MPOETC ACT 120 CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW Questions and Verified Answers by Expert | Updated 2023-2024

Situation where two people agree to commit a crime and are caught later?

When applying a tourniquet to someone, where should you write the time on their body at which it was applied?

What color does a police officer work in? (Traffic Light Analogy)

35 mph
What is the normal speed limit for an urban area?

use lethal force
What should you NOT do when someone robs a Police Officer?

What federal agency should you notify if you come into contact with a clandestine lab?

cruiser ready
What is the status of an AR Rifle when the bolt is closed, the chamber is empty, and the magazine is seated in the magazine well?

cruiser ready
What is the status of a Shot Gun that has a filled magazine tube, a forward slide, and an activated chamber safety switch?

1st amendment
What is the constitutional right to free speech, religion, and press?

4th amendment
What is the constitutional right to a person’s secured house, paper, and effects?

5th amendment
What is the constitutional right against self-incrimination, due process, compensation for public taking of property, and double-jeopardy? This right established “Miranda Warnings” in the case of Miranda v. Arizona.

6th amendment
What is the constitutional right to speedy trial, to counsel, and to be confronted by witnesses and/or accusers?

8th amendment
What is the constitutional right to bail and protection from cruel and unusual punishment?

14th amendment
What is the constitutional right to life, liberty, property, and equal rights for all?

mapp v. ohio
What U.S. Supreme Court case made the disposition of the “Exclusionary Rule?”

4th amendment
What amendment provides guidelines and sets standards for the use of force?

commonwealth v. maglioccio
What Pennsylvania State Supreme Court case defines the concept that a person cannot be convicted of ethnic intimidation without being found guilty of a predicate offense?

aggravated assault
What 18 Pa.C.S. statute is charged when someone punches a Pennsylvania police officer?

simple assault
What 18 Pa.C.S. statute is charged when someone punches their significant other?

criminal attempt
In addition to aggravated assault, what other 18 Pa.C.S. statute would be charged against a woman who attempted to stab a man and missed?

juvenile petition
What should be filed when a juvenile strikes a teacher?

CORRECT OR INCORRECT? A motorcycle should pull up to a solid white line, wait 3 seconds, and look both ways before proceeding?

What does a diamond hazard symbol indicate?

CORRECT OR INCORRECT? A Police Officer should interview a child with the parents included when there is a domestic situation at large?

eliminate threat
What should a shot Police Officer or fellow officer do when there is an active shooter at large?

What 18 Pa.C.S. statute should be charged against a man who robs a bank, but is then locked between the doors?

directly in front of home
When responding to a domestic situation at large, where should a Police Officer NOT park his/her patrol vehicle?

3 feet
How far offset to the left should a patrol vehicle be positioned on a traffic stop?

civil matter
Why should a Police Officer advise a father to contact an attorney if a mother fails to permit father to see child during the weekend?

no violation committed
What 18 Pa.C.S. statute should be charged against an elder man who offered to transport a child someplace?

mental hospital
When “302-ing” someone, where should a Police Officer take them first?

statute 3111
What 75 Pa.C.S. statute should be charged against someone who turned right on a steady red light? (Obedience to Traffic Devices)

graham v. connor
What U.S. Supreme Court case ruled that an Officer’s reasonable perspective of a scene will be judged rather than 20/20 hindsight of others?

fruit of the poisonous tree
What term applies to any evidence found through illegal conduct that is suppressed, regardless of the relationship between the act and the seizure?

nix v. williams
What U.S. Supreme Court case ruled on the inevitable discovery exception to the exclusionary rule?

us v. leon
What is the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule?

involuntary commitment
What type of commitment pertains to spending 24 hours in a mental institute, a thorough psychiatric evaluation, or being taken to a Magisterial judge?

order of courts
Minor Court, Court of Common Pleas, Pennsylvania State Supreme Court, Pennsylvania State Superior Court, and the U.S. Supreme Court.

sheriff department
If a Police Officer is serving a P.F.A. and there are firearms present, where must the firearms be taken?

take immediately
A Police Officer responds to a domestic disturbance for loud noise. Upon knocking on the door, the Police Officer notices a powdered substance in baggies on the table when the resident answers. If they do not get a warrant, what should the Officer do?

Upon entering a house, the wife who lives there grants permission to the police to search her husband’s unlocked closet. Will her permission suffice?

11 pm
What is considered a “Night Time Warrant” in the State of Pennsylvania?

indecent assault
An 18 year old goes on a date with a “14 year old” who is actually 13. He fondles her breast. What 18 Pa.C.S. statute is he charged with?

A person knocks another individual to the ground and steals their purse with only $1.00 in it. What criminal status is this offense considered?

leave payment on table
A restaurant offers a gratuity to a Police Officer and foots the bill on the house. What should the officer do?

moral righteousness
A bunch of Police Officers rough someone up after they are apprehended and no longer a threat. Their force is NOT justifiable. What must you, as a Police Officer, consider when you hand in your report?

no comment on partner testimony
If you, as a Police Officer, testify in court, and you are told that your testimony conflicts with your partner’s, what should you say on the stand?

What is needed between the police and community for policing to work?

fruit of the poisonous tree
As a Police Officer, you see a former convicted robber in possession of a sports bag and brief case. Can you seize his/her possessions?

hallow effect
What is concept of a Police Officer paying attention to trivial things in a person, but influence the interpretation and perception of other trivial things later in time?

Who should a Police Officer be concerned about attacking himself/herself while responding to a domestic situation at large?

legs 4-5 feet apart
How should a Police Officer position someone (while standing up against wall) when conducting a terry frisk or a search incident to arrest?

schedule 1
What level of drugs have non-medical use?

warrantless arrest
What type of arrest usually starts a court case?

terry stop
A Police Officer is conducting a field interview when they notice someone approach with a gun. For their safety, what type of encounter would they use to temporarily secure the scene?

direct testimony
What type of testimony ties a defendant directly to a crime?

physical evidence
What type of evidence speaks for itself?

What is not required for a prosecutor to present a piece of physical evidence in court?

open field
What does the State of Pennsylvania define as “Undeveloped open woodland area outside the curtilage of a home?”

public places
Where does the State of Pennsylvania decide “an item subject to seizure is exposed to public view?”

How many digits are in a VIN? (Vehicle Identification Number)

probable cause
When a Police Officer makes an arrest, files for an arrest warrant, or files for a search warrant, what are the facts and circumstances that this officer must present for a reasonable person to believe that the parties entailed committed an offense and/or were in possession of the items seized?

How many people are required for a jury in a jury trial?

investigatory detention
What type of detention would a Police Officer use on a suspected actor if that officer has developed reasonable suspicion to believe that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed?

What is the minimum amount of photos that may be used in a photo array in the State of Pennsylvania?

What is the acronym for the following actions?: Recognize, Awareness, Position, and Pacify.

danger to self or others
In order for a person to be subjected to police custody or involuntary commitment, what must a Police Officer first show?

custody and interrogation
When should a Police Officer “Mirandize” someone?

When should a Police Officer obtain a search warrant?

What must be present for a rape charge to be made?

walk along outside
What should a Police Officer do when tending to a large crowd?

What 18 Pa.C.S. statute would shady activity in a business be an example of?

reportable non collision
What type of crash applies to a girl who spilled her soda and inevitably injured herself behind the wheel without hitting anyone or anything?

reportable non collision
What type of crash applies to a car accident where a car is towed and a death is involved?

laying down with palms up
How should a Police Officer arrest an individual while in an open field?

start and end
When commencing a closing argument, when does the prosecutor speak?

vio dier
What term applies to the number of jurors called upon?

deadly force
As a Police Officer, you are called to a bar fight in progress where 2 men are fist fighting. Police Officers do not wait for back up. What do they not use?

constant supervision
When a Police Officer takes a juvenile back to their police station, what is the proper protocol for processing the child?

find district attorney
A defense attorney approaches you, as a Police Officer, before a criminal trial. They wish to speak to you about the case. You should politely decline to speak or take what action for legal consultation?

push them
How should a Police Officer take a suspect to the ground when they are pursuing them from behind?

pass in non adjacent lane
What should you do if emergency responders are passing you on the road?

illinois v. gates
The significance of what U.S. Supreme Court case led to the analyzing totality of circumstances in determining probable cause?

tennessee v. garner
The significance of what U.S. Supreme Court case led to justified deadly force by Police Officer when necessary to prevent escape of a fleeing felon, and suspect(s) poses a threat of SBI or death.

10 codes
In the State of Pennsylvania, what form of radio communication is no longer used?

chain of custody
The proper channeling of people who handle evidence in time and commission.

witness contact information
As a Police Officer, you are the first Law Enforcement Officer on a crime scene. What is your first action?

20-30 minutes
What is a reasonable amount of time for a Police Officer to conduct an investigatory detention?

knock immediately
As a Police Officer, what should your first approach to obtain entry into a house that you possess a search warrant for?

burglary and rape
While someone is staying at a hotel, they are penetrated and raped. As a Police Officer, what can you charge the actor with?

exit corresponding doors
If there are 2 suspects in the front seats of a vehicle, how do you remove them from the vehicle?

stop on reasonable suspicion
As a Police Officer, you receive information about a robbery just committed, and a good description of the actor. As you receive this information, a bystander positively matches the actor in the robbery. What action should you take?

field notes
What is the best way for a Police Officer to prepare for court?

cross out and initial
What should a Police Officer do if they write in the wrong address of someone in their field notes?

bodily injury
What term is defined as “impairment of physical condition or substantial pain?”

reckless driving
What term is defined as “a driver who drives a vehicle in a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others?”

instrument of crime
What term is defined as “an instrument used with the intent to use criminally?”

right wrist
Which wrist should a Police Officer handcuff first when arresting someone?

serious bodily injury
What term is defined as “bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death of which causes serious permanent disfigurement or impairment?”

commonwealth v. grey
What Pennsylvania State Supreme Court case determined that a nervous suspect does not equal reasonable suspicion?

search warrant
What type of warrant must include time, date, description of property seized, and the description of person or place being seized?

investigatory detention
What would be a situation where a Police Officer tells a person they are not free to leave, but at the same time, they are not in official Police custody?

mere encounter
What is an instance where a Police Officer stops to speak with someone spontaneously?

What term is defined as “items that are in and of themselves illegal to own or possess?”

release to cover officer
What is the proper way for a Police Officer to handle a weapon or gun that they found on the scene?

What is the B.A.C. legal level for adults of drinking age in the State of Pennsylvania?

What is the vehicle class for motorcycles in the State of Pennsylvania?

damage property
What are Law Enforcement not permitted to do when responding to a call?

search warrant
What must the District Attorney or Court of Common Pleas sign before being conducted?

What is the act of attempting to get a child into a car or unoccupied structure?

exigent circumstances
What are weather conditions, hot pursuits, and immediate danger examples of?

What should you always do before touching anything?

held or dropped
Actions taken when a felony and a summary offense at a preliminary hearing are held over in court?

speak to defense attorney
What do you not have to do when arriving at court?

act of terrorism
Striking fear into a group is required for what?

first responding officer
Who is the officer responsible for a crash investigation?

non reportable
If someone is DUI, they drive off the street, hit a tree, get arrested, and abandon their car, what type of crash is it?

non reportable
If a person drives their vehicle into a flood, gets it stuck, and requires it to be towed, what type of crash is it?

If a person is driving and their car catches fire in the travel lane, what type of crash is it?

circumstantial evidence
What is the type of indirect evidence that links all evidence together?

custodial detention
What action is allowed when a stimuli is based on probable cause?

terry frisk
Reasonable suspicion, a crime that occurred, or a person with a weapon are three justifications to perform a?

warrantless arrest
When a felony was committed in view, or there is probable cause that a felony was committed, an officer has the authority to perform a?

legality of arrest
Totality of circumstances and the “reasonable person” test can determine?

search warrant
Exigent circumstances, plain view, cars, smell, and feel are exceptions to?

prima facie
What is sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted?

search incident to arrest
What is granted from making an arrest on probable cause?

totality of circumstances
What is the court review of all factors known to the officer at the time of the incident?

terry vs ohio
What U.S. Supreme Court case made weapons reasonable suspicion, and that an officer can frisk for them only?

4 Learning Skills
Listen actively
take notes
think critically

6 Components to active listening

ACT 120
Established by PA Legislature in 1974. It’s a certification for an officer which after completion, is good for two years.

There are 20 members of training commission. Each is appointed by the governor, they serve three year terms

Administer Program, Academics, Certification, Training, Standards, Rules and Regulations.

Defining Certification
assignment of a certification to a police officer after completing the ACT 120, is valid for two years.


is the commissioner of PSP (PA state police)

Police Department
A public agency having general police powers and charged with making arrests in connection with the enforcement of criminal or traffic laws. It includes the sheriff’s office and university police.

Police officer
An employee assigned to criminal or traffic law enforcement

Commission members
20 members,etc (SEE PAGE 13 for remaining) PSP Commissioner is chairman, Attorney General police commisioner of a city of the first class.

Commission power and duties
a. Administer program
b. Academies
c. Certification
d. Training
e. Standards
f. Rules and regulations



Systems that assist in maintenance of order.
Value System
Moral System
Belief System

Derived from the constitutional authority of government.

Sir Robert Peel
“Father of modern day policing” Nine principles that are basic guidelines for the London Metropolitan Police in 1829 and the foundations of modern law enforcement doctrine.

American Law Enforcement followed the English Model. -watch system
night watch in which each watchman signaled to others or citizens for help

American Law Enforcement followed the English Model CONSTABLE.
early officer who supervised the weapons and equipment of all community.

American Law Enforcement followed the English Model. SHERIFF
county wide law enforcement service provider.

Police Discretion
Defined as the ability to choose between alternatives when faced with a violation(s) of the law.

Two Amendments used in use of force
4th and 8th
The mere presence of the police is coercive power, and then adds to coercion of the orders that police give.

Civil vs. Criminal Law
Civil law deals with disputes between individuals and organizations.
Criminal law deals with crime and legal punishment.

A civil wrongdoing, usually resulting in a civil lawsuit levied against an officer.

BETWEEN 1845-1880

Important Amendments:
18th- Prohibition
21st- Repealed Prohibition

Landmark Case Law:
Miranda V. Arizona (1966),
Terry V. Ohio (1968),
Tennessee V. Garner (1985)

Brady Cop-
An officer that is not credible and has their integrity as an officer compromised, based on past decisions that were untruthful.

A code of values for our moral behavior, based upon what is morally good or bad behavior.

Police Ethics
Decisions made ethically that apply to law enforcement.

Conduct, aims, or mark a profession. To be considered professional is complimentary. High standard of performance.

The right to choose what should be done in a particular situation; the quality of showing discernment or good judgement.

Glass fishbowl

  • In a law enforcement context, it means the public is always watching our actions (& inactions) because of the nature of authority.

Social Contract Theory

  • Citizens give up certain rights to governments for protection.

Police Misconduct
Inappropriate actions taken by police officers in connection with their official duties.

police corruption
Infers there is police misconduct where police officers seek personal gain, such as money or career advancement.

NCIC- National Criminal Information Center
PaCIC- Pennsylvania Crime Intelligence Center
JNET- Pennsylvania Justice Network

Violation of Vehicle Code when necessary.


bell, book, and candle
The Bell: Is your actions causing a “bell” or alarm to go off within you?

The Book: Does it violate the law

The Candle: How will your actions be seen in the “light”?

Three eras of policing
1)political era
2)Reform era
3)Community era

nine “Ps” of policing
“A centralized place IS NOT the same as place”
Place = all places in community
Centralized place = not in community (So this would be the wrong answer)
(Police HQ = centralized?)

What % of actions are police related

Emphasis on location

Public trust is what?
Power granted to the government

Personal Code of conduct-
Ofc. should not allow personal feelings to influence professional decisions

Professional code of ethics-
Readily offer friendship (relationship) to everyone regardless of wealth

Define community attitudes toward the police are formed and what the officer can do to improve these attitudes?

Least effective in community policing?
Relying on crime statistics

Avoiding unnecessary conflict?
Relying on Crime Stats
Communicate why intensity of police services provided are not always the same

External influences perpetuate what?
Unethical Conduct

7 objectives
Justice is a community responsibility

Community Oriented Policing “COP”

  • is a philosophy that relies on the officer’s relationship with the community he/she serves to solve the ills of the community together in a creative ways.

consists of persons in social interaction within a geographic area and having one or more additional ties.

Community Oriented Policing
“relationship in community”

Public Community Relations
Task Oriented

Total Community Responsibility

(SARA Model): Assessment
How did we do?

any person impacted by a persistent crime problem.

6 steps of the problem solving is the circle?
Involved in problem solving ( any person impacted by a persistent crime problem)

4 Levels of the Criminal Justice System

District Attorney (DA).
Chief law enforcement officer in the county

Attorney General (AG).
Chief law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth

General Deterrence
Setting an example to the public; to deter crime. (Deterre

Specific Deterrence
Punish a specific person to prevent future crimes by that individual.

Summary offence Sentencing

  1. NOT MORE than 90 days.
  2. Preliminary hearing?

Steps in Criminal Justice System
Decide to Prosecute


What is done when arrested and booked?

CJ Trial Order
Prelim Arraignment
Grand Jury
Formal Arraignment
Pre-Trial Motions

Prelim Arraignment
Initial Appearance
Advised of Right to an Attorney/Public Defender
Hearing scheduled within 10 days

Conditional Release – insures appearance to hearing
Types of Bail:
Release on Recognizance
Non-monetary (no contact/ no drugs)
Nominal (Low $$)
Monetary (Ex: $10,000)
**Cannot be a form of punishment

Preliminary Hearing
Not a Trial – Probable cause hearing
Establishes prima facie (Elements of Crime)

Grand Jury
May return an indictment on LESS THAN UNANIMOUS VOTE

Formal Arraignment
Court of Common Pleas
Informed of Rights and Charges
Enters Plea
Guilty or Nolo Contendere (No Contest)
Not Guilty

Pre-Trial Motions
Suppression Hearing – Admissibility of evidence is called into question.
Venue Change
Please Negotiations
If a stop is bad, everything after it is inadmissible!

Commonwealth Burden (Beyond Reasonable Doubt)
The defendant has no burden to prove their own innocence; it is the prosecution’s responsibility to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Bench Trial VS Jury Trial
Jury Selection
Verdict and Sentencing
Death Penalty Conviction requires mandatory appeal process.
Not Guilty is generally not applicable.
Based upon error of law or procedure

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