NCC EFM practice Exam Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

Oxygen is transferred from mom to fetus via the placenta through?
Passive (Simple) Diffusion

Intervillous space perfusion is dependent on?
Adequate Uterine Blood Flow

Maternal Fetal Exchange is best promoted by which maternal position?
Either Rt or Lt Lateral

What is transfer down the concentration gradient from higher to lower called?

The most likely physical rationale for recurrent late decels after epidural is?
Maternal Sympathetic Blockade

Which FHR pattern would be anticipated when monitoring mono-mono twins?
Variable Decels

Fetus can survive in an environment w/ a PO2 equal to adult venous blood d/t?
increased O2 carrying capacity

Variable decels are mediated primarily by?

The sympathetic branch of the ANS influences FHR to?

the average difference in baseline FHR b/w 30 & 40 weeks is?
usually 5-6; 10 is closest

Fetal blood is most highly oxygenated in the?
Ductus Venosous

An abrupt rise in fetal bp can stimulate?
variable decels

During an acute episode of fetal hypoxemia, fetal blood flow is redistributed primarily to the?

Over the course of pregnancy, the FHR baseline?

FHR variability is dependent upon?
cerebral oxygen and intact CNS

chemoreceptors respond mainly to?

pH: 7.22
pCO2: 50
HCO3: 24
BE: -3
normal acid-base status
(if pH is normal, answer is normal)

Fetal respiratory academia is indicated by a pH of 7.04 and a PCO2 of?


pH: 6.98
PCO2: 49
HCO3: 16
metabolic acidemia

pH: 7.04
pCO2: 80
HCO3: 22
BE: -4
respiratory acidemia

Fetal metabolic acidemia is indicated by an umbilical artery cord blood gas pH of 6.94 & BE of?


Decels that occur with <50% ctx:

An acceleration of FHR that is elicited during fetal scalp stim indicates a fetal pH of at least?

FHR characteristic most predictive of a vigorous baby at birth is?

EFM tracing w/ absent variability and recurrent late decels would be categorized as?
abnormal (cat 3)

likely cause of fetal tachy w/ moderate variability in a term fetus?
maternal fever

FHR pattern likely to develop w/severe fetal anemia?

marked variability is mediated by?
adrenergic activity

during 1st stage of labor for women w/ no risk factors, efm should be reviewed every?
30 min.

during 1st stage of labor for women w/complications, EFM should be reviewed every?
15 min.

during 2nd stage labor for women requiring oxytocin, EFM should be reviewed every?
5 min.

in any 10 minute sequence of FHR tracing, minimum baseline duration must be at least?
2 min.

if baseline FHR is indeterminate, refer to prior?
10 min. window

Baseline FHR variability is classified as?
absent, minimal, moderate, marked

primary goal in treatment of late decels?
maximize uteroplacentel blood flow

Rationale for low dose oxytocin protocol?
half-life of oxytocin

Initiate treatment for recurrent late decels w/ moderate variability during 1st stage?
maternal repositioning

FHR pattern likely to develop w/ severe fetal anemia?

most consistent clinical sign of uterine rupture during tolac?
recurrent decels of bradycardia

loss of FHR variability can result from?
medication administration

IV stadol may result in?
transient sinusoidal (pseudosinusoidal)

When using a doppler to determine FHR, autocorrelation:
compares successive reflective US waveforms at many points

Sustained SVT increases fetal risk for:
CHF (hydrops)

toco detects changes in?
the shape of the uterine wall

fetoscope works by detecting?
sound of opening/closing of heart valves

short r-to-r intervals in fetal egg is indicative of?

most common fetal arrhythmia?

Fetal hydrops may develop w?
paroxysmal atrial tachy

complete heart block increases fetal risk for?
neonatal pacemaker

reactive NST in term fetus requires?
2 access 15×15 w/I 20 min.

in the BPP the chronic marker is?

most commonly cited source of adverse outcome during labor?
communication failure

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