your fingers.Which of the following changes are expected in vision as part of the normal aging process?A)CataractsB)GlaucomaC)Macular degenerationD)Blurring of near visionAns: DThe lens loses its elasticity over time as part of the normal aging process, and the eye isless able to accommodate and focus on near objects; therefore, the patient will beexpected to have blurring of near vision.A 68-year-old mechanic presents to the emergency room for shortness of breath. You are concerned about a cardiac cause and measure his jugular venous pressure (JVP). It is elevated. Which one of the following conditions is a potential cause ofPage 1 of 15
elevated JVP?A)Left-sided heart failureB)Mitral stenosisC)Constrictive pericarditisD)Aortic aneurysm Constrictive pericarditisWhich of the following lymph node groups is most commonly involved in breast cancer?A)LateralB)SubscapularC)PectoralD)Central D.) CentralYou are beginning the examination of the skin on a 25-year-old teacher. You have previously elicited that she came to the office for evaluation of fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. You strongly suspect that she has hypothyroidism. What is the expected moisture and texture of the skin of a patient with hypothyroidism?A)Moist and smoothB)Moist and roughC)Dry and smoothD)Dry and roughD) Dry and roughMrs. Hill is a 28-year-old African-American with a history of SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). She has noticed a raised, dark red rash on her legs. When you press on therash, it doesn’t blanch. What would you tell her regarding her rash?A)It is likely to be related to her lupus.B)It is likely to be related to an exposure to a chemical.C)It is likely to be related to an allergic reaction.D)It should not cause any problems.A. It is likely to be related to her lupusYou are palpating the abdomen and feel a small mass. Which of the following would you do next?A)UltrasoundB)Examination with the abdominal muscles tensedC)Surgery referralD)Determine size by percussionb)examination with the abdominal muscles tensed.Page 2 of 15
You are evaluating a 40-year-old banker for coronary heart disease risk factors. He has a history of hypertension, which is well-controlled on his current medications. He does not smoke; he does 45 minutes of aerobic exercise five times weekly. You are calculating his 10-year coronary heart disease risk. Which of the following conditions is considered to be a coronary heart disease risk equivalent?A)HypertensionB)Peripheral arterial diseaseC)Systemic lupus erythematosusD)Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)B) Peripheral Artery DiseaseIn obtaining a history, you note that a client uses the word “largely” repeatedly, to the point of being a distraction to your task. Which word best describes this speech pattern?PerserverationA 40-year-old mother of two presents to your office for consultation. She is interested in knowing what her relative risks are for developing breast cancer. She is concerned because her sister had unilateral breast cancer 6 years ago at age 38.The patient reports on her history that she began having periods at age 11 and has been fairly regular ever since, except during her two pregnancies. Her first child arrived when shewas 26 and her second at age 28. Otherwise she has had no health problems. Her father hashigh blood pressure. Her mother had unilateral breast cancer in her 70s. The patient denies tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. She is a family law attorney and is married. Her examination is essentially unremarkable.Which risk factor of her personal and family history most puts her in danger of getting breast cancer?A)First-degree relative with premenopausal breast cancerB)Age at menarche of less than 12C)First live birth between the ages of 25 and 29D)First-degree relative with postmenopausal breast cancer 1st degree relativeA 30-year-old paralegal analyst comes to your clinic, complaining of a bad-smelling vaginal discharge with some mild itching, present for about 3 weeks. She tried douching but it did not help. She has had no pain with urination or with sexual intercourse. She has noticed the smell increased after intercourse and during her period last week. She denies any upper respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiac, or pulmonary symptoms. Her past medical history consists of one spontaneous vaginal delivery. She is married and has one child. She denies tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. Her mother has high blood pressure and her father died from aheart disease. On examination she appears healthy and has unremarkable vital signs. On examination of the perineum there are no lesions noted. On palpation of the inguinal nodes therePage 3 of 15
is no lymphadenopathy. On speculum examination a thin gray-white discharge is seen in the vault. The pH of the discharge is over 4.5 and there is a fishy odor when potassium hydroxide (KOH) is applied to the vaginal secretions on the slide. Wet prep shows epithelial cells with stippled borders (clue cells).What type of vaginitis best describes her findings?A)Trichomonas vaginitisB)Candida vaginitisC)Bacterial vaginosisD)Atrophic vaginitisC) Bacterial VaginosisAn elderly woman with dementia is brought in by her daughter for a “rectal mass.” On examination you notice a moist pink mass protruding from the anus, which is nontender. It is soft and does not have any associated bleeding. Which of the following is most likely?rectal prolapseLucille is in her 24th week. You notice a new onset of high blood pressure readings. Today’s value is 168/96. Her urine is normal. What do you suspect?A)PreeclampsiaB)Chronic hypertensionC)Supine hypotensive syndromeD)Gestational hypertensionD) Gestational hypertensionA 68-year-old retired truck driver comes to your office for evaluation of swelling in his legs.He is a smoker and has been taking medications to control his hypertension for the past 25 years. You are concerned about his risk for peripheral vascular disease. Which of the following tests are appropriate to order to initially evaluate for this condition?A)VenogramB)CT scan of the lower legsC)Ankle-brachial index (ABI)D)PET scan ABIUpon history and physical examination which of the following finding are associated with decreased ovarian function, which occurs with aging:decreased vaginal secretions diminishing sex interestA 20-year-old part-time college student comes to your clinic, complaining of growths on his penile shaft. They have been there for about 6 weeks and haven’t gone away.Page 4 of 15
In fact, he thinks there may be more now. He denies any pain with intercourse or urination. He has had three former partners and has been with his current girlfriend for 6 months. He says that because she is on the pill they don’t use condoms. He denies any fever, weight loss, or night sweats. He is engaged to be married and has no children. On visualization of his penis you see several moist papules along all sides of his penile shaft and even two on the corona. He has been circumcised. On palpation of his inguinal region there is no inguinal lymphadenopathy.Which abnormality of the penis does this patient most likely have?Condyloma AcumulataRight lower quadrant pain is associated with Appendicitiswhich is true of the third heart sound (s3)A)it is not heard in atrial fibrillationB)it reflects normal compliance of the left ventricleC)it marks atrial contractionD)it is caused by rapid deceleration of blood against the ventricular wall D rapid deceleration against the ventricle wallA 29-year-old woman comes to your office. As you take the history, you notice that she is speaking very quickly, and jumping from topic to topic so rapidly that you have trouble following her. You are able to find some connections between ideas, but it is difficult. Whichword describes this thought process?A)DerailmentB)Flight of ideasC)CircumstantialityD)IncoherenceB) Flight of ideasidentify the macula on the image representing the structures of the left fundusotoscopic exam of the patients ear reveal the findings of TM and external auditory canalretractive TMEffusion with amber fluid nonerythemitous externalPage 5 of 15
…a young hispanic mother brings her son in with a questionable bruse mongolian spotHPV Vaccine does what?Administered? prevents ano-genital lesions? Prevents ano-genital lesions?Which of the following represents age-related changes in the lungs?A)Decrease in chest wall complianceB)Speed of expiration increasesC)Increase in respiratory muscle strengthD)Increased elastic recoil of lung tissueA) Decrease in chest wall complianceWhat is a nonmodifiable risk factor for breast cancer? cigarette smokingalcohol agepaternal aunt had breast cancer??…checking for expansionA 22-year-old law student comes to the office complaining of severe abdominal pain radiating to his back. He states it began last night after hours of heavy drinking. He has had abdominal pain and vomiting in the past after drinking but never as bad as this. He cannot keep any food or water down, and these symptoms have been going on for almost 12 hours. He has had no recent illnesses or injuries. His past medical history is unremarkable. He denies smoking or using illegal drugs, but admits to drinking 6 to 10 beers per weekend night. He admits that last night he drank around 14 drinks. Examination shows a young man appearing his stated age in some distress. He is leaning over on the examination table and holding his abdomen with his arms. His blood pressure is 90/60 and his pulse is 120. He is afebrile. HisPage 6 of 15
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abdominal examination reveals normal bowel sounds, but he is very tender in the left upper quadrant and epigastric area. He has no Murphy’s sign or tenderness in the right lower quadrant. The remainder of his abdominal examination is normal. His rectal, prostate, penile, and testicular examinations are normal. He has no inguinal hernias or tenderness withthat examination. Blood work is pending. What etiology of abdominal pain is most likely causing his symptoms?A)acute cholecystitisB)peptic ulcer diseaseC)bilary colicD)acute pancreatitisD) acute pancreatitisWhich of the following is worrisome in Melissa, a woman in her 26th week of pregnancy?A)Generalized hair lossB)A hyperpigmented rash over the maxillary region bilaterallyC)NosebleedsD)Facial edemaD) Facial edemaA 50-year-old realtor comes to your office for evaluation of neck pain .She was in a motor vehicle collision 2 days ago and was assessed by the emergency medical technicians on site, but she didn’t think that she needed to go to the emergency room at that time .Now, she has severe pain and stiffness in her neck .On physical examination, you note pain and spasm over the paraspinous muscles on the left side of the neck, and pain when you make the patient do active range of motion of the cervical spine .What is the most likely cause of this neck pain?Cervical sprainYou are assessing a patient with joint pain and are trying to decide whether it is inflammatory or noninflammatory in nature. Which one of the following symptoms is consistent with an inflammatory process?a.tendernessb.cool to touchc.erythemad.nodules tendernessIn a patient with chronic venous insufficiency, the findings of edema, leg swelling and ulceration arises from:a.chronic obstruction in the arterial systemb.deep venous systemPage 7 of 15
deep venous systemMrs. LaFarge is a 60-year-old who presents with urinary incontinence. She is unable to get to the bathroom quickly enough when she senses the need to urinate. She has normal mobility. Which of the following is most likely?A)Stress incontinenceB)Urge incontinenceC)Overflow incontinenceD)Functional incontinenceB)Urge incontinenceJim is a 47-year-old man having difficulties with sexual function. He recently separated fromhis wife of 20 years. He reports early morning erections but otherwise cannot function. Which of the following is alikely cause for his problem?a)Abnormal hypogastric arterialcirculationb)Psychological issuesc)Decreased testosterone levelsd)Impaired neural innervation B Psychological issuesA 26-year-old stewardess comes in for a third trimester prenatal visit. She has had prenatal care since her sixth week of pregnancy. She has no complaints today and her prenatal course has been unremarkable. Today her blood pressure and weight gain are appropriate and her urine is unremarkable. You have a first-year medical student shadowing you, so you ask the student to get Doptones and measure the patient’suterus in centimeters. The student promptly reports fetal heart tones of 140, but he is having difficulty obtaining the correct measurement. He knows one end of the tape goes over the uterine fundus. From what inferior anatomic position should the tape be placed?A)VaginaB)ClitorisC)Pubic symphysisD)Umbilicus Pubic SymphysisWhich of the following represents metrorrhagia?a)Fewer than 21 days between mensesb)Excessive flowc)Infrequent bleedingd)Bleeding between periods bleeding between periodsPage 8 of 15

  1. You are assessing Tanner staging of the breast in a young woman. You notice projection of the areola and nipple to form a secondary mound above the level of the breast. Which Tanner stage would this be?3Diagnosis of IBS. Mental health assessment would diagnose this as: medically explained symptom?…bump on eye lid, no changes in vision:hordeoleumA 76-year-old retired farmer comes to your office complaining of abdominal pain, constipation, and a low-grade fever for about 3 days. He denies any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. The only unusual thing he remembers eating is two bags of popcorn at the movies with his grandson, 3 days before his symptoms began. He denies any other recent illnesses. His past medical history is significant for coronary artery disease and high blood pressure. He has been married for over 50 years. He denies any tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. His mother died of colon cancer and his father had a stroke. On examination he appears his stated age and is in no acute distress. His temperature is 100.9 degrees and his other vital signs are unremarkable. His head, cardiac, and pulmonary examinations are normal. He has normal bowel sounds and is tender over the left lower quadrant. He has no rebound or guarding. His rectal examination is unremarkable and his fecal occult blood test is negative.His prostate is slightly enlarged but his testicular, penile, and inguinal examinations are all normal. Blood work is pending.What diagnosis for abdominal pain best describes his symptoms and signs?A) Acute diverticulitisB)Acute cholecystitisC)Acute appendicitisD)Mesenteric ischemia diverticulitisYou are assessing a patient for peripheral vascular disease in the arms, secondary to a complaint of increased weakness and a history of coronary artery disease and diabetes. You assess the brachial and radial pulses and note that they are bounding. What does that translate to on a scale of 0 to 3?A)0B)3+C)2+D)1+3+Page 9 of 15
    A 30-year-old man notices a firm, 2-cm mass under his areola. He has no other symptoms and no diagnosis of breast cancer in his first-degree relatives. What is the most likely diagnosis?Breast tissueApproximately one third of adult men will have palpable breast tissue under the areola. While males can have breast cancer, this is much less common. There are no lymph nodes in this areaTennis elbows other name:Lateral epicondylitisWhich vaccines are safe while pregnant? hep B, DIPTHERIA & FLU40 YEAR old obese female presents to the clinic for her annual well woman examination… doan exam for breast cancer, and a small mass is palpable, small, round and mobile at 3 o clock. Which of the following examination findings would mean breast cancer.?Which of the following booster immunizations is recommended in the older adult population?A)TetanusB)DiphtheriaC)MeaslesD)MumpsA. TetanusA 24-year-old travel agent comes to your clinic complaining of pain and swelling in her vulvararea. She states that 2 days before she could feel a small tender spot on the left side of her vagina but now it is larger and extremely tender. Her last period was 1 year ago; she is sexually active. She uses the Depo-Provera shot for contraception. She denies any nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pain with urination, or fever. Her past medical history is significant for ankle surgery. Her mother is healthy, and her father has type 2 diabetes. On examination she appears her stated age and is standing up. She states she cannot sit down without excruciating pain. Her blood pressure, temperature, and pulse are unremarkable. On visualization of her perineum a large, red, tense swelling is seen to the left of her introitus. Palpation of the mass causes a great deal of pain. What disorder of the vulva is most likely causing her problems?Condylomata accuminataPage 10 of 15
    Secondary syphilis Bartholin’sgland infection Vulvar carcinomaBartholin’s gland infectionA 22-year-old unemployed roofer presents to your clinic, complaining of pain in his testicle and penis. He states the pain began last night and has steadily become worse. He states it hurts when he urinates and he has not attempted intercourse since the pain began. He has tried Tylenol and ibuprofen without improvement. He denies any fever or night sweats. His past medical history is unremarkable. He has had four previous sexual partners and has had a new partner for the last month.She is on oral contraceptives so he has not used condoms. His parents are both in good health. On examination you see a young man lying on his side. He appears mildly ill. His temperature is 100.2 and his blood pressure, respirations, and pulse are normal. On visualization of the penis he is circumcised, with no lesions or discharge from the meatus. Visualization of the scrotal skin appears unremarkable. Palpation of the testes shows severe tenderness at the superior pole of the normal- sized left testicle. He also has tenderness when you palpate the structures superior to the testicle through the scrotal wall. The right testicle is unremarkable. An examining finger is placed through each inguinal ring without bulges being noted with bearing down. His prostate examination is unremarkable. Urine analysis shows white blood cells and bacteria.Acute epididymitisA 56-year-old homosexual man presents with itching, anorectal pain, and tenesmus of 1 week’s duration. Rectal examination reveals generalized tenderness without frank prostate abnormalities. Which of the following is most likely?ProctitisYou are conducting a workshop on the measurement of jugular venous pulsation. As part of your instruction, you tell the students to make sure that they can distinguish between the jugular venous pulsation and the carotid pulse. Which one of the following characteristics is typical of the carotid pulse?A)PalpableB)Soft, rapid, undulating qualityC)Pulsation eliminated by light pressure on the vesselD)Level of pulsation changes with changes in position palpableSusanne is a 27 year old who has had headaches, muscle aches, and fatigue for the last 2months. You have completed a thorough history, examination, and laboratory workup buthave not found a cause. What would your next action be?Page 11 of 15
    A)A referral to a neurologistB)A referral to a rheumatologistC)To tell the patient you can’t find anythingD)To screen for depression Dto screen for depressionMr. Jackson, 50 years old, has had discomfort between his scrotum and anus. He also has had some fevers and dysuria. Rectal examination is halted by tenderness anteriorly, but nofrank mass is palpable. What is the most likely diagnosis?Prostatitis13.Monique is a 33-year-old administrative assistant who has had intermittent lower abdominal pain approximately one week a month for the past year. It is not related to hermenses. She notes relief with defecation, and a change in form and frequency of her bowel movements with these episodes. Which of the following is most likely?A)Colon cancerB)CholecystitisC)Inflammatory bowel diseaseD)Irritable bowel syndrome IBSMrs. Geller is somewhat quiet today. She has several bruises of different colours on the ulnaraspects of her forearms and on her abdomen. She otherwise has no complaints, and her diabetes and hypertension are well managed. Her son from out of state accompanies her today and has recently moved in to help her. What should the nurse suspect?Elder abusewhich of the following positive physical examination finding supports peritonitis Rebound tendernesswhich is the proper sequence of examination for the abdomenstarting from observation and then sequentially performing auscultation, palpation, and percussionWhich of the following is true regarding self breast examination? a highproportion are discovered during this taskMs. Wright comes to your office, complaining of palpitations. While checking her pulse you notice an irregular rhythm. When you listen to her heart, every fourthPage 12 of 15
    beat sounds different. It sounds like a triplet rather than the usual “lub dup.” How would youdocument your examination?A)Regular rate and rhythmB)Irregularly irregular rhythmC)Regularly irregular rhythmD)Bradycardiaregular irregular ryhthm14.Jim is a 60-year-old man who presents with vomiting. He denies seeing any blood with emesis, which has been occurring for 2 days. He does note a dark, granular substance resemblingthe coffee left in the filter after brewing. What do you suspect?A)Bleeding from a diverticulumB)Bleeding from a peptic ulcerC)Bleeding from a colon cancerD)Bleeding from cholecystitis Peptic ulcer bleedA 50-year-old truck driver comes to your clinic for a work physical. He has had no upper respiratory, cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, urinary, or musculoskeletal system complaints. His past medical history is significant for mild arthritis and prior knee surgery in college. He is married and just changed jobs, working for a different trucking company. He smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, drinks less than six beers a week, and denies using anyillegal drugs. His mother has high blood pressure and arthritis and his father died of lung cancer in his 60s. On examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 and his pulse is 80. His cardiac, lung, and abdominal examinations are normal. He has no inguinal hernia, but on his digital rectal examination you palpate a soft, smooth, nontender pedunculated mass on the posterior wall of the rectumrectal polypA mother brings her 15 month old daughter to your office for evaluation of a rash and fever.She says the rash started one day and the fever developed the next day.Her daughter has had all of her vaccinations up to ten months.The mother sheepishly admits that she has not had time to bring her daughter in since her 10 month check up.On examination you seea mildly sick-appearing toddler with a temp of 102. Looking at her skin you see at least 100 of a variety of papules, vesicles, and ulcers in different stages of development.What illness prevented by proper vaccination does this toddler have?VaricellaToe nail changes?Page 13 of 15
    onymycosisA woman has a positive pregnancy test and comes to you with left lower quadrant pain. On bimanual examination, you feel a tender mass. Which of the following should you suspect?A)Threatened abortionB)AppendicitisC)Ovarian cystD)Tubal pregnancy D Tubal pregnancyidentify the structure between the examiners hands and finger tips. cricoid cartilagehyoid thyroidwe put cricoid cartilage14. It is summer and an 82-year-old woman is brought to you from her home after seeing herprimary care doctor 2 days ago. She was started on an antibiotic at that time. Today, she comes to the emergency room not knowing where she is or what year it is. What could be a likely causeof this?A)Alzheimer’s dementiaB)StrokeC)DeliriumD)Meningitis deliriuma 15 month old infant girl is brought to the outpatient clinic by her mother on monday morning, its august and hot. no a/c. What is the rash?erythema toxicumWhich of the following is commonly seen in aging men?A Erectile dysfunction in 20% of all menB Testicles ride higher within the scrotum C Strong response to visual erotic cuesD Persistent sexual interest persistent sexual interestYou are concerned that a patient has an aortic regurgitation murmur. Which is the best position to accentuate the murmur?upright but leaning forwardPage 14 of 15
    Which of the following brief screening measures is useful in assessing memory?A)Three-item recallB)Serial 7sC)Spelling “world” backwardD)Copying intersecting pentagrams three item recallA 25 yr old optical technician comes to your clinic for evaluation of fatigue. As part of your physical examination, you listen to her heart and hear a murmur only at the cardiac apex. Which valve is most likely to be involved, based on the location of the murmur?mitrala 32 yr old asian female presents to the office for breast exam. during the exam, you find a mass in the left breast. the mass is round, firm, well defined, singular, mobile, tender without erythema, without retraction or dimpling. it is most likely aa.carcinomab.fibroadenomac.gross cystd.calcification gross cystA toddler is able to jump in place and balance on one foot as well. She can also speak in fullsentences and feed herself. What is the approximate developmental age of this child?A)2 yearsB)3 yearsC)4 yearsD)5 years 3 yearsPage 15 of 15

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