LETRS Unit 4 Session 3 Questions and Answers 2022/2023 (Verified Answers)

Classifying syllable types in multisyllabic words should be considered a scaffolding activity, not a goal in itself.

Consonant-le (Cle) syllables can occur anywhere within a word and be stressed or unstressed

In which of these examples does the vowel sound’s position in a syllable or word determine which vowel team represents it? Select all that apply.
the /ā/ sound in stain, sail, away, and payment
the /ō/ sound in float, row, window, and toadstool
the /oi/ sound in coin, ploy, android, and destroy

If a student reads aloud a multisyllabic word but it doesn’t sound right, what strategy should be applied? Select all that apply.
dividing the syllables a different way
flexing the vowel sound(s)

Which syllable type occurs in each of these words: adage, lettuce, callous, ocean, and station?
an odd syllable with a schwa

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