Food Manager Exam | Learn2Serve Food Manager Certification Exam_2022/2023.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year how many people become sick due to foodborne illnesses?
Over 76 million people

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year how many people are hospitalized due to foodborne illnesses?
Over 325,000 people

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year how many people die due to foodborne illnesses?
Over 5,000 people

What are the two types of foodborne illnesses?
Foodborne infection & foodborne intoxication

What type of foodborne illness is produced by the ingestion of living, harmful organisms present in food?
Foodborne infection

In foodborne infections, how are harmful organisms inside food not killed?
Not cooking food products to their required temperatures

What type of foodborne illness has a delayed onset meaning you do not get sick right away?
Foodborne infections

What are two bacteria most associated with foodborne infection?
Salmonella and E. Coli

What type of foodborne illness is produced by ingestion of bacterial toxins or excrements that are present in food before it is consumed?
Foodborne intoxication

What type of foodborne illness may occur from consuming foods that contain chemicals from cleaning agents, pesticides, or certain metals?
Foodborne intoxication

What type of foodborne illness may occur when leaving potentially hazardous food products at room temperature, exposing it to the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ)?
Foodborne intoxication

What are waste or by-products of bacteria?

The symptoms of what type of foodborne illness have a rapid onset, meaning they occur rapidly within a few hours?
Foodborne intoxication

What are the two bacteria associated with foodborne intoxication?
Staphylococcus Aureus and Clostridium Botulinum

Poultry should be cooked to an internal temperature of how many degrees and for how many seconds?
165 degrees F for 15 seconds

Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of how many degrees for how many seconds?
155 degrees F for 15 seconds

Pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of how many degrees for how many seconds?
145 degrees for 15 seconds

What is WRSA?
Wash, Rinse, Sanitize, Air dry

How many seconds do food preparers need to wash their hands for?
20 seconds

What are the four groups of people who are considered High Risk Populations?
PIES (Pregnant, infants, elderly, people with impaired immune systems)

How many ounces of seafood and fish can a pregnant woman consume each week?
12 ounces

What are some foods pregnant women cannot eat?
King mackerel, shark, swordfish, hot dogs, luncheon meats, unpasteurized cheeses/milks, liver

What are the three dangerous types of bacteria to people with AIDS?
Salmonella, campylobacter, and listeria

Bacteria doubles every how many minutes?
20 minutes

Food contact surfaces should be cleaned every how many hours to prevent bacterial build-up on the surfaces?
Every four hours

All packaging material should be how many inches off the ground?
6 inches

What are the four categories of food contaminants?
Biological, physical, chemical, cross contamination

What type of food contaminant pertains to life and or living things? Some main examples are bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.

What type of food contaminant are objects that can be seen with the human eye such as nails, hair, and bandages?

What type of food contaminant can occur if an employee prepares acidic foods (such as lemons) using a copper pot?

What type of food contaminant is the transfer of pathogens or disease-causing micro-organisms from one food to another? Food handlers who do not properly wash their hands and immediately prepare the restaurant food are one example.
Cross contamination

What are the four major biological hazards?
Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi

What is the Temperature Danger Zone?
41-135 degrees F

What is the maximum accumulated time that food can remain the Danger Zone?
4 hours

How are toxins killed?
They cannot be killed with heat or cold.

What type of bacteria have the ability to change into forms that are very resistant to heat and dry conditions?

What type of bacteria is formed in improperly processed home canned foods; therefore food from home cannot be purchased by a food service establishment?

What type of bacteria is found in human intestines and other warm-blooded animals?
E. Coli

What type of E.Coli can produce death in children and elderly people?
O157: H7

E.Coli is commonly found in what types of food?
Ground beef, raw fruits/veggies, unpasteurized juices (i.e. apple cider)

What type of bacteria is especially found in poultry and eggs including their shells, in human intestines, and in domestic and wild animals?

How is salmonella killed in poultry?
By cooking it to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F for 15 seconds

What type of bacteria can form spores and can grow without oxygen, making it a type of anaerobic bacteria?
Chlostridium botulinum

What type of illness can affect the central nervous system?
Chlostridium botulinum

Clostridium Botulinum is found in?
Soil, lakes, human intestines, fish, swollen cans, vacuum packed foods, smoked meats

What is the process whereby foods are placed in containers and air is removed from the package?
Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)

MAP products must be kept frozen at how many degrees or less?
41 degrees F

Listeria is found everywhere, but especially in what food products?
Lunch and deli meats

Listeria can grow well at temperatures below what temperature?
41 degrees F

How do you prevent the spread of listeria inside the refrigerator?
Keep all foods covered

If listeria contaminated foods are ingested by pregnant women, it can cause what?
Abortions, stillbirths, and birth defects

Which disease is found in human intestines? Most foodborne illnesses caused by this microorganism are the result of not washing hands after using the bathroom and then touching ready to eat foods.

How is shigella most often transferred?
Person to person

Shigella is most commonly found in ready to eat foods such as:?
Beans, pudding, raw oysters, deli meats, raw produce (spinach and strawberries)

What is the most common cause of foodborne illness?
Staphylococcus aureus

What type of bacteria is found on the skin, nose, and mouth of 50%-70% of all people?
Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is easily transmitted by?
Sneezing, coughing, scratching skin, touching facial hair

The toxins from Staphylococcus aureus can induce vomiting in as little as how many minutes?
30 minutes

What type of bacteria is found in soil where veggies and grains are grown?
Bacillus cereus

What type of bacteria forms spores and can be found on cooked rice that has been improperly cooled or held at improper temperatures?
Bacillus cereus

What type of bacteria is commonly found in raw, under processed, improperly handled, and contaminated fish and shellfish?

What bacteria requires salt to grow, and therefore is not found in still, clear waters or raw meat or poultry?

What is the acronym for the conditions for bacterial growth?

What is the food condition for bacterial growth?
Food that is high in protein such as milk, meat, fish, eggs

What is the acid condition for bacterial growth?
Adequate pH (4.6 – 7.5), they do not like very acidic foods

What is the temperature condition for bacterial growth?
41-135 degrees F

What is the time condition for bacterial growth?
Time to reproduce (at least 4 hours)

What is the oxygen condition for bacterial growth?
Aerobic (requires oxygen), anaerobic (does not require oxygen)

What is the moisture condition for bacterial growth?
Foods with plenty of water (Aw .85 or greater) Aw=Water activity

Some foods have a greater chance of foodborne contamination/potentially hazardous foods (PHF) because of what three main characteristics?
They are foods high in protein, low in acidity, and have high moisture content

What does PAM stand for?
Protein, Acidity, Moisture

What microorganism will cause illness, but does not reproduce on food? They only use food as a means of transportation.

What are 100x smaller than bacteria, and can only reproduce in living cells, human beings, plants, or anything that is alive?

What type of virus affects the liver, usually caused by poor personal hygiene and improper washing of hands?
Hepatitis A

What type of virus causes a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice)?
Heptatitis A

Hepatitis A symptoms can appear in how many days and last as long as how many weeks?
14 days and last 6 weeks

Which virus lives in the human intestinal tract and is commonly transmitted through a fecal-oral route or vomit-oral route?

What type of organism lives within or feed off another organism or host? They are usually larger than bacteria.

What type of parasite is found in pork?

A type of disease transferred by way of the circulatory system.

How can you kill trichinella in pork?
Cooking pork to 145 degrees F for 15 seconds

Parasites can be killed if the food is cooked well or if frozen at how many degrees for how many days and hours?
Frozen at -4 degrees F for 7 days or -31 degrees F for 15 hours

Parasite found in fish and seafood produces what type of disease?

Cook fish to how many degrees?
145 degrees F

Which parasite is found mostly in bodies of contaminated water, making it one of the most common sources of waterborne illness?

A type of seafood poisoning that is generally found in warm bodies of water and in tropical predatory fish such as grouper, snapper, and barracuda.

The most common reported cause of seafood illness that comes from histamine toxins which require anti-histamines for treatment. Symptoms are a swelling or rash around the neck and chest, tingling or burning sensation around the mouth…
Scombroid poisoning

Always store cooked foods __ raw foods.

The best way to store foods in the fridge is in order of?
Required cooking temperatures

Molds can be killed by heating foods to how many degrees for how long?
140 degrees F for 10 minutes

Yeasts can be killed by heating foods to how many degrees for how many minutes?
136 degrees F for 15 minutes

Prepared foods can be stored in the fridge at how many degrees or below for a maximum of how many days?
41 degrees F or below for a max of 7 days

Never use what kind of thermometers?
Glass or mercury-filled thermometers

What type of thermometer should be used?
bi-metallic, stemmed thermometers

Thermometers must be how long in length?
At least 5 inches

Thermometers must measure between what temperatures?
0 and 220 degrees F

You may calibrate the thermometer using boiling water at how many temperatures or crushed ice and water at what temperature?
212 degrees F or 32 degrees F

The first 2 inches of the thermometer (tip) to the dimple is called what?
Sensing area

The first stage of the 2 Stage Cooling Process is to cool food from what temperature to what temperature within how many hours?
135 degrees to 70 degrees F within 2 hours

The second stage of the 2 Stage Cooling Process is to cool food from what temperature to what temperature within how many hours?
70 to 41 degrees with an additional 4 hours

What is the minimum internal temperature and time for reheating foods/microwave foods?
165 degrees for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal temperature and time for beef roast, pork roast, ham?
145 degrees for 3 minutes

What is the minimum internal temperature and time for eggs?
145 degrees for 15 seconds

When receiving foods, cold foods should arrive at what temperature or less?
41 degrees or less

When receiving foods, frozen foods should arrive at what temperature or less?
0 degrees or less

When receiving foods, hot foods should arrive at what temperature or higher?
135 degrees or higher

Shell-stock ID tags must be saved for how many days?
90 days

Since eggs are a PHF, they have to be received at what temperature?
45 degrees or less

Keep all frozen foods between what degrees?
0 to -10 degrees F

Place dry foods in a storeroom between what temperatures?
50 and 70 degrees

What are 5 illnesses that are considered highly infectious?
Hepatitis A

Heat sanitizing involves placing cleaned equipment and utensils in hot water at how many degrees for how long?
171 degrees for 30 seconds

Chemical sanitizing involves placing equipment and utensils in an approved chemical sanitizing solution for a minimum of how many seconds at cool temperature?
60 seconds

Sanitizers are best used in temperatures above how many degrees but not above?
above 75 degrees but not above 120 degrees

Approved chemical sanitizers are what chemicals?
Chlorine, Iodine, Quaternary Ammonium

Class A extinguishers are used for?
Wood and paper fires

Class B extinguishers are used for
grease and oil fires

Class C are used for?
electric fires

An outbreak of Salmonella is commonly associated with __.
Undercooked poultry

The restaurant staff noticed the health inspector coming in the door and assumed correctly they would be inspected. One of the employees quickly took the towel buckets, dumped them in a sink with dirty dishes, made fresh sanitizing solution, and put the towels back in the water. To their surprise, the inspector marked a violation. The violation was for _.
Putting the soiled towels back in the new water

What are the rules for storing food cold?
All these.

What type of hazard could occur by wearing jewelry while prepping food?
Physical and Biological

Which of the following would be the best method for cleaning and sanitizing equipment that cannot placed in a dish machine or three compartment sink?
Clean, rinse, and sanitize in place.

Which is the proper way to test the internal temperature of a pot of soup?
An immersion probe into the soup

Single-use gloves should be worn:
Before you begin handling foods

PHF stands for __.
Potentially hazardous food

Bacterial growth can be minimized by properly controlling __.
Time, Temperature, Oxygen, Moisture.

Which is an example of a cross-connection?
A hose in a mop bucket

A prep cook must be sure to wash hands well _.
All of the above

Shellstock identification tags on shellfish must include the harvester’s ID number, the date and location of harvest, the type of shellfish and a statement proclaiming that __.
The tag must be kept for 90 days.

If hot water is not available in the ware-washing sink, food establishments can still serve food using __.
Single use utensils

The entire handwashing process should take _ seconds.

Which of the following is an acceptable source of potable water?
Private well water

An employee who is assigned to clean the frozen dessert dispenser at the end of the night must use CIP systems. CIP is an acronym for _.
Clean in place

All of the following are effective ways to prevent cross contamination except __.
Rinsing food contact surfaces in between tasks

Customer forks should be stored at a self-service buffet _.
With only the handles extending out of the container

When selecting small wares (plates, bowls, eating utensils) to use in the kitchen, a manager must be sure the small wares are durable, easy to clean, safe, and _.
Resistant to chipping

HACCP is a/an __.
Management system designed to prevent foodborne illness

Cutting boards or cutting blocks that have scratches and cuts into the surfaces __.
May be resurfaced as needed

An outbreak of Salmonella is commonly associated with __.
Undercooked poultry

The four steps in the cleaning and sanitizing process include cleaning the surface, rinsing the surface, sanitizing the surface and then __.
Allowing the surface to air dry

Employees must change gloves between which tasks?
Handling raw meat and dressing the buns

According to the most health codes, what is the minimum standard for parts per million concentration (ppm) of a chlorine based chemical when preparing a sanitizing solution for the three compartment sink?

A school lunch program offers seconds on fruits and vegetables. A child came back for more sliced peaches. Without thinking about it, the nutrition worker scooped a spoonful of peaches onto the child’s used tray and touched the tray with the scoop.After putting the scoop back into the pan of peaches the worker realized what had happened. What should be done to immediately remedy this?
Pull and discard the peaches and replace with a new pan.

What is the active ingredient in all FDA approved hand sanitizers?

The best way for a food handler to have a beverage in their work area is to __.
Keep a beverage in a cup with a lid and a straw.

The greatest concern about having pests in the restaurant is that they will __.
Spread disease

If you have a small cut on your finger, you should __.
Cover it with a bandage and finger cot or glove.

What is the most accurate method for calibrating bimetallic thermometers?
INCORRECT: Place thermometer probe in very cold water, wait 30 seconds to take the reading and adjust to 32ºF.

CORRECT ANSWER: Place thermometer probe in crushed ice and cold water, wait 15 seconds to take the reading and adjust to 32°F.

Which is an approved method for storing in-use utensils?
In the food with the handle extending out

During an inspection, the manager asked the inspector about can opener cleaning. The health inspector said there could be __ hazards present.
Physical, biological, or chemical

Which of the following food containers in the dry-store room must be labeled?


All of the following are acceptable methods for training food service personnel on management practices except __.
Open book exams

When cooling foods, what is the maximum time that the food can be in the 135ºF to 70ºF range?
Two hours

What is the required minimal internal temperature for cooking fresh pork roast?

The term “sanitizing” is defined as:
Reducing harmful microorganisms to safe levels

During an inspection, the health inspector must see the person in charge demonstrate knowledge adequately. Which of the following meets that requirement?
Having a certificate from an approved examination company

To reheat a soup for the buffet line, a foodhandler should __.
Heat the soup on the stove to 165 degrees.

A tray of eggs being hot held on a breakfast bar must maintain a minimum temperature of _.

The lighting required in the walk-in cooler and dry storage areas is __ foot candles.

According to the Texas Rules, it is acceptable at times for items like salt or pepper packets to be saved and given to another customer if they were not contaminated. Which of the following must be discarded after a customer had it?
A bowl of cocktail sauce

The best way to train food service employees on making a new sandwich is __.

Can a food handler taste food to adjust seasoning?
Yes, but the utensil must be used only once

From top to bottom, how should the following items be stored on a rack in the cooler?
Salad, vegetable lasagna, whole steaks, chicken

John is normally a cook at a fast food establishment but is re-assigned to cleaning tables. What symptom(s) does John likely have to cause him to be re-assigned?
INCORRECT: Persistent drainage from the nose, eyes, or mouth


CORRECT ANSWER: Sore throat with fever

What term refers to allowing foods to remain for too long a time at a temperature that allows the growth of germs?
Time-temperature abuse

A quick-service restaurant received a violation on a food establishment inspection because the customer were able to contaminate the plastic eating utensils at the condiment stand. To prevent this from happening, the restaurant could decide to _.
Put wrapped utensils at the stand and keep utensils behind the counter.

A new bar manager was asking the equipment service technician how the glass washer works. That technician explained the process and the chemicals and handed the manager a vial of test strips. “What are these for?” The technician said that the machine is sanitizing properly when the iodine sanitizer turns the color of the paper because the concentration is _.
12.5 – 25.00 ppm

The proper sequence for cleaning food-contact surface in a three-compartment sink is:
Wash, rinse, and sanitize.

Non-absorbent materials are required in all areas of a food service facility except _.
Dining room

A foodhandler makes a pot of soup at home and brings it in to sample to new customers in the establishment. What should the manager do?
Tell the employee that outside food is not allowed in the establishment.

To prevent cross-contamination in the food storage area, food handlers should ensure that __.
Ready-to-eat foods are stored separately from raw, uncooked foods.

Food service managers must oversee safe food practices at all times. One way to do that is to __.
Create a master cleaning schedule.

Pasteurized liquid, frozen, or dry egg products shall be substituted for raw shell eggs whenever _.
Served to highly susceptible populations

All of the following are examples of food contact surfaces except __.
Freezer walls

Hot water at the hand sink should be at least __.

Bacterial growth can be minimized by properly controlling __.
Time, Temperature, Oxygen, Moisture

Approved sanitizers for food service include chlorine, iodine, quaternary ammonia and _.
Water above 171°F

Insect control devices must __ and must be able to retain the electrocuted insect inside the device.
INCORRECT: Be rated for safety by the USDA

CORRECT ANSWER: Not be installed over food prep areas

NSF stands for __.
National Sanitation Foundation

Clean dishes must __ before they are stored
Air dry

You are working in an establishment that has only one reach-in refrigerator. What is the proper way to store the items from the highest to lowest shelf?
Lettuce, sliced turkey, raw hamburger patties

Chemical sanitizers are in a concentrated form and should be mixed only with _.

In a café, there is one server left to handle the front of the house between the lunch rush and dinner. One of the afternoon tasks is to wrap clean tableware sets in napkins to be kept at the hostess desk for the customers. The server has developed a routine to get this done while also taking a lunch break. The health inspector _.
Was concerned because of the potential for mouth to hand contamination

A kitchen manager was trying to train the staff and get all of the inventory under control. Many items were not being labeled in storage. The manager thinks it is best to start by labeling every single item out of its original container, even though it is not required to have the staff label _.
Spaghetti noodles

A dishwasher that uses hot water as a sanitizer must have a final rinse temperature of at least _.

To ensure it is of highest quality and free from contamination, fresh fish should only be received if it has _.
Shiny skin and red gills at 41°F or lower

The best way to avoid seafood and mushroom toxins in food is to _.
Buy from approved, reputable suppliers.

All of the following foods can be stored in water and/or ice, except __.

The purpose of the Texas Establishment Food Rules is to safeguard the public health and to _.
Provide consumers safe, unadulterated, honestly presented food.

A trained chef, who also worked at a zoo, decided to combine his kitchen with nature and opened a restaurant where customers could watch animals in cages and aquariums from their table. Part of his day is spent caring for some of the creatures. According to the code, which creatures is he allowed to care for or handle while at the restaurant?
Fish in the aquarium

All of the following steps are important in ensuring sanitizer effectiveness except __.
Rinsing the surface afterwards

The restaurant staff noticed the health inspector coming in the door and assumed correctly they would be inspected. One of the employees quickly took the towel buckets, dumped them in a sink with dirty dishes, made fresh sanitizing solution , and put the towels back in the water. To their surprise, the inspector marked a violation. The violation was for _.
Putting the soiled towels back in the new water

Raw animal foods such as beef, fish, lamb, pork, and poultry shall be separated during storage, preparation, holding, and display at all times unless they are being __.
Combined as ingredients

Racheal used 10 times the amount of bleach required for making a sanitizing solution. This is considered a __.
Chemical hazard

An establishment must use potable water for all food-related tasks. Which of the following is an example of potable water?
Drinking water

No, homemade foods may not be sold or used in a public food service establishment
Can homemade salad dressing be sold in public food service establishment?

Food is delivered within an acceptable temperature range
During a delivery of frozen products the manager on duty should check the?

Upon receipt and before use
When should canned and vacuum-sealed products be thoroughly inspected?

Using stock rotation so products are used in the order in which they are received
What is FIFO

What is not a TCS food?

165 degrees
What minimum internal temperature should poultry, reheated meats and stuffed meats be cooked to?

At room temperature
How should food NOT be dethawed?

A metal scoop
Which utensil should be used to dispense ice

135 Degrees
Hot food must be held at a minimum internal temperature of what?

Galvanized Metal
Which of the following materials are unacceptable for storing acidic food?

A Cross-Contamination may occur
What can happen if raw foods come into contact with cooked ready to eat food?

Frequent and effective handwashing
Which of the following is the best way to prevent cross contamination?

Holding all potentially hazardous foods at 41 degrees or below
Which of the following procedures is acceptable in a public food service establishment?

Eating or smoking might contaminate their hands
Employees are prohibited from smoking and eating while at work because?

Raw Chicken
What food is primarily associated with the bacteria Salmonella?

Allow the employee to work, UNLESS they have another communicable disease
What is a acceptable practice when dealing with a food service worker who has HIV or AIDS

Wash the wound, use a water resistant bandage and cover the bandage with a single use glove or finger cot
What should you do if an employee has a minor cut?

Only in designated handwashing areas
Which of the following is an acceptable area for employee handwashing?

Single use disposable paper towels
Which of the following is an acceptable method for hand drying?

Human ears, skin, nose and throat of an otherwise healthy person
What is the source of Staphylococcus?

Placing raw meat on the top shelf in storage
What has a higher risk of causing cross contamination

What is an acceptable hair restraint for employees?

Potable Water
What is the proper liquid to use when washing vegetables prior to peeling, cutting or cooking?

A metal stem thermometer inserted into the food
Which is best for checking food temperatures?

Disconnect the power
Prior to cleaning heavy equipment employees should?

171 Degrees or hotter
At what temperature will hot water effectively kill microorganisms by itself?

50 to 99 PPM (Parts Per Million)
At what concentration should chlorine sanitizer be used

Before beginning a task and after each use
When should food contact surfaces be cleaned and sanitized?

Bottom Up
How should glasses be stored?

Sewer Pipes
Which of the following is not acceptable above food contact surfaces?

In sanitizing solultion
Where should wiping cloths be stored after cleaning up a spill?

155 Degrees for 15 seconds
What temperature must ground beef be cooked to in order to destroy dangerous pathogens?

All of the following are common food allergens except?

What food is commonly associated with Scombroid poisoning?

Keep leftover Marinara sauce on the counter overnight for the morning shift to use
A ineffective way to prevent pests is

Closed and sealed tightly
How should doors on dumpsters appear?

As sewage
How should used sanitizing liquid be discarded?

A metal band free of stones
Acceptable jewelry in the food preparation area?

A licensed pest control operator
Who is allowed to spray pesticides

What is the fourth step of proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures for a 3 compartment sink?

Waste-water or mop water must be discarded in a designated mopsink to prevent contamination
Where should waste-water/ Mop water be discarded?

Food Allergen Awareness
Food Service Employees must be trained in

Critical Items
Priority Items are now designated to be

Fully Cooked to recommended temperatures for 15 seconds
Childrens Menu items are required by the 2009 Food Code to be

Cut-Leafy Greens, cut melon and cut tomatoes
Food Now considered TCS food includes

4 Hours
TCS food cannot remain in the Temperature Danger Zone f0r more then how many hours?

Illness usually associated with low acid or home canned foods

Temperature Control for Safety
What does TCS stand for

41 degree to 135 degree
Disease causing bacteria grow best between what temperatures?

E. Coli (Escherichia)
Found in raw and under cooked ground beef, contaminated fresh produce and food products made with raw or unpasteurized milk or apple cider

Associated with raw or unpasteurized milk, cheese, other dairy products, hot dogs and deli meats. Grows best in reduced oxygen environment and can be harmful especially to pregnant women. Can cause miscarriage or stillbirth.

Bacteria transmitted in prepared salads (like potato, chicken, macaroni, tuna, shrimp) raw vegetables (lettuce, sprouts), milk and other dairy products. Source is human fecal contamination, water polluted by feces and insects that spread bacteria such as flies.

Organism that grow, feed and are sheltered on or in another organism

Illness associated with raw undercooked or improperly frozen seafood.

Caused by consuming water from a contaminated water source

Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill
Food Safety can be maintained by following what four basic steps?

Poor personal Hygiene
Research has shown that a major cause of foodborne illness is

41 degrees or lower
The correct temperature of raw meat when received should be?

After Carefully inspecting and verifying that it is in good condition
Produce deliveries should be accepted when?

Whole and intact, in its original container provided that there are no stains
Packaged foods must be received

Thawing foods must be stored on bottom shelves of refrigerated storage because they can leak
Where should thawing foods be stored?

165 degrees
What must food cooked in a microwave be cooked to?

Every 2 hours
Temperature of hot-held foods should be checked how often?

Should not be touched on the food contact surface
When serving customers, glasses, plates, and utensils

7 inches beyond the food
Sneeze guards installed on a self-service display must be installed 14 inches above the food counter and must extend at least how far?

Running and draining water
Ice cream scoops must be stored in a dipper well with what?

What does sanitizing reduce?

When cleaning and sanitizing fixed equipment, it is important to maintain clean what?

A designated handwashing sink
When washing hands use only what?

The air gap on a sink drain should be at least twice the diameter of the outlet to prevent what?

Equipment must be made of non-absorbent, non-toxic, durable material otherwise known as what?

The step 4 in a HACCP plan is what?

A critical control point
The last step in the flow of food that can prevent, control or eliminate hazards is what?

Not been met
A critical action is taken when a critical limit has what?

HAACP was developed by who?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
What does HAACP stand for?

The technique used to test and correct the accuracy of thermometers used for taking food temperature readings

Symptoms of Food borne illness
cramping in the abdominal area, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever, and dehydration.

2 foodborne illness

  1. infection
  2. contamination

foodborne infection
produced by the ingestion of living, harmful organisms present in food. Such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Infection have a delayed onset

2 bacteria most associated with foodborne infection
salmonella and E. coli

foodborne intoxication
an illness produced by ingestion of bacterial toxins or excrement that are present in food before it is consumed. Intoxication have a rapid onset

2 bacteria associated with foodborne intoxication
staphylococcus aureus and clostridium botulinum.

3 main areas of food safety and sanitation

  1. time and temperature
  2. heat and cold
  3. the washing of hands and ware-washing (i.e., dishware, glassware, pots and pans

4 high risk population

  1. pregnant/ nursing(lactating) women
  2. infants and children
  3. elderly
  4. impaired immune systems

Sources of Contamination
foodborne outbreak

foodborne outbreak
an incident or event where two or more people suffer a similar illness or sickness from eating a common food

food becomes contaminated for the following reasons
food handlers, food contact surfaces, packaging materials, soil, water, air, ingredients, and pests

food contact surfaces should be cleaned regularly. At least how many hours?
every 4 hours

Non food contact surfaces should always be kept free of…..
dirt, dust,and other particles.

all packaging material (such as bags of flour) should be how many inches from the ground?
At least 6 inches

Food contaminants can be grouped into what 4 catergories

  1. biological 2. physical 3. chemical 4. cross contamination

anything that pertains to life and or living things

physical contaminants
are objects that can be seen with the human eye such as nails, hair, and bandages

chemical contamination
can occur if an employee prepares acidic food using a copper pot

cross contamination
is the transfer of pathogens or disease causing micro organisms from one food to another.

What are the 4 biological hazards

  1. bacteria 2. viruses 3. parasites 4. fungi

bacterial foodborne illnesses account for more than how many percentage of all foodborne related illness

what is the danger zone
41 degrees F- 135 degrees F

The maximum accumulated time that food can remain in the danger zone is how many hours

bacteria doubles every how many minutes

when bacteria are multiplying, it consumes the nutrients in foods, and then produces waste products or metabolic by products called. They may look and feel like slime, such as the one formed on old fish or meat

bacteria have the ability to change into forms that are very resistant to heat and dry conditions. They are characterized by the formation of a thick “shell”

Most common types of bacteria
E. Coli., salmonella, clostridium botulinum,

E. Coli.
Found in human intestines and other warm-blooded animals. It can contaminate food and water. some type can cause serious diseases such as the on termed O157:H7. ground beef needs to be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 155 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 15 seconds. commonly found in ground beef, raw fruits and vegetables, unpasteurized juices such as apple cider, and even uncommon source like animals in a petting zoo. 90 percent of E. Coli outbreaks are connected to under cooked ground beef.

found especially in poultry and eggs including their shells, in human intestines, and in domestic and wild animals. salmonella can also be found in pets, roaches, and rodents. they can also be found in unpasteurized milk and dairy products. salmonella can be killed in poultry by cookingto an internal temperature of 165 degrees for 15 seconds.

Clostridium Botulinum
can form spores and grow without oxygen, making it a type of anaerobic bacteria. It can affect the central nervous system. The toxin produced by the botulinum bacteria can produce sever paralysis and even death. Some additional symptoms of botulism are: dizziness, headache, and dryness in the nose and throat because of respiratory failure. It is found in the soil, lakes, human intestines, fish, swollen cans, vacuum packed foods, and smoked meats. It is the most deadly foodborne bacteria.

Modified atmosphere packaging. a process whereby foods are placed in containers and air is removed from the package. foods undergo this process because it extends the shelf life and helps preserve quality. they have to be kept frozen or at 41 degrees or less in the refrigerator. discard any vacuum packed foods that have signs of “bulging.”

found anywhere especially in lunch and deli meats. they are naturally found in soil and water and also found in animal feed and in the intestines of humans and animals. listeria can be thought of as “L and L”, or listeria and luncheon meat.they are naturally found in soil and water and also found in animal feed and in the intestines of humans and animals. listeria can still grow well at temperatures below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

found in the human intestines. Most food borne illnesses caused by this microorganism are the result of not washing hands after using the bathroom and then touching ready to eat foods.Some symptoms include: fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. It has most commonly been found in ready to eat foods such as: beans, pudding, raw oysters, deli meats, and raw produce such as spinach and strawberries.

Staphylococcus Aureus
most common cause of foodborne illness. It is found on the skin, nose, and mouth of 50 to 70 percent of all people. the bacteria can also be found on skin irritations such as boils, pimples, throat infections, and infected cuts and burns. once on food, they multiply and produce toxins. Heat can not kill toxins produced by this bacteria. It causes foodborne intoxication

Bacillus cereus
found in soil where vegetables and grains are grown. it forms spores and can be found on cooked rice that has been improperly cooled or held at improper temperatures. common symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The illness can last anywhere from half a day to 24 hours.

found in raw, under processed, improperly handled, and contaminated fish and shellfish. because this bacteria requires salt to grow, it is not found in still, clear waters or raw meat or poultry. exposure to the vibrio bacteria occurs mainly by eating raw shellfish that is not cooked thoroughly, or by betting contaminated seawater directly on an open wound, cut, burn, or sore. Some symptoms are: chills and fevers, vomiting, and a skin infection that looks reddish and is warm to the touch.

conditions for bacteria growth
bacteria need the following conditions in order to multiply faster:

  1. food- food that is high in protein such as milk, meat, fish,eggs
  2. acid- adequate pH (4.6-7.5) they do not like very acidic foods
  3. temperature- 41 degrees Fahrenheit to 135 degrees Fahrenheit
  4. time- time to reproduce (at least 4 hours)
  5. oxygen- aerobic (requires oxygen), anaerobic (does not require oxygen)
  6. moisture- foods with plenty of water


  1. food- food that is high in protein such as milk, meat, fish,eggs
  2. acid- adequate pH (4.6-7.5) they do not like very acidic foods
  3. temperature- 41 degrees Fahrenheit to 135 degrees Fahrenheit
  4. time- time to reproduce (at least 4 hours)
  5. oxygen- aerobic (requires oxygen), anaerobic (does not require oxygen)
  6. moisture- foods with plenty of water

potentially hazardous foods (PHF)
some foods have a greater chance of foodborne contamination because of 3 main characteristics: they are high in protein, low in acidity, and have high moisture content. PAM, protein, acidity, and moisture.

the area of concern in the ph scale is

viruses are microorganisms that will cause illnesses, but do not reproduce in food. They only use food as a means of transportation. they are smaller than bacteria, and can only reproduce in living cells human beings, plants, or anything that is alive.

Hepatitis A
this virus typically affects the liver.the leading cause of hep A are poor personal hygiene and improper washing of hands. symptoms include a lack of an appetite, abdominal pain or cramping, frequent diarrhea, and a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes. The symptoms can appear in 14 days and last as long as 6 weeks.

norwalk/ Norovirus
large amount of viral illnesses. it lives in the human intestinal tract. transmitted through a fecal-oral route or vomit-oral route.

are organisms that live within or feed off another organism or host. they are larger than bacteria, but can be very small too.

roundworm found in pork that produces trichinosis.. pigs are the main carriers of this parasite. we can kill trichinella by cooking pork to 145 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds. it is transferred by way of circulatory system, heart and blood stream. system include vomiting, fever, headaches, eye swelling, aching joints, and even death. Parasites can be killed if the food is cooked well or frozen at minus 4 degrees for 7 days or minus 31 degrees for 15 hours.

parasite found in fish and seafood that produces anisakiasis. symptoms are a tickling or tingling sensation in the throat causing the person to cough up the actual parasite. cook fish to 145 degrees.

parasite that is found mostly in bodies of contaminated water throughout the entire world, making it one of the most common sources of waterborne illness.

is a type of seafood poisoning. the cause is not the fish, but what the fish eats.

scombroid poisoning
is the most common reported cause of seafood illness. it comes from histamine toxins which require anti-histamines for treatment. toxins are produced when fish like mahi mahi began to spoil from being time and temperature abused. It is mainly associated with time and temperature abuse

chemical contamination
is caused when substances such as cleaning compounds, acids, detergents, soaps, chemicals, and pesticides get into food. it can occur in nature

physical contamination
is caused when hair, glass, metal shavings, broken objects, rocks, etc gets into food. In other words, if you can see it, then it can be possible physical contamination

can cause allergic reactions and illness of a respiratory nature in people from high risk populations groups. it can be killed by heating foods to 140 degrees for 10 minutes, but it will not destroy their toxins if they have been produced and and one may still experience illness. freezing prevents growth of molds, but has no effect on the mold spores that are already present in the food.

yeasts can be killed by heating foods to 136 degrees for 15 minutes. it can be controlled by proper cleaning and sanitizing

prepared foods such as potato salad, soups, pasta salads, etc. can be stored in the refrigerator at 41 degrees or below for how many maximum days?
7 days

Prepared foods such as potato salad, soups, pasta salads, etc. can be stored in the refrigerator at what temperature and for how many days?
at 41 degrees and for a maximum of 7 days.

never use glass or mercury filled thermometers. they must be 5 inches in length and be numerical and accurate within plus or minus 2 degrees. they must measure between 0 and 220 degrees

what is the TDZ
temperature danger zone. It is between 41 and 135 degrees Fahrenheit.

what is the 2 stage cooling process
the first stage is to cool the food from 135 degrees to 70 degrees within 2 hours. the second stage is to cool the food from 70 to 41 degrees with an additional 4 hours. you are allowed a maximum of 6 hours but the full 6 hours is not needed each time to cool foods.

4 methods to thawing food
crow. cooking process, refrigeration, oven (microwave), and water (running).

smaller portions, shallow pans, stir food, and ice bath, ice want, and ice directly.

2 main reasons why we cook food

  1. to make food appetizing by changing its appearance, texture, and aroma. 2. more importantly, to heat foods and destroy harmful microorganisms that may cause illness

how are incoming shipments of foods be inspected
for spoilage and other signs of contamination

how are packaged foods be checked
for any defects such as leaks, bulges, dents, broken seals, rust, or missing labels. reject packages that are damaged, patched, or taped shut

what areas must be checked for receiving
weight, appearance, quality, quantity, expiration date, and temperature.

how to check for meats
look for a bright red color, firm flesh, good smell, and a circular stamp on the box (USDA inspection). check temperature to verify it is below 41 degrees.

how to check for poultry
look for a fresh smell and temperature at 41 degrees or less. should be placed on crush ice.

how to check for seafood
fish should be delivered and stored in crushed ice. fresh fish has bright skin, gills that are moist and red, and scales firmly attached. eyes must be clear and bulging. flesh must be firm and elastic.

how to check for shellfish
fresh shellfish must be alive when delivered, and should not have a strong odor. shell stock id tags must be saved for 90 days. it must be received at 45 degrees or below. do not eat shellfish during red tide.

how to check eggs
they have to be received at 45 degrees or less, however receiving the eggs at a lower temperature is recommended. it must be pasteurized and required for recipes that need none or little cooking

frozen foods
keep all foods between 0-and minus 10 degrees. do not thaw and refreeze foods. only refreeze if the product is cooked

milks products that are served without being pasteurized should never be consumed. milk and dairy products must be pasteurized, grad a, and must be received under 41 degrees.

dry foods
look for punctures, tears, holes, or slashing in the packages.

fruits and vegetables
the best indication of quality is taste. all produce must be thoroughly washed in clean potable water before serving. juices of fruits and vegetables should be pasteurized.

on January 1, 2006 the federal drug administration required food labels to state if any ingredients contained protein from the eight major allergenic foods. this was a result of the food allergen labeling and consumer act of 2004 or FALCPA. the 8 major allergenic foods are: milk, eggs, fish shellfish, nuts derived from a tree, soybeans, wheat, and peanuts. one major symptom is anaphylactic shock, which can includ hives, the tightness of throat, itching, swelling, and even death

food sanitation 101
the safety of the consumer should be your first concern. safety includes the facility itself, the food you serve, and the employees who are under your supervision. the most common reason for foodborne illness is inadequate cooling and poor refrigeration

preparing foods
the employees health, personal hygiene, and hand washing is important. prevention is the best way to avoid foodborne illnesses

the most important rule for storage is first in first out. this means that food has to be used in the order in which it is received

the number 1 cause of food contamination is poor personal hygiene.

5 illnesses that are considered highly infectious which stands for HESSN:
hepatitis A, E. coli, salmonella, shigella, norwalk or norovirus. some symptoms of hessn illnesses are nausea,cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and jaundice

a hand washing sink shall not be used for any purpose other than for the washing of hands

2 ways to sanitize in food establishments
placing cleaned equipment and utensils in hot water for 30 seconds and chemical sanitizing involves placing equipment and utensil in an approved chemical sanitizing solution for a minimum of 60 seconds at cool temperatures. sanitizers are best used in temperatures above 75 but not above 120 degrees.

approved chemical sanitizers

  1. chlorine 50 ppm. 2. iodine 12.5 3. quaternary ammonium 200 ppm

3 compartment dish washing sink
first compartment use hot water at 110 degrees for washing, the second compartment used for rinsing and the third sink for sanitizing with chemical with warm water

scrape, wash, rinse, and air dry

hazard analysis critical control point. is a system designed to be used to maximize food safety by identifying, controlling, and evaluating food safety hazards.

step 1 hazard analysis
improper cooling procedures, holding prepared foods too long, poor personal hygiene, and failure to rapidly reheat food before serving and improper hot holding

step 2 critical control points
is an operation at any point by which a preventive, or control measure can be applied that would eliminate, prevent, or minimize a hazard

equipment and utensil
they must have NSF, national science foundation, or UL, underwriters laboratories, label

7 major principles involved in operating a HACCP.
Analyze, identify, establish, monitor, take correction action,

back siphonage
occurs when pressure in the potable water supply drops below that of a non potable, used, or contaminated water source. An air gap is the best way to prevent back siphonage. the air gap bust be at least twice the diameter of the water supply

freezer minimum temperature

thermometer accuracy
plus or minus 2

thermometer calibration
32 degrees crushed ice and water. 212 in boiling water

thermometer range

temperature danger zone

refrigerator storage
41 or below

thawing with running water
70 or below, water must not be hot

sanitizing with chemicals
75 but not above 120 soak for at least 1 minute

hand washing water
100, 120 in california

washing and rinsing in 3 compartment sink
at least 110

low temp ware washing machine
at least 120

2 stage cooling process

  1. 135-70 within 2 hours
  2. 70-41 within 6 hours

hot holding foods
135 or above

sanitizing with hot water
171 for 30 seconds

high temp ware washing
at least 180, but not higher than 195

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