CNA Chapter 7 Exam Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

Which of the following is the normal temperature range for the oral method?

A.) 97.6-99.6 degrees Fahrenheit
B.) 96.6-98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
C.) 93.6-97.9 degrees Fahrenheit
D.) 98.6-100.6 degrees Fahrenheit

What can an overbed table be used for?

A.) Placement of dirty linens
B.) Placement of bedpans
C.) Placement of meals
D.) Placement of urinals

Which of the following thermometers is used to measure temperature from the ear?

A.) Oral thermometer
B.) Rectal thermometer
C.) Tympanic thermometer
D.) Axillary thermometer

Which temperature site is considered to be the most accurate?

A.) Oral
B.) Rectal
C.) Axillary
D.) Tympanic

What should be done with soiled bed linens?

A.) They should be shaken out to be sure none of the residents’ personal belongings are put in the wask
B.) They should be rolled up with the dirty side in
C.) They should be rolled up with the clean side in
D.) They should be left in a pile outside the resident’s door for housekeeping to pick up

Under which of the following conditions should an NA not measure a person’s temperature orally (via the mouth)?

A.) The person has influenza
B.) The person almost certainly has a fever
C.) The person is over six years old
D.) The person is confused or disoriented

Where should the call light be placed when an NA leaves a resident’s room?

A.) On the bedside table beside the telephone
B.) Next to the television remote
C.) Within the resident’s reach
D.) On a chair next to the resident’s bed

Which of the followings should an NA do during a resident’s admission?

A.) The NA should get the admission process completed as quickly as possible
B.) The NA should introduce the resident to other residents and staff members
C.) The NA should call the resident by her first name to make her feel comfortable more quickly
D.) The NA should place the resident’s personal items where the NA thinks is best

Which of the following statements is true of measuring rectal temperatures?

A.) The NA does not need to explain the procedure before starting to measure a rectal temperature
B.) Rectal temperatures can only be measured with digital thermometers
C.) The NA must hold on to the thermometer at all times while measuring a rectal temperature
D.) The NA does not need the resident’s cooperation to measure a rectal temperature

The most common pulse that is used for measuring pulse rate is the

A.) Radial pulse
B.) Brachial pulse
C.) Carotid pulse
D.) Pedal pulse

The normal respiration rate for adults ranges from

A.) 18 to 30 breaths per minute
B.) 15 to 25 breaths per minute
C.) 12 to 20 breaths per minute
D.) 8 to 10 breaths per minute

The normal pulse rate for adults is

A.) 25 to 50 beats per minute
B.) 60 to 100 beats per minute
C.) 100 to 150 beats per minute
D.) 150 to 175 beats per minute

Why should respirations be counted immediately after taking the pulse, while the fingers are still on the wrist?

A.) It is less work for the NA to count respirations right after taking the pulse
B.) People may breathe more quickly if they know they are being observed
C.) The chest will not rise and fall if the rate is not counted immediately
D.) The respiration rate will be different if the NA waits to take it

What is an NA’s responsibility during an in-house transfer of a resident?

A.) The NA decides that the resident must be transferred
B.) The NA must keep the fact that a transfer will occur a secret
C.) The NA should pack all of the resident’s belongings
D.) The NA should tell the resident’s roommate about the transfer

Which of the following blood pressures falls within the normal range?

A.) 119/75
B.) 135/90
C.) 91/70
D.) 140/80

Hypertension is

A.) High fever
B.) High blood pressure
C.) High pulse rate
D.) Low blood pressure

Which was is an example of a correct way to write a blood pressure reading?

A.) 120/75
B.) 120 + 75
C.) 120 – 75
D.) 120 * 75

Which of the following statements is true of pain?

A.) Everyone experiences pain in the same way
B.) Everyone will express freely when they are in pain
C.) Pain is a different experience for each person
D.) Pain levels do not need to be monitored

Which of the following measures can help reduce pain?

A.) Pounding the resident on the back
B.) Doing jumping jacks
C.) Squeezing the body part hard
D.) Changing positions

Which of the following is true of non-sterile dressings?

A.) They cover open wounds
B.) They are applied to dry wounds
C.) They cover draining wounds
D.) Nursing assistants are never allowed to handle them

Which of the following statements is true of IV therapy?

A.) Nursing assistants insert IV lines
B.) Nursing assistants will observe the IV site for problems
C.) Nursing assistants will remove IV lines
D.) Nursing assistants will change IV lines when the bag is empty

Which is true of nursing assistants and catheters?

A.) NAs remove but do not insert catheters
B.) NAs insert but do not remove catheters
C.) NAs irrigate catheters only when the nurse tells them to do so
D.) NAs observe and report regarding catheters

Guidelines for proper catheter care by a nursing assistant include the following:

A.) Making sure the drainage bag hangs higher than the level of the hips or bladder
B.) Disconnecting the catheter when positioning or transferring the resident
C.) Keeping the genital area clean to prevent infection
D.) Resting the drainage bag on the floor

How far should a tympanic thermometer be inserted into the ear?

A.) 1/4 to 1/2 inch
B.) 3/4 inch
C.) 1 inch
D.) 1 1/2 to 2 inches

Which type of urine specimen does not include the first and last urine in the sample?

A.) Routine
B.) Clean-catch
C.) Morning
D.) 24-hour

Eight ounces are equal to _ milliliters

A.) 180
B.) 240
C.) 210
D.) 120

To convert ounces to milliliters, the NA should multiply by

A.) 30
B.) 20
C.) 60
D.) 15

Restraints can be applied

A.) As punishment from staff when a resident is not behaving properly
B.) Only with a doctor’s order
C.) When a staff member does not have time to watch a resident closely
D.) When an NA judges a resident is a danger to himself or others

One serious problem that may result from a restraint use is

A.) Jaundice
B.) Headache
C.) Increased activity
D.) Pressure injury

An example of a restraint alternative is

A.) Tying the resident to the bed
B.) Removing the resident’s call light
C.) Leaving the resident alone for long periods of time
D.) Giving the resident a repetitive task

Which of the following is another word for armpit?

A.) Axilla
B.) Rectum
C.) Tympanum
D.) Temporal

An oral thermometer is usually color-coded

A.) Green or blue
B.) Red or orange
C.) Black or white
D.) White or yellow

Which of the following is a machine that changes air in a room into air with more oxygen?

A.) Oxygen filter
B.) Oxygen tank
C.) Oxygen concentrator
D.) Oxygen supply valve

Which type of urinary catheter remains inside a person for a period of time?

A.) Drainage catheter
B.) Straight catheter
C.) Indwelling catheter
D.) I & O catheter

Before weighing a resident, the scale should be balanced at

A.) Zero
B.) Five pounds
C.) The resident’s last known weight
D.) Negative two pounds to account for clothing

Which of the following is the normal temperature range for the oral method?
A. 97.6 – 99.6 degrees F

What can an overbed table be used for?
C. Placement of meals.

Which of the following thermometers is used to take a temperature from the ear?
C. Tympanic thermometer.

Which temperature site is considered to be the most accurate?
B. Rectal

What should be done with soiled bed linens?
B. They should be rolled up with the dirty side in.

  1. Under which of the following conditions should a nursing assistant not take an oral temperature on a person?
    D. The person is confused or disoriented.

Where should the call light be placed when a nursing assistant leaves a resident’s room?
C. Within the resident’s reach.

Which of the following should a nursing assistant do during a resident’s admission?
B. The NA should introduce the resident to other residents and staff members.

Which of the following statements is true of measuring rectal temperatures?
C. The NA must hold onto the thermometer at all times while taking a rectal temperature.

The most common pulse that is used for measuring pulse rate is the
A. Radial pulse.

The normal respiration rate for adults ranges from
C. 12 – 20 breaths per minute

The normal pulse rate for adults is
B. 60 to 100 beats per minute

Why should respirations be counted immediately after taking the pulse while the fingers are still on the wrist?
B. People make read more quickly if they know they are being observed

What is a nursing assistant responsibilities during an in-house transfer of a resident?
C. The NA should pack all the residents belongings.

Which of the following blood pressures fall within the normal range?
A. 119/75

Hypertension is
B. High blood pressure

Which way is an example of a correct way to write a blood pressure reading?
A. 120/75

Which of the following statements is true of pain?
C. Pain is a different experience for each person

Which of the following measures can help reduce pain?
Changing position

Which of the following is true of non-sterile dressings?
They are applied to dry wounds

Which of the following statements is true of IV therapy?
Nursing assistants will observe the IV site for problems

Which is true of nursing assistants and catheters?
NA’S Observe and Report regarding catheters

Guidelines for proper catheter Care by a nursing assistant include the following
Keeping the genital area clean to prevent infection

How far should a tympanic thermometer be inserted into the ear?
1/4 to 1/2 inch

Which type of urine specimen does not include the first and last urine in the sample?
Clean Catch

8 ounces are equal to _ milliliters.

To convert ounces to milliliters the na should multiply by

Restraints can be applied
Only with a doctor’s order

___ is a serious problem that may result from restraint use
Pressure ulcers

An example of a restraint alternative is
Giving the resident a repetitive task

Which of the following is another word for armpit

An oral thermometer is usually color coded
Green or blue

Which of the following is a machine that changes air in a room into air with more oxygen?
Oxygen concentrator

Which type of urinary catheter remains inside a person for a period of time?
Indwelling catheter

Before weighing a resident of the scale should be balanced at

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