PME ANSWERS Leading Marines Admin and Communication Exam Spring 2023.

When using social media, which of the following are security measures you should follow? Select all that apply
Review your social media accounts daily for possible use or changes by unauthorized users.

Always use strong passwords to protect your social media sites accounts.

The Constitution is the, (Blank), that governs our relationship with each other, with our government, and between the various states of the union.
Rule book

Which branch of the U.S. government interprets federal laws?

What are the basic components of the Constitution?
Preamble, seven articles, and amendments

Which occasion requires proficiency and conduct marks be recorded for an active duty Marine?
Promotion to corporal

When posting on social media which of the following is a guideline for political activities by members of the Armed Forces
You cannot solicit votes for or against a party, candidate, or cause

When taking the oath of enlistment Marines swear that they Will obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over them

When using social media which of the following are security measures that will help protect your computer? Select all that apply.
Install and maintain current antivirus anti-malware and anti-spyware software on your computer.

Don’t click on links start downloads or open email attachments unless the source is trusted

Which of the following are characteristics of social media? select all that apply
Connectedness, openness, participation

Which social media guideline describes the use of a disclaimer when you make unofficial Internet posts?
You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of the Marine Corps

Which of the reported data elements below are used to directly determine a marines composite score
Average proficiency mark

Which of the following is a type of promotion according to the lesson?
Meritorious promotion

Which of the following are guidelines for political activities by members of the Armed Forces? Select all that apply.
Don’t express or imply Marine Corps endorsements of any opinion product or cause

You cannot participate in any interview or discussion as an advocate for or against party candidate or cause

You cannot solicit votes for or against a party candidate or cause

Which of the following are social media guidelines
Professionally and respectfully correct misinformation made by others about the Marine Corps

Don’t use any words logos or other marks that would infringe upon intellectual property rights of others

Your social network friends and followers may potential constitute relations that can affect your ability to hold a security Clearence

Which of the following is an objective of the Marine Corps promotion system
To ensure that only the best and fully qualified marines are promoted

What marking range would Marines fall into if they are evaluated as unacceptable in Conduct
0 to 1.9

What marking range would Marines fall into if they are you evaluated as average in conduct
4 to 4.4

Corporals and below will receive proficiency and conduct Marks (Blank) at a minimum
Semi annually

What branch of the US government includes the commander in chief

Which of the following are purposes of proficiency and conduct Marks? Select all that apply
To record a marines performance

To determine characterization of service upon discharge

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