What is the name of the structure that prevents food from entering the airway?
a) trachea
b) esophagus
c) diagram
d) epiglottis
(Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER d) epiglottis
“the epiglottis covers the trachea during swallowing, thus preventing food from
entering the airway”
?= aka the windpipe

  • is a cylindrical portion of the respiratory tract that joins the larynx with the lungs
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER Trachea
    ?= connects the throat to the stomach
  • when someone swallows, this contracts to force the food down into the stomach
  • like other structures in the respiratory system, this structure secretes mucus for
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER Esophagus
    Which substance makes up the pads that provide support between the vertebrae?
    a) bone
    b) cartilage
    c) tendon
    d) fat
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER b) cartilage
    Where is the parathyroid gland located?
    1 / 4
    a) neck
    b) back
    c) side
    d) brain
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER a) neck
    Which element w/in the respiratory system is responsible for removing foreign
    matter from the lungs?
    a) bronchial tubes
    b) cilia
    c) trachea
    d) alveoli
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER b) cilia
  • the cilia are the tiny hairs in the respiratory system that are responsible for
    removing foreign matter from the lungs
    the cilia are located within the BRONCHIAL TUES, BUT it is the cilia that have the responsibility for removing inappropriate materials b4 they enter the lungs
    Organized from high to low, the hierarchy of the human body’s structure is as
    organism, organ system, organs, tissues
    Which of the following comes next?
    a) molecules
    b) atoms
    c) cells
    d) muscle
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER d) cells
    after cells comes molecules & then atoms
    On average, how many neutrons does one atom of bromine (Br) have?
  • atomic #= 35
  • atomic mass= 79.9
    2 / 4
    a) 35
    b) 44.90
    c) 45
    d) 79.90
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER b) 44.90
    to determine the number of neutrons (n), subtract the atomic number (35) from the
    atomic mass (79.9)
    79.9 – 35 = 44.90
    On average, how many protons does one atom of zinc (Zn) have?
  • atomic # = 30
  • atomic mass = 65.39
    a) 30
    b) 35
    c) 35.39
    d) 65.39
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER a) 30
  • The number of protons is the atomic number
  • The number of protons is the same for every atom of a given element
    What is the name of the process in the lungs by which oxygen is transported from
    the air to the blood?
    a) osmosis
    b) diffusion
    c) dissipation
    d) reverse osmosis
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER b) diffusion
    cannot be osmosis- osmosis is the movement of a solution from an area of low
    conc to an area of higher conc through a permeable membrane
    cannot be dissipation- dissipation is any wasteful consumption or use
    3 / 4
    cannot be reverse osmosis- a process for purifying a solution by forcing it through
    a membrane that blocks only certain pollutants
    Which gland is responsible for the regulation of calcium levels?
    a) parathyroid glands
    b) thyroid glands
    c) adrenal glands
    d) pancreas
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER a) parathyroid glands
    “The parathyroid glands are 4 small glands that sit on top of the thyroid gland and
    regulate calcium levels by secreting parathyroid hormone. The hormone regulates
    the amount of CALCIUM & MAGNESIUM that is excreted by the KIDNEYS into
    the URINE”
    Which secretion of the digestive system is responsible for water reabsorption?
    a) large intestine
    b) duodenum
    c) small intestine
    d) gallbladder
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER a) large intestine
    LI main functions:
  • reabsorption of water into body to form solid waste**
  • allows for absorption of vit K
    Which of the following describes one responsibility of the integumentary system?
    a) distributing vital substances (such as nutrients) throughout the body
    b) blocking pathogens that cause diseases
    c) sending leaked fluids from the cardiovascular system back to the blood vessels
    d) storing bodily hormones that influence gender traits
    (Test 1) – CORRECT ANSWER b) blocking pathogens that cause diseases

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