While discussing the science of nursing, the nurse identifies the domain of nursing theory. Which linkages should the nurse provide to describe nursing’s paradigm?
A. The person, the environment or situation, and health
B. Stress reduction, self-care, and a systems model
C. Curative care, restorative care, and terminal care
D. Self-actualization, fundamental needs, and belonging

A. The person, the environment or situation, and health

A terrorist attack has occurred and several people have inhaled Ricin. Which intervention should the emergency department nurse implement when caring for these clients?
A. Administer the antibiotic streptomycin, IV STAT
B. Provide all clients with the Ricin antidote
C. Implement strict respiratory isolation immediately
D. Provide supportive nursing care until antitoxin is available

D. Provide supportive nursing care until antitoxin is available

Which topic should the nurse include in planning a primary prevention class for adolescents?
A. Risk factors for heart disease
B. Dietary management of obesity
C. Suicide risks and prevention
D. Coping with stressful situations

C. Suicide risks and prevention

The nurse administers a booster dose of DTaP vaccine to an infant. Which level of prevention is the nurse implementing?
A. Primary prevention
B. Tertiary prevention
C. Secondary prevention
D. Primary nursing

A. Primary prevention

The nurse is working in a community clinic that serves a population comprised mainly of migrant families. In planning the use of resources for secondary prevention, which activity should be the priority?
A. Skin testing for tuberculosis
B. Glucose monitoring for diabetes
C. Blood work for cardiovascular disease
D. Height and weight for altered nutrition

A. Skin testing for tuberculosis

A nurse organizes a community action group to help resolve health problems in a low income neighborhood with a large population of recent immigrants from Africa. What problem should the nurse address first?
A. High rate of unemployment
B. Low immunization rate of children
C. Provision of substandard health care
D. Access to bilingual care providers

B. Low immunization rate of children

The nurse is assessing a Vietnamese child during a home health visit and identifies round swellings on the child’s back. The child’s mother says she rubbed the edge of a coin on her child’s oiled skin. The nurse should recognize that this behavior is prompted by which cultural belief?
A. The child’s behavior was not acceptable
B. The purpose is to rid the body of disease
C. This method is commonly used for discipline
D. The temper tantrums are commonly managed using this method

B. The purpose is to rid the body of disease

Attendance at a community health clinic is rising and clients have long waits for service. The charge nurse believes that a computer system would be helpful in decreasing the time needed to conduct intake and exit processing. What is the nest way for the nurse to introduce the idea of obtaining a computer system for the clinic?
A. Ask the medical director to talk to the Board of Directors about obtaining funds to implement a computer system
B. Send a signed letter to the editor of the local newspaper describing the benefits to the community
C. Submit a written proposal to the Board of Directors about hardware and software improvement needs
D. Meet informally with some Board members to enlist their support for the idea of implementing a computer system

C. Submit a written proposal to the Board of Directors about hardware and software improvement needs

Lillian Wald was a significant person in the history of American nursing. Which contributions can be attributed to her? (Select all that apply)
A. Development of public health nursing practice
B. First nursing service for occupational health
C. Campaigned for laws to require registration for nurses
D. Established committee that was the forerunner of the NLN
E. Instituted a sliding scale fee for service

A. Development of public health nursing practice
B. First nursing service for occupational health
D. Established committee that was the forerunner of the NLN
E. Instituted a sliding scale fee for service

The home health nurse is planning a visit with a client who has been discharged home after a hospitalization. Which action should the nurse implement?
A. Avoid creating barriers by wearing a name tag in the home
B. Schedule home visits that take place during the daylight hours
C. Ensure HIPAA laws are observed by avoiding visits with other home care providers
D. Use a duplicate copy of the client’s record to provide concurrent services

B. Schedule home visits that take place during the daylight hours

A 12-year-old female is seen by the school nurse after recently experiencing increasing difficulty sitting still and paying attention in class, and increasingly illegible handwriting. the nurse observes that the cild has protruding eyeballs and a staring expression. What action should the nurse take next?
A. Refer the child for psychologic evaluation due to attention deficit disorder
B. Call the child’s parents to schedule the child for an immediate medical exam
C. Gather additional data by taking a health history and measuring vital signs
D. Collaborate with the teacher to place the child on a behavior modification program

C. Gather additional data by taking a health history and measuring vital signs

Which topic should the nurse include in planning a secondary prevention project for the local retirement community?
A. Safety measures in the home
B. Adult immunization program
C. Rehabilitation after surgery
D. Vision and hearing screening

D. Vision and hearing screening

After accepting the position of school nurse in a public elementary school, what strategy is best for the nurse to use to obtain an overview understanding of the student body?
A. Review all of the health records of the students presently registered for classes
B. talk with the current officers of the parent-teacher association
C. Send home a survey form to parents of third grade students
D. Conduct a windshield survey of the geographic areas served by the school

D. Conduct a windshield survey of the geographic areas served by the school

A male client is brought to the emergency department as the result of a motorcycle accident. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, and states that he has no intention of ever wearing one. Within the framework of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), which response should the nurse provide?
A. “Wearing a helmet or not is certainly an individual decision.”
B. “You should seriously consider wearing a helmet.”
C. “Riding a motorcycle with a helmet increases your safety.”
D. “I really think you don’t have the facts about helmet use.”

A. “Wearing a helmet or not is certainly an individual decision.”

An occupational health nurse is reviewing a 20-year-old trend in the United States that has resulted in an increase in certain industrial workforce. Which medical conditions are specifically identified with this trend?
A. asthma
B. Alcoholism
C. Lung cancer
D. Lead poisoning
E. West Nile virus infection
F. Hepatitis B virus infection

A. asthma
C. Lung cancer

When asked to help develop interventions to combat obesity among children, the community health nurse should stress the importance of implementing which activity?
A. Set goals that are focused on developing healthier lifestyles
B. Develop strict diet plans for school-aged children
C. Provide diet classes for the obese children during school hours
D. Require all children to participate in organized team sports

A. Set goals that are focused on developing healthier lifestyles

A young woman tells the public health nurse that a friend was recently diagnosed with Hepatitis B and she is concerned about getting the disease. During the assessment interview, which question is most important for the nurse to ask this woman?
A. “Did you drink after or use any utensils that your friend used?”
B. “Have you noticed any yellowish tinge to the whites of your eyes?”
C. “Have you shared any needles or had sex with your friend?”
D. “How long ago was your friend diagnosed with Hepatitis B?”

C. “Have you shared any needles or had sex with your friend?”

Which example should the nurse identify as a significant outcome for the Leading Health Indicators of Healthy People 2020?
A. A community has adopted a no smoking policy
B. A rural community has a public transportation system
C. The high school drop out rate has decreased by 15%
D. A county has decreased their divorce rate by 10%

A. A community has adopted a no smoking policy

Which intervention should the public health nurse implement when attempting to address one of the leading health indicators of Healthy People 2020?
A. Lead a weekly water aerobics class for the elderly at a community center
B. Teach a class on cultural awareness to nursing students at the university
C. Design and implement a no smoking campaign at the local high school
D. Write a grant to help provide glucometers to individuals who cannot afford one

C. Design and implement a no smoking campaign at the local high school

The nurse is preparing to discharge an elderly, recently widowed female client following a mild stroke. At this time she is able to walk with the aid of a walker. As part of the discharge planning, what referral is most important for the nurse to make?
A. Pastoral care
B. Meals-on-wheels
C. Grief support group
D. Physical therapy

B. Meals-on-wheels

The nurse is designing a bioterrorism plan for a community. Which agents are transmitted person to person via respiratory or inhalation exposure?
A. ricin
B. Pneumonic plague
C. Anthrax
D. Botulism
E. Smallpox
F. Brucellosis

B. Pneumonic plague
E. Smallpox

Which presentation of an infectious disease is acquired through an indirect transmission?
A. Syphilis contracted from a sexual partner
B. Measles resulting from a daycare center outbreak
C. Malaria following exposure in a mosquito-infested area
D. Nosocomial influenza spreading rapidly in a long-term center

C. Malaria following exposure in a mosquito-infested area

What action is best for the community health nurse to take if the nurse suspects that an infant is being physically abused?
A. Follow agency protocols to report suspected abuse
B. Report suspicions to the local child abuse reporting hotline
C. educate the child’s caregivers about growth and development issues
D. Call the police department to have the child removed from the home

A. Follow agency protocols to report suspected abuse

The nursing education coordinator is creating employee orientation materials for staff nurses who plan to work at a clinic that serves a lower socioeconomic neighborhood. What information should the educator include regarding the clinic’s client population?
A. Most of the clients are unemployed or disabled
B. Access to mass transit may be an issue
C. Clients will need reminders to bring insurance cards
D. Basic physiologic needs of this population are often unmet
E. Clients who are homebound will qualify for Medicaid
F. Nonadherance to healthcare recommendations is likely

A. Most of the clients are unemployed or disabled
B. Access to mass transit may be an issue
D. Basic physiologic needs of this population are often unmet

During an initial clinic visit, the nurse is taking the history for a client who wants to confirm her pregnancy. The client’s last child has a history of low-birth-weight (LBW). Which additional finding is most important for the nurse to consider?
A. Cigarette smoking
B. African-American ethnicity
C. Poor nutritional status
D. Limited maternal education

B. African-American ethnicity

The nurse is planning a community-based project to reduce obesity in school-aged population. Which outcome statement best supports the goal for this population?
A. Increase in exercise will decrease obesity in children with a sedentary life style
B. Students with a body mass index above the 95 percentile will decrease
C. Within 2 years, students with a body mass index greater than 95% will be reduced by 50%
D. In the target population, 30% of students will be below the 95 percentile in weight

C. Within 2 years, students with a body mass index greater than 95% will be reduced by 50%

The nurse is developing a plan to provide quality health care for a certain community. Data obtained from which resources should be helpful to the nurse in developing a community healthcare plan for this community? (Select all that apply)
A. Census data
B. Risk management data
C. Budgeting process information
D. Available workforce in the community
E. Client-satisfaction surveys
F. Changes in the community’s demographic data

A. Census data
B. Risk management data
C. Budgeting process information
E. Client-satisfaction surveys
F. Changes in the community’s demographic data

The nurse is teaching a community group about risks of cardiovascular disease. Several clients ask the nurse to determine their risk. Which client should the nurse identify as having the greatest risk for cardiovascular disease?
A. A male with a serum cholesterol level of 199 mg/dl
B. A female with a serum cholesterol level of 201 mg/dl
C. A male with a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level of 200 mg/dl
D. A female with a low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) level of 160 mg/dl

C. A male with a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level of 200 mg/dl

The multidisciplinary home healthcare team is discussing a female client diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The home healthcare nurse reports the client is getting worse and her husband is no longer able to care for her in the home. Which action should the home health nurse implement first?
A. Request a chaplain to counsel with the couple
B. Assign a home health care aide to provide care daily
C. Talk to the husband about placing his wife in a nursing home
D. Contact the client’s children to discuss the situation

B. Assign a home health care aide to provide care daily

A nurse working in a community health setting is preforming primary health screenings. Which individual is at highest risk for contracting an HIV infection?
A. A 17-year-old who is sexually active with numerous partners
B. A 45-year-old lesbian who has been sexually active with two partners in the past year
C. A 30-year-old cocaine user who inhales the drug and works in a topless bar
D. A 34-year-old male homosexual who is in a monogamous relationship

A. A 17-year-old who is sexually active with numerous partners

The home health nurse is admitting a client with Parkinson’s disease to the home healthcare service. In planning care for this client, which nursing diagnosis has priority?
A. Impaired physical mobility related to muscle rigidity and weakness
B. Ineffective coping related to depression and dysfunction due to disease progression
C. Ineffective breathing pattern related to respiratory muscle weakness
D. Fear related to constant possibility of experiencing seizures

A. Impaired physical mobility related to muscle rigidity and weakness

During a home health visit, a male client reports to the nurse that he felt a solid testicular mass during self-exam, but that it wasn’t painful. What instruction should the nurse provide the client?
A. Continue to monitor the mass until the next scheduled annual medical exam
B. Notify the healthcare provider if the mass becomes soft, painful, or starts to drain
C. Schedule an appointment with the healthcare provider for prompt evaluation
D. Testicular nodules are of concern only if they feel matted or are not easily movable

C. Schedule an appointment with the healthcare provider for prompt evaluation

A home health nurse knows that a 70-year-old male client who is convalescing at home following a hip replacement, is at risk for developing decubitus ulcers. Which physical characteristic of aging contributes to such a risk?
A. 16% increase in overall body fat
B. Reduced melanin production
C. Thinning of the skin with loss of elasticity
D. Calcium loss in the bones

C. Thinning of the skin with loss of elasticity

A college student asks the nurse in the Campus Student Health Center about obtaining medication for motion sickness before a scuba diving trip. What instruction should the nurse give the student regarding the use of prescription-strength scopolamine (Transderm-V)?
A. “Take the oral preparation 30 minutes before diving.”
B. “Apply the skin patch behind the ear 12 hours before your trip.”
C. “Use the medication at the first feeling of nausea on the boat.”
D. “Apply a new skin patch every 6 hours to the chest or abdomen.”

B. “Apply the skin patch behind the ear 12 hours before your trip.”

1. A 12-year-old female is seen by the school nurse after recently experiencing increasing difficulty sitting and paying attention in class, and increasingly illegible handwriting. The nurse observes that the child has protruding eyeballs and a staring expression. What action should the nurse take next?

Gather additional data by taking a health history and measuring vital signs

2. When asked to help develop interventions to combat obesity among children, the community health nurse should stress the importance of implementing which activity?

Set goals that are focused on developing healthier lifestyles

3. A terrorist attack has occurred and several people have inhaled Ricin. Which intervention should the emergency department nurse implement when caring for these clients?

Provide supportive nursing care until antitoxin is available

4. A young woman tells the public health nurse that a friend was recently diagnosed with Hepatitis B and she is concerned about getting the disease. During the assessment interview, which question is most important for the nurse to ask this woman?

“Have you shared any needles or had sex with your friend?”

5. Which example should the nurse identify as a significant outcome for the Leading Health indicators of Healthy People 2020?

A community has adopted a no smoking policy

6. Which intervention should the public health nurse implement when attempting to address one of the leading health indicators of Healthy People 2020?

Design and implement a no smoking campaign at the local high school

7. Lillian Wald was a significant person in the history of American Nursing. Which contributions can be attributed to her? (Select all)

-Development of Public health nursing practice
-First nursing service for occupational health
-Established committee that was the forerunner of the NLN
-Instituted a sliding scale fee for service

8. A male client is brought to the emergency department as the result of a motorcycle accident. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, and states that he has no intention of ever wearing one. Within the framework of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), which response should the nurse provide?

“Wearing a helmet or not is certainly an individual decision.”

9. After accepting the position of school nurse in a public elementary school, what strategy is best for the nurse to use to obtain an overview of the student body?

Conduct a windshield survey of the geographic areas served by the school

10. A nurse organizes a community action group to help resolve health problems in a low income neighborhood with a large population of recent immigrants from Africa. What problem should the nurse address first?

Low immunization rate of children

11. The nurse is preparing to discharge an elderly, recently widowed female client following a mild stroke. At this time she is able to walk with the aid of a walker. As part of the discharge planning, what referral is most important for the nurse to make?


12. The nurse is designing a bioterrorism plan for a community. Which agents are transmitted person to person via respiratory or inhalation exposure? (Select all)

-Pneumonic plague

13. An occupational health nurse is reviewing a 20-year-old trend in the United States that has resulted in an increase in certain medical conditions due to the rapid expansion of an urban industrial workforce. Which medical conditions are specifically identified with this trend?

-Lung cancer

14. Which presentation of an infectious disease is acquired through an indirect transmission?

Malaria following exposure in a mosquito-infested area

15. What action is best for the community health nurse to take if the nurse suspects that an infant is being physically abused?

Follow agency protocols to report suspected abuse

16. The nursing education coordinator is creating employee orientation materials for staff nurses who plan to work at a clinic that serves a lower socioeconomic neighborhood. What information should the educator include regarding the clinic’s client population? (Select all)

-Most of the clients are unemployed or disabled
-Access to mass transit may be an issue
-Basic physiologic needs of this population are often unmet

17. The nurse administers a booster dose of DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine to an infant. Which level of prevention is the nurse implementing?

Primary prevention

18. During an initial clinic visit, the nurse is taking the history for a client who wants to confirm her pregnancy. The client’s last child has a history of low-birth-weight (LBW). Which additional finding is most important for the nurse to consider?

African-American ethnicity

19. The home health nurse is planning a visit with a client who has been discharged home after hospitalization. Which action should the nurse implement?

Schedule home visits that take place during the daylight hours

20. Which topic should the nurse include in planning a primary prevention class for adolescents?

Suicide risks and prevention

21. The nurse is working in a community clinic that serves a population comprised mainly of migrant families. In planning the use of resources for secondary prevention, which activity should be the priority?

Skin testing for tuberculosis

22. The nurse is assessing a Vietnamese child during a home health visit and identifies round swellings on the child’s back. The child’s mother says she rubbed the edge of a coin on her child’s oiled skin. The nurse should recognize that this behavior is prompted by which cultural belief?

The purpose is to rid the body of disease

23. Which topic should the nurse include in planning a secondary prevention project for the local retirement community?

Vision and hearing screening

24. The nurse is planning a community-based project to reduce obesity in a school-aged population. Which outcome statement best supports the goal for this population?

Within 2 years, students with a body mass index greater than 95% will be reduced by 50%

25. While discussing the science of nursing, the nurse identifies the domain of nursing theory. Which linkages should the nurse provide to describe nursing’s paradigm?

The person, the environment or situation, and health

26. The nurse is developing a plan to provide quality health care for a certain community. Data obtained from which resources should be helpful to the nurse in developing a community healthcare plan for this community? (Select all)

-Census data
-Risk management data
-Budgeting process information
-Client-satisfaction surveys
-Changes in the community’s demographic data

27. The nurse is teaching a community group about risks of cardiovascular disease. Several clients ask the nurse to determine their risk. Which client should the nurse identify as having the greatest risk for cardiovascular disease?

A male with a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level of 200mg/dl

28. The multidisciplinary home healthcare team is discussing a female client diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The home healthcare nurse reports the cient is getting worse and her husband is no longer able to care for her in the home. Which action should the home health nurse implement first?

Assign a home health care aide to provide care daily

29. A nurse working in a community health setting is performing primary health screenings. Which individual is at highest risk for contracting an HIV infection?

A 17-year-old who is sexually active with numerous partners

30. Attendance at a community health clinic is rising and clients have long waits for service. The charge nurse believes that a computer system would be helpful in decreasing the time needed to conduct intake and exit processing. What is the best way for the nurse to introduce the idea of obtaining a computer system for the clinic?

Submit a written proposal to the Board of Directors about hardware and software improvement needs

31. The home health nurse is admitting a client with Parkinson’s disease to the home healthcare service. In planning care for this client which nursing diagnosis has priority?

Impaired physical mobility related to muscle rigidity and weakness

32. During a home health visit, a male client reports to the nurse that he felt a solid testicular mass during self-exam, but that is wasn’t painful. What instruction should the nurse provide the client?

Schedule an appointment with the healthcare provider for prompt evaluation

33. A home health nurse knows that a 70-year-old male client who is convalescing at home following a hip replacement, is at risk for developing decubitus ulcers. Which physical characteristic of aging contributes to such a risk?

Thinning of the skin with loss of elasticity

34. A college student asks the nurse in the Campus Student Health Center about obtaining medication for motion sickness before a scuba diving trip. What instruction should the nurse give the student regarding the use of prescription-strength scopolamine (Transderm-V)?

“Apply the skin patch behind the ear 12 hours before your trip.”

5 A’s of Health Care Access

availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability, and accommodation

Vulnerable populations

low income, less education, homelessness, military veterans, immigrants, prisoners, migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families, chronic illness, mental illness

Health disparities

Health inequities


tendency to believe others think the same was as “they do,” have the same world view, culture

Breast Cancer Risks

age 55+; direct family member; personal history; white; overweight; nulliparity; pregnant after 30; smoking; HRT; menstrual before 12 or menopause after 55

Osteoporosis Prevention

weight bearing 30 min daily and Ca supplements starting @30 but esp after menopause

#1 cause of death in women

heart disease

Ethnicity with highest risk for cardiovascular disease

African Americans

Ethnicity with highest risk for diabetes

Native Americans

Screening priority with hypothyroidism

T4 levels in newborns (congenital hypothyroidism untreated leads to intellectual deficits)

#1 cause of infant mortality


#1 in1-3


additional education for parents of toddler

proper chemical storage
stair gates

#1 cause of death in ages 4-24

Motor Vehicle Accidents

other mortality concern for adolescents and young adults


pregnant teen

referral to prenatal care, encourage prenatal vitamins
do NOT tell parents or arrange child care or teach breast feeding

Transtheoretical Model (TTM)

Health Promotion Model (Pender)

Health Belief Model (HBM)

Lillian Wald

-she is considered the founder of community health
-created Henry Street Settlement that aided immigrants
-she helped create the precurser to the NLN
-instituted the sliding scale fee for service with home health services

Nightingale’s 10 Canons

1. ventilation and warming
2. light and noise
3. cleanliness of the pt area
4. health of houses
5. bed and bedding
6. personal cleanliness
7. variety
8. offering hope and advice
9. food
10. observation

Epidemiological triad


Hepatovax B allergy

if allergic to yeast, will be allergic to hep b vaccine ie dont get it

MMR Booster

Second booster of MMR at 4-6 years of age

STD reporting

Chlamydia MUST BE reported to CDC

Hepatitis A

fecal- oral route

Hep B

needles, bodily fluids, sexual intercourse; if woman in pregnant she can get immune globulin and infant should be vaccinated within 12 hrs of birth

Greatest predictor of Hep B

Multiple sexual contacts are associated with the risk of Hep B

Hep C

People can become infected with the Hepatitis C virus during such activities as:
-Sharing needles, syringes, etc to inject drugs
-Needle-stick injuries in health care settings
-Being born to a mother who has Hepatitis C

Less commonly, a person can also get Hepatitis C virus infection through:
– Sharing personal care items that may have come in contact with another person’s blood, such as razors or toothbrushes
-Having sexual contact with a person infected with the Hepatitis C virus
– risk of transmission from sexual contact is believed to be low.

Hepatitis C virus can survive outside the body at room temperature, on environmental surfaces, for up to 3 weeks.

Sx of Hep C infection

-70%-80% of people with acute Hepatitis C do not have any symptoms.
-Some people, however, can have mild to severe symptoms soon after being infected, including:
Joint pain
Loss of appetite
Abdominal pain

*Dark urine
*Clay-colored bowel movements
*Jaundice (yellow color in the skin or eyes)

*strong indicators of liver damage


In a disaster situation, the priority is treating with fluid and electrolyte replacement

Heat Stroke

if an adolescent is playing sports at school and goes to the school nurse with red, dry skin and other symptoms of heat stroke the PRIORITY action is to call for emergency personnel NOT assess

Factors that influence an Occupational health nurse’s role in the workplace…

Commitment to the company occupational health and safety program, Skill Level, Role Perception

Clinician Nurse practitioner

An Advanced practice nurse who provides workers with primary care services with an emphasis on the diagnosis and management of common acute illness/injuries and stable chronic diseases

Directs care for clients with occupational and non-occupational injuries and illness.

Case Manager

registered nurse who establishes a provider network, recommends treatment plans that assure quality and efficacy while controlling costs, monitors outcomes, and maintains communication among all involved.

Nurse Manager

registered nurse who functions in a comprehensive executive role to set goals, formulate policy, and direct and evaluate the health service.

Health Educator Nurse

A registered nurse who teaches and prepares nursing students to function as expert clinicians/practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers, or consultants to the work site.

Researcher Nurse

Nurse Consultant

Serve as a resource persons to other occupational and environmental health nurses, management, members of the occupational health team, and related organizations and agencies.

Health Promotion Specialist

Occupational health nurse who develops and monitors goals and strategies

Develops primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs within the work site.

how are the biological agents pneumonic plague and smallpox spread?

transmitted person to person via inhalation

Yersinia Pestis

(pneumonic plague) begins with high fever, dyspnea, hemoptysis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Silica dust

can be inhaled in construction and cause resp issues


infection by a fungus found in the droppings of birds and bats in humid areas. It is not serious if confined to the lungs but can be fatal if spread throughout the body

Botulism Toxin Poisoning

Poisoning is characterized by neurological symptoms including symmetric, descending flaccid paralysis, blurred vision, double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, and muscle weakness that descends through the body starting with the shoulders.


bioterrorism agent is at high risk for use as a potential biological weapon that is readily transmitted by several portals of entry

Infection is acquired when anthrax spores enter a host


particles in insulation that are assoc w lung cx

Ricin Poisoning

Causes system specific reactions when poisoning occurs by inhalation, ingestion, or injection (resulting in death).

Carbon Monoxide poisoning


(can get from working w gasoline powered pressure washer+ migrant workers at high risk)

6 stages of disaster life cycle

Disaster Triage Color System

1) red– massive bleeding or tension pneumothorax abd injury
2) yellow– medium priority
3) green–walking wounded
4-aka no tx) black- dead or near dead, no hope of surviving provided current resources





Mortality rate


Ancathosis Nigricans

a skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in armpits, groin, or neck; checking for lice and notice dark patch


bacterial infection from coming in contact with spores from infected animals or animal products think of sheep and animal hides; multiple routes for infection; treated with Cipro

Prioritizing home care: a) COPD pt with SOB b) pt who refuses to eat or drink c) pt with CHF who has gained 3 lbs

pt who has CHF and gained 3 lbs

Battering communication

have the child leave the room and question the woman about the abuse since it does not pertain to the child being abused

Breast Cancer Risks

age 55+; direct family member; personal history; white; overweight; nulliparity; pregnant after 30; smoking; HRT; menstrual before 12 or menopause after 55


means that after losing job you can still have same health insurance for a certain amount of time, however the monthly cost of maintaining it sky rockets; already lost job so pretty hard to afford the cost and usually end up losing it anyway. Main concern of COBRA pt is being able to pay for expenses

Ethnicity with highest risk for diabetes

Native Americans

Ethnicity with highest risk for cardiovascular disease

African Americans

Diabetes A1C

to determine effectiveness of program to decrease rates of diabetes in a community, compare A1C


In a disaster situation, the priority is treating with fluid and electrolyte replacement

Disaster Triage Color System

priorities: 1) red– massive bleeding or tension pneumothorax abd injury 2) yellow– medium priority 3) green–walking wounded 4) black- dead or near dead, no hope of surviving provided current resources

Epidemiological triad


Heat Stroke

if an adolescent is playing sports at school and goes to the school nurse with red, dry skin and other symptoms of heat stroke the PRIORITY action is to call for emergency personnel NOT assess

Hepatitis A

fecal- oral route

Hepatitis B

needles, bodily fluids, sexual intercourse; if woman in pregnant she can get immune globulin and infant should be vaccinated within 12 hrs of birth

Hepatovax B allergy

if allergic to yeast, will be allergic to hep b vaccine ie dont get it

Home Care Referral

meals on wheels


can be prevented with Relenza

Lillian Wald

she is considered the founder of community health; created Henry Street Settlement that aided immigrants; she helped create the precurser to the NLN; instituted the sliding scale fee for service with home health services

working with the elderly population and they all want to a get surgery that will cure glaucoma what is your priority?

assess the PREVALENCE of glaucoma in the population

kid has a rash and a fever

chicken pox

Osteoporosis Prevention

weight-bearing exercises 30 min QDay; diet rich in calcium and vitamin D

Ritalin and ADHD

priority is the teen’s self-esteem; be sure to get their feedback on improvement

School Age Screening

Obesity and diabetes

Pregnant adolescent and you’re the school nurse

referral to prenatal care, encourage prenatal vitamins
do NOT tell parents or arrange child care or teach breast feeding

Screening priority with hypothyroidism

T4 levels in newborns (congenital hypothyroidism untreated leads to intellectual deficits)

Implementing new program in community

#1 is forming relationship with stakeholder

STD reporting

Chlamydia MUST BE reported to CDC

Teaching Adolescents

teach them in the classroom environment

Lyme Disease prevention

teach to wear proper protective clothing

Which is a voluntary agency? a) local health dept. b) NIH c) city water works d) American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association

#1 cause of infant mortality


#1 cause of death in ages 1-24

Motor Vehicle Accidents

#2 cause of death in adolescents and young adults


#1 cause of death in women

heart disease

what biological agents are transmitted person to person via inhalation

pneumonic plague and smallpox


#1 cause of injury/death in infants

motor vehicle accident

#2 cause of injury/death in infants


#3 cause of injury/death in infants


most significant cause of illness in infants and children

vertical transmission

disease-causing agent (pathogen) from mother to baby during the period immediately before and after birth

lower socioeconomic groups and in populations such as Native American, Hispanic and African Americans

obesity rates in children are higher in:

injuries and accidents

#1 cause of death in ages 1-24 years old

neuro system

Lead poisoning has detrimental effects particularly on the _______. can also decrease IQ

infant mortality rate

indicator of overall health and availability of health services

# of deaths in 1st year of life divided by # of live births, multiplied by 1000)

calculating infant mortality rate

school age children

have the lowest injury death rate


2nd leading cause of death among youths between ages 15-24

fever, behavior change, seizures or difficulty breathing

S/S of reaction to Menomune (meningococcal) vaccine

calcium intake in children and adolescents

prevention of osteoporosis in adulthoood

heart disease

leading cause of death in women

lung cancer

leading cause of cancer in women and 2nd leading cause of death

target approach

focuses on a certain group of individuals and their health needs (e.g. Hispanic pregnant women with STDs) – this approach looks at spiritual, cultural and leadership aspects

home visits

give a more accurate assessment of family structure, natural or home environment, and behavior in that environment than clinical visits do

RN must do initial assessment of pt; ADLs can be delegated to a nursing care aide

what must Home Health RNs do and what can they delegate?

Parish nurses

nurses who respond to health and wellness needs within the faith context of population of faith communities and partners with the church in fulfilling the mission of health ministry

parish nursing

community-based and population-focused professional nursing practice with faith communities to promote whole person health to its parishioners usually focused on primary prevention

parish nurse coordinator

a parish nurse who has completed a certificate program designed to develop the nurse as a coordinator of a parish nursing service


palliative system of health care for terminally ill people; takes place in the home with family involvement under the direction and supervision of health professionals, especially the visiting nurse; admitted when pt is expected to die within 6 months

Find out what could happen to you, create a disaster plan, complete a checklist, practice and maintain your plan

4 steps for Preparing for Safety in a Disaster

Office of Emergency (OEM)

responsible for developing and coordinating emergency response plans within their defined area


The level of disaster is determined by the number of _______ needed, not the number of casualties

Level III

FEMA level of disaster response – a minor disaster; involves a minimal level of damage but could result in the president declaring an emergency; minimal request for federal help

Level II

FEMA level of disaster response –
moderate disaster; likely to result in major disaster being declared; regional federal resources engaged, other outside help may be called on

Level I

FEMA level of disaster response –
massive disaster; severe damage or multistate scope; full engagement of federal, regional and national resources

type, level, scope

3 ways American Red Cross classifies a disaster

National Response Plan (NRP)

a concerted effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the U.S., to reduce American’s vulnerability to terrorism, major disasters and to minimize the damage and recover from attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies that occur

direct physical observations and interviews

most common data measurement methods

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)

largest health program in the world; its mission is to enhance the health and well-being of the American people


provides universal healthcare coverage for poor older adults, the blind, the disabled and families with dependent children

Medicare Part A

covers: hospital or home care (can’t have both) and skilled nursing care

Medicare Part B

covers: (non-institutional care insurance) Medical care, diagnositc services and physiotherapy

Medicare Part D

initiated to help defray costs of prescription drugs; optional – must enroll in approved prescription drug plan; monthly premium, deductibles and copayments; must pay 100% of costs when costs reach “coverage gap”

voluntary and private nonprofit agencies

nonprofit home health agencies; amount of money the agency receives depends on the community it serves

voluntary agency

supported by charities (such as United Way, Medicare, Medicaid, etc)

transtheoretical change theory

belief that people are in a stage of willingness to change (behavior changes like exercise, wearing seatbelts/helmets)


can be measured by looking at changes from before and after the intervention to solve the problems

incidence rate

the frequency or rate of NEW cases of an outcome in a population; provides an estimate of the risk of disease in that population over the period of observation


number of EXISTING cases in a population at a given time

get usable information about the community and its health

primary goal of data collection

community assessment

1. identify community needs 2. clarify problems 3. identify strengths and resources

windshield survey

fastest and easiest way to obtain an overview of the community; motorized equivalent of simple observation; involve collection of data that “will help define the community, the trends, stability and changes that will affect he health of the community”

connect with someone in the community and build trust

to effectively reach a population group, you must:


provides hospital and medical insurance to persons ages 65 years and older, permanently disabled persons and persons with end-stage renal failure

skilled care service

to obtain payment for Medicare services, a documentation of _______ must be done during the visit


a special supplemental food program administered by the Department of Agriculture through the state health departments; provides nutritious food that add to the diets of pregnant and nursing women, infants and children younger than 5 years; eligibility is based on income and nutritional risk as determined by a HCP

Quality Assurance Committee

reviews and plans policies and education about safety in the work place

outreach worker

healthcare worker who makes a special, focused effort to find people with specific health problems for the purpose of increasing their access to health services


attempts to link the agent to the disease or conditions

epidemiologic triangle (or epidemiological triad)

consists of the agent, host and environment; changes in one of hte elements of the triangle can influence the occurrence of disease by increasing or decreasing a person’s risk for disease

web of casualty

complex interrelations of factors interacting with each other to influence the risk for or distribution outcomes


represents the family’s interactions with other groups and organizations, accomplished by using a series of circles and lines


pictorial display of a person’s family relationships and medical history

Hepatitis C

most common chronic blood-borne infection in the U.S.; leading cause of chronic liver disease

Lillian Wald

developed the Henry Street Settlement

provided care to immigrants; established first nursing service of occupational health

purpose of Henry Street Settlement

ancathosis nigricans

skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases; most often affects the armpits, groin and neck

no specific treatment – treat underlying cause such as diabetes or obesity

treatment for Ancathosis nigricans

paying for healthcare/expenses

concern for a person who has lost their job but has COBRA


pertussis is a ______ disease

Native Americans

Population group that is at high risk for diabetes

CV disease

African Americans are at high risk for ______


acute diarrheal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated

fluid and electrolytes

priority for treating those with cholera

call emergency personnel, not assess

first thing the school nurse should do when an adolescent presents with signs of heat stroke

Hep B

vaccine that can be administered during pregnancy; used to protect mother and baby against infection both before and after delivery

Hepatovax B allergy

hives, swelling of face/throat, difficulty breathing, tachycardia, dizziness, weakness

prophylactic Relenza

influenza A and B treatment; for community outbreaks – begin within 5 days of outbreak and can administer up to 28 days

TB risk, risk exposure to pesticides and other hazardous materials, risk for skin cancer, risk for dental problems

migrant worker risks

Neuman Systems Model

nursing theory based on the individual’s relationship to stress, the reaction to it and reconstitution factors that are dynamic in nature


someone who is invested in the health of the community and will be invested in the community health program to be implemented


STD that must be reported because it is monitored by the state and CDC

directly observed treatment (DOT)

used to ensure adherence with drug treatment regimens because of emergence of multidrug-resistant TB; HCP must observe client to ensure that they ingest each dose of anti-TB medication to maximize the likelihood of completion of therapy


environment for best teaching to an adolescent

red, circular rash at site of bite (bullseye pattern), tiredness, fever, chills, joint pain, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck and swollen lymph nodes

S/S of Lyme Disease (vector-borne disease)


world’s most common and deadliest vector-borne disease

wear proper, protective clothing

prevention of Lyme Disease

American Diabetes Association (ADA)

Is the local health department, NIH, city water works or American Diabetes Association a voluntary agency?

#1 cause of death in infants


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Unexplained death, normally during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby – less than a year old

Most significant cause of illness in infants and children


Vertical Transmission of Infection

Passage of a disease-causing agent (pathogen) from mother to baby during the period immediately before and after birth.

Transmission might occur across the placenta, in the breast milk, or through direct contact during or after birth. For example, HIV can be a vertically transmitted pathogen. Also known as perinatal transmission.

Risks for childhood obesity are related to what?

Obesity in the parents

Obesity rates higher in what populations?

Native Americans, Hispanics, Blacks

Lower socioeconomic groups in urban settings as well.

#1 cause of death in 1-24 yr olds

Injuries and Accidents

Toddlers experience a lot of

falls, poisonings, MVA

Lead poisoning has detrimental effects on what system?


Can decrease IQ. If on WIC, they will provide extra foods high in calcium and iron.

Lead Poisoning Therapy

Chelation Therapy + a diet high in calcium, vit c, iron

Do not want BLL greater than 5

Infant Mortality Rate

The measure most commonly used around the world as an indicator of overall health and availability of health services.

# of infants less than a year old who die / # of live births in same year

Who has the lowest injury/ death rate?

School aged children

But bad at judging speed/ distance = high risk for bike and pedestrian accidents

Vision Screening in young children

Match shapes or colors

Second leading cause of death between 15-24 yr olds


Community health programs for adolescents should focus on suicide prevention

Before developing a smoking programs for adolescents

You first want to determine the incidence of smoking among the teenagers in the community

Menomune Vaccine

Given to patients under the age of 30

Prevents Meningococcal Bacteria

Discharge teaching for Menomune Vaccine

Give tylenol

Watch for s/s of reaction – fever, sob, seizures

Immunization rates

Amount of people that get scheduled vaccines.

Used as quality indicators of health in the population.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

1-2 months
6-18 months

All other immunizations

2, 4, 6 months

Children and adolescents calcium intake affects

Osteoporosis later in life

Leading cause of death in women

Heart disease

Leading cancer in women


2nd leading cause of death

Why do men have a shorter life span?

Men tend to avoid diagnosis and treatment of illnesses that may result in serious health problems

How do nurses address the chronic health concerns of elders?

With a focus on maintaining or improving self-care and preventing complications to maintain the highest possible quality of life.

Elderly Vaccines

-Tetanus diphtheria every 10 years

-Influenza vaccine annually

-Pneumonia vaccine once after age 65 (ask physician about booster every 5 years)

-Herpes Zoster (shingles) one time dose at age 60.

-Hep A and B for those at risk

How many ppl in US are uninsured?

More than 43 million


consists of organization-wide efforts to install and make permanent a climate in which an organization continuously improves its ability to deliver high-quality products and services to customers. (long term success through customer satisfaction)

Quality assurance

the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production.

Important to involve who in program planning

Community stakeholders

Parish nurses

nurses who respond to health and wellness needs within the faith context of population of faith communities and are partners with the church in fulfilling the mission of health ministry.

Spiritual dimension of nursing is central to the practice.

Parish Nursing

a community-based and population-focused professional nursing practice with faith communities to promote whole person health to its parishioners usually focused on PRIMARY PREVENTION.


palliative system of health care for terminally ill people; takes place in the home with family involvement under the direction and supervision of health professionals, especially the visiting nurse.

Patient expected to die within 6 months.

Prepare for Safety: Disaster Plan

1. Find out what could happen to you
2. Create a disaster plan
3. Complete this checklist
-emergency numbers next to phone
-teach how to call 911
-turn off water, gas, electricity
-insurance coverage
-smoke detectors
-escape routes
4. Practice and maintain plan (review every 6 months!)

Two well known authorities on disaster preparedness

American Red Cross

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Stages of Disaster


Three levels of preparedness

1 – personal
2- professional
3 – community

Office of Emergency Management (OEM

Responsible for developing and coordinating emergency response plans within their defined area.

During an actual emergency or disaster, the state OEM coordinates a state response and recovery program if necessary.

American Red Cross info

1881 – Clara Barton

Nongovernmental volunteer agency

Manages blood and bone marrow

Assists with military leaves

Disaster training for HCP

Well Prepared Communities have what?

Written disaster plans, conduct drills, have adequate warning system, and backup evacuation plan

Primary objective of response

Minimize morbidity and mortality.

Level of response is determined by

Amount of resources needed.

FEMA Levels of Disaster Response

Level III- a minor disaster, involves a minimal level of damage but could result in the president declaring an emergency. A minimal request for federal help

Level II- moderate disaster- likely to result in major disaster being declared. Regional federal resources engaged, other outside area may be called on

Level I- massive disaster, severe damage or multistate scope. Full engagement of federal regional and national resources

American Red Cross 3 Ways to classify a disaster

Type – agent (hurricane)
Level – costs (1-5)
Scope – magnitude (single, local, state, major, presidentially declared)

Presidentially Declared Disaster

requires full or partial implementation of the National Response Plan

National Response Plan

The NRP is a concerted effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the US; reduce American’s vulnerability to terrorism, major disasters, and other emergencies; and minimize the damage and recover from attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies that occur.

Once a federal emergency has been declared, the NRP may take affect

Highest priority patients in a triage

Life-threatening injuries with high probability of survival


The recovery stage of disaster occurs as all involved agencies pull together to restore the economic and civic life of the community.

For example: the government takes the lead in rebuilding efforts whereas the business community tries to provide economic support.

Pneumonic Plague and Smallpox Transmission

Respiratory or inhalation exposure


Occurs when you have an open cut and touch something infected

Sore throat – blister – skin ulcer (with black area in center)

anorexia, n/d, fever, muscle aches, sob, tired, cold/flu

exposed: abx + vaccine
exposed and have it: 60 day abx


Direct face-to-face transmission & airborne

High fever, headache, rash that turns into pus filled lesions, bleeding, vomit

No cure, palliative

Vaccine provides 10 year immunity

-The discovery of a single case of smallpox would be an international health emergency (Department of Homeland Security would be involved)


spread from contaminated food


Comes from livestock and unpasterized dairy


Airborne poison. Cannot be spread person to person. Requires an antitoxin

Primary Prevention

Participate in developing a disaster management plan for the community

Secondary Prevention

Assess disaster victims and triage for care

Tertiary Prevention

Participate in home visits to uncover dangers that may cause additional injury to victim or cause other already harmed


the process of separating casualties and allocating treatment on the basis of the victims’ potentials for survival.

Priorities in a triage

-Highest priority is always given to victims who have life threatening injuries but who have a high probability of survival once stabilized

-Second priority is given to victims with injures that have systemic complications that are not yet life threatening and could wait 45 – 60 minutes for treatment

-Last priority is given to those victims with local injuries without immediate complications and who can wait several hours for medical attention.

Triage Color system

Black – expectant (unsalvageable – low priority)
Green – delayed (not likely to deteriorate in 2hrs)
Yellow – urgent (acute problem and stable for now)
Red – critical (unstable)

Examples of number 1 priority patients in a triage

Clients with trauma, chest pain, severe respiratory distress or cardiac arrest, limb amputation, acute neurological deficits, and those who sustained chemical splashes to the eyes are classified as emergent and are the number 1 priority.

Examples of number 2 priority patients in a triage

Clients with conditions such as a simple fracture, asthma without respiratory distress, fever, hypertension, abdominal pain

Examples of number 3 priority patients in a triage

a minor laceration, sprain, or cold symptoms

Disease Prevention

Primary Care- refers to organized community efforts designed to prevent disease and promote health (education).

Secondary Care- an intermediate level of health care that includes diagnosis and treatment. Screening.

Tertiary Care- rehabilitation and return of a patient to a status of maximum usefulness and a minimum risk of recurrence of a physical or mental disorder

Agency most directly involved with the health and welfare of americans

US Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mission

Enhance the health and well-being of the American people through the following:

-Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health programs
-Disease tracking and identification
-Health care access for all and integrity of the nation’s health entitlement and safety net programs
-Identification and correction of health hazards
-Medical assistance after disasters
-Medical research
-Promotion of exercise and healthy habits
-Protection of the nation’s food and drug supply


Works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.

Medicare part A

provides payment for hospital services, home health services, and extended care facilities

Medicare part B

available to all people who wish to pay a monthly premium for the coverage.

About 96% of elderly are covered.

Provides coverage for services other than hospitalizations such as physician care, lab, equipment, and ambulance services.

Medicare part D

covers prescription medication. There are different options and costs for part D coverage.


Provides financial assistance to states and counties to pay for medical services for the aged poor, the blind, the disabled, and families with dependent children. The medical indigent is required to pay a monthly premium.

For people with very low income

Vulnerable populations

more likely than the general populations to suffer from health disparities.

Transtheoretical Change Theory

belief that people are in a stage of willingness to change.

Behavior changes like exercise, wearing seatbelts or helmets are personal decision and cannot be forced.

The community health nurse educates the client in hopes of moving them from not engaging in a healthy behavior to at least considering doing it in the next 6 months.

Unmodifiable Risks

Risk factors that are “unmodifiable,” are things that neither you nor your patients can do anything about.

Age, gender

Behavioral (Lifestyle) Health Risk Assessment

Families are the major source of factors that can promote or inhibit positive lifestyles.

Assess frequency, intensity, regularity.

Crude Birth Rate

Number of live births during 1 year X1000

divided by

Midyear population

Attack Rate

# of people exposed & developed disease

divided by

population at risk

Incidence rate

The frequency or rate of new cases of an outcome in a populations; provides an estimate of the risk of disease in that population over the period of observation

# of new cases
divided by
population at risk (total pop minus the existing cases)


number of existing cases in a population at a given time

# of existing cases
divided by
total population

Primary goal of data collection

Get usable information about the community and its health.

Windshield surveys

Motorized equivalent of simple observation.

They involve the collection of data that “will help define the community, the trends, stability, and changes that will affect the health of the community”

School Nurse Jobs

Primary – immunizations for school entry

Secondary – screening children for illnesses

Tertiary – chronic conditions, ashma, diabetes, etc

Primary concern of health promotion in adolescents


Exposure for farmers

Pesticides, infectious agents, gases, sunlight

Diseases related to farming

HTN, mood disorders, cardiovascular disease

Exposure for chemical workers

Solvents, cleaners, bleach

Diseases related to chemical workers



Provides hospital insurance and medical insurance to persons ages 65 years and older, permanently disabled persons, and persons with end-stage renal failure

a – hospital care/home care
b – physiotherapy, diagnostic services

Skilled Care Service

Documentation done DURING a medicare visit


Women, infant, children

Agriculture through the state health departments; provides nutritious food that add to the diets of pregnant and nursing women, infants, and children younger than 5 years.


Attempts to link the agent to the disease or conditions.

Epidemiologic triangle

agent, host, and environment

Changes in one of the elements of the triangle can influence the occurrence of disease by increasing or decreasing a person’s risk for disease.

Relationship between the above 3 cause disease, try to break the connection, if a break then there will be no disease.


An animate or inanimate factor that must be present or lacking for a disease or condition to develop.


a living species (human or animal) capable of being infected or affected by an agent.


All that is internal or external to a given host or agent and that is influenced and influences the host and/or agent.

Web of Causality

complex interrelations of factors interacting with each other to influence the risk for or distribution outcomes.

Includes phenotype, social organization, behavior, environment, workplace, unknown factors, genes, and microbes


represents the family’s interactions with other groups and organizations, accomplished by using a series of circles and lines.


is a pictorial display of a person’s family relationships and medical history. It goes beyond a traditional family tree by allowing the user to visualize hereditary patterns and psychological factors that punctuate relationships.

Helps determine the client’s risk factors for developing to disease and health promotion efforts.

Hepatitis A

Fecal – oral route

Contaminated food, water, shellfish

Administer vaccine and IG within two weeks of expsure

s/s: acute fever, malaise, dark urine, jaundice

Hepatitis B

Blood route

Homosexual men, unprotected sex, IV drug abusers, health care workers, mom to baby

Sometimes fatal

Hepatitis C

Directly related to IV drug use.

No vaccine exists.

s/s: insidious onset

Treat with ribavirin and slow release interferons


lung cancer/respiratory issues, workplace/mold exposure

silica dust

occupational- coal mining. Dust is inhaled and causes nodules and inflammation in upper lobes of lungs


bat droppings

carbon monoxide

colorless, odorless, tasteless; emitted by burning gasoline, kerosene, propane and charcoal; CO takes the place where oxygen is supposed to bind on RBCs

Lillian Wald

Developed public health nursing practice – Started the Henry Street Settlement (care to immigrants)

-first nursing service of occupational health
-the committee that was forerunner of the NLN
-sliding scale fee for service

Child’s life expectancy is predicted more by

Zip code rather than genetic code

SMART objectives

relevant to goal
time frame

Two levels of evaluation

Formative: is instituted for the purpose of assessing the degree to which objectives are met or planned activities are conducted. This is done along the way.

Summative: is instituted to assess program outcomes or as a follow-up of the results of program activities. This is what you do at the end of a program to determine if it worked overall.

Stages of Change

Precontemplation: no intention to take action within the next 6 months.

Contemplation: intends to take action within the next 6 months.

Preparation: intends to take action within the next 30 days and has taken some behavioral steps in this direction.

Action: changed overt behavior for less than 6 months

Maintenance: changed overt behavior for more than 6 months

Most common chronic illness in children


Greatest risk to childhood health


START triage system

“Simple triage and rapid treatment”

Father of epidemiology

John Snow

Incidence rate —>

Acute disease

Prevelance rates —–>

Chronic disease

Sheppard Towner Act

This act made nurses available to provide services for women and children, offered well-child development services, provided adequate hospital services and facilities for women and children, and provided grants-in-aid for the establishment of maternal and child welfare programs.

Lyme Disease

Clear center with bulls eye pattern

Wear high boots, use unsect repellant, keep arms/legs covered

Treatment: abx

Vector transmission

occurs when an infectious agent is carried by a vector (non human carrier such as an animal or an insect). Indirect transmission.

Framingham Heart Study

Study by the United States Public Health Service on factors related to the development of heart disease. Done by a town in Connecticut that followed people every year and collected data that helped define the cardiovascular risk factors

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